Igrač iz Nemačke je nezadovoljan što mu je smanjen dobitak besplatnih čipova.
Zdravo, igrao sam sa 5 evra bonus novca. Uslovi za klađenje su ispunjeni. Posle toga sam osvojio 7300 evra sa pravim novcem. One su otkazane uz obaveštenje da mogu da podignem samo 25 evra. Uslovi ne govore ništa o tome da mi nije dozvoljeno da nastavim da igram sa pravim novcem od 25 evra.
Hello, I played with 5 euros bonus money. The wagering requirements have been met. After that I won 7300 euros with the real money. These were canceled with the notice that I can only withdraw 25 euros. The terms and conditions say nothing about the fact that I am not allowed to continue playing with the 25 euros real money.
Hallo, ich habe mit 5 Euro bonusgeld gespielt. Die umsatzbedingungen wurden erreicht. Danach habe ich mit dem echtgeld 7300 Euro gewonnen. Diese wurden storniert mit dem Hinweis das ich nur 25 Euro auszahlen lassen kann. In den agb‘s steht nix davon das ich mit den 25 Euro echtgeld nicht weiterspielen darf.
Dragi delvecio,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Proverio sam uslove bonusa i našao sam ovo:
„1.1. Maksimalni mogući iznos za povlačenje iz bonusa bez depozita primljenih u Bonus Shopu: k5 iznosa bonusa ili sredstava dobijenih od besplatnih okretaja (zavisi od statusa naloga)."
Nažalost, u ovom trenutku ne mogu mnogo da učinim da podržim vaš slučaj, posebno kada kazino deli sve relevantne informacije na veb lokaciji. Kazina pokušavaju da dizajniraju svoje bonuse tako da budu što atraktivniji, ali kazino može postaviti maksimalno ograničenje za isplatu bonusa.
Ne ustručavajte se da me kontaktirate ako postoji još nešto, ja bih mogao da učinim za vas po ovom pitanju, inače ću biti prinuđen da odbijem vašu žalbu. Hvala na razumevanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear delvecio,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. I checked the Bonus Terms and I found this:
„1.1. Maximum possible withdrawal amount from no deposit bonuses received in the Bonus Shop: x5 of the amount of bonus or funds received from free spins (depends on the status of the account)."
Sadly, there is not much I can do to support your case at this time, especially when the casino shares all the relevant information on the website. Casinos try to design their bonuses to be as attractive as possible, but the casino can set the maximum cashout limit for bonuses.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is anything else, I could do for you in this matter, otherwise, I will be forced to reject your complaint. Thank you for your understanding.
Best regards,
Pročitao sam uslove bonusa, 50 puta sam uložio bonus novac od 5 evra.... nakon toga on postaje pravi novac od 25 evra.... sa kojim mogu da igram i dobijam neograničeno?! Dobitke nisam zaradio bonus novcem već kasnije
I have read the bonus conditions, I have wagered the 5 euro bonus money 50 times.... after that it becomes 25 euro real money.... with which I can play and win unlimitedly?! I did not earn the winnings with bonus money but afterwards
ich Habe die bonusbedingungen gelesen, ich habe die 5 Euro bonusgeld 50 mal umgesetzt .... danach werden daraus 25 Euro echtgeld .... mit denen kann ich doch spielen und unbegrenzt gewinnen ?! Ich habe die Gewinne nicht mit bonusgeld erspielt sondern danach
Hvala vam na odgovoru, delvecio. Možete li molim vas da nam kažete koji bonus ste aktivirali? Ako je moguće, postavite ovde vezu do ponude koju ste iskoristili.
Da li sam dobro razumeo da nakon što ste ispunili uslove za klađenje, vaš bonus dobitak (€25) je prebačen na vaš stvarni saldo novca?
Pored toga, ako postoji bilo kakva relevantna komunikacija između vas i kazina u vezi sa ovim problemom, prosledite je na KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk . Hvala unapred.
Thank you for your reply, delvecio. Could you please advise which bonus you activated? If possible, post here a link to the offer you redeemed.
Do I understand correctly that after you completed the wagering requirements, your bonus winnings (€25) were transferred to your real money balance?
Additionally, if there is any relevant communication between you and the casino regarding this issue, please forward it to kristina.s@casino.guru. Thank you in advance.
To je veza
5 evra je sprovedeno 50 puta i novac je pretvoren u pravi novac. Nakon toga sam igrao još 5 sati i to je uvek bio pravi novac jer sam pogledao istoriju i novac je konvertovan samo nakon 250 puta opklade od 1 evra .... ali sam napravio snimak ekrana svih opklada da budem siguran
That is the link
the 5 euros were implemented 50 times and the money was converted into real money. After that I played for another 5 hours and it was always real money because I looked at the history and the money was only converted after 250 times 1 euro bet .... but I took a screenshot of all bets to be on the safe side
Das ist der link
die 5 Euro wurden 50 mal umgesetzt und das Geld in echtgeld umgewandelt. Danach hab ich bestimmt noch 5 h gespielt und es stand immer echtgeld da ich hab mir mal die Historie angeschaut da wurde das Geld erst nach 250 mal 1 Euro Einsatz umgewandelt .... habe aber zur Sicherheit von allen Einsätzen nen Screenshot gemacht
Hvala vam puno delvecio na saradnji. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu kolegi Mateju ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem uskoro biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much delvecio for your cooperation. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Matej (matej@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
Zdravo delvecio.
Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem.
Nažalost, većina kazina formuliše pomenuto pravilo rečju povlačenje:
"1.1. Maksimalni mogući iznos za povlačenje iz bonusa bez depozita primljenih u Bonus Shop-u: k5 od iznosa bonusa ili sredstava primljenih od besplatnih okretaja (zavisi od statusa naloga)."
