Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
Slučaj je zatvoren : 05/02/2024
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The player from the US had won 30K at Jazz Casino playing blackjack, but the casino had frozen the account for a 'routine review'. After a few days, the casino had claimed a glitch had doubled some of their winnings and bets, and reduced their balance to zero, alleging that the player actually owed the casino $1,100. The player had disputed this claim. The Complaints Team had reviewed the evidence provided by both the player and the casino and had concluded that the winnings were invalid due to a technical issue. Despite an initial mistake in the casino's reporting, the correct game logs (supplied by the game provider) supported the casino's explanation. In addition, the regulator had also decided in favour of the casino. Consequently, the complaint had been closed as unjustified.
Igrač iz SAD je osvojio 30.000 u Jazz kazinu igrajući blekdžek, ali je kazino zamrznuo račun radi 'rutinskog pregleda'. Posle nekoliko dana, kazino je tvrdio da je greška udvostručila neke od njihovih dobitaka i opklada i smanjila njihov saldo na nulu, navodeći da igrač zapravo duguje kazinu 1.100 dolara. Igrač je osporio ovu tvrdnju. Tim za žalbe je pregledao dokaze koje su pružili i igrač i kazino i zaključio da su dobici nevažeći zbog tehničkog problema. Uprkos početnoj grešci u izveštavanju kazina, ispravni zapisnici igara (koje je obezbedio provajder igre) podržavaju objašnjenje kazina. Pored toga, regulator je takođe odlučio u korist kazina. Shodno tome, žalba je zaključena kao neopravdana.
Član sam Jazz Casina od 2021. Uvek sam igrao blek džek i jedva nešto drugo. Obično ću osvojiti oko 1000 dolara tu i tamo, ponekad 500 dolara, i odustati ranije. nikada nije imao problema sa isplatom. Ovog puta sam odlučio da igram dalje i to ne baš rano. Od 17. novembra 2023. do 19. novembra 2023. krenuo sam u ludo trčanje. Sve je škljocalo! Moja bočna opklada (par & 21+3) je pogodila, moje ruke su udarale, a diler je propao! Takođe plaćam 2/3 ruke odjednom. Često se dupliram i često razdvajam. Do nedelje sam imao oko 30 hiljada na svom računu. sve iz blackjacka i ja sam igrao satima i satima svakog dana. Balans bi išao nadole i gore. dole i gore, ali sam uglavnom bio na vrhu!
Na kraju su mi zamrznuli nalog i rekli da je to za „rutinski pregled" i da se vrate za 24 sata. ovo je bila nedelja uveče/ ponedeljak ujutro. Mislio sam da su kul da verovatno proveravaju da li varam ili perem novac, što nisam ni ja, tako da nisam razmišljao o tome. Prošla 24 sata moj nalog je još uvek zaključan. Zovem, oni kažu "Čestitam na dobicima i vaš račun će biti otključan za 24 - 48 sati." Ja kažem dobro, nazvaću ponovo u ponedeljak. Nemam šta da krijem. Igrao sam pošteno.
Dobio sam poziv od NICK-a u petak i obavestio me da nisam osvojio 30.000 u blackjack-u jer je došlo do greške između Fresh špila i džez kazina.
Kaže da su neki moji dobici isplaćeni duplo i da se neke od mojih opklada nisu povukle sa mog bilansa. Zatim je rekao da smo preračunali sve opklade i da zapravo dugujem kazinu 1100 dolara, izvinjavam se zbog neprijatnosti i da će mi poništiti račun.
Rekao sam mu da je to nemoguće! Dobio sam previše opklada sa strane da bih izgubio, ne uključujući duple padove i splitove koje sam osvojio. Nemoguće je da ga nemam, a nikad nisam osvojio više nego što je trebalo, a oni povlače sve moje gubitke sa mog bilansa svaki izgubljeni!
Rekao sam mu da mi pošalje tabelu sa svim mojim opkladama. Poslao je 3 tabele, 2 sadrže sve moje opklade na ono što se zaista dogodilo i 1 sadrži ono što je Jazz Casino napravio od opklada. Mislim da su samo nešto izmislili da bi pokušali da ih pokriju.
Trenutno prolazim kroz opklade koje su se stvarno desile, za koje kažu da su pogrešne i sve su tačne i sabiraju se. Nisam plaćen duplo ili više nego što je trebalo i na svaki gubitak koji su mi skidali sa računa.
