NaslovnaPritužbeJackbit Casino - Igrač se vratio nakon što je primio promotivne e-poruke.
Jackbit Casino - Igrač se vratio nakon što je primio promotivne e-poruke.
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Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
Slučaj je zatvoren : 15/04/2024
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pre 8 meseci
The player from the United Kingdom had self-excluded due to a gambling addiction in December, but promotional emails from the casino in March had led to account creation and relapse. The player had claimed that he had self-excluded from several casinos owned by the same company, using the same credentials each time. Despite this, he had continued to receive promotional emails, which he believed had led to his relapse. The casino had confirmed that his account was permanently blocked and no new account had been created with the same credentials. They had also denied any connection with the other casinos mentioned by the player. We had concluded that while it was unfortunate the player had received promotional emails, it was not grounds for compensation. The complaint had been closed as rejected.
Igrač iz Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva se samoisključio zbog zavisnosti od kockanja u decembru, ali su promotivni mejlovi iz kazina u martu doveli do otvaranja naloga i povratka. Igrač je tvrdio da se samoisključio iz nekoliko kazina u vlasništvu iste kompanije, koristeći svaki put iste akreditive. Uprkos tome, nastavio je da prima promotivne e-poruke, za koje je verovao da su dovele do njegovog recidiva. Kazino je potvrdio da je njegov nalog trajno blokiran i da nije kreiran novi nalog sa istim akreditivima. Takođe su negirali bilo kakvu vezu sa drugim kockarnicama koje je igrač naveo. Zaključili smo da, iako je bila nesreća što je igrač dobio promotivne e-poruke, to nije osnova za kompenzaciju. Žalba je zaključena kao odbijena.
Isključio sam se sa ovog sajta oko decembra (obavestio ih da imam zavisnost od kockanja). U martu su odlučili da počnu da mi šalju promotivne e-poruke, što je dovelo do toga da otvorim novi nalog i ponovo se vratim.
I excluded from this site around December (informed them I had a gambling addiction). In March they decided to start emailing me promotional emails which led to me making a new account and relapsing.
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaše negativno iskustvo sa Jackbit kazinom.
Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja kako bih bolje razumeo situaciju.
Da li je kazino poslao promotivni materijal na adresu e-pošte koju ste prethodno koristili u kazinu?
Možete li da dostavite dokaz da je ovaj nalog prethodno bio blokiran zbog samoisključenja?
Da li ste kontaktirali kazino u vezi sa ovim pitanjem? Da li ste dobili neki odgovor?
Možete li molim vas da podelite svoju komunikaciju sa kazinom? Šalji e-poštu ili transkripte ćaskanja na moju e-poštu na , ili postavite snimke ekrana ovde
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala vam unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Lucasg,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your negative experience with Jackbit Casino.
Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can better understand the situation.
Has the casino sent the promotional material to the email address you previously used in the casino?
Could you please provide evidence that this account was previously blocked due to self-exclusion?
Have you contacted the casino regarding the issue? Have you received any response?
Could you please share your communication with the casino? Send emails or chat transcripts to my email at, or post screenshots here
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Da, to je bio isti email. Isključio sam korišćenje ćaskanja uživo tako da nemam dokaz da sam isključio. Kontaktirao sam kazino i rekli su da se to desilo jer se „promocije mogu automatski slati zbog pretplate"
Yes it was the same email. I excluded using live chat so I don’t have evidence that I excluded. I did contact the casino and they said this happened because ‘promotions may be sent automatically due to the subscription’
Zar niste dobili nikakvu potvrdu o trajnom samoisključenju iz kazina?
Da li je vaš prvobitni nalog još uvek blokiran?
Možete li da kontaktirate kazino i zatražite od njih potvrdu da je adresa e-pošte na koju se pozivate samoisključena zbog zavisnosti od kockanja u prošlosti?
Možete ga podeliti sa mnom u niti za žalbe ili ga poslati na moju e-poštu na
Haven't you received any confirmation regarding a permanent self-exclusion from the casino?
Is your original account still blocked?
Could you please contact the casino and ask for their acknowledgment the email address you are referring to was self-excluded due to a gambling addiction in the past?
