Suočavam se sa ponovljenim problemima sa povlačenjem sredstava sa svog naloga koristeći kriptovalutu. Uprkos mojim naporima da ispoštujem njihove zahteve, moji zahtevi za povlačenje se odbijaju bez ikakvog objašnjenja, i veoma sam frustriran.
Evo rezimea situacije:
Moja sredstva su vraćena u moj novčanik i pokušao sam ponovo da podignem koristeći kriptovalutu.
Povlačenja su više puta odbijana bez ikakvih razloga.
Na njihov zahtev, podelio sam detalje transakcije, uključujući iznos, valutu, mrežu i informacije o novčaniku. Uprkos blagovremenom dostavljanju ovih informacija, moji zahtevi se i dalje odbijaju.
Ispoštovao sam sve njihove zahteve i dao sam tražene informacije dva puta.
Bio bih vam zahvalan ako biste mogli da eskalirate ovaj problem relevantnom odeljenju ili da navedete konkretne korake koje treba da preduzmem da bih uspešno obradila povlačenje.
hvala ti.
I am facing repeated issues with withdrawing funds from my account using cryptocurrency. Despite my efforts to comply with their requirements, my withdrawal requests keep getting declined without any explanation, and I am extremely frustrated.
Here is a summary of the situation:
My funds were returned to my wallet, and I attempted to withdraw again using cryptocurrency.
The withdrawals have been declined repeatedly without any reasons provided.
Upon their request, I shared the transaction details, including the amount, currency, network, and wallet information. Despite submitting this information promptly, my requests are still being declined.
I have complied with all their requirements and provided the requested information twice now.
I would appreciate if you could escalate this issue to the relevant department or provide specific steps I need to take to successfully process the withdrawal.
thank you.
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