Pokušavaju da me ukoče!
I've been a member of Jazz Casino since 2021. I always played blackjack and hardly anything else. I'll usually win around $1000 here and there, sometimes $500, and quit early. never had a problem getting paid. This time I decided to play on and not quite early. From November 17, 2023 - November 19 2023 I went on a crazy run. Everything was clicking! My side bet (pair & 21+3) was hitting, My hands were hitting and the dealer was busting! I also pay 2/3 hands at a time. I double often and split often. By Sunday I had about 30K in my account. all from blackjack and I played for hours and hours each day. The balance would go down and up. down and up but I mostly came out on top!
They ended up freezing my account and said it was for "routine review" and come back in 24 hours. this was Sunday night/ Monday morning. I thought cool they were probably checking if I was cheating or laundering money which I was doing neither so I thought nothing of it. 24 hours go by my account is still locked. I call they say "Congratulations on your winnings and your account will be unlocked in 24 - 48 hours. " I say fine I'll call back on Monday. I have nothing to hide. I played fair and square.
I got a call from NICK on Friday informing me that I didn't win 30K in blackjack because there was a glitch between Fresh deck and jazz casino accounting.
He says some of my winnings were paid out double and some of my bets did not withdraw from my balance. He then said we recalculated all of the bets and that I actually owed the casino $1100 he was sorry for the inconvenience and would zero out the account for me.
I told him that it was impossible! I won too many side bets to have lost not including the double downs and splits that I won. It is impossible for me not to have one, and I never won more than I was supposed to and they withdraw all of my losses from my balance each lost!
I told him to please send me a spreadsheet of all of my bets. He sent 3 spreadsheets, 2 contain all my bets of what really happened and 1 contains what Jazz Casino created from the bets. I think they just made something up to try and cover them.
I am currently going through the bets that actually happened that they are saying is wrong & they are all correct and adding up. I was not paid double or more than I was supposed to and on every loss they withdrew from my account.
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem.
Možete li, molim vas, proslediti relevantnu komunikaciju ili snimke ekrana zajedno sa istorijom vaše igre ?
U međuvremenu, pogledajte naš članak koji objašnjava „Kako se programiraju slot mašine" i možda će vam pomoći da razumete kako serveri komuniciraju sa igračima i koji problemi se mogu pojaviti na putu.
Da li ste dobili neki zvaničan izveštaj od provajdera igre?
Radujemo se Vašem odgovoru. Hvala unapred na saradnji i razumevanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear KellCromer,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem.
Could you please forward any relevant communication or screenshots along with your game history to
Meanwhile, please check our article explaining "How slot machines are programmed" and maybe it’ll help to understand how servers communicate with players and what issues might occur on the way.
Have you received any official report from the game provider?
Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding.
Da, takođe su mi poslali opklade u tabeli i prošao sam preko 3.000 opklada i nisam našao duple isplate, a kada sam izgubio, svaki put su mi to skinuli sa bilansa.
Yes they also sent me the bets in a spreadsheet and i went through over 3,000 bets and found no double pays out and when i lost they took it out of my balance everytime.
Na sreću, snimio sam istoriju svog naloga pre nego što su mi zaključali nalog. Jedini put kada sam udvostručio svoju opkladu je kada sam udvostručio ili podelio ruku, što se može desiti na bilo kojoj ruci u blackjack-u.
I luckily screenshot my account history before they locked me out of my account. The only time i got double my bet is when I doubled or split my hand which can happen on any hand in blackjack.
Hvala, KellCromer, što ste prosledili e-poštu sa istorijom vaše igre. Primetio sam da ste primili e-poštu od kazina, ali da li imate bilo kakvu informaciju o zvaničnoj izjavi provajdera igre koja bi objasnila tehničku grešku?
Thanks, KellCromer, for forwarding the email with your game history. I noticed you received an email from the casino, but do you have any information about an official statement from the game provider that would explain the technical glitch?
