Igrač iz Nemačke je uložio 50 evra i osvojio blizu 7700 evra. Ona je verifikovala svoj račun i zatražila dve uplate od po 400 evra. Međutim, njen nalog je sada deaktiviran i ona ne može da primi pomoć putem ćaskanja ili e-pošte.
The player from Germany deposited 50 euros and won nearly 7700 euros. She verified her account and requested two payments of 400 euros each. However, her account is now deactivated, and she is unable to receive assistance through chat or email. The issue has been resolved successfully.
Igrač iz Nemačke je uložio 50 evra i osvojio blizu 7700 evra. Ona je verifikovala svoj račun i zatražila dve uplate od po 400 evra. Međutim, njen nalog je sada deaktiviran i ona ne može da primi pomoć putem ćaskanja ili e-pošte.
Dobro jutro,
Deponovao sam 50 evra pre 5 dana i dobio bonus, ali nisam uopšte aktivirao bonus, tako da sam samo igrao sa svojim pravim novcem, da tako kažem, zatim osvojio skoro 7700 evra i verifikovao svoj nalog na sajtu, pisalo je verifikovano . Onda sam pre 3 dana tražio 2 uplate od po 400 evra. A još nešto manje od 6900 evra je na saldu. I jutros mi je nalog deaktiviran i niko mi ne može pomoći u ćaskanju i nikada ne odgovaraju na mejlove. Već sam u subotu nešto zapisao koliko dugo traje isplata. Ali sada je moj nalog jednostavno deaktiviran. Nadam se da mi možete pomoći.
Good morning,
I deposited 50 euros 5 days ago and got a bonus but didn't activate the bonus at all, so I just played with my real money, so to speak, then won almost 7700 euros and verified my account on the site, it said verified. Then 3 days ago I requested 2 payments of 400 euros each. And just under 6900 euros are still on the balance. And this morning my account is deactivated and nobody can help me in the chat and they never answer emails. I already wrote something down on Saturday how long the payment takes. But well now my account is simply deactivated. I hope you can please help me.
Guten Morgen,
Habe vor 5 Tagen 50 Euro eingezahlt und ein Bonus habe ich zwar bekommen aber den Bonus garnicht aktiviert, also habe ich sozusagen mit nur meinen Echtgeld gespielt, habe dann knapp 7700 Euro gewonnen und mein Account auf der Seite verifiziert, da stand auch verifiziert. Habe dann vor 3 Tagen 2 Auszahlungen beantragt von je 400 Euro. Und kanpp 6900 Euro sind noch auf der balance. Und heute morgen ist einfach mein Account deaktiviert und im Chat kann mir keiner helfen und auf Email antworten die nie. Habe da schon Samstag was hingeschrieben wie lange die Auszahlung dauert. Aber naja jetzt ist mein Account ist einfach deaktiviert. Ich hoffe sie können mir bitte helfen.
Draga Iuliia85,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je zbog vašeg problema. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja pre nego što nastavimo sa slučajem.
Kada ste se registrovali u kazinu? Da li sam dobro razumeo da niste igrali sa bonusom?
Da li su dve uplate od 400 evra obrađene ili su odbijene?
Da li ste dobili neko objašnjenje zašto je vaš nalog deaktiviran?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala vam unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Iuliia85,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions before we proceed with the case.
When did you register at the casino? Do I understand correctly that you did not play with a bonus?
Have the two payments of 400 euros been processed or have they been rejected?
Have you received any explanation about why your account was deactivated?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Mislite tako u novembru 2022
Da, napisali su istu adresu zbog dvostrukog naloga, moj muž se registrovao 21. oktobra 2021. i nalog je zatvoren istog dana, čak je istog dana nakon registracije stigao i mejl da je nalog trajno zatvoren. Onda sam se registrovao godinu dana kasnije i uvek sam mogao da uplatim na ovaj račun bez ikakvih problema i sada po prvi put isplata i deaktiviraju nalog. Imao sam da tako kažem tada samo 1 račun tako ja. Da, uspeo sam da aktiviram bonus, ali nisam to učinio. U početku sam igrao samo sa pravim novcem i nisam dirao bonus. Ne, povlačenja nisu obrađena.
Think so in November 2022
Yes, they wrote the same address because of the double account, my husband registered on October 21, 2021 and had the account closed on the same day, the email even came on the same day after registration that the account was permanently closed. Then I registered 1 year later and could always deposit with this account without any problems and now for the first time a payout and they deactivate the account. Had so to speak then only 1 account so me. Yes, I was able to activate the bonus, but I didn't do it. At first, I only played with real money and didn't touch the bonus. No, the withdrawals were not processed.