Dakle, tehnički, kazino želi od vas da podignete osvojeni iznos od 25 € i vratite depozit ako želite da igrate sa pravim novcem.
Ovaj proces ne bi trebalo da bude zbunjujući, i mora biti jasno da igrač ima bonus novac, a ne pravi novac na svom računu.
Pošto je u ovom slučaju bilo nejasno, želeo bih da pozovem predstavnika kazina na slučaj:
Poštovani predstavnike kazina, molim vas da nam objasnite šta se dogodilo.
Hello delvecio.
I am sorry to hear about your problem.
Unfortunately, most of the casinos formulate the mentioned rule with the word withdrawal:
"1.1. Maximum possible withdrawal amount from no deposit bonuses received in the Bonus Shop: x5 of the amount of bonus or funds received from free spins (depends on the status of the account)."
So technically, the casino wants from you to withdraw the won amount of €25 and redeposit back if you would like to play with real money.
This process shouldn't be confusing, and it must be clear that the player has bonus money and not real money on his account.
Because, in this case, it was unclear, I would like to invite a casino representative to the case:
Dear casino representative, please explain to us what happened.
Zdravo, dragi Matej i Delvecio,
Matej, potpuno si u pravu.
Kao što je navedeno u pravilima našeg kazina, maksimalni iznos za povlačenje kada igrate sa bonus sredstvima je k5 iznosa bonusa.
To znači da ako je igrač iskoristio bonus sredstva, ne može podići više od 25 evra, bez obzira na to koliko ima na saldu čak i kada kladi opkladu.
Hello, dear Matej and Delvecio,
Matej, you are absolutely right.
As stated in the rules of our casino, the maximum withdrawal amount when playing with bonus funds is x5 of the bonus amount.
This means that if a player has used bonus funds, he cannot withdraw more than 25 euros, no matter how much he has on his balance even when wagering the wager.
To uopšte nije poenta. Ako je bonus oslobođen, 25 evra je pravi novac i sa njima možete osvojiti koliko god želite. Štaviše, nakon isteka uslova bonusa, ovo bi takođe trebalo da bude praćeno u istoriji .... ovo nije slučaj u vašem kazinu
That's not the point at all. If the bonus has been released, 25 euros are real money and you can win as much as you want with them. Furthermore, after the end of the bonus conditions, this should also be traceable in the history .... this is not the case in your casino
Das ist doch gar nicht der Punkt. Wenn der Bonus freigespielt wurde sind 25 Euro echtgeld und mit denen darf man doch gewinnen so viel man will. Desweiteren sollte nach Beendigung der Bonusbedingungen dies auch in der Historie nachzuvollziehen sein .... dies ist in Ihrem Kasino nicht der Fall
Poštovani predstavniku kazina, možete li mi poslati Delveciov dnevnik igara? ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk )
Kao što sam ranije objasnio, u slučajevima bez bonusa bez depozita gde se sredstva bonusa za klađenje prebacuju na račun sa pravim novcem, mora biti jasno da je neophodno izvršiti povlačenje da bi se bonus finalizovao. U suprotnom, igrači mogu biti zavedeni da je stanje na njihovom računu već pravi novac bez ikakvih ograničenja.
Dear casino representative, could you please send me Delvecio's game log? (matej@casino.guru)
As I explained before, in cases with no deposit bonuses where the wagering bonus funds are transferred to a real money account, it must be clear that it is necessary to make a withdrawal to finalize the bonus. Otherwise, players may be misled that the balance on their account is already a real money balance without any restrictions.
Poštovani Matej, da li biste mogli jasnije da formulišete svoj zahtev? Koja je svrha zapisnika igre igrača?
Ne razumemo vaše sumnje po ovom pitanju.
Pravila našeg kazina jasno navode „maksimalni iznos povlačenja sa bonusa je k5 iznosa bonusa".
To znači da igrač može da unovči i podigne MAKSIMALNO k5 primljenog bonusa, a ostatak sredstava će automatski biti zadužen od strane našeg finansijskog odeljenja, što se i dogodilo u ovom slučaju.
Dear Matej, could you please formulate your request more clearly? What is the purpose of the player's game logs?
We do not really understand your doubts in this matter.
The rules of our casino clearly state "the maximum withdrawal amount from the bonus is x5 of the bonus amount".
This means that the player can cash out and withdraw MAXIMUM x5 of the received bonus, and the rest of the funds will be automatically debited by our financial department, which happened in this case.
To nije u redu. Uložio sam bonus 50 puta nakon čega je bonus novac pretvoren u pravi novac. Tada obično na računu treba da se pojavi samo iznos koji se može isplatiti. Još uvek možete igrati i pobediti sa ovim novcem?!
U istoriji je opet nešto sasvim drugo jer je bonus kredit konvertovan tek nakon opklade od 300k 1 evro.
Igrao sam 6 sati nakon konverzije i sledećeg dana si mi blokirao nalog i poništio dobitke.
That is not right. I wagered the bonus 50 times after which the bonus money was converted into real money. Then normally only the amount that can be paid out should appear on the account. You can still play and win with this money?!
In the history there is something completely different again because the bonus credit was only converted after 300x 1 euro bet.
I played for 6 hours after the conversion and the next day you blocked my account and canceled the winnings.
Das stimmt so nicht. Ich habe den Bonus 50 mal umgesetzt danach wurde das Bonusgeld in echtgeld umgewandelt. Dann sollte im Normalfall nur noch der Auszahlbare Betrag auf dem Konto erscheinen. Mit diesem Geld kann doch weitergespielt und gewonnen werden?!
In der Historie steht wieder was ganz anderes da wurde das Bonusguthaben erst nach 300x 1 euro Einsatz umgewandelt.
