Iskreno da vam kažem, nisam mislio da kazino može da bude tako nemaran prema igračima, izgubio sam skoro 3.000 dolara na startu, pa osvojio 4.750 dolara, prošao sam sve KIC provere i sa mukom podigao 500 dolara, pokušavam da prebacim ostatak novca, ali su postavili datum za 6. do 06. do 7. meseca. plaćanje, za igrača je ovo nešto najgore što može da se desi, onda pišem odeljenju, tamo me ignorišu i pišu na čet, upućuju me na njih, tako me muče. I iskreno, nisam oduševljen RTP-om ovog kazina i nisam oduševljen odnosom prema igračima, jednom su mi napisali da zadržavamo pravo kada ćemo isplatiti i koliko, to ne znači da je problem preopterećenost, već je problem nemar prema igračima, pa jednostavno ne želim više da se bavim ovim kazinom čekajući svoj novac, ja hoću da dobijem.
I'll tell you honestly, I didn't think that a casino could be so careless with players, I lost almost $3,000 at the start, then won $4,750, I passed all the KYC checks and with difficulty withdrew $500, I'm trying to transfer the rest of the money, but they set the date for the 3rd and the 6th, $700, you have to wait a month to receive the payment, for a player this is the worst thing that can happen, then I write to the department, they ignore me there and write to the chat, they direct me to them, that's how they torture me. And honestly, I'm not delighted with the RTP of this casino and I'm not delighted with the attitude towards players, they once wrote to me that we reserve the right to when we will pay out and how much, this does not mean that the problem is overload, but the problem is negligence towards players, so I just don't want to deal with this casino anymore, I'm waiting for my honestly won money.