zdravo ljudi iz immerion kazina
samv***** 8706@live.be
Pre nekoliko meseci osvojio sam ovde pošteno 100 USD nakon bonusa bez depozita kao registracije.
Vidim da je iznos i dalje na računu (samo 100 je palo na 98? čudno?)
Nisam amater, imam iskustva sa kazinom i njihovim trikovima.
Pročitao sam neke dobre kritike igrača o vama (ali znam da je to zato što ste to tražili u zamenu za poklon)
Vidim i neke negativne kritike i obećavam vam sada ako mi ne date moj novac pošteno, da ću celu ovu situaciju objaviti na 15 stranica na internetu. Kako se ponašaš prema meni, bez empatije.
I ovo neće učiniti dobru reputaciju vašeg kazina.
Podsećam vas da imam sve vrste dokaza. Od razgovora i e-poruka između nas i činjenice da sam pokušao sve da uplatim depozit.
Ni ljudi od trustvallet-a ne odgovaraju. Ne mogu više nego što sam pokušao. 😰
Želeo bih da vas podsetim da sam napravio kripto novčanik protiv svojih principa (jer znam da kripto nije pouzdan) jer ste to tražili od mene.
I stavio sam USDT novac na novčanik (izgubio sam ovaj novac jer sam izgubio evro => USDT i takođe ne mogu da ga isplatim svojoj banci zbog 'nedovoljnog stanja')
Tužna istina je da sam sa vama osvojio 100 USD i da ovo ne dobijam i da sam izgubio 15 € jer ste me tražili da napravim kripto novčanik. Ovo je gubitak od - 115
Mogu da vam pružim dokaz moje adrese i identiteta, ali ovo niste svi želeli. Krijete se iza 1 'smešnog' pravila koje nisam ni pročitao kada sam video i pročitao sva pravila pre nego što prihvatim uslove.
Mogu da uplatim nešto sa svojom bankovnom karticom (visa, mastercard)
Ovo sam već predložio.
Ili vas jednostavno molim da uplatite iznos na USDT adresu koju sam poslao. 'Napravi izuzetak'
Govorimo o 1 usdt, zar ne?
Molim te, ne budi tako licemer, znaš da sam ja.
U prošlosti sam slao sve dokaze i fotografije putem e-pošte.
Ako želiš, uradiću to ponovo, ali dosadilo mi je. Pre nekoliko meseci sam dobijao isti kopiran odgovor u e-poruci.
Otišao sam u bolnicu sa lupanjem srca. Ne mogu da podnesem nepravdu. Pogotovo ne jer znam da imam bolest mišića.
Sada su mi ostali meseci između jer se nadam da ste postali čovek ili da se pravilo možda promenilo.
Ako neko zaslužuje ovo, to sam ja.
Bio sam žrtva prevara u kazinu nekoliko puta i imam bolest mišića i sećam se da sam satima igrao slotove u bolovima da bih vam osvojio 100 usd.
Molim vas budite ljudi.
Mogu li dobiti svoj dobitak, molim?
Samo želim svoj novac koji sam pošteno zaslužio.
Ovu poruku šaljem drugi put juče i da sadistički ljudi rade potpuno isto kao i pre nekoliko meseci
' samo kopirajte prethodnu poruku u ćaskanju i imejl da mi je potrebno da uplatim u kripto ili kreirajte kripto nalog 🤡 '
Zaključak: oni ne čitaju moju e-poštu ili poruku. Nikad i nikad.
Oni jednostavno ne čitaju moju e-poštu.
I ako jesu, oni su sadistički ljudi jer sam pre nekoliko meseci poslao dokaze o mojim bolesnim mišićima, ali njih nije briga
Nije me briga kako, želim svoj novac. Opet mi je muka zbog ovoga.😤
Srdačan pozdrav
hello people of immerion casino
Months ago I won here honestly 100 usd after a no deposit bonus as registration.
I see that the amount is still in the account (only the 100 has dropped to 98? weird?)
I am not an amateur, I have experience with casinos and their tricks.
I read some good reviews from players about you (but I know that this is because you asked for it in exchange for a gift)
I also see some negative reviews and I promise you now if you do not give my money to me honestly, that I will post this whole situation on 15 pages on the internet. How you treat me, without empathy.
And this will not do the reputation of your casino good.
I remind you that I have all kinds of evidence. From the chats and the emails between us and also the fact that I have tried everything to make the deposit.
The people of trustwallet do not respond either. I can not do more than I have tried. 😰
I would like to remind you that I created a crypto wallet against my principles (because I know that crypto is not reliable) because you asked me to.
And I put USDT money on my wallet (I lost this money because I made a loss of euros => USDT and I also cannot pay this out to my bank because of 'insufficient balance')
The sad truth is that I won 100 USD with you and that I do not get this and that I lost 15 € because you asked me to create a crypto wallet. This is a loss of - 115
I can provide you with proof of my address and identity, but you all did not want this. You hide behind 1 'ridiculous' rule that I did not even read when I saw and read all the rules before i accept the terms.
I can deposit something with my bank card (visa, mastercard)
I have already suggested this.
Or I simply ask you to deposit the amount to the USDT address that I sent. ' Make an exception'
We speak about 1 usdt right?
Please don't be such a hypocrite, you know it's me.
I have sent all the evidence and photos via email in the past.
If you want I will do it again but I have been sick of it. Months ago I kept getting the same copied answer in an email.
I went to the hospital with heart palpitations. I can't stand injustice. Especially not since I know I have a muscle disease.
I have now left months in between because I would hope that you have become human or that the rule has perhaps changed.
If anyone deserves this, it's me.
I've been a victim of scam casinos a few times and I have a muscle disease and I remember playing slots in pain for hours to win you 100 usd.
Please be human.
Can i get my winnings please?
I just want my money that i honest deserved.
This message i send another time yesterday and that sadist people do exactly the same as months ago
' just copy past message in the chat and the email that i need deposit in crypto or create crypto account 🤡 '
Conclusion: they dont read my email or message. Never and never.
They just dont read my email.
And iff they do , they are sadist people because months ago i sended prove about my disease muscles but they dont give a f.ck
I dont care how, i want my money . I feel very sick about this again.😤
Kind regards
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