Ich habe nach der Umwandlung noch 6h gespielt und am nächsten Tag habt’s ihr dann mein Konto gesperrt und die Gewinne storniert.
Sve akcije kazina bile su apsolutno ispravne i 100% u skladu sa našim pravilima.
Ostavili smo na vašem računu iznos koji imate priliku da podignete igrajući bonus sredstvima.
All actions of the casino were absolutely correct and 100% consistent with our rules.
We have left on your account the amount that you have the opportunity to withdraw by playing with bonus funds.
... a to baš i nije tačno. Igram dugi niz godina i vrlo dobro mogu da razlikujem šta je ispravno, a šta nije. Takođe, niste odgovorili na pitanje. Da li je moguće nastaviti da igrate sa pravim novcem nakon što završite ili ispunite pravila bonusa?! Ili je povlačenje obavezno?
... and that's exactly not true. I've been playing for a number of years and I can very well distinguish what is correct and what is not. Also, you didn't answer the question. Is it possible to continue playing with real money after completing or fulfilling the bonus rules?! Or is a withdrawal mandatory?
... und genau das stimmt nicht. Ich Spiele schon seit einigen Jahren und kann sehr wohl unterscheiden was Korrekt ist und was nicht. Außerdem haben Sie die Frage nicht beantwortet. Ist nach Beendigung bzw Erfüllung der Bonusregeln ein weiterspielen mit dem Echtgeld möglich ?! Oder ist zwingend eine Abhebung von Nöten ?
Dragi igrače,
Veoma poštujemo vaše igračko iskustvo, ali mi postavljamo pravila u našem kazinu, a ne vi, a igrajući sa nama vi se slažete sa njima i potvrđujete da ste ih pročitali.
Što se tiče vašeg pitanja, ne možemo vam zabraniti da igrate sa stanjem koje vam je ostalo nakon oslobađanja bonusa, ali maksimalno povlačenje bonus sredstava u našem kazinu je ograničeno na k5 iznosa bonusa, što je jasno navedeno u pravila našeg kazina i ni na koji način se ne mogu shvatiti na drugi način.
Dear player,
We respect your gaming experience very much, but we set the rules in our casino, not you, and by playing with us, you agree to them and confirm that you have read them.
As for your question, we cannot forbid you to play with the balance that you have left after the release of the bonus, but the maximum withdrawal from bonus funds in our casino is limited to x5 of the bonus amount, which is clearly stated in the rules of our casino and in no way cannot be perceived by another way.
Ovo ni na koji način ne odgovara na pitanje. Ja tvrdim da je novac pogrešno zadržan. Ovi bonus uslovi postoje u mnogim kockarnicama i nikada nisam iskusio da je pravi novac morao da se povuče da bi se koristio nakon što su uslovi bonusa dostignuti. Po mom mišljenju, ovo nije ukorenjeno u njihovim uslovima i kazino je uradio proizvoljno kako ne bi morao da isplaćuje dobitke.
Ponovo predajem Casino Guru 🙂
This in no way answers the question. I maintain that the money was wrongly withheld. These bonus conditions exist in many casinos and I have never experienced that real money had to be withdrawn to use it after the bonus conditions had been reached. In my opinion, this is not anchored in their terms and conditions and was done arbitrarily by the casino in order not to have to pay out the winnings.
I hand over to Casino Guru again 🙂
Dies beantwortet in keiner Weise die Frage. Ich bleibe dabei das Geld wurde zu Unrecht einbehalten. Diese Bonusbedingungen gibt es in vielen Casinos und ich habe es noch nie erlebt das nach erreichen der Bonusbedingungen das Echtgeld abgehoben werden musste um es zu benutzen. Das ist in meinen Augen nicht in ihren agb’s so verankert und wurde vom Casino willkürlich gemacht um den Gewinn nich auszahlen zu müssen.
Ich übergebe wieder an Casino Guru 🙂
Ovaj odgovor u potpunosti odgovara na sva pitanja.
Ne možemo govoriti ni o kakvim drugim kockarnicama.
Sada govorimo o našem kazinu i njegovim pravilima.
U vašem slučaju, radnje kazina su u potpunosti u skladu sa njegovim pravilima.
I ovde ne može biti drugih mišljenja.
This answer fully answers all questions.
We can't talk about any other casinos.
We are now talking about our casino and its rules.
In your case, the actions of the casino are fully consistent with its rules.
And here there can be no other opinions.
Niste dostigli uslove bonusa.
Ovde se ne radi o opkladi, niti o oslobađanju bonusa.
Ovaj iznos je k5 iznosa bonusa.
Shodno tome, NE MOŽETE da povučete više od 25 evra, bez obzira na to koliko novca vam je ostalo na računu kao rezultat oslobađanja bonusa, ili naredne igre.
Ovde je sve jasno i razumljivo, a mi se striktno pridržavamo utvrđenih pravila sa kojima ste se složili prilikom registracije.
You have not reached the bonus conditions.
This is not about the wager, or about the release of the bonus.
This amount is x5 of the bonus amount.
Accordingly, you CANNOT withdraw more than 25 euros, regardless of how much money you have left in your account as a result of the release of the bonus, or the subsequent game.
Everything here is clear and understandable, and we follow strictly according to the established rules that you agreed with when registering.
.... To ću ostaviti moderatoru. Ne čitam ništa o tome da moram da predam novac da bih mogao da ga koristim.
.... I'll leave that to the moderator. I don't read anything about the fact that I have to hand over the money in order to be able to use it.
.... ich überlass das jetzt mal dem Moderator. Ich les nix davon das ich das Geld abgeben muss um es benutzen zu können.