Neću. Kontaktirao sam novi špil da vidim da li mogu da potvrde grešku, ali bez odgovora i zvanične izjave iz džez kazina. Samo snimak ekrana e-pošte koji sam poslao
I do not. I contacted fresh deck to see if they could confirm a glitch but no response and no official statement from jazz casino. Just the email I screenshot that i sent over
Nisam bio jedini koji je igrao za ovim stolovima, ali izgleda da sam jedini koji je pobedio. Ali oni govore o računovodstvenoj grešci koja se ne može naći u računovodstvu. Sve moje opklade i bilansi su tačni
I wasn't the only one playing at these tables but seems like I am the only one who won. But they are saying an accounting glitch that can't be found in the accounting. All my bets and balances adds up correct
Puno vam hvala, KellCromer, na pružanju svih potrebnih informacija. Vašu žalbu ću sada preneti kolegi Branislavu ( ) koji će vam biti u pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, KellCromer, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Branislav ( who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Žao mi je što čujem za vaše neprijatno iskustvo. Kontaktiraću kazino i potrudiću se da rešim problem što je pre moguće. Sada bih želeo da pozovem predstavnika Jazz Casina da se pridruži ovom razgovoru i učestvuje u rešavanju ove žalbe.
Dragi Jazz Casino timu ,
Možete li nam dati detaljnije objašnjenje situacije igrača? Zašto su sporni dobici oduzeti?
Igrač nam je dao objašnjenje i zapise igara iz kazina u kojima se navodi razlog zašto mu je stanje smanjeno na 0 dolara. Vidim da je bilo neslaganja između statusa stanja u mnogim redovima (početno stanje u odnosu na konačne vrednosti bilansa), ali detalji nisu potpuno jasni. Kako je kazino zaključio da bi konačni saldo igrača nakon korekcije trebao biti manji od 1.100 dolara? Kako je to izračunato i zašto bi trebalo oduzeti sav dobitak?
Možete li, molim vas, da to pokažete na određenim primerima iz istorije igre igrača?
Da li imate neku zvaničnu izjavu od svog provajdera igara u vezi sa tim detaljima? Ako jeste i moguće je, možete li to podeliti sa mnom?
Podatke je moguće deliti direktno ovde, uz vaš odgovor (snimke ekrana) ili slanjem na moju adresu e-pošte ( ).
Hvala vam unapred na pružanju informacija.
Hello, KellCromer,
I am sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience. I will contact the casino and try my best to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Now I would like to invite Jazz Casino's representative to join this conversation and participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Dear Jazz Casino team,
Could you please provide us with an explanation of the player's situation in more detail? Why have the disputed winnings been confiscated?
The player provided us with an explanation and game logs from the casino stating a reason why his balance was decreased to $0. I can see there were discrepancies between the balance statuses in many rows (initial balance vs. final balance values), but the details are not completely clear. How did the casino conclude that the player's final balance after the correction should be less than $1,100? How was it calculated, and why all the winnings should be confiscated?
Are you please able to show it on particular examples from the player's game history?
Do you have any official statement from your game provider regarding the matter with the details? If yes and it is possible, can you share it with me?
It is possible to share the data directly here, with your reply (screenshots), or by sending them to my email address (
Thank you in advance for providing the information.
zdravo Prošao sam kroz dnevnik igre i nisam video nikakve razlike sa početnim i završnim stanjem.
kada sam pobedio dodali su na saldo a kada sam izgubio oduzeli su izgubljeno od mog bilansa.
nije bilo duple isplate. Ili bilo kakvih propuštenih odbitaka kada sam izgubio sa ravnoteže. Uzeli su mi opkladu svaki put kada sam izgubio.
vidite u dnevniku igre gde postoje 2 ili 3 ruke u kojima sam izgubio ili pobedio i činilo se da je ravnoteža ostala ista, ali je izračunata u sledećoj ruci. Zato što sam igrao 3 ruke istovremeno. Ponekad 2, ali uglavnom 3 ruke protiv jednog dilera. Dodaću primer gde se to dogodilo, ali nalog se uvek ponovo dodaje.
vidite donje 3 ruke.
Početno stanje 29900,4677
Izgubio sam sve 3 ruke
ukupno izgubljeno -300,00
pogledajte početni bilans ruke 4.
Videćete 300,00 kao što je oduzeto od bilansa.
početno stanje na ruci 4 je 29600,4676.
svakih 100,00 iz poslednje 3 moje ruke je oduzeto od mog bilansa.
nema propuštenih odbitaka sa mog stanja kada sam izgubio. & Bez duplih plata….
hi I went through the game log and didn’t see any discrepancies with the starting balance and ending balance.
when I won they added to the balance and when I lost they subtracted the lost from my balance.
there wasn’t any double payout. Or any missed deductions when I lost from my balance. They took my bet each time I lost.
you do see in the game log where there are 2 or 3 hands where I lost or won and the balance seemed to stay the same but it calculated on the next hand. Because I was playing 3 hands at a time. Sometime 2 but mostly 3 hands against the dealers one. I’ll add an example of where this occurred but the account always added back up.
you see the bottom 3 hands.
