NaslovnaPritužbeiWild Casino - Isplata dobitaka igrača je odložena.
iWild Casino - Isplata dobitaka igrača je odložena.
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438 €
iWild Casino
Index sigurnosti:Veoma visok
Sigurnosni indeks
Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
The player from Portugal had submitted a withdrawal request less than two weeks before contacting us. Winnings had not been obtained up to that day. The player experienced difficulties with the KYC process, citing unclear documentation requirements and a lack of support from the casino. After ongoing communication and pressure through various channels, the KYC process was eventually completed, leading to the successful withdrawal of funds. We acknowledged the player's frustrations and were glad to have facilitated the resolution of this issue.
Igrač iz Portugala je podneo zahtev za povlačenje manje od dve nedelje pre nego što nas je kontaktirao. Dobici do tog dana nisu dobijeni. Igrač je imao poteškoća sa KIC procesom, navodeći nejasne zahteve za dokumentacijom i nedostatak podrške kazina. Nakon kontinuirane komunikacije i pritiska kroz različite kanale, KIC proces je na kraju završen, što je dovelo do uspešnog povlačenja sredstava. Priznali smo frustracije igrača i bilo nam je drago što smo olakšali rešavanje ovog problema.
Dana 24.01.2025. napravio sam depozit od 40€ na ovoj veb stranici putem digitalno kreirane kartice samo za jednu kupovinu. Nakon ovog prvog depozita, svi moji drugi depoziti su napravljeni putem direktnog telefonskog broja, bez ikakvih problema. Verifikacija je na početku bila brza i vrlo glatka. Nakon što sam bio zadovoljan svojim dobicima, pokušao sam da ih podignem, i u početku je sve izgledalo savršeno.
Zatim sam primio e-poštu koja se odnosi na KIC, kao što se može videti u svim priloženim fajlovima uz ovu žalbu, poslao sam sve moguće bankovne i lične podatke koji su mi bili dostupni. Posle 6 dana i veoma niskog odnosa mejlova koje šalje „finansijsko odeljenje", oni stalno tvrde da su različite vrste dokumenata potrebne za svaku interakciju e-poštom. Neka vrsta tehnike "zaustavljanja", kao što se vidi na slikama. Neki razgovori u ćaskanju su uklonjeni, jer sam želeo da ih uključim ovde, da pokažem da su mi mnogi ljudi koji podržavaju, davali drugačija i nova uputstva pri svakoj interakciji.
Ali, moj novac je zadržan na ovoj veb stranici, ne preporučujem nikome da ovo pokuša, jer će pokušati po svaku cenu da odugovlače i spreče vas da vratite svoje dobitke uz ograničenja povlačenja i iznosa.
Da li mogu da razumem od drugih korisnika, čini se da je to standardna praksa sa ovom veb lokacijom, nejasno zašto je njena ocena tako visoka. Verovatno još jedna prevara.
Ukratko, ne posedujem fizičku karticu, niti mogu da dam ime na kartici ili dokument za nešto što je digitalno proizvedeno u aplikaciji za telefon bez zadnjeg poklopca. Obratite pažnju na stalne promene u uputstvima sa sajta. Verovatno automatski tekst odgovora. Čovek ne može jasno razumeti šta se pita, a čini se da ih ne zanimaju informacije koje pokušavate da im pružite.
Voleo bih da vidim neku vrstu stvarnog odgovora od njih, kako bi lako rešili ovaj problem. Ali očigledno čak i nakon što je KIC barijera prošla, ima mnogo pritužbi da odlažu svoje isplate zbog problema koji nemaju nikakve veze sa igračem.
Sutra ću otići u svoju banku kao poslednji pokušaj da ovo rešim. Ali nada da ću dobiti ono što je moje pravo je vrlo mala, jer ova veb stranica nema interesa da plaća ili pomaže svojim klijentima.
Ako na bilo koji način Casino Guru može pomoći, bio bih izuzetno zahvalan. Hvala
On the 24/01/2025 i made a deposit of 40€ in this website through a one purchase only digitally created card. After this first deposit, all my other deposits were made by direct phone number, with no issues. Verification was quick and very smooth at the beginning. After i was satisfied with my winnings, i tried to withdraw them, and at first, all seemed perfectly fine.
I then received an email referring to the KYC, as it can be seen in all attached files to this complaint, i sent every possible bank and personal info available to me. After 6 days and a very low ratio of emails sent by the "finance department", they keep claiming different sorts of documents are needed with each email interaction. A sort of "stalling" technique, as can be seen in the pictures. Some chat conversations have been removed, as i wished to include them here, to showcase that many of the "support" people, were giving me different and new instructions with each interactions.
But, my money is being retained by this website, i do not recomend anyone to try this, as they will try at all cost to stall and keep you from returning your winnings with limits of withdrawals and amouts.
Has i can understand from other users, these seem to be standard practice with this website, unclear why its rating is so high. Probably another scam.