Glaube so im November 2022
Ja die haben geschrieben wegen Doppelaccount gleich Adresse, mein Mann hat sich da Mal registriert am 21.10.2021 und am gleichen Tag das Konto schließen lassen, kam sogar am gleichen Tag nach der Registrierung die Mail das der Account dauerhaft geschlossen ist. Dann habe ich mich 1 Jahr später registriert konnte dann ohne Probleme immer einzahlen mit diesem Account und jetzt das erste Mal eine Auszahlung und die deaktivieren den Account. Hatten ja sozusagen dann nur 1 Account also ich. ja bonus konnte ich aktivieren habe ich aber nicht gemacht habe erstmal nur mit Echtgeld gespielt und Bonus nicht angerührt. Nein die Auszahlungen wurden nicht bearbeitet.
Teoretski, to znači da imam samo jedan račun ili naše domaćinstvo, pošto je drugi račun mog muža odmah zatvoren. I otvorio sam nalog godinu dana nakon što je drugi račun zatvoren i uvek lepo uplaćen, mogli su da mi uzmu novac i uplaćuju dosta često, ali sada odjednom račun ne radi kada se prijavim za isplatu za prvi put.
Theoretically, that means that I only have one account or our household, since my husband's other account was closed immediately. And I created the account 1 year after the other account was closed and always paid in nicely, they were able to take my money and paid in there quite often, but now suddenly the account doesn't work when I apply for a payout for the first time.
Das heißt ja theoretisch das ich nur ein Konto habe bzw unser Haushalt, da das andere Konto von meinem Mann ja schon sofort geschlossen wurde. Und das Konto habe ich ja 1 Jahr nach Schließung des anderen Kontos erstellt und immer schön eingezahlt, mein Geld konnten die nehmen habe da öfters eingezahlt, aber jetzt auf einmal geht das nicht mit dem Konto, wenn ich das erste Mal eine Auszahlung beantrage.
Molimo prosledite svu relevantnu komunikaciju između vas i kazina na _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk . Hvala vam.
Please forward any relevant communication between you and the casino to veronika.l@casino.guru. Thank you.
Poslala sam im imejl o napretku, ako ništa drugo, moj muž je čak dobio mejl kada se registrovao, a onda je istog dana dobio i mejl da je nalog trajno zatvoren.
I emailed them the progress, if anything, my husband even got the email when he registered and then on the same day he also got an email that the account was permanently closed.
Habe ihnen das per Email geschickt den Verlauf, falls was hat mein Mann sogar die Email als er sich registriert hat und dann am gleichen Tag da hat er auch eine Mail bekommen das der Account dauerhaft geschlossen wurde.
Hvala vam puno, Iuliia85, što ste dali sve potrebne informacije. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu svom kolegi Petru ( _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam biti u pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćete u bliskoj budućnosti videti vaš problem rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much, Iuliia85, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter (peter.c@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
OK, hvala puno, nadam se da će problem biti rešen, osvojio sam tako veliku sumu prvi put posle 10 godina i sada nažalost ima problema 🙁
OK, thank you very much, I hope that the problem will be solved, I won such a large sum for the first time in 10 years and now there are unfortunately problems 🙁
OK vielen danke, ja hoffe auch das das Problem gelöst wird, habe das erste Mal so eine hohe Summe gewonnen in 10 Jahren und jetzt gibt es leider Probleme 🙁
Hvala Iuliia85 što nam je pružio sve informacije. Nadam se da ćemo zajedno uspeti da rešimo ovaj problem.
Sada bih želeo da zamolim IceBet kazino za njihovu pomoć u rešavanju ove žalbe. Želeli bismo da znamo zašto je nalog deaktiviran i da li možemo bilo šta da učinimo da pomognemo.
Hvala vam!
Hello there,
Thank you Iuliia85 for providing us with all the information. I hope we'll be able to resolve this issue together.
I would now like to ask IceBet Casino for their help in resolving this complaint. We would like to know why was the account deactivated and if we can do anything to help.
Thank you!
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Ali možete li zadržati sav moj depozit? Ali čim nešto osvojim, da li se pojaviš duplikat naloga? To je sjajno, samo držite 7700 evra profita, odličan poslovni model, plus svi depoziti, stvarno super kazino, mogu da uzmu novac, ali čim isplatite, ne dobijate ništa. Geiles Casino. Prvi put posle 10 godina imam takav problem sa kazinom!
But can you keep all my deposit? But as soon as I win something, do you come up with a duplicate account? That's awesome, just keeping 7700 euros in profit, awesome business model, plus all the deposits, really awesome casino, they can take money, but as soon as you pay out, you get nothing. Geiles Casino I have such a problem with a casino for the first time in 10 years!
Aber meine ganzen Einzahlung können sie behalten ? Aber sobald ich was gewinne kommen sie mit Duplikat Account? Das aber geil einfach 7700 Euro Gewinn einzubehalten geiles Geschäftsmodell dazu noch die ganzen Einzahlungen , richtig geiles Casino, Geld können sie nehmen aber sobald man auszahlt bekommt man garnichts. Geiles Casino hab das erste Mal so ein Problem mit einem Casino und das in 10 Jahren !