You can share it with me in the complaint thread or send it to my email at
Hvala vam puno, Lucasg, što ste dali potrebne informacije. Sada ću vašu žalbu preneti kolegi Jozefu ( ) koji će vam biti na usluzi. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, Lucasg, for providing the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Jozef ( who will be at your service. I wish you the best of luck and hope the problem will be resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Molimo da nam dostavite snimak ekrana promocije koju ste primili od Jackbit Casina nakon samoisključivanja, kao i novo korisničko ime i imejl naloga, za koje tvrdite da ste ih kreirali nakon povratka.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Lucas,
Please provide us with the screenshot of the promotion you received from Jackbit Casino after self-excluding, as well as the new account username and email, which you claim to have created after relapsing.
Već sam vam poslao snimak ekrana e-poštom, ali ću ga ponovo postaviti ovde.
Nikada nisam tvrdio da sam napravio novi nalog na Jackbit-u, rekao sam da sam doveden u relaps kao rezultat toga što ste mi poslali promotivni sadržaj e-poštom.
U danima nakon što sam dobio ovu promociju izgubio sam novac na cosmobet-u (koji je u vlasništvu vaše kompanije), a takođe i na mogu da pružim dokaze o ovim gubicima ako želite.
Još uvek niste dali nikakvo objašnjenje zašto su mi poslate promocije 3 meseca nakon što sam se isključio zbog zavisnosti od kockanja.
I had already emailed you the screenshot but I will post it again here.
I never claimed I had made a new account on Jackbit, I said I was triggered into a relapsing as a result of you emailing me promotional content.
In the days after I received this promotion I lost money on cosmobet (which is owned by your company) and also I can provide evidence of these losses if you wish.
You still have not provided any explanation of why I was sent promos 3 months after I had self excluded due to a gambling addiction.
Nalog korisnika je trajno samoisključen, na njihov zahtev. Nakon ove akcije, do sada nisu kreirani povezani nalozi na Jackbit Casino-u, a promotivne e-poruke su već opozvane sa registrovane adrese e-pošte korisnika.
Što se tiče ostalih pomenutih kazina, možemo pojasniti da ne tvrdimo nikakvu povezanost sa njima. Shodno tome, ne možemo preuzeti odgovornost za bilo koje radnje koje su se mogle desiti sa njima.
S poštovanjem,
Dear Casino Guru,
The user's account has been self-excluded permanently, per their request. Following this action, no associated accounts have been created on Jackbit Casino as of now, and promotional emails are already unsubscribed from the user's registered email address.
Regarding the other mentioned casinos, we can clarify that we do not claim any connection with them. Consequently, we cannot take responsibility for any actions that may have occurred with them.
Hvala na saradnji. Molim vas, možete li pojasniti kako je igrač uspeo da napravi nalog koristeći istu adresu e-pošte? Da li imate bilo kakve mere da sprečite igrače koji su zavisni da se kasno vrate i otvore novi nalog sa istim akreditivima?
Dear Jackbit Casino team,
Thank you for your cooperation. Please, can you clarify how the player managed to create an account using the same email address? Do you have any measures in place to prevent addicted players from returning late and creating a new account with the same credentials?
Kao što je ranije pomenuto, postojeći nalog korisnika je trajno blokiran, na njihov zahtev. Do sada, u našem kazinu nije kreiran nijedan nalog sa istom adresom e-pošte ili akreditivima. Informaciju je gore potvrdio i igrač.
Što se tiče mera za sprečavanje zavisnika od kockanja da kreiraju nove naloge, imamo posebne alate za rešavanje svakog slučaja u skladu sa tim.
S poštovanjem,
Dear Jozef,
As previously mentioned, the user's existing account has been permanently blocked, per their request. As of now, no account has been created at our casino with the same email address or credentials. The information has been confirmed above by the player as well.
Regarding the measures to prevent gambling addicts from creating new accounts, we have specific tools to handle each case accordingly.
Čini se da je moja pritužba pogrešno shvaćena, pa ću ići detaljnije.
Ovo bi moglo biti malo dugotrajno, izvinite, ali moram da razotkrim odvratnu taktiku kojom me je ova kompanija koristila. Isključio sam ih i obavestio ih da imam zavisnost od kockanja 5 puta, a oni me i dalje plene.