In sum, i do not own a physical card, nor i can provide a name on the card nor a document to something that as been digitally produced on a phone app with no back cover. Notice the constant change on instructions by the site. Probably automatic response text. One cannot clearly understand what is asked, and it seems that they have no interest in the information you try to provide them.
I would like to see some type of real response from them, as to easily solve this problem. But apparently even after the KYC barrier is passed, there a lot of complaints that they delay their payments due to issues that have nothing to do with the player.
Tomorrow i will go to my bank as last atempt to solve this. But the hope of getting what is rightfully mine is very little, as this website has no interest in paying or helping their customers.
If in any way Casino Guru can help, i would be enormously grateful. Thank you
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli prigovor. Žao nam je što čujemo za problem sa isplatom i razumemo vašu zabrinutost. Međutim, imajte na umu da je prilično uobičajeno da povlačenja potraju nekoliko dana ili čak nedelja da se u potpunosti obrađuju. To znači da može proći neko vreme pre nego što se novac pojavi na vašem računu. Ovo kašnjenje može biti uzrokovano nedovršenom KYC verifikacijom ili velikim brojem zahteva za isplate. Zbog toga savetujemo igrače da budu strpljivi, da u potpunosti sarađuju sa kazinom i da sačekaju najmanje 14 dana nakon zahteva za povlačenje pre nego što podnesu prigovor.
Ako je vaš nalog uspešno verifikovan, vaša istorija igara proverena, vaše povlačenje odobreno od strane kazina, a još uvek niste primili svoje dobitke 14 dana od zahteva za povlačenje, mi ćemo intervenisati i dati sve od sebe da vam pomognemo. Hvala unapred na strpljenju i razumevanju.
Srdačan pozdrav, Centar za rešavanje žalbi
PS: Naš prvi odgovor je generisan na osnovu informacija koje ste dali prilikom podnošenja žalbe. Ako je došlo do nesporazuma i problem je drugačiji ili je više od obične kašnjenja plaćanja, budite sigurni – detaljno ćemo pregledati detalje i javiti vam se što je pre moguće. Hvala vam na strpljenju.
Dear jfrferreiradasilva,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. We are sorry to hear about the issue with your withdrawal and understand your concern. However, please bear in mind that it’s quite usual for withdrawals to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account. This delay may be caused by unfinished KYC verification or a high volume of withdrawal requests. That’s why we advise players to be patient, cooperate fully with casino, and wait at least 14 days after requesting their withdrawals before submitting a complaint.
If your account has been successfully verified, your game history checked, your withdrawal approved by the casino, and you still haven't received your winnings by 14 days since requesting the withdrawal, we will intervene and do our best to help you. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Best regards, Complaints Resolution Center
PS: Our initial response was generated based on the information you provided when submitting your complaint. If there has been any misunderstanding and the issue is different or more than just a delayed payment, please rest assured—we will review the details thoroughly and get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
Problem je sada više sa KIC-om. Da li su uputstva data za jedan dokument potreban za završetak KIC procesa, nisu baš konkretna, nisu jasna i stalno se menjaju. Poslao sam više nego dovoljno, zahtevao i tražio da ovo prođe bez problema.
Šta je onda zapravo potrebno?
Konkretne pomoći od njih nema.
Kao što sam rekao, moj poslednji pokušaj da dobijem ovaj takozvani potreban dokument, biće učinjen sutra u mojoj banci. Ako ne mogu da dobijem ono što traže, šta da radim? Poslao sam im više bankovnih i ličnih podataka.
I to samo izgleda kao stalna taktika zastoja.
Joao S***
Hello and thank you for very quick response.
The problem is more with the KYC right now. Has the instructions given for the one document needed to finish the KYC process, are not very specific, not clear and keep changing. I have sent more than enough, required and asked for this to verification process go smoothly.
What is actually needed then?
There is no concrete help from them.
As i said, my last attempt for acquiring this so called needed document, is going to be made tomorrow in my bank. If i cannot get what they request, what is there to do? I have sent multiple bank and personal info to them.
Nakon što su otišli u moju banku i pokazali sve informacije koje su im već predate, brzo su primetili da su sve informacije više nego dovoljne za verifikaciju. I trebalo bi da mogu da povučem svoja sredstva.
Već su pronašli osnove za prevaru i započeli proces povrata gotovine svega što je deponovano sa mog računa na njihovu veb stranicu.
Šteta što su stvari otišle dovde, nemam problema da čekam i vidim ostatak ovog procesa.
U slučaju da dozvole povlačenje, odmah ću pozvati banku i organe bezbednosti i prijaviti da je stvar rešena. Na njima je.
After going to my bank and showing all the information that has already been handed to them, they have quickly noted that all information is more than sufficient for verification to be done. And I should be able to withdraw my funds.
They have already found grounds for fraud and began a process of cash back, of all that was deposited from my account into their website.
