Dragi Luca, Casino Guru tim,
Prvo i najvažnije, Luca, izvinjavamo se zbog ovog iskustva! Ne ciljamo
da se naši klijenti tako osećaju, ili posebno zabrinuti za svoje dobitke.
Volimo kada naši kupci pobeđuju i težimo najboljem korisničkom iskustvu, na svim našim brendovima, uključujući projekat Jackpoti.
Isplata na koju se pozivate za naš drugi projekat - Kobra, nije isplata, već refundacija - za neuspeli depozit.
Zbog činjenice da ste stavili limit depozita 14. juna, sistem nije mogao da doda
depozit na vaš račun za igre (tehnička funkcionalnost koja funkcioniše na ovaj način da poštuje ograničenja korisnika) - izvršili smo povraćaj novca istog dana, kao što je pomenuto, trudimo se da zadovoljimo potrebe naših kupaca na mestu.
Što se tiče Jackpoti naloga - ispravno ste dostavili dokumente, nažalost, zbog nedostajućih depozita morali smo da potvrdimo dokumentaciju sa našim odeljenjem za plaćanje i tu dolazi do pogrešne komunikacije između više naših odeljenja.
To su veoma, veoma retki slučajevi, ali ponekad i neophodni, jer želimo da obezbedimo bezbednost naših kupaca i da svi dobici budu ostvareni sopstvenim sredstvima.
Nemamo interes da „držimo" ili „odlažemo" vaša sredstva, kao „strategiju" da ih izgubite.
Kopaćemo dublje u naše procedure i gde je komunikacija bila pogrešna, ali opet nemamo interesa za takve radnje. Korisnička podrška vam je pružila informacije koje su imali u ovom trenutku, pošto je slučaj van njihovog delokruga, ali na višem nivou.
Naravno, ovo vam ne pruža željeno rešenje, ali ćemo ga dalje odvesti odavde.
Šta možemo da ponudimo kao rešenje za neprijatno iskustvo: Dodaćemo 250 EUR na vaš saldo, jer sada vidimo da je poslednjih 250 EUR od 21/06 izgubljeno, tako da možete imati 1000 EUR u čekanju za isplatu i mi ćemo nastaviti odmah.
Nadamo se da ćete sa ovim rešenjem osetiti našu zahvalnost za naše klijente.
Javite nam svoje misli. Hvala unapred na vašem vremenu i saradnji!
S poštovanjem,
Tim za upravljanje kazinom Jackpoti
Dear Luca, Casino Guru team,
First and foremost, Luca, we apologize for this experience! We do not aim
our customers to feel this way, or particularly concerned about their winnings.
We love it when our customers win and we strive for the best customer experience, on all our brands, including Jackpoty project.
The cashout you refer to for our other project - Cobra, is not a cashout, but a refund - for an unsuccessful deposit.
Due to the fact you put a deposit limit on the 14th of June, the system was not able to add
the deposit in your gaming account (technical functionality which works this way to respect customer's limits) - we did a refund on the same day, as mentioned, we strive to satisfy our customers' needs on point.
About the Jackpoty account - you have provided the documents correctly, unfortunately, due to the missing deposits we had to confirm with our Payment department the documentation and this is where the miscommunication happens between multiple of our departments.
Those are very, very rare cases, but sometimes required, as we would like to ensure our customers' safety and all winnings are obtained with customers' own funds.
We have no interest in "holding" or "delaying" your funds, as a "strategy" for you to lose them.
We will dig deeper into our procedures and where the communication was misleading, but again we have no interest in such actions. The Customer Support provided you with the information they had at the moment, as the case is out of their scope but at a Senior level.
Of course, this does not provide you with the desired solution, but we will take it further from here.
What we can offer as a resolution for the unpleasant experience: We will add 250 EUR to your balance, as we can see now the last 250 EUR from 21/06 are lost, so you can have 1000 EUR in pending cashout and we will proceed immediately.
We hope that with this solution, you will sense our appreciation for our customers.
Let us know your thoughts. Thanks in advance for your time and cooperation!
Jackpoty Casino Management Team
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