Starting balance 29900,4677
I lost all 3 hands
total lost -300,00
look at the starting balance of hand 4.
You’ll see the 300,00 as been subtracted from the balance.
the starting balance at hand 4 is 29600,4676.
each 100,00 from the last 3 hands of mine had been subtracted from my balance.
there isn’t any missed deductions from my balances when I lost. & No double pays….
Hvala na objašnjenju. Međutim, podelili ste samo nekoliko primera gde je moglo biti u redu, i to samo za izgubljene opklade. Ali, niko nije tvrdio da su sve opklade netačne ili netačno pripisane na bilans ili odbijene od njega.
U međuvremenu, nedavno sam bio u kontaktu sa predstavnikom kazina i sada mi je jasnije. Pokušaću da vam objasnim na konkretnom primeru, ali prvo imam nekoliko pitanja, jer još uvek čekam neke dodatne detalje i pojašnjenje od predstavnika kazina, a moraću i interno da razgovaram o tome sa timom .
Spomenuli ste da vam je neko iz kazina poslao " 3 tabele, 2 sadrže sve moje opklade o tome šta se zaista dogodilo, a 1 sadrži ono što je Jazz Casino napravio od opklada. Mislim da su upravo izmislili nešto da bi pokušali da ih pokriju. "
U mejlu koji ste ranije poslali mojoj koleginici Petroneli, vidim da postoji samo 1 tabela (Ekcel fajl/izveštaj/logovi igre). Kako vam je kazino poslao te datoteke? Možete li molim vas da prosledite sve mejlove iz kazina sa svim priloženim datotekama na moju adresu e-pošte ( )?
Vidim da koristite Gmail, pa vas molim, pošaljite ih na sledeći način: kliknite desnim tasterom miša na svaku e-poštu i izaberite opciju „Prosledi kao prilog" iz padajućeg menija. Za to preporučujem korišćenje računara.
Takođe ste spomenuli da imate snimke ekrana sa vaših sesija igre. Možete li mi poslati sve njih da uporedim sa detaljima koje su dali kazino i provajder igara?
Sada, primer:
Detaljno sam video opklade na slici ispod - 3 mesta 50$ glavna opklada po svakom + sporedne opklade (2k25$ po sedištu).
Hronološki, podaci idu odozdo prema gore.
Ekcel red 1121 - opklada -> gubitak (-$100)
Ekcel red 1120 - opklada -> pobeda glavne opklade, gubitak sporedne opklade (+100$)
Ekcel red 1119 - opklada -> pobeda glavne opklade, gubitak sporedne opklade (+100$)
Sve u svemu, kladili ste se 300 dolara i vratili 200 dolara, tako da je trebalo da vam se vrati pobeda od 200 dolara, ukupno je trebalo da budete u minus 100 dolara u poređenju sa saldom koji ste imali na početku runde. Umesto toga, nakon ovih rundi, vaše stanje je bilo 100 USD plus u poređenju sa početnim stanjem (dobiti su kreditirani dva puta).
Međutim, provajder ima kompletan i tačan izveštaj gde je sve tačno prikazano. Dakle, objašnjenje kazina ima smisla, a podaci podržavaju tvrdnje kazina o tehničkim problemima između kazina i provajdera igara i činjenici da ste videli netačne podatke na svom nalogu tokom vaših sesija.
Da li vam je sada jasnije, molim vas?
Takođe, u međuvremenu se pojavilo još jedno pitanje – pošto su podaci kazina bili netačni i vrlo je verovatno da ste videli samo ove podatke na svom nalogu i tokom igre, dok se greška dešavala na mnogim događajima, da li ste to primetili u nekom trenutku? Da li ste u bilo kom trenutku bili svesni greškom uknjiženih sredstava na vaše stanje?
Malo je teško poverovati da ste (na primer) uložili ukupno 300 dolara, osvojili 2 mesta sa 200 dolara, ali ste dobili 400 dolara, a niste to primetili ni u jednom slučaju.
Obavestiću vas kada budem imao dodatne detalje od predstavnika kazina i mog tima.