It's a shame that things have come this far, I have no problem waiting and seeing the remainder of this process through.
In the case they allow the withdrawal to happen, I will immediately call the bank and security authorities and report that the matter has been solved. It is up to them.
Moj poslednji pokušaj, poslao sam sve dokumente koje je moja banka odobrila, a verifikacija je odbijena, sa uputstvima da sada napravim video.
Moja banka želi da nastavi sa procesom prevare i vrati naplatu. Dao sam im svu potrebnu dokumentaciju i dokaze o procedurama na ovoj veb stranici, verujem da je to to. Sačekaću kraj ovog procesa, očigledno me portugalski zakon štiti od ovakvih praksi i barem će mi novac koji sam položio biti vraćen.
Verovatno će moja banka stupiti u kontakt sa njima i možda će prihvatiti verifikaciju. Ne brini više, nije u mojim rukama.
My last try, i sent all documents which my bank approved, and the verification was rejected, with instructions to now make a video.
My bank wishes to proceed with the fraud process and charge back. I have given them all necessary documents and proof of this website procedures, i believe that is that. Will be waiting for the end of this process, apparently Portuguese law protects me from these types of practices and at least the money i deposited may be returned to me.
Probably my bank will enter in contact with them and maybe they will accept the verification. Don't very much care anymore, its not on my hands.
Nadam se da ste dobro. Pošto je preporučeni vremenski okvir sada prošao, da li biste mogli da nas obavestite o tome da li je vaš zahtev za isplatu uspešno primljen ili da li je došlo do novih dešavanja u vezi sa vašim slučajem? Hvala vam na izdvojenom vremenu i radujem se vašem odgovoru.
Dear jfrferreiradasilva,
I hope you are doing well. As the recommended time frame has now passed, could you kindly update us on whether your withdrawal has successfully been received or if there have been any new developments regarding your case? Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your response.
Da li sam objasnio u komentarima na svoju žalbu, sva ova situacija predstavlja portret problema povlačenja u velikom obimu stvari. Ali, glavni problem je što iVildCasino, ne prihvata, dokumenti i informacije su verifikovane u mojoj banci kao dovoljan dokaz da sam ja izvršio depozit, sa SAMO JEDNOM KUPOVINOM DIGITALNO KREIRANIM BANKOVNOM KARTICOM, na MBVAI aplikaciji, ova aplikacija ne dozvoljava da se napravi bilo kakva vrsta snimaka ekrana ili video snimaka, više od onoga što je iVild. Moja CGD(PT) bankarska aplikacija takođe ima isti problem, bezbednosne mere. Dakle, ne prihvataju moje KIC dokumente, da mi je opet moja banka rekla da je to više nego dovoljno. Sa rokom depozita i svim vrstama ličnih podataka, koji jasno potvrđuju da sam ja vlasnik kartice.
Nakon što sam svojoj banci dao sve ove informacije, oni su odlučili da preuzmu stvari u svoje ruke i započeli su pravni proces.
IVildCasino, jednostavno nije zainteresovan ni za jedan od dokumenata koje sam poslao, a kao što sam video iz više pritužbi drugih korisnika, oni uopšte nisu zainteresovani da ljudima vrate novac.
Čekam samo još jedan kontakt iz moje banke, da mi objasni šta je sledeći korak. Ne očekujem da će iVildCasino olakšati ili razumeti ovu situaciju, jer su dokazali kroz timove za podršku i finansije da nemaju interesa da razumeju situaciju i pokušavaju da pomognu. Jednostavno ih nije briga.
Zahvaljujem vam na pomoći koju možete pružiti, ali već sam odustao. Moja banka će pokušati da povrati moje depozite i to je to što pretpostavljam.
Hello Nick
Has i have explained in the comments to my complaint, all of this situation does portrait to a withdrawal issue in the big scope of things. But, The main problem is that iWildCasino, does not accept, documents and information verified my bank as enought proof that i was the one that made the deposit, with a ONE PURCHASE ONLY DIGITALLY CREATED BANK CARD, on the MBWAY app, this app does not allow any type of screenshots or videos be taken, more than what i have provided to iWildCasino. My CGD(PT) bank app, also has the same problem, security measures. Therefore, they do not accept my KYC documents, that again, my bank has told me that are more than enough. With time of deposit and all type of personal information, clearly confirming that i am the owner of the card.
After i provided my bank with all this information, they have decide to take matters into their own hands and have begun legal processes.
IWildCasino, simply has no interest in any of the documents i have sent, and as i have seen from more complaints from other users, they are not interested at all in giving people their money back.
I am only waiting for another contact from my bank, as to explain what the next step is. I do not expect iWildCasino to facilitate or understand this situation has they have proven through the support and finance teams that they have no interest in understanding the situation and try to help. They just don't care.
I thank you for what ever help you may provide, but i have already given up. My bank will try to recover my deposits and that is that i guess.
