Dragi Casino Guru
Želio bih da vam opišem svoj problem sa ovim kazinom.
Napravio sam treći depozit i dobio ponudu za treći depozit od 200%.
Ispunio sam potrebnu opkladu (bonus + depozit x35) i imao sam stanje od 34,65 € (kada je opklada završena).
Nastavio sam s njima i na kraju osvojio 362€ I napravio sam povlačenje 400€ 3.5.2022.
Provjerio sam svoj račun gdje sam u ponedjeljak 7.3.2022. primio relevantnu poštu da je u potpunosti verifikovan.
Vidjevši da moje povlačenje kasni, razgovarao sam u srijedu 3.9.2022 u chatu i obavijestili su me da ga je IceBetFinancial Department otkazao i uplatio iznos od 34,65 €.
Kažu i da su mi poslali mejl koji nikad nisam dobio!
U nastavku vas citiram tačno onako kako su mi objasnili razlog zašto je moje povlačenje otkazano:
„Milana: Poslaću vam tekst mejla koji vam je poslalo odeljenje finansija:
Dragi Michail.
Obavještavamo vas da je vaša isplata u iznosu od 400 EUR otkazana od strane finansijskog odjela IceBet-a.
Obavještavamo vas da je sa vašeg računa za igru terećen iznos od 365,38 EUR, prema pravilima bonusa 3.3:
3.3 Maksimalni iznos za povlačenje iz primljenog bonusa: 34,65 EUR.
Pozdrav, Odjeljenje za finansije!"
Prilažem vam relevantan screenshot iz razgovora.
U 3.3 bonus pravila piše da:
3.3. Maksimalni iznos za povlačenje iz primljenog bonusa:
€1500 / C$2000 / 15000 kr / 7000 zł / R$9000 / 530000 Ft / A$2300 / NZ$2700. (screenshot 1)
Nakon što sam im rekao da na 3.3 piše gore, rekli su mi za 3.7.
3.7 U slučaju bonus klađenja, igrač ima mogućnost povući iznos koji je bio u trenutku bonusa klađenja, ali ne veći od maksimalnog iznosa koji je dostupan za povlačenje po ovoj ponudi.
Danas, 3.10.2022, primio sam novu poštu u kojoj ispravljaju naš prvi razgovor tvrdeći još jedan članak.
Što nigde ne kaže, ako sam dobro razumeo, da će profit od bonusa nakon opklade biti ono što će ostati...
Pokušavao sam do danas u komunikaciji s njima da shvatim zašto je u mom slučaju iznos za podizanje ono što kažu, ali ništa nije urađeno.
Pošta Vam stoji na raspolaganju kad god to zatražite.
Prilažem snimak ekrana iz našeg razgovora od 3.9.2022, iz pošte od 3.10.2022, sa povlačenja, sa stanja nakon završenog opklada, sa pobede i iz uslova bonusa.
Izvinjavam se zbog lošeg engleskog ali nije baš dobar. Nadam se da razumete.
Za sve što vam treba na raspolaganju.
Nadam se da ćeš mi pomoći.
S poštovanjem
Mihail P
Dear Casino Guru
I would like to describe to you my problem with this particular casino.
I made my third deposit and received the 3rd deposit casino offer of 200%.
I completed the required wager (Bonus + Deposit x35) and I had a balance of € 34.65 (when the wager complete).
I continued with them and finally won 362€ And I made a withdrawal € 400 at 5/3/2022.
I verified my account where I received a relevant mail on Monday 7/3/2022 that it was fully verified.
Seeing that my withdrawal is delayed, I spoke at Wednesday 9/3/2022 in chat and they informed me that it was canceled by IceBetFinancial Department and credited the amount of € 34.65.
They also say that they sent me an email which I never received!
I quote you below exactly as they explained to me the reason my withdraw was canceled :
"Milana: I will send you the text of the email sent by the finance department to you:
Dear Michail.
We inform you, that your withdrawal payment in the amount of 400 EUR has been canceled by IceBet Financial Department.
We inform you that a sum of 365.38 EUR has been debited from your game account, according to the bonus rules 3.3:
3.3 The maximum withdrawal amount from the received bonus: 34.65 EUR.
Regards, Finance Department!"
I attach you a relevant screenshot from the conversation.
At 3.3 of the bonus rules it says that:
3.3. The maximum withdrawal amount from the received bonus:
€1500 / C$2000 / 15000 kr / 7000 zł / R$9000 / 530000 Ft / A$2300 / NZ$2700. (screenshot 1)
After I told them that at 3.3 it says the above they told me about 3.7.
3.7 In the case of bonus wagering, the player has the opportunity to withdraw the amount that was at the time of wagering bonus, but not more than the maximum amount available for withdrawal under this offer.
Today 10/3/2022 I received a new mail where they correct our first conversation claiming another article.
Which does not say anywhere,if I understand correctly, that the profit from the bonus after the wager will be what will be left ...
I have tried until today with communications with them to understand why in my case the withdrawal amount is what they say but nothing has been done.
Mail is at your disposal whenever requested.
I enclose a screenshot from our conversation at 9/3/2022, from the mail at 10/3/2022, from the withdraw, from the balace after wager complete, from the win and from the terms of the bonus.
I apologize for my bad English but it is not very good. I hope you understand.
For anything you need at your disposal.
I hope you help me.
Yours sincerely
Michail P
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