O ovoj činjenici ne treba ništa pisati, jer su sva pitanja u vezi sa ovim regulisana jednom frazom - maksimalni iznos povlačenja kada se igra sa bonus sredstvima je k5 iznosa bonusa.
Ovde je sve jasno i razumljivo, ova pravila funkcionišu jako dugo i molim vas nemojte da izmišljate nešto što ne postoji.
There is no need to write anything about this fact, because all questions related to this are regulated by one phrase - the maximum withdrawal amount when playing with bonus funds is x5 of the bonus amount.
Everything is clear and understandable here, these rules have been working for a very long time, and please don’t invent something that doesn’t exist.
Dragi delvecio i iVildcasino.
Potpuno razumem da pravila govore maksimalno šta možete da povučete.
Ovde je problem u tome što ako kazino smanji dobitak i konvertuje novac u pravi balans nakon što se klađenje završi, igrači mogu osetiti da je bonus konvertovan i da je novac sada pravi novac bez potrebe za povlačenjem.
Pitam, da li ste dali do znanja igraču da treba da podigne ovaj novac nakon što ste ga pretvorili u pravi balans? E-mail, iskačuća poruka ili nešto slično?
Inače, razumem da se sada oseća prevarenim, i lepo je da to negde piše u tvojim terminima, ali ko provodi sate čitajući sve pojmove?
Bonus bi bio ograničen i pretvoren u pravi novac u idealnom svetu. I to je to. Ovako to funkcioniše u mnogim onlajn kazinima; međutim, mnogi koriste i pravilo uz reč: povlačenje umesto pobede. Onda moramo da rešavamo reklamacije jer igrači nisu znali ili su jednostavno previdjeli neophodnost povlačenja.
Moj najbolji savet je da obavestite igrače nakon konverzije bonusa porukom u igri da sada moraju da izvrše povlačenje, a ako to ne urade i odluče da igraju, dobici će biti poništeni. Ili je još bolje rešenje da se bonus pretvori u pravi novac bez povlačenja.
Ako zadržite pravilo i sistem kakav jeste, u budućnosti ćete dobijati više ovakvih pritužbi. Za nas je od suštinskog značaja da preporučimo kazina u kojima se igrači osećaju bezbedno, a sistem im ne dozvoljava da naprave pogrešan potez ili da dođu u ovakvim situacijama.
Zato moram da znam da li ste obavestili delvecio da mora da izvrši povlačenje nakon konverzije bonusa. To je sve.
Dear delvecio and iWildcasino.
I understand completely that the rules say the maximum what you can withdraw.
The problem here is that if the casino cuts the winnings and converts the money to a real balance after the wagering is completed, players may feel that the bonus was converted and the money is now real money without the necessity of withdrawal.
I am asking, did you let the player know that he needed to withdraw this money after you converted them to a real balance? Email, pop-up message or something like that?
Otherwise, I understand that he feels now cheated, and it is nice that it is written somewhere in your terms but who spends hours reading all the terms?
The bonus would be capped and converted into real money in an ideal world. And that's it. This is how it works in many online casinos; however, many also use the rule with the word: withdrawal instead of win. Then we must solve complaints because the players didn't know or simply oversight the necessity of making a withdrawal.
My best advice is to inform players after converting the bonus by the in-game message that now they need to make a withdrawal, and if they don't and decide to play, the winnings will be voided. Or an even better solution is to convert the bonus to real money without withdrawing it.
If you keep the rule and system as it is, you will receive more complaints like this in the future. For us, it is essential to recommend casinos where players can feel safe, and the system does not allow them to make a wrong move or end up in situations like this.
That's why I need to know if you let delvecio know that he must make a withdrawal after the bonus conversion. That's all.
Nisu uradili ništa slično.... Račun blokiran i obavešten samo kada se pita... Ne preporučujem po mom mišljenju
They did nothing of the sort.... Account blocked and only informed when asked... Not recommended in my opinion
Nixdergleichen haben sie getan .... Konto gesperrt und erst auf Nachfrage informiert... Meiner Meinung nach nicht zu empfehlen
Zdravo Matej, potpuno si u pravu, igrač treba da podigne sredstva da bi ispunio uslove bonusa. Ovo je zapisano u našim pravilima i dodavanjem ove stavke u pravila ne možemo naterati igrača da ih sve pročita, ali prilikom registracije na naš projekat on klikne na kvačicu, što znači da je upoznat sa pravilima.
To je kao da kupujete bespovratnu avionsku kartu, a zatim pokušavate da je vratite, tvrdeći da nema vremena da pročita uslove kupovine.
Trenutno naš tehnički tim nema mogućnost da sprovede trenutno informisanje igrača.
Ali svakako ćemo pokušati da to uradimo u bliskoj budućnosti, najverovatnije putem e-pošte.
Hello Matej, you are absolutely right, the player needs to withdraw funds in order to fulfill the conditions of the bonus. This is written in our rules, and by adding this item to the rules, we cannot force the player to read them all, but when registering on our project, he clicks the checkmark, which means that he is familiar with the rules.
It's like buying a non-refundable plane ticket and then trying to get it back, claiming he doesn't have time to read the terms of the purchase.
At the moment, our technical team does not have the ability to implement instant informing the players.
But we will definitely try to do this in the near future, most likely through emails.
imam sebe
ponovo pročitaj uslove bonusa nisam našao pasus ... gde piše da moram da podignem novac ... gde je molim
I have myself
re-read the bonus conditions I did not find the passage ... where it is written that I have to withdraw the money ... where is it please
Ich habe mir
doe Bonusbedingungen nochmals durchgelesen ich habe die Passage nicht gefunden ... wo geschrieben steht das ich das Geld abheben muss ... wo bitte steht das
Zdravo delvecio.