Pre nego što pokušamo da dođemo do kazina, da li bi bilo moguće da prosledimo komunikaciju između vas i iVild kazina u vezi sa ovim slučajem na za dalji pregled?
Radujemo se Vašem odgovoru.
Dear jfrferreiradasilva,
Before we would try to reach the casino, would it be possible to forward the communication between you and iWild Casino related to this case to for further review?
Da mogu. I da bih produžio ovu temu kako bih pomogao svima sa istim problemom, ostaviću ovde e-poruku koju sam upravo dobio od kompanije MBvai app / MBnet cards, objasniti šta sam pokušavao da kažem iVildu, ali bezuspešno.
Takođe ću vam poslati ovu e-poštu.
„Dobro jutro,
Imajte na umu da nije moguće izdati dokaz o vlasništvu nad MB NET karticama putem aplikacije MB VAI.
Sve transakcije izvršene preko MB VAI su uvek zasnovane na stvarnoj bankovnoj kartici, tako da predlažemo da kontaktirate svoju banku kako biste dobili detaljan dokaz o kretanju na vašem bankovnom računu.
Srdačan pozdrav,
SIBS korisnička podrška
Odeljenje za operacije i korisničku podršku
FrontOffice korisnička podrška"
„Dobro jutro,
Imajte na umu da nije moguće izdati dokaz o vlasništvu nad MB NET karticama putem aplikacije MB VAI.
Sve operacije koje se obavljaju preko MB VAI uvek imaju pravu bankovnu karticu iza sebe, stoga predlažemo da kontaktirate svoju banku kako biste dobili detaljan dokaz o kretanju na vašem bankovnom računu.
SIBS korisnička podrška
Odeljenje za operacije i korisničku podršku
FrontOffice centar za korisničku podršku"
Ivild će mi verovatno reći da odem u banku ili šta već, ali ako zaista obrate pažnju i pročitaju šta pokušavam da im saopštim, moja banka je već proverila sve dokumente, i kaže da je više nego dovoljan pravni dokaz za verifikaciju korisnika, i da su podaci o kartici koje mogu dati za jednu kupovinu digitalne kartice, kojoj sam već poslao sve informacije. Ipak, oni će sigurno insistirati. Zastoj, tehnike prevare.
Poslaću sve dostupne pokušaje razgovora, putem e-pošte i ćaskanja sa njima. Iako su čak izbrisali neke razgovore u ćaskanju, ali to se očekuje od ove vrste praksi. Žao nam je zbog ogromne e-pošte sa dokumentacijom koju ćete dobiti.
sve najbolje
Hello Nick
Yes i can. And to further my this thread as to help anyone with the same issue, i will leave here the email i just received from the MBway app / MBnet cards company, explain what i have been trying to say to iWild but to no avail.
I will also send this email to you.
"Good morning,
Please be advised that it is not possible to issue proof of ownership of MB NET cards via the MB WAY App.
All transactions made through MB WAY are always based on the actual bank card, so we suggest contacting your bank to obtain detailed proof of a movement that has taken place in your bank account.
Best regards,
SIBS Customer Support
Operations and Customer Service Department
FrontOffice Customer Support"
"Good morning,
Please be advised that it is not possible to issue proof of ownership of MB NET cards through the MB WAY App.
All operations carried out through MB WAY always have a real bank card behind it, therefore, we suggest contacting your bank in order to obtain detailed proof of a movement that occurred in your bank account.
SIBS Customer Support
Operations and Customer Service Department
FrontOffice Customer Support Center"
Iwild will probably tell me to go to the bank or whatever, but if they actually pay attention and read what i am trying to communicate to them, my bank as already checked all the documents, and say its more than enough legal proof for customer verification, and that the card info that they can provide is for one purchase digital card, which i already sent all info. Yet, they will surely insist. Stall, scam techniques.
I will send all conversation attempts available, through email and chat with them. Even though they did even deleted some chat conversations, but its expected from these type of practices. Sorry for the huge email with documentation you will receive.
All the best
Hello Nick
Yes i can. And to further my this thread as to help anyone with the same issue, i will leave here the email i just received from the MBway app / MBnet cards company, explain what i have been try to say to iWild but to no avail.
I will also send this email to you.
"Bom dia,
Informamos que através da App MB WAY não é possível emitir comprovativos de titularidade dos cartões MB NET.
Todas as operações efetuadas através do MB WAY têm sempre subjacente o cartão bancário real, desse modo, sugerimos o contacto com o seu banco de modo a obter um comprovativo detalhado de um movimento que ocorreu na sua conta bancária.
SIBS Customer Support
Departamento de Operações e Serviço a Cliente
Núcleo de Suporte de FrontOffice a Clientes"
"Good day,
Please be advised that it is not possible to issue proof of ownership of MB NET cards through the MB WAY App.