14. avgusta 2023. napravio sam nalog u kazinu Koristio sam korisničko ime lucasgunatilleke i imejl i završio KIC koristeći moj pasoš i vozačku dozvolu. je u vlasništvu i pod upravom SANTEDA INTERNATIONAL BV i regulisan je od strane vlade Curacao pod licencom za igre NO 1668/JAZ
Nakon što sam ih razotkrio, kompanija je uklonila ili izmenila ove informacije na svim svojim veb lokacijama (čini mi se kao priznanje krivice), ali imam snimke ekrana koje ću uključiti
Nakon što sam igrao na MiStake-u, shvatio sam da sam zavisnik od kockanja i da to ima zaista negativan uticaj na moj život, pa sam ih obavestio o svojoj zavisnosti od kockanja i naterao ih da mi zatvore nalog.
Nažalost, tada sam bio naveden da napravim novi nalog na kazinu Ponovo sam koristio korisničko ime lucasgunatilleke i imejl i završio kic koristeći moj pasoš i vozačku dozvolu. upravlja potpuno ista kompanija SANTEDA INTERNATIONAL BV i regulisana je od strane vlade Kurasaa pod licencom za igre NO 1668/JAZ. Goldenbet je identičan kazino MiStake-u, ono što ova kompanija radi je da hostuje svoj kazino na 7 različitih veb domena pod 7 različitih imena što onemogućava zavisnicima od kockanja da se efikasno isključe.
Dakle, nakon što sam izgubio značajnu količinu novca na, obavestio sam ih da imam zavisnost od kockanja i naterao ih da isključe moj nalog. Nažalost, tada sam bio naveden da napravim nalog na koji je tačna replika prethodne dve veb stranice i ponovo je u vlasništvu i pod upravom SANTEDA INTERNATIONAL BV i regulisan od strane vlade Curacaa pod licencom za igre NO 1668/JAZ.
Ponovo sam koristio korisničko ime lucasgunatilleke i email i završio kic koristeći moj pasoš i vozačku dozvolu. Posle velikih gubitaka ponovo sam ih obavestio o svojoj zavisnosti od kockanja i naterao ih da mi isključe nalog.
Tada sam, nažalost, napravio nalog na, koji je još jedna replika potpuno iste veb stranice kazina koja je u vlasništvu i kojom upravlja SANTEDA INTERNATIONAL BV i koju reguliše vlada Kurasaa pod licencom za igre NO 1668/JAZ. Još jednom sam koristio isto korisničko ime, Lucasgunatilleke i isti email , završio KIC sa mojim pasošem i vozačkom dozvolom, izgubio sam tonu novca i onda je račun isključen.
Zatim sam došao da napravim nalog na koji je ponovo bio apsolutna replika svih prethodno pomenutih kazino veb lokacija. Sada je zanimljivo da tvrdi da je u vlasništvu druge kompanije Riker BV, međutim još uvek je regulisana od strane vlade Curacao pod licencom za igre NO 1668/JAZ. Veoma je čudno kako dve različite kompanije dele istu licencu za igre i navelo me da posumnjam da je zapravo bila u vlasništvu iste kompanije kao i sve druge veb stranice.
Ove sumnje su se potvrdile kada su me tokom kontakta uživo uputili na imejl a onda kada sam istakao da je ovo pogrešna veb lokacija, agent za podršku je odgovorio „izvinjavam se zbog pogrešnog klika" (snimak ekrana ovoga je uključen).
Tako da sam na početku nove godine odlučio da ću zaista pokušati da prestanem sa kockanjem i isključio sam svoj nalog na
Posle toga sam se uzdržao od kockanja 3 meseca. Očigledno je da je SANTEDA bila veoma nesrećna što je izgubila jednog od svojih visokih klijenata jer su onda POČELI DA MI ŠALjUJU PROMOTIVNE IMEJLOVE NA E-MAIL DA SU I SVI MOJI ISKLjUČENI NALOGI POVEZANI.
Od kada sam isključio sa i obavestio ih o zavisnosti od kockanja koja je bila od 1. januara do 15. marta, nisam primio ni jedan promotivni e-mail od Jackbita, tako da je jasno da su me uklonili sa mailing liste. A onda sam 15. marta ponovo počeo da dobijam promotivne mejlove. To znači da je neko doneo odluku da ode i vrati me na mejling listu.