To je ovo pravilo:
"1.1. Maksimalni mogući iznos za povlačenje iz bonusa bez depozita primljenih u Bonus Shop-u: k5 od iznosa bonusa ili sredstava primljenih od besplatnih okretaja (zavisi od statusa naloga)."
Iako tehnički, kazino ima pravo, pretvaranje iznosa bonusa u pravi balans nakon klađenja u ovoj situaciji može biti veoma zbunjujuće. Definitivno bih preporučio da ne pretvarate stanje automatski, već da to radite ručno kada igrač podnese zahtev za povlačenje. Ili barem automatski pošaljite e-poštu svakom igraču koji konvertuje bonus bez depozita. Taj imejl treba da sadrži informaciju da je povlačenje sada neophodno i da su svi naredni dobici pod pravilom maksimalnog povlačenja bonusa dok povlačenje ne bude završeno.
Imam dodatna pitanja za predstavnika kazina:
Delvecio je morao da napravi depozit, ili bi mogao da izvrši povlačenje odmah nakon što je pretvorio bonus?
Da li je dobio neke informacije sa uputstvima nakon što je završio klađenje?
Hello delvecio.
It is this rule:
"1.1. Maximum possible withdrawal amount from no deposit bonuses received in the Bonus Shop: x5 of the amount of bonus or funds received from free spins (depends on the status of the account)."
While technically, the casino has the right, converting the bonus amount into a real balance after wagering in this situation might be very confusing. I would definitely recommend not converting the balance automatically but doing it manually when the player submits a withdrawal request. Or at least automatically send an email to each player who converts the no-deposit bonus. That email should contain information that withdrawal is now necessary and that all subsequent winnings are under the max withdrawal rule of the bonus until the withdrawal isn't complete.
I have some additional questions for the casino representative:
Delvecio needed to make a deposit, or could he make a withdrawal right after he converted the bonus?
Did he receive some information with instructions after he completed the wagering?
... iskreno ovo bi trebalo da bude šala .... iz ovoga neko treba da zna da moram da platim da bih ispunio pravila bonusa .... Ostajem pri činjenici da mi je profit samovoljno poništen ... ti samo drugi korisnici mogu upozoriti na ovaj kazino...
... honestly this is supposed to be a joke .... someone should know from this that I have to pay out to fulfill the bonus rules .... I stand by the fact that my profit was arbitrarily canceled ... you can only other users warn about this casino....
... also mal ehrlich das soll wohl ein Scherz sein.... daraus soll jemand wissen das ich auszahlen muss um die bonusregeln zu erfüllen .... ich bleibe dabei das mein Gewinn willkürlich storniert wurde ... man kann nur andere User vor diesem Kasino warnen ....
Dobro veče svima!
Imajte na umu da trenutno razmatramo ovaj slučaj. Uskoro ćemo se vratiti sa odgovorom 🙌🏻
Srdačan pozdrav,
Good evening everyone!
Please be advised that we are currently reviewing this case. We will be back soon with an answer 🙌🏻
Best regards,
We would like to ask the Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Dobar dan svima!
Izvinite zbog kašnjenja u odgovoru na ovaj problem. Nama, nažalost, treba više vremena da temeljno sagledamo situaciju
Hvala na razumevanju!
Srdačan pozdrav,
Good afternoon everyone!
Sorry for the delay in responding to this problem. We, unfortunately, need more time to look into the situation thoroughly
Thank you for your understanding!
Best regards,
We would like to ask the Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Zdravo prijatelji! Izvinite zbog kašnjenja, pokušaćemo da rešimo sva vaša pitanja što je pre moguće)
Matej, odgovori na vaša pitanja:
1. Igrač ne mora da uplati depozit, može da postavi zahtev za povlačenje odmah nakon puštanja bonusa 🙂
2. Naravno, igrač ne dobija nikakva uputstva, nikada nisam video takav tok 🙂 ali, kada zahteva povlačenje, naša finansijska služba proverava igračevu istoriju igre, i ako bude potrebno da ispravi stanje u skladu sa našim pravila i uslove bonusa, igrač, naravno, dobija potpuno sveobuhvatne informacije o tome u svojoj e-pošti.
Nadam se da sam mogao da vam pomognem da to shvatite.
Ne stidite se ako imate još pitanja🙂
Dobar dan svima!
Hello friends! Sorry for the delay, we will try to solve all your questions as soon as possible)
Matej, answers on your questions:
1. The player does not need to make a deposit, he can put a withdrawal request immediately after the release of the bonus 🙂
2. Of course, the player does not receive any instructions, I have never seen such a flow 🙂 but, when requesting a withdrawal, our financial service checks the player’s game history, and if it becomes necessary to correct the balance in accordance with our rules and conditions of the bonus, the player, of course, receives fully comprehensive information about this in his email.
I hope I was able to help you figure it out.
Don't be shy if you have any more questions🙂
Have a great day everyone!
I trebalo vam je 2 nedelje da odgovorite na ovo, odlično. Opet ukratko o procesu, ispunjavam uslove bonusa od bonusa novac je pravi novac nakon toga osvajam 2000 evra u roku od 10 okretaja 1 evro igram 5 sati dok ne osvojim 7500 evra, isplatim i moj dobitak se poništava 24 sata kasnije. Račun je blokiran bez informacija ili slično. .... to bi trebalo da bude u redu , pošteno ili razumljivo ...
And it took you 2 weeks to answer this, great. Briefly about the process again, I fulfill the bonus conditions from bonus money is real money after that I win 2000 euros within 10 spins a 1 euro play 5 hours until I win 7500 euros, pay out and my winnings are canceled 24 hours later. Account is blocked without information or similar. .... that should be ok , fair or understandable ....