Dear KellCromer,
Thank you for the explanation. However, you shared only a few examples where it could have been OK, and only for the lost bets. But, nobody claimed that all the bets were incorrect or incorrectly credited to the balance or deducted from it.
In the meantime, I was in contact with the casino representative recently, and it is clearer to me now. I will try to explain it to you using a particular example, but first, I have a few questions, because I am still waiting for some additional details and clarification from the casino representative, and I will have to also discuss it internally with the team.
You mentioned that someone from the casino sent to you "3 spreadsheets, 2 contain all my bets of what really happened and 1 contains what Jazz Casino created from the bets. I think they just made something up to try and cover them."
In the email you sent to my colleague Petronela earlier, I can see there is only 1 spreadsheet (Excel file/report/game logs). How did the casino send you those files? Can you please forward all the emails from the casino with all the attached files to my email address (
I see you use Gmail, so please, send them as follows: click the right mouse button per each email and choose the "Forward as an attachment" option from the drop-down. I recommend using a PC for that.
You also mentioned that you have screenshots from your game sessions. Can you please send me all of them to compare with the details provided by the casino and the game provider?
Now, the example:
I saw the bets in the screenshot below in detail - 3 seats 50$ main bet per each + side bets (2x25$ per seat).
Chronologically, the data goes from the bottom upwards.
Excel row 1121 - bet -> loss (-$100)
Excel row 1120 - bet -> main bet win, side bet loss (+$100)
Excel row 1119 - bet -> main bet win, side bet loss (+$100)
Overall, you bet $300 and won $200 back, so you should have been credited back with a $200 win, in total, you should have been in minus $100 compared to the balance you had at the beginning of the round. Instead, after these rounds, your balance was $100 in plus compared to the initial balance (the winnings credited twice).
However, the provider has the complete and correct report where everything is shown correctly. So, the casino's explanation makes sense, and the data supports the casino's claims about technical glitches between the casino and the game provider and the fact that you saw the incorrect data in your account during your sessions.
Is it please clearer to you now?
Also, one more question arose in the meantime - since the casino's data was incorrect and you very likely saw only this data in your account and during play, while the glitch occurred on many events, did you notice it at some point? Were you aware of the erroneously credited funds to your balance at any point?
It is a bit difficult to believe that you (for example) bet $300 in total, won 2 seats with $200, but got $400, and you did not notice it in any instance at all.
I will inform you when I have additional details from the casino representative and my team.
Žao mi je zbog kašnjenja. Bilo je dosta komunikacije sa predstavnikom kazina van teme i sa mojim timom. Pošto ne funkcioniše kao Live Chat, trajalo je mnogo duže nego što sam očekivao, a takođe je i dalje u toku ćaskanje sa predstavnikom kazina na Skipe-u. Iskreno cenim vaše strpljenje.
Međutim, tehnički kvar se dogodio drugačije. Mnogi dobici su udvostručeni, ali to ne znači da je za konačan rezultat dovoljno odbiti samo polovinu dobitka. Želeo bih da to ponovo stavim u perspektivu.
Kazino vas je obavestio da su opklade i dobici udvostručeni i da bi vaš tačan saldo trebalo da bude -1,125 dolara, tako da su resetovali vaš balans na 0 dolara. Ali, nakon pregleda svih detalja i dokaza dobijenih do sada, čini se da nisu u potpunosti tačni i da iz nekog razloga nedostaje deo ispravnih evidencija igara u fajlu (tačnim podacima) koji ste dobili od kazina, u poređenju sa originalnim i kompletnim. Jedan datum nedostaje.
Podaci pokazuju da opklade nisu udvostručene, već su udvostručeni samo dobici, i da je sveukupno, prema tačnim zapisnicima igre, vrlo verovatno da bi vaš konačni saldo trebalo da bude 1.125 USD plus, a ne negativan.
Dnevnici igre koje ste opisali kao „izmišljene" podatke iz kazina, koje niste podelili sa nama, iz nepoznatog razloga, na početku sa svim prilozima i kompletnim telom e-pošte sa lepim objašnjenjem, gde je nešto oko 2100 redova nedostaje, da li su tačni podaci od provajdera igre. Čak je vrlo lako proveriti i saznati koji su podaci tačni. Možete videti razliku ako uporedite primere opklada/dobitka navedene u mom prethodnom postu sa podacima od provajdera igre (tih 735 redova). Objašnjenje za različit broj redova je ovde jedna od lakših stvari - 1. