Dragi moji,
Hvala vam što ste se obratili! Izvinjavamo se zbog neprijatnosti na koje ste naišli u vezi sa verifikacijom naloga. Međutim, želimo da naglasimo da je verifikacija naloga neophodna, u skladu sa sledećim tačkama Uslova veb-sajta:
5.1 Morate nam pružiti sve informacije koje možemo zatražiti da bismo upravljali vašim nalogom, verifikovali vaš identitet ili izvor sredstava deponovanih na vaš račun. Ovo uključuje (ali nije ograničeno na) ispravno sertifikovanu ličnu kartu, dokaz o prebivalištu, dokaz o vlasništvu i istoriju transakcija korišćenih metoda plaćanja, uključujući izvode iz banke ili kreditne/debitne kartice itd.
5.2 Možemo, po sopstvenom i apsolutnom nahođenju, da koristimo sve dodatne procedure i sredstva koja smatramo prikladnim da verifikujemo vaš identitet, starost, prebivalište i druge okolnosti (KIC), i pre i nakon izvršenja depozita na vaš račun i/ili pravljenja povlačenje. Kao što trenutno vidimo, vi ste otkazali vaša aktivna povlačenja i odlučili ste da zatvorite nalog. Iako nam je žao što to čujemo, cenimo vašu odluku. Pošto je nalog zatvoren, ne možemo da nastavimo sa bilo kakvim radnjama na nalogu.
S poštovanjem,
JackpotFrenzi Administration
Dear all,
Thank you for reaching out! We apologize for the inconvenience you have run into, in regards to the account verification. However, we would like to emphasize that the account verification is necessary, as per the following points of the website's Terns and Conditions:
5.1 You must provide us with all information that we may request in order to manage your account, verify your identity or the source of the funds deposited to your account. This includes (but is not limited to) properly certified ID, proof of residence, proof of ownership and transaction histories of the payment methods used, including bank or credit/debit card statements etc.
5.2 We may, at our sole and absolute discretion, use any additional procedures and means we may deem fit to verify your identity, age, residence and other circumstances (KYC), both before and after effecting deposits into your account and/or making a withdrawal. As we currently see, your active withdrawals were canceled by you, and you decided to close the account. While we are sorry to hear that, we value your decision. As the account has been closed, we are unable to proceed with any actions on the account.
JackpotFrenzy Administration
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