Und für diese Antwort habt ihr jetzt 2 Wochen gebraucht, toll. Nochmal kurz zum Hergang , ich erfülle die Bonusbedingungen aus Bonusgeld wird echtgeld danach gewinne ich innerhalb 10 Drehs a 1Euro 2000 Euro spiele 5 h bis Ich 7500 Euro Gewinne, zahle aus und mein Gewinn wird 24 h später storniert. Konto wird gesperrt ohne Info oä. .... das soll in Ordnung , fair oder nachvollziehbar sein ....
Dragi delvecio i iVildcasino.
Hajde da rezimiramo slučaj:
Ako bi delvecio izvršio povlačenje, a zatim ponovo položio ovaj novac nazad, mogao bi da zadrži svoj dobitak (na osnovu uslova kazina)
Ako su sve tačke tačne, verujem da je, uprkos uslovima kazina, logika na strani igrača, a kazino bi trebalo da promeni politiku kako bi bila jasnija.
Ili nemojte ograničavati dobitke dok igrač ne zatraži povlačenje ili promenite pravilo i koristite reč „dobiti" umesto „povlačenje".
Delveciova jedina greška je bila što nije povukao dobitke, i potpuno razumem zašto je mislio da ne treba to da uradi.
U Casino.guru verujemo da odnos između kazina i igrača mora biti jasan i pošten. Stoga verujemo da bi delvecio trebalo da bude plaćen, a kazino bi trebalo da promeni uslove ili da razjasni proces promene bonus novca u pravi novac, kao što sam predložio.
Dear delvecio and iWildcasino.
Let's summarise the case:
If delvecio would be made a withdrawal and then redeposit this money back, he could keep his winnings (based on the terms of the casino)
If all the points are correct, I believe that despite the casino's terms, the logic is on the player's side, and the casino should change the policy to be clearer.
Either not cap the winnings until the player makes a withdrawal request or change the rule and use the word "winnings" instead of "withdrawal".
delvecio's only fault was that he didn't withdraw the winnings, and I completely understand why he thought he didn't need to do it.
In Casino.guru we believe that the relationship between the casino and the player must be clear and fair. Therefore we believe the delvecio should get paid, and the casino should change the terms or make the process of changing bonus money to real money clear, as I suggested.
We would like to ask the Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Dragi Matej,
Pomenuli ste logiku
Molim vas da pokažete gde je to u vašoj odluci?
Da li po Vašem mišljenju formulacija „maksimalna veličina povlačenja" nije dovoljna?
Šta bi moglo biti razumljivije?
Dear Matej,
You mentioned logic
I ask you to show where it is in your decision?
Is the wording "maximum withdrawal size" not enough, in your opinion?
What could be more understandable?
Ako želite da me zamolite da učinim korak suprotan svojim pravilima, onda barem objasnite zašto bih to uradio?
Samo zato što vam potpuno jasna i precizna formulacija u nekoj klauzuli u pravilima više nije dovoljna? Da li već predlažete stvaranje nekih novih tehničkih alata?
Ako je tako, onda bih želeo da znam unapred o svim tehničkim alatima za koje ćete u budućnosti želeti da zatražite da ih kreiramo, jer vam najjasnija i najjednostavnija formulacija pravila više nije dovoljna ...
If you want to ask me to take a step contrary to my own rules, then at least explain why I should do this?
Just because a completely clear and precise wording in a clause in the rules is no longer enough for you? Do you already propose to create some new technical tools?
If so, then I would like to know in advance about all the technical tools that you in the future will want to ask us to create, because the most clear and simple formulation of the rules is no longer enough for you ...
... Pokušaću 🙂 maks. veličina isplate nije problem, ali to morate učiniti tako da dobitak od maks. veličina isplate se ne poništava.....i to nije jasno u tvojoj formulaciji....to Takva pravila sa maksimalnom isplatom nisu nimalo neuobičajena, ali nikad nisam doživeo da to zapravo moraš da isplatiš. ... ako piše pravi novac, to je pravi novac i nema bonus novca
... I'll try 🙂 the max. payout size is not the problem but that you have to do it so that the winnings of the max. payout size are not canceled ..... and that is not clear in your wording .... it Such rules with a maximum payout are not at all unusual, but I've never experienced that you actually have to pay it out.... if it says real money, it's real money and no bonus money point
... ich Versuchs mal 🙂 die Max. Auszahlungsgrösse ist nicht das Problem sondern das man diese auch tätigen muss damit die Gewinne der Max. Auszahlunsgrösse nicht storniert werden ..... und das ist in eurer Formulierung nicht klar .... es ist durchaus nicht unüblich solche Regeln mit Max. Auszahlung aber das man das tatsächlich auszahlen muss hab ich noch nie erlebt.... wenn da steht echtgeld ist es eben echtgeld und kein bonusgeld Punkt
Poštovani iVildcasino predstavnike,
Hvala vam na prilici da vam objasnim logiku moje odluke.
Najveći problem koji ovde vidim je samo pravilo:
"1.1. Maksimalni mogući iznos za povlačenje iz bonusa bez depozita primljenih u Bonus Shop-u: k5 od iznosa bonusa ili sredstava primljenih od besplatnih okretaja (zavisi od statusa naloga)."
Ovo pravilo je dobro poznato i obično se koristi u kockarnicama, međutim, sa malo drugačijim rečima:
Maksimalni mogući iznos dobitka …
Sada bih želeo da vam pokažem još dva pravila:
U slučaju da je ukupan iznos depozita igrača jednak ili manji od €200, igrač će biti ograničen na povlačenje do k10 depozita u igri. Ovo pravilo će takođe biti uzeto u obzir u slučaju kada Kazina vide da je igrač napravio dodatne depozite, posebno da bi prevazišao ovo pravilo.