All operations carried out through MB WAY always have a real bank card behind it, therefore, we suggest contacting your bank in order to obtain detailed proof of a movement that occurred in your bank account.
SIBS Customer Support
Operations and Customer Service Department
FrontOffice Customer Support Center"
Iwild will probably tell me to go to the bank or whatever, but if they actually pay attention and read what i am trying to communicate to them, my bank as already checked all the documents, and say its more than enough legal proof for customer verification, and that the card info that they can provide is for one purchase digital card, which i already sent all info. Yet, they will surely insist. Stall, scam techniques.
I will send all conversation attempts available, through email and chat with them. Even though they did even deleted some chat conversations, but its expected from these type of practices. Sorry for the huge email with documentation you will receive.
Hvala jfrferreiradasilva za sve informacije koje ste dali. Sada ću vašu žalbu proslediti kolegi Mihalu ( ) koji će vam od sada pomagati.
Želim vam puno sreće u rešavanju.
Thank you jfrferreiradasilva for all the information provided. I will now forward your complaint to my colleague Michal ( who will be assisting you from now on.
Ja sam Mihal i preuzeo sam vašu žalbu. Pregledao sam ovaj slučaj i kontaktiraću kazino da rasvetlim ovu stvar.
Želeli bismo da pozovemo iVild Casino da se pridruži razgovoru.
Dragi iVild kazino,
Možete li da date objašnjenje zašto igračev KIC proces još uvek nije završen? Kao što je igrač pomenuo, dali su vam razne dokumente i objašnjenja zašto neki dokumenti ne mogu da se obezbede, jer u suštini ne postoji mogućnost da ih dobiju. Za virtuelne bankovne kartice (privremene ili jednokratne bankovne kartice) vrlo često nema dostupnih informacija i većina bankarskih aplikacija ne dozvoljava pravljenje snimaka ekrana.
Želeo bih da znam koji su drugi dokumenti, ako ih ima, još uvek potrebni da KIC popuni i kako igrač treba da ih dobije?
Radujem se vašem odgovoru.
Hello jfrferreiradasilva,
I'm Michal, and I have taken over your complaint. I have reviewed this case and I will contact the casino to shed more light on this matter.
We would like to invite iWild Casino to join the conversation.
Dear iWild Casino,
Can you please provide an explanation as to why the player's KYC process is still not concluded? As the player mentioned, they have provided you with various documents and explanations for why some documents cannot be provided, as there is basically no option for them to obtain them. For virtual bank cards (temporary or one-off bank cards) there is very often no information available and most of the bank apps don't allow screenshots to be taken.
I would like to know what other, if any, documents are still required for the KYC to complete and how the player should get them?
Samo da napomenem da sam upravo primio ovu e-poštu, u vezi sa temom „Zatvoreno tokom procesa verifikacije.", od iVildCasina.
„Naš finansijski tim vas obaveštava da je vaš nalog sada zamrznut dok verifikacija ne bude u potpunosti završena.
Čekamo dokumenta koja su od Vas tražena u prethodnom pismu, i to:
- Zvanični dokument koji potvrđuje vlasništvo kartice...
Imajte na umu da ako ne dostavite dokumente do 24.07.2025, vaš nalog će biti trajno zatvoren u skladu sa pravilima projekta 14.6.1."
Mere odugovlačenja se nastavljaju. A nameru da čak i zatvorim svoj pristup nalogu nemam više šta da dodam, samo želim da upozorim druge igrače na ove prakse i metode.
Žoao Fereira da Silva
Just to mention, that i just received this email, as to the subject of "Closed for the duration of the verification process.", from iWildCasino.
"Our Financial Team notifies you that your account is frozen now until the verification will be fully complete.
We are waiting for the documents that were requested from you in the previous letter, namely:
- The official document confirming the ownership of the card...
Please be advised that if you do not provide the documents by 24.07.2025 your account will be permanently closed in accordance with project rules 14.6.1."
The stalling measures continue. And the intent to even close my access to the account I have nothing more to add, i only wish to warn other players about these practices and methods.
Prihvatam vašu zabrinutost u vezi sa brzinom kojom se vaš problem rešava. Međutim, zbog vaše nemogućnosti da obezbedite standardne dokumente za KIC, kazino tim mora da utvrdi da li je potrebna neka alternativna dokumentacija (ako je uopšte ima) da bi se završio KIC proces i olakšalo vaše povlačenje. Radujem se pozitivnom napretku po ovom pitanju uskoro. Hvala vam na razumevanju i strpljenju.
Dear iwildcasino representative,
I'm looking forward to seeing some development soon.
Dear jfrferreiradasilva,
I acknowledge your concerns regarding the speed at which your issue is being addressed. However, due to your inability to provide the standard documents for KYC, the casino team must determine if any alternative documentation is necessary (if any at all) to complete the KYC process and facilitate your withdrawal. I look forward to positive progress in this matter shortly. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Moja nemogućnost da obezbedim standardne dokumente? Moja banka, pa čak i advokat, kao što je više puta rekao da sam obezbedio više nego dovoljno dokumenata za KIC, dokumenata koje sam vam poslao. Mislio sam da ste jasno razumeli situaciju, sa jednim od vaših prethodnih odgovora, očigledno ne.
Veoma sam razočaran ovim poslednjim odgovorom od vas CasinoGuru. Ali kao što sam rekao, osećam da mi je više nego jasno šta se dešava, i samo pokušavam da upozorim druge ljude na ovakve prakse.
My inability to provide the standard documents? My bank and even a lawyer as stated multiple times that i have provided more than enough documents for KYC, documents i have sent you. I thought you had a clear understanding of the situation, with one of your previous answers, apparently not.
I am very disappointed by this last response by you CasinoGuru. But as i said, i feel that i have been more than clear by what is happening, and i am just trying to warn other people of these kind of practices.
Izvinite, nekako sam zaboravio da dodam „(iz valjanih razloga)" u rečenici iz mog prethodnog odgovora.
Dakle, tačna rečenica je trebala biti:
zbog vaše nemogućnosti (iz valjanih razloga) da obezbedite sve standardne dokumente za KIC, kazino tim mora da utvrdi da li je potrebna neka alternativna dokumentacija (ako je uopšte ima) da bi se završio KIC.
Iako se mogu složiti sa vama da ste dostavili razne druge dokumente za verifikaciju, iVildCasino, kao i svaki drugi onlajn kazino, ima ovo pravilo u svojim uslovima i odredbama na koje ste pristali prilikom kreiranja naloga
Razgovaram sa kazino timom o vašem slučaju i mogu da vas uverim da je naš cilj da vam pomognemo, ali ako osećate da želite da nastavite sa svojim slučajem putem drugih kanala, mogu da nastavim da zatvorim vaš slučaj. Javite mi kako želite da postupite.
Dear jfrferreiradasilva,
I'm sorry, I somehow forgot to add "(for valid reasons)" in the sentence from my previous response.
So the correct sentence should have been:
due to your inability (for valid reasons) to provide all the standard documents for KYC, the casino team must determine if any alternative documentation is necessary (if any at all) to complete the KYC.
While I can agree with you that you have provided various other documents for the verification, iWildCasino, like any other online casino has this rule in its terms and conditions to which you agreed when creating your account
I'm in discussion with the casino team about your case, and I can assure you that our aim is to help you, but if you feel you want to pursue your case through other channels, I can proceed to close your case. Please let me know how you would like to proceed.
A cenim trenutni odgovor sa vaše strane i ispravku. Prema tome, nema nikakvih problema i srećan sam što ste vi i vaš tim pružili svu pomoć u vezi sa ovim problemom, i želim da ovo vidim do kraja i da vidim kakvu podršku i odgovore IVild Casino zaista ima za ovaj problem. Na taj način pomažete svim drugim igračima da se informišu pre korišćenja ovog sajta.
Hvala vam za svu podršku.
Srdačan pozdrav
Žoao Fereira da Silva
Dear Michal
A appreciate the immediate response from your part and the correction. Therefore, no problem whatsoever and i am happy with all the help you and your team can and have provided with this issue, and i wish to see this through and to see what kind of support and answers IWild Casino really has for this problem. Thus helping any other players in anyway as to be informed, before using this site.
Stalno dobijam mejlove od IvildCasino-a, dajući mi različita uputstva o tome šta treba da uradim da bih završio KIC proces. Ovo su poluautomatski mejlovi, jer su uputstva drugačija, i ja se malo nadam da će pročitati sva moja objašnjenja i motive zašto ne mogu da isporučim „VEOMA VAŽAN DOKUMENT" kartice koja je povezana sa mojim nalogom i ne postoji. Od odgovora od Michala, pokazuje pravila u svojim uslovima na koje ste pristali prilikom kreiranja naloga.
Odgovor IvildCasino tima se sigurno neće razlikovati od e-poruka koje dobijam, jer prikazuje njihove uslove i kao što sam više puta rekao, njih nije briga za vaše razloge, i znaju da informacije o kartici koju traže nisu dostupne.
Oni će sigurno tvrditi da važi ono što traže. Njima nije stalo do kupca/igrača.
I keep receiving emails from IwildCasino, giving me different instructions as to what i need to do to finish the KYC process. These are semi automatic emails, because the instructions are different, and i have very little hope that they read all of my explanation and motives as to why i cannot deliver the "VERY IMPORTANT DOCUMENT" of a card that is associated to my account and does not exist. Since the answer from Michal, showing the rules in its terms and conditions to which you agreed when creating your account.
The IwildCasino team answer will surely be no different from the emails i am receiving, as portraying to the their terms and as i stated multiple times, they do not care about your reasons, and they know that the info's of the card they request is not accessible.
They will surely claim that what they are asking is valid. They do not care about the customer/player.
