Od ovog trenutka sada je prošlo više od 12 sati od kada su sredstva u potpunosti obrađena i puštena!
Pratio sam sva uputstva do kraja.
Kopiraj + nalepio tačan traženi iznos
Dakle, 149,82 USD /LTC
Bio sam kratak 0,18 centi AUD = 0,11 centi USD samo zbog kretanja na tržištu
ONDA sam poslao 0.40c da budem siguran
Koliko dugo do vraćanja sredstava. Nisam siguran da mogu da verujem kockanju nekoj ustanovi koja to radi ili podržava ove radnje dobavljača finansijskih prolaza
As of this moment it is now over 12hours since the funds were fully Processed And released!
I have followed all instructions to the letter.
Copy + pasted the exact amount requested
So-$149.82aud /LTC
I was short 0.18c AUD = 0.11c USD only due to market movement
I THEN SENT THROUGH 0.40c To be sure
How long till my funds are returned to me . Not sure I can trust gambling with an establishment that does that or endorses these actions of a financial gateway provider
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