Zdravo! Iznos je zapravo 30.000 TL, ali pre mesec dana nisam imao problema sa podizanjem 16.000 TL.
Sada kažu da treba da pošaljem dokumente, što sam i uradio pre godinu dana. Kažu da će mi poslati e-mail sa vezom, ali još uvek nije stigla pošta.
Do sada sam zapravo bio veoma zadovoljan kupac i nemam pojma kako da ponovo pošaljem svoje dokumente pošto na veb stranici ne postoji takva opcija.
Ne mogu da ih nazovem jer moj turski nije tako dobar i pričaju veoma brzo. Ali danas sam im poslao e-poštu nekoliko puta 🙈
Iritirajuće što ne šalju e-poštu
Hi! The amount is actually 30.000 TL but a month ago I had no problem with withdrawing 16.000 TL.
Now they say I need to send in documents, which I did like a year ago. They say they will send me an email with the link but still no mail has arrived.
I have been a very happy customer until now actually, and I have no idea how to send my documents again since there is no such option at the website.
I can not call them since my turkish is not that good and they talk so very fast. But I have e-mailed them a couple of times now today 🙈
Annoying that they don't send the email though
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