Hvala IceBet kazinu na ažuriranju. Iako razumemo vaše obrazloženje, verujemo da igrač ima pravo na sopstveni nalog ako je koristio sopstvena dokumenta za verifikaciju i igranje u vašoj ustanovi. Ako ne možete da dokažete da je nalog zloupotrebljen, onda verujemo da bi nalog trebalo ponovo da se otvori i da se stanje ponovo uspostavi ili da se barem depoziti vrate ako ne želite da igrač igra u vašoj ustanovi. Hvala na razumevanju!
Thank you IceBet Casino for the update. Even though we understand your reasoning we believe that the player has the right for their own account if they used their own documents to verify and play at your establishment. If you cannot prove that the account has been misused then we believe the account should be reopened and the balance reinstated or at least the deposits should be returned if you do not wish for the player to play at your establishment. Thank you for your understanding!
Dragi Petre,
Preispitali smo našu odluku u vezi sa nalogom igrača Iuliia85.
Ukupan iznos depozita u iznosu od 353 EUR je vraćen na bankovni račun koji je igrač obezbedio prilikom verifikacije.
Novac treba da primi igrač u roku od 1-5 radnih dana.
Draga Iuliia85,
Molimo vas da potvrdite prijem povraćaja vaših depozita. Kao što smo gore naveli, iznos vaših depozita treba da bude knjižen na vaš bankovni račun u roku od 1-5 radnih dana.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Odeljenje za rizik kazina IceBet.
Dear Peter,
We have reconsidered our decision regarding the account of player Iuliia85.
The total amount of deposits in the amount of 353EUR was returned to the bank account provided by the player during verification.
The money should be received by the player within 1-5 working banking days.
Dear Iuliia85,
We ask you to confirm the receipt of the refund of your deposits. As we indicated above, the amount of your deposits should be credited to your bank account within 1-5 working banking days.
Best regards,
IceBet Casino Risk Department.
Hvala vam puno na ažuriranju. Ovu žalbu ćemo držati otvorenom dok Iuliia85 ne potvrdi da je njihovo povlačenje uspešno. Obaveštavajte me o daljem razvoju događaja.
Thank you very much for the update. We will keep this complaint open until Iuliia85 confirms their withdrawal has been successful. Please keep me informed about any further developments.
Casino Guru hvala na pomoći Novac je na njemu, nažalost nije uspeo da dobije profit, bilo je jasno da kazino refundira samo depozite tako da uštedite 7350 evra, imate stvarno kul poslovni model u kazinu, ko god da čita ovo bi trebalo da ih drži dalje od kazina. Ako dobro uplatiš, sve je u redu ako imaš tako visok profit u životu, račun će naravno biti blokiran, po mom mišljenju sumnjiv kazino!!
Casino Guru thanks for the help Money is on it, unfortunately it didn't work to get the profit it was clear that the casino only refunds the deposits so you save 7350 euros, you have a really cool business model at the casino, whoever reads this should keep their hands off the casino. If you pay in well, everything is fine if you have such a high profit in your life, the account will of course be blocked, in my opinion a dubious casino!!
Casino Guru danke für die Hilfe Geld ist drauf, hat leider nicht geklappt den Gewinn zu bekommen war ja klar, das das Casino nur die Einzahlungen erstattet damit sparen sie 7350 Euro, ans Casino echt geiles Geschäftsmodell habt ihr, wer das liest lasst die Finger von dem Casino. Wenn man brav einzahlt ist alles gut hat man in seinem Leben einmal so einen hohen Gewinn, wird der Account natürlich gesperrt, in meinen Augen unseriöses Casino!!
Draga Iuliia85,
Pošto vi i vaš muž imate zajednički bankovni račun, ne postoji način da se dokaže da ste vi jedini igrali u kazinu. Kazino ima pravo da sprovodi svoja pravila na koja ste se složili i da bude strog u vezi sa duplim računima, ali uprava je bila dovoljno ljubazna da vrati vaše depozite. Preporučio bih vam da nabavite svoj bankovni račun za budućnost kako biste sprečili ovakve situacije.
Sada ću žalbu označiti kao „rešenu" u našem sistemu. Hvala vam na saradnji i ne ustručavajte se da kontaktirate naš centar za rešavanje žalbi ako u budućnosti naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Iuliia85,
Because you and your husband have a joint bank account there is no way to prove you were the only one playing at the casino. The casino has the right to enforce its rules to which you have agreed and be strict in the matter of duplicate accounts but the management was kind enough to return your deposits. I would recommend you to get your own bank account for future to prevent situations like this.
I will now mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system. Thank you for your cooperation, and please do not hesitate to contact our Complaint Resolution Center if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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