Ovo pravilo bukvalno znači da dok ne uplatite najmanje 200, možete osvojiti samo k10 svog depozita, tako da ako deponujete 100 € i osvojite džekpot, onda dobijate 1000 € i ćao ostatak novca.
Postavljanje ukupnih opklada jednakih ili većih od 30% vrednosti najmanjeg depozita koji je trenutno u igri. Uključujući kupovinu funkcija u igri, uključujući, ali ne ograničavajući se na besplatne okrete sa ukupnim iznosom opklade od 30% ili većim od vrednosti depozita.
Ovo pravilo je još interesantnije jer utiče na sve igrače, a ne samo na nove.
Ako uložite 1000 € i napravite opkladu 10 k 100 €, a zatim napravite još jedan depozit od 100 € da biste napravili još jednu opkladu od € 100, prekršite ovo pravilo i svi dobici će biti poništeni.
Da li ste ikada čuli za ova pravila?
(Ova pravila se primenjuju na igru sa pravim novcem.)
A sada logika:
Pretpostavljam da vidite koliko su ova pravila nepravedna. Inače, ne koristi ih mnogo kazina i svi imaju užasnu reputaciju.
Nije iznenađenje što su ova pravila u kazinima sa licencom na Kurasau. (To je zato što bolje licence nikada ne bi dozvolile da kazina imaju ova pravila u svojim uslovima) i još jedno iznenađenje, kada igrači traže pomoć regulatora, regulator odgovara: izvinite, ova pravila su u uslovima, tako da kazino ima pravo na poništavanje dobitka.
U ovom slučaju, vaše opravdanje je da imate pravilo u uslovima i da igrači moraju da poštuju pravila.
Moje opravdanje je da je ovo pravilo pogrešno, da zbunjuje igrače i da su namamljeni u situacije da izgube novac koji bi mogli da podignu zbog zamke.
A sada velika slika:
Pretpostavljam da je vaš cilj da imate dobar kazino, ali vaš najveći cilj je da zaradite novac. A ono što najviše utiče na vaš profit je baza igrača. Kada su vaši uslovi jasni, a igrači se osećaju dobro, vaša baza igrača će brzo rasti, a takođe i profit. Međutim, kada koristite nejasna pravila da biste izbegli plaćanje, igrači će se žaliti i biti nezadovoljni. Igrači će pisati svoje priče na internetu, vaš kazino će postati poznat po nejasnim/nepoštenim uslovima, a vaša baza igrača će rasti sporije. Na kraju, vaša baza igrača će se samo smanjivati, a kazino će se zatvoriti nakon nekog vremena.
Sada pogledajte najbolja kazina u industriji. Mislite li da ova kazina imaju nejasna pravila ili pokušavaju nekako da zbune igrače? Ne, oni znaju da igračima sve mora biti jasno. A ako igrač slučajno uradi nešto loše (srećno prekrši pravilo maksimalne opklade u jednoj opkladi ili neku grešku u dobroj veri.) Ova kazina bi ionako platila igraču jer znaju da će im ovaj igrač biti lojalan zbog toga. Ako kazino pronađe izgovor da izbegne plaćanje, to će ih koštati potencijalnih igrača koji umesto toga izaberu prijateljski kazino.
U ovom slučaju, Delvecio nije dobio nikakvu prednost kada je igrao sa saldom nakon što mu je kazino ograničio dobitke. Mogao je da zadrži dobitak ako podigne novac i ponovo ih položi.
Prisiljavanje igrača na povlačenje takođe nema smisla iz poslovne perspektive.
Kada igrač dobije ovaj bonus, konvertuje ga i pokuša da se povuče, mora da čeka koliko dana?
Ukoliko kazino ovaj novac pretvori u pravi keš (dobiti umesto povlačenja u pomenutom roku), igrači koji dobiju od bonusa mogu da nastave da igraju i ne čekaju danima.
Umesto zaglavljenih igrača koji čekaju na povlačenje, mogli biste imati igrače koji bi mogli biti potencijalni deponenti.
Dakle, da li je moja logika pogrešna?
Zašto želite da igrači izvrše povlačenje nakon konverzije bonusa?
Dear iWildcasino representative,
Thank you for this opportunity to explain to you the logic of my decision.
The biggest problem that I see here is the rule itself:
"1.1. Maximum possible withdrawal amount from no deposit bonuses received in the Bonus Shop: x5 of the amount of bonus or funds received from free spins (depends on the status of the account)."
This rule is well known and commonly used in casinos, however, with a bit different wording:
Maximum possible winnings amount…
Now I would like to show you two other rules:
In case that a player's total deposit amount is equal to or less than €200, the player will be limited to withdrawing up to x10 of the deposit in play. This rule will also be taken into account in a case where the Casinos sees that a player made additional deposits, specifically to surpass this rule.
This rule literally means that until you deposit at least 200, you can win only x10 of your deposit, so if you deposit a €100 and win a jackpot, then you get €1000 and bye-bye the rest of the money.
Placing total bets equal to or greater than 30% of the value of the smallest deposit currently in play. Including purchasing in-game features including but not limited to free spins with a total bet amount of 30% or greater than the value of the deposit.
This rule is even more interesting because it affects all the players, not only the new ones.
If you deposit €1000 and make 10x €100 bet and then make one more deposit of €100 to make another €100 bet, you breach this rule, and all winnings will be voided.
Did you ever hear about these rules?
(These rules applied to real money play.)
And now the logic:
I assume that you see how unfair these rules are. By the way, not many casinos are using them, and all have terrible reputations.
It is not a surprise that these rules are in Curacao-licensed casinos. (It is because better licenses would never allow casinos to have these rules in their terms and conditions) and another surprise, when the players seek the regulator's help, the regulator responds: sorry, these rules are in the terms, so the casino has the right to void the winnings.
In this case, your justification is that you have a rule in the terms and players needs to follow the rules.
My justification is that this rule is wrong, confusing players, and they are lured into situations where they lose the money they could withdraw because of a trap.
And now a big picture:
I assume your goal is to have a good casino, but your biggest goal is to make money. And what affects your profits most is the player base. When your terms are clear, and players feel good, your player base will grow fast and profits too. However, when you use unclear rules to avoid paying, players will complain and be unhappy. Players will be writing their stories on the internet, your casino will become well known for unclear/unfair terms, and your player base will grow slower. Eventually, your player base will only be decreasing, and the casino will be closed after some time.
Now, look at the best casinos in the industry. Do you think these casinos have unclear rules or trying to confuse players somehow? No, they know that everything must be clear for the players. And if the player accidentally does something bad (breach the max bet rule in one bet accidentally or some mistake in good faith.) These casinos would pay the player anyway because they know that this player will be loyal to them for that. If the casino finds an excuse to avoid paying, it will cost them potential players who instead choose a friendly casino.
In this case, Delvecio didn't get any advantage when he played with the balance after the casino capped his winnings. He could keep the winnings if he withdrew the money and redeposit them.
Forcing players to make a withdrawal also makes no sense from a business perspective.
When a player gets this bonus, converts it and tries to withdraw, he must wait how many days?
If the casino converts this money into real cash (winnings instead of withdrawal in the mentioned term), the players who win from a bonus could continue playing and not wait for days.
Instead of stuck players waiting for a withdrawal, you could have players who could be potential depositors.
So, is my logic wrong?
Why do you want players to make a withdrawal after converting a bonus?
We would like to ask the Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Nažalost, kazino nije odgovorio na poslednju poruku.
Primoran sam da zatvorim ovu žalbu kao nerešenu sa statusom: Protiv Kodeksa poštenog kockanja.
Delvecio, žao mi je što nismo mogli više da ti pomognemo. Postoji mnogo kazina u kojima je ovakva situacija nemoguća. Razmislite o igranju u boljem kazinu. Ovaj slučaj će uticati na rejting iVild kazina.
Unfortunately, the casino didn't respond to the last message.
I am forced to close this complaint as unresolved with a status: Against Fair Gambling Codex.
Delvecio, I am sorry that we couldn't help you more. There are a lot of casinos where a situation like this is impossible. Please consider playing in a better casino. This case will have an impact on the iWild Casino's rating.
Ponovo smo otvorili ovu žalbu na zahtev iVildcasino kazina. Želeli bismo da dozvolimo ovom slučaju još jednu šansu da se reši i pomognemo obema uključenim stranama da donesu zadovoljavajući zaključak.
We’ve reopened this complaint at the request of iWildcasino casino. We would like to allow this case one more chance to be resolved and help both parties involved to reach a satisfactory conclusion.
Zdravo dragi Guru i igrač,
Obaveštavamo vas da je stanje na računu igrača popunjeno sa iznosom od 7342,42 evra i dostupno za povlačenje.
Takođe smo preneli zadatak na IT odeljenje da dodaju funkcionalnost obaveštavanja korisnika o ulaganju bonusa i potrebi za povlačenjem sredstava. To će biti sprovedeno u bliskoj budućnosti.
Hvala vam svima na strpljenju i pomoći u rešavanju ovog problema.
Hello dear Guru and player,
We inform you that the balance of the player's account has been replenished with the amount of 7342.42 euros, and it is available for withdrawal.
We also transferred the task to the IT department to add the functionality of notifying the user about the wagering of the bonus and the need to withdraw funds. It will be implemented in the near future.
Thank you all for your patience and help in resolving this issue.
Zdravo Guru + Ivild Casino,
Veliko hvala svim guruima koji su mi pomogli da rešim problem. Nikada nisam očekivao da ću dobiti svoj dobitak. Hvala, hvala
@ Ivild Casino, veliko hvala i tebi, ne dozvoljava se svaki kazino ubediti i popušta u interesu igrača.... to pokazuje veličinu, nastaviću da igram sa tobom jer je tvoj kazino zapravo odličan 😉
Novac je pripisan svim dobrim
Hello Guru + Iwild Casino,
Many thanks to all the gurus who helped me to solve the problem. I never expected to get my winnings. Thank you thank you
@ Iwild Casino, many thanks to you too, not every casino lets itself be persuaded and gives in in the interests of the player.... that shows greatness, I will continue to play with you because your casino is actually great 😉
Money was credited all good
Hallo Guru + Iwild Casino,
vielen Dank an alle Gurus die mir bei der Lösung des Problems geholfen haben. Ich hätte nie damit gerechnet das ich meine Gewinne bekommen. Danke Danke
@ Iwild Casino , auch an euch vielen Dank nicht jedes Casino lässt sich überzeugen und gibt im Sinnne des Spielers nach .... das Zeugt von Größe , ich werde weiter bei euch spielen denn euer Casino ist eigentlich toll 😉
Geld wurde gutgeschrieben alles gut
Dragi delvecio,
Drago mi je da čujem da je vaš problem uspešno rešen. Sada ću žalbu označiti kao „rešenu" u našem sistemu.
Hvala vam na saradnji i ne ustručavajte se da kontaktirate naš centar za rešavanje žalbi ako budete imali problema sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom u budućnosti. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear delvecio,
I'm glad to hear that your issue has been resolved successfully. I will now mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system.
Thank you for your cooperation, and please do not hesitate to contact our Complaint Resolution Center if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali: youremail@gmail.com
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