Dragi Pavel ,
Dobili smo odgovor od KIC odeljenja u vezi sa situacijom.
Igraču je poslato mnogo pisama sa raznim objašnjenjima i primerima, ali nikakav odgovor nije dat.
Molimo igrača da se uveri da su svi traženi dokumenti poslati ispravno i na ispravnu adresu e-pošte.
Poslednje obaveštenje igraču je poslato 30.01.2025, na koje nije primljen odgovor.
Ako igrač ima problem da pošalje pismo iz svog poštanskog sandučeta, onda tražimo da se dokumenti pošalju u drugo poštansko sanduče koje pripada igraču, pošto nas prethodno ovde obavestimo sa koje e-pošte će pismo biti poslato.
U nastavku ću duplirati zahtev koji je igraču poslao KIC odeljenje:
Čekamo dokumenta koja su od Vas tražena u prethodnom pismu, i to:
Snimak ekrana vašeg ličnog bankovnog profila na mreži koji sadrži sledeće informacije:
- Broj bankovnog računa / IBAN (međunarodni broj bankovnog računa)
- ID banke / BIC (identifikacioni kod banke)
- Detaljna adresa korisnika (poštanski broj, ulica, grad, država)
Pošaljite sva tražena dokumenta na
Srdačan pozdrav,
ivildcasino predstavnik.
Dear Pavel,
We have received a response from the KYC department regarding the situation.
The player has been sent many letters with various explanations and examples, but no response has been provided.
We ask the player to make sure that all requested documents are sent correctly and to the correct email address.
The last notification to the player was sent on 01/30/2025, to which no response was received.
If the player has a problem sending a letter from his mailbox, then we ask that the documents be sent to another mailbox belonging to the player, having previously notified us here from which email the letter will be sent.
Below I will duplicate the request sent to the player by the KYC department:
We are waiting for the documents that were requested from you in the previous letter, namely:
A screenshot of your personal online bank profile which contains the following information:
- Bank account number / IBAN (international bank account number)
- Bank ID / BIC (bank identification code)
- Detailed address of beneficiary (postal code, street, city, country)
Please send all documents requested to kyc@iwildcasino.com
Best regards,
iwildcasino representative.
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