Zdravo! Prošlo je 15 od kada sam zatražio ovo povlačenje ibet kaže da je na njihovim provajderima da se završi, ali odbija da eskalira situaciju čak iako sam pokazao istoriju depozita na svom bankovnom računu i u ovom slučaju bi to trebalo biti dovoljno,
Pitali su me za moju istoriju povlačenja?
Ne razumem zašto bi to pitali.
Više puta sam pokazao svoj bankovni izvod sa svojim imenom.
U ovom trenutku samo izgleda kao da phishing dodatne informacije koje nisu potrebne za rešavanje problema
Dodao sam sve dokumente koje sam im poslao na ovaj post.
Smatram da je ovo generalno veoma uvredljivo i propovedanje lične privatnosti, dodao sam i dokument koji pokazuje moje povlačenje.
Jedini koji drži isplate je poslao moj računar i dodaću ga ako bude potrebno
Miro m*****
Hello! It's been 15 since I requested this withdrawal ibet says its on theyr providers end but refuse to escalate the situation even tough I've shown my bank accounts deposit history and in this case should be enough,
They asked me for my withdrawal history?
I do not understand why they would ask that.
I've showed my bank statement multiple times with my name in it.
At this point it just seems like they're phishing for extra information that is not needed to solve the issue
I've added all the documents I've sent them to this post.
I find this overall highly insulting and preach of personal privacy, I also added the document that shows my withdrawals.
The one only holding withdrawals was sent by my computer and I will add it if it's needed
Miro m*****
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