A player from the United States is struggling to withdraw a total of $2,000 winnings from the casino. Despite assurances that the payment is in the final phase, they are still waiting 2 weeks later. Furthermore, attempts to contact chat support have been unsuccessful and the player has experienced issues with a sister casino site. The complaint was resolved as the player received her money from the casino.
Igrač iz Sjedinjenih Država se bori da povuče ukupno 2.000 dolara dobitaka iz kazina. Uprkos uveravanjima da je isplata u završnoj fazi, oni još čekaju 2 nedelje kasnije. Štaviše, pokušaji da se kontaktira podrška za ćaskanje su bili neuspešni i igrač je imao problema sa sestrinskim sajtom kazina. Žalba je rešena pošto je igračica dobila novac od kazina.
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