Nakon toga sam ponovo počeo da koristim sajt koji je verovali ili ne tačna replika svih prethodno pomenutih veb lokacija i koji je u vlasništvu i kojim upravlja SANTEDA INTERNATIONAL BV pod licencom za igre NO 1668/JAZ
It seems my complaint has been misunderstood so I will go into more detail.
This might be a bit long winded sorry but I have to expose the disgusting tactics this company has used to prey on me. I have excluded and informed them I have a gambling addiction 5 times and yet they continue to prey on me.
On the 14th August 2023 I created an account on the casino I used the username lucasgunatilleke and the email and completed KYC using my passport and driving license. is owned and operated by SANTEDA INTERNATIONAL B.V and regulated by the government of Curacao under gaming license NO 1668/JAZ
After I exposed them the company removed or altered this information on all of their websites (seems like an admission of guilt to me) but I have screenshots which I will include
After playing on MyStake I realised that I was addicted to gambling and that it was having a really negative impact on my life so I informed them of my gambling addiction and had them close my account.
Unfortunately I was then led to create a new account on the casino I again used the username lucasgunatilleke and the email and completed kyc using my passport and driving license. is operated by the exact same company SANTEDA INTERNATIONAL B.V and regulated by the government of Curacao under gaming license NO 1668/JAZ. Goldenbet is an identical casino to MyStake, what this company does is they host their casino on 7 different web domains under 7 different names making it impossible for gambling addicts to effectively exclude themselves.
So after losing a substantial amount of money on I informed them I had a gambling addiction and had them exclude my account. Unfortunately I was then led to create an account on which is an exact replica of the previous two websites and again is owned and operated by SANTEDA INTERNATIONAL B.V and regulated by the government of Curacao under gaming license NO 1668/JAZ.
I again used the username lucasgunatilleke and email and completed kyc using my passport and driving license. Again after big losses I informed them of my gambling addiction and had them exclude my account.
I then unfortunately created an account on which is another replica of the exact same casino website which is owned and operated by SANTEDA INTERNATIONAL B.V and regulated by the government of Curacao under gaming license NO 1668/JAZ. Once again I used the same username, Lucasgunatilleke and the same email, completed KYC with my passport and driving license lost a ton of money and then had the account excluded.
I then came to create an account on which once again was an absolute replica of all the previous mentioned casino websites. Now interestingly claims to be owned by a different company Ryker B.V however still regulated by the Curacao government under gaming license NO 1668/JAZ. It’s very strange how two different companies are sharing the same gaming license and led me to suspect that was actually owned by the same company as all the other websites.
These suspicions were confirmed when while contacting live chat they directed me to email and then when I pointed out this was the wrong website the support agent responded ‘sorry misclicked’ (screenshot of this is included).
So anyway at the start of the new year I decided that I would really try and quit gambling and I excluded my account on
After this I then abstained from gambling for 3 months. Clearly SANTEDA were very unhappy about losing one of their high roller clients because they then STARTED EMAILING ME PROMOTIONAL EMAILS TO THE EMAIL THAT ALL MY EXCLUDED ACCOUNTS WERE CONNECTED TOO.
From when I excluded from and informed them of the gambling addiction which was on January 1st up until March 15th I did not receive a single promo email from Jackbit so clearly they had removed me from the mailing list. And then on March 15th I started receiving the promo emails again. This means someone had made the decision to go and put me back on the mailing list.
Subsequently I then relapsed using the site which believe it or not is an exact replica of all the previous mentioned websites and is owned and operated by SANTEDA INTERNATIONAL B.V under gaming license NO 1668/JAZ
Došao sam do maksimalnog broja priloga za tu objavu, ali evo snimka ekrana agenta za ćaskanje uživo na koji mi kaže da pošaljem e-poštu
I reached the maximum attachments for that post but here is the screenshot of a live chat agent on telling me to email
Možemo da potvrdimo da je razlog za žalbu na odgovarajući način rešen i da problem više nije primenjiv. Korisnikova pretplata na e-poštu je već otkazana, i trenutno, nijedan nalog nije registrovan u Jackbit Casino-u koji koristi isto korisničko ime, adresu e-pošte ili akreditive.
Molimo da se žalba označi kao rešena.
Hvala vam na pažnji prema ovom pitanju.
