Želim da ispravim svoju žalbu. Poslao sam e-poštu podršci i podršci uživo i oni kažu da mi ne mogu reći tačno vreme koliko dugo ovaj proces može da traje jer zavisi od provajdera igara šta ja razumem. Trenutno je prošlo 10 dana.
Registrovao sam se pre 3-3,5 meseca i uspešno mi je verifikovan kic nalog kada sam želeo da podignem prvi put kada sam osvojio 600€ i verifikacija je trajala oko 2-3 nedelje, ali sam u međuvremenu iskoristio svoj dobitak jer je toliko dugo trajalo.
igrao sam samo slotove.
Tamo sam deponovao nekoliko stotina evra i skoro nikada ne koristim bonus ponude, svi veliki dobici su akumulirani bez bonusa.
Mislim da je to legitiman kazino, ali kada želite da povučete veće iznose, biće potrebno toliko vremena da će skoro svaki igrač potrošiti dobitak u međuvremenu jer ne stavlja traženi novac za povlačenje na čekanje i žele da ga igrači potroše i kažu igračima da treba da verifikuju ili proverene igre i ovi procesi traju veoma dugo. Veoma je čudno što treba proveriti moju igru i osvojio sam samo ~700€. Više bih razumeo kada bi moj dobitak bio veći od 1500 evra ili tako nešto.
I want to correct my complaint. I have emailed to support and live support and they say that they cant tell me exact time how long this process may take because it depends on game providers what i understand. Its been 10 days at the moment.
I registered like 3-3,5 months ago and had my account kyc verified successfully when i wanted to withdraw first time when i won 600€ and verification took like 2-3 weeks but i used my winnings meanwhile because it took so long.
i have only played slots.
I have deposited few hundred euros there and I dont use bonus offers almost never, all the big wins has been accumulated without bonuses.
I think its legit casino but when you want to withdraw larger amounts then it will take so much time that almost every player will spend winnings meanwhile because they dont put requested withdrawal money on hold and want players to spend it and tell players that need to verify or gameplay checked and these processes take very long time. Its just very strange that my gameplay needs to be checked and I only won ~700€. I would understand it more when my winnings would be over 1500 euros or something.
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