Dragi Jackpot868,
Razumemo vašu spremnost da sarađujete po ovom pitanju, međutim, prosleđena e-pošta nije validan dokaz jer se može menjati u bilo kom trenutku.
Međutim, ako casino.guru tim to dozvoli i učini privatnim, možete nam poslati snimljeni video sa sledećim koracima:
1. Morate da se prijavite na svoj nalog e-pošte (taj deo može biti preskočen jer može da sadrži privatne informacije), pokazujući na stranici da je adresa e-pošte zaista ista.
2. Osvežavanje stranice e-pošte (kako ne bi bilo smetnji od neovlašćenog pristupa u pregledaču)
3. Prikaz poslate e-pošte (otvaranje), prikazivanje svih informacija u vezi sa e-poštom: Datum slanja, vreme, e-pošta pošiljaoca, e-pošta primaoca i tekst e-pošte.
Ovi koraci nisu najprijatniji za koje se izvinjavamo, ali će nam pomoći da što bolje rešimo situaciju. I u slučaju potrebe prosledite tu informaciju zajedno sa video snimkom nadležnom odeljenju da ispravi situaciju koja stoji iza ovakvog ponašanja sistema (ako je do toga zaista došlo)
Dear Jackpot868,
We understand your willingness to cooperate in this matter, however, the forwarded email is not a valid proof as may be edited anytime.
However, if casino.guru team will allow that and make it private, you may send us a recorded video of the following steps:
1. You need to login into your email account (that part may be skipped as may contain private information), showing on the page that email address is indeed the same.
2. Refreshing the email page (so that there would be no interferences from tampering within the browser)
3. Showing the sent email (opening it), showing all of the information related to the email: Sent date, time, sender email, receiver email, and text of the email.
Those steps are not the most pleasant ones for which we apologize, however, it will help us to resolve the situation as best as possible. And in case of necessity forward that information along with the video to the responsible department to rectify the situation behind such behavior of the system (if such in fact did take a place)
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