S poštovanjem,
Dear Casino Guru,
We can confirm that the reason for the complaint has been addressed appropriately, and the issue is no longer applicable. The user's email subscription is already canceled, and as of present, no account has been registered at Jackbit Casino using the same username, email address, or credentials.
We kindly request the complaint to be marked as resolved.
Dakle, vlasnici Jackbit-a takođe poseduju još jedan kazino pod nazivom Freshbet u kojem sam igrao i isključio ga pre mesecima i obavestio ih o svojoj zavisnosti od kockanja.
A danas sam upravo dobio još jednu promotivnu e-poštu koja mi nudi 100 besplatnih okretaja. Mislio sam da je ovo možda prevara sa phishingom, ali sam kontaktirao podršku uživo i oni su potvrdili da je imejl legitiman.
So the owners of Jackbit also own another casino called Freshbet which I used to play on and excluded from months ago and informed them of my gambling addiction.
And today I just received another promotional email offering me 100 free spins. I thought this might have been a phishing scam but I contacted the live support and they verified the email was legitimate.
Ako pročitate propise odgovorne komisije za igre na sreću Curacao-a, možete pronaći sledeće:
„Strogo je zabranjeno slanje ciljanih poruka, telemarketing promocija, materijala klubova igrača ili drugih promotivnih materijala koji se odnose na aktivnosti kockanja samoisključenim ili nevoljno isključenim osobama. Stoga svi nosioci licenci moraju uspostaviti relevantne procedure i politike kako bi spriječili takve osobe da primaju promotivni materijal.
Dva kazina u vlasništvu vaše kompanije su mi sada poslala promotivni materijal mesecima nakon što sam isključio. Ako odnesem ovu žalbu komisiji, ona će biti prihvaćena, tako da bi bilo mnogo lakše da je rešite ovde
If you read the Curacao e gaming commissions responsible gaming regulations you can find the following,
‘It is strictly prohibited to send targeted mailings, telemarketing promotions, player club materials, or other promotional materials related to gambling activities to self excluded or involuntarily excluded persons. Therefore all licensees must set up relevant procedures and policies to prevent such persons from receiving promotional materials’
Two casinos owned by your company have now sent me promotional material months after I have excluded. If I take this complaint to the commission it’s going to be upheld so it would be much easier if you would just resolve it here
hvala na detaljnom objašnjenju i svim informacijama. Veoma mi je žao zbog situacije, ali na osnovu vaših izjava, bojim se da nemate pravo na povraćaj novca.
Iako nije u redu što ste ponovo počeli da dobijate promotivne mejlove od kazino tima, i nadam se da su se izvinili zbog ove neprijatnosti, to nije razuman osnov za primanje nadoknade. Jasno je da je to bio tehnički problem, a ne motivacija da vas odvedu u njihov kazino.
Pored toga, imajte na umu da se samoisključenje odnosi samo na kazino iz kojeg ste sami isključili, sa izuzetkom kada jasno dobijete informaciju da se samoisključivanje odnosi na sva kazina u vlasništvu ili kojima upravlja ista kompanija.
Takođe, imajte na umu da JackBit kazino nema licencu Curacao, ali sve indicije sugerišu da su licencirani na Komorima.
Zaključujući sve gore navedene informacije, primoran sam da zatvorim vaš slučaj kao odbijen. Ako vam je potreban savet kako da kontaktirate njihov regulator ili imate bilo kakva pitanja, slobodno me kontaktirajte na moju adresu e-pošte navedenu u nastavku.
thank you for the detailed explanation and all the information. I am very sorry about the situation, but based on your statements, I am afraid you are not entitled to receive a refund.
Although it is not okay that you started to receive promotional emails from the casino team again, and I very hope that they apologized for this inconvenience, it is not a reasonable ground to receive compensation. It was clearly a technical issue and not a motivation to get you to their casino.
Additionally, please be aware that self-exclusion applies only to the casino you self-excluded from, with the exception where you clearly receive information that self-exclusion applies to all casinos owned or operated by the same company.
Also, please note that JackBit casino does not hold a Curacao license, but all indications suggest that they are licensed in Comoros.
Concluding all the information above, I am forced to close your case as rejected. If you need advice on how to contact their regulator or have any questions, feel free to reach me at my email address mentioned below.