Obavještavamo vas da smo u potpunosti upoznati sa vašom situacijom u vezi sa podnošenjem traženih dokumenata i stoga nudimo alternativno rješenje.
Proverite da li u svom poštanskom sandučetu postoji e-mail od KIC odeljenja sa daljim uputstvima. Da bismo nastavili, ljubazno vas molimo da dostavite alternativna dokumenta. Dok se proces verifikacije ne završi, vaš nalog će ostati zatvoren.
We inform you that we are fully aware of your situation regarding the submission of the requested documents and, therefore, provide an alternative solution.
Please check your mailbox for an e-mail from the KYC department with further instructions. To proceed, we kindly ask you to provide alternative documents. Until the verification process is completed, your account will remain closed.
Ovo je najnoviji email koji je poslao IVildCasino.
„Obavještavamo vas da u cilju brzog i efikasnog podizanja vaših sredstava, molimo da nam pošaljete sledeća dokumenta i informacije o vašoj kreditnoj/debitnoj kartici:
- Potvrda depozita koji je uplaćen na vaš račun za igre 24.01.2025 07:36, u iznosu od 40 EUR.
* Ovo može biti snimak ekrana iz aplikacije ili pdf izjava.
Uveravamo vas da vašim ličnim podacima i svim informacijama o plaćanju upravlja naš pouzdan sistem zaštite podataka."
Poslaću iste dokumente koje sam poslao GuruCasinu i IVildCasinu da vidim da li će biti drugačija analiza moje situacije.
Opet, sve ovo izgleda kao da govorim zidu od cigle! @Michal, to je ista vrsta odgovora. Objašnjavao sam ovo iznova i iznova, ne mogu ništa da uzmem iz aplikacije, a ono što mogu, poslao sam. Kažete da GuruCasino razgovara sa IVildCasinom, ali ja dobijam istu vrstu zahteva, bez obzira na sve što sam prijavio!? šta se dešava?
Hoćemo li da vučemo ovo dok mi ne zatvore nalog!? Ako dokumenti koje sam poslao nisu dovoljni, neka to samo kažu. Nema više šta da se pošalje. APLIKACIJA TO NE DOZVOLjAVA!!!
Poslaću svoju poslednju e-poštu IVildCasinu. Sadržaj tog mejla biće u ovom komentaru, uz ono što traže, sa „2025-01-24 07:36, u iznosu od 40 EUR. i pune informacije o kartici kreiranoj u APP-u.
Iznos od 40 evra otišao je sa mog računa debitne kartice 24. jan. 2025. 07:37:48
Imam još malo toga da dodam ovome.
This is the most recent email sent by IWildCasino.
"We inform you that in order to withdraw your funds quickly and efficiently, we ask you to send us the following documents and information about your Credit / Debit Card:
- Confirmation of the deposit that was made to your gaming account on 2025-01-24 07:36, in the amount of 40 EUR.
* This can be a screenshot from the application or a pdf statement.
We assure you that your personal information and any payment information are governed by our reliable data protection system."
I will be sending the same documents i have sent, to GuruCasino and IWildCasino to see if there will be a different analysis of my situation.
Again, this all seems like i am speaking to a brick wall! @Michal, its the same type of answers. I have explained this over and over, i cannot take anything from the app, and what i can, i have sent. You say GuruCasino is speaking with IWildCasino, but i get the same type of requests, disregarding all i have reported!? What is going on?
Are we going to drag this until they close my account!? If the documents i have sent are not enough, they should just say it. There is nothing more to send. THE APP DOES NOT ALLOW IT!!!
I will be sending my last email to IWildCasino. The contents of that email will be in this comment, with what they request, with the "2025-01-24 07:36, in the amount of 40 EUR." and the full info of the card created in the APP.
The amount of 40 euros left my debit card account at 24 jan.2025 07:37:48
Takođe, sredstva su skinuta sa mog računa debitne kartice tek 27.01.2025.
Kao što se vidi na snimku ekrana u mom poslednjem komentaru. Ovo je pdf izjava, koja se odnosi na iznos od 40 koji je skinut sa mog računa debitne kartice, sa kartice samo za jednu kupovinu. Na istu referencu na snimku ekrana i istog dana.
Ovo je više od dokaza.
Also, the funds were only removed from my debit card account on the 27-01-2025.
As seen the in the screenshot in my last coment. This is the pdf statement, refering to the amount of 40 being removed from my debit card account, from the one purchase only card. To the same reference in the screenshot and on the same day.
Razumem vašu frustraciju čitavom situacijom. Mislio sam da bi moglo da bude od pomoći ako slikate (sa drugim telefonom ili kamerom) iz aplikacije u kojoj je prikazana kartica 4061 ******5666 i gde pokazuje da je ovaj nalog aplikacije vaš (pokazuje vaše ime) gde je ova privremena kartica generisana. Ovo bi trebalo da odgovori na sve nedoumice kazino tima u vezi sa legitimnošću depozita koji ste izvršili sa te kartice. Molimo pošaljite ga kazino timu i uključite moju e-poštu u "Cc". Dokaz da je stvarna transakcija 2025-01-24 07:36, u iznosu od 40 evra, izvršena je, verujem, već dovoljno dokazan od vas.
Dear jfrferreiradasilva,
I understand your frustration with the whole situation. I was thinking it might be helpful if you took pictures (with a different phone or camera) from the app where the card 4061 ******5666 is shown and where it shows that this app account is yours (showing your name) where this temporary card was generated. This should adequately address any concerns the casino team may have regarding the legitimacy of the deposit made from that card by you. Please send it to the casino team and include my email in the "Cc". The proof that the actual transaction on 2025-01-24 07:36, in the amount of 40 EUR, was done has been, I believe, sufficiently proven by you already.
Drago mi je da vas obaveštavam da je očigledno proces KIC-a završen i moja dokumenta verifikovana.
Čak sam napravio novi zahtev za povlačenje sredstava.
Opet, ne verujem da je ovaj slučaj zatvoren. Siguran sam da će doći do još jedne situacije sa procesom povlačenja, na šta su se žalili mnogi drugi igrači.
Zaista bih vam bio zahvalan ako bismo ostali u kontaktu i ako bi ova nit bila otvorena, sve dok sredstva ne budu dostupna na mom računu.
Još jednom hvala na dosadašnjoj pomoći
GuruCasino i Mihal
Srdačan pozdrav
Žoao Fereira da Silva
Hello Michal
I am glad to inform that apparently the KYC process has been finished and my documents verified.
I even made a new withdrawal request of the funds.
Again, i do not believe this case is closed. I am most certain there will be another situation with the withdrawal proccess, as many other players have complained about.
Would really appreciate if we remained in contact and this thread open, until the funds were available in my account.
Želeo bih da se zahvalim Casino Guruu na ovoj ogromnoj pomoći, inače bih, sasvim sigurno, još uvek bio u limbu, razgovarajući sa automatskim imejlovima.
Posle skoro dva meseca ova situacija je rešena. Ne mislim zbog IVildCasino sistema podrške igračima/korisnicima, već zato što sam pokušao na različite kanale da izvršim pritisak za rešenje.
U svakom slučaju, prošli su, to je sve što mogu da kažem.
Najgore iskustvo koje sam ikada imao sa kazinom. Uopšte ne bih preporučio!!!
Hvala vam još jednom @Michal i CasinoGuru
Nadam se da ova tema zaista pomaže drugim igračima.
Srdačan pozdrav
Žoao Fereira da Silva
And the money has indeed reached my account.
I would like to thank Casino Guru for this tremendous help, otherwise, most certainly i would still be in limbo, talking to automatic emails.
After almost two months this situation has been solved. I do not think due to the IWildCasino player/customer support system, but because i tried through various channels to pressure for a solution.
In any case, they came through, that's all i can say.
Worst experience i ever had with a casino. Wouldn't recommend at all!!!
Hvala na potvrdi. Iako u potpunosti razumem vaše daleko od idealnog korisničkog iskustva sa ovom situacijom, drago mi je da je naše učešće igralo ulogu u rešavanju situacije i da ste dobili svoje dobitke. Označićemo žalbu kao „rešenu" u našem sistemu. Želimo da se zahvalimo obema stranama na saradnji. Ako ikada naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom u budućnosti, slobodno se obratite našem Centru za rešavanje žalbi. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Kao što znate, mi ne naplaćujemo naše usluge, niti primamo napojnice. Međutim, bili bismo vam veoma zahvalni ako biste odvojili trenutak da podelite svoje iskustvo sa našim uslugama na TrustpilotRate Casino Guru . Iskren pregled, zajedno sa svim predlozima za poboljšanje, bio bi od neprocenjive vrednosti. Vaše povratne informacije mogu pomoći drugima koji možda razmišljaju da nas kontaktiraju za pomoć u vezi sa problemima vezanim za onlajn kazino.
Hvala unapred na izdvojenom vremenu.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Casino Guru
Dear jfrferreiradasilva,
Thank you for the confirmation. While I fully understand your far from ideal user experience with this situation, I'm glad that our involvement played a role in resolving the situation and that you have received your winnings. We'll go ahead and mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system. We would like to thank both parties for their cooperation. If you ever encounter any issues with this or any other casino in the future, please feel free to reach out to our Complaint Resolution Centre. We're here to help.
As you know, we do not charge for our services, nor do we accept any gratuities. However, we would greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to share your experience with our services on Trustpilot Rate Casino Guru. An honest review, along with any suggestions for improvement, would be invaluable. Your feedback could help others who may be considering contacting us for assistance with online casino-related issues.
Thank you in advance for your time.
Best regards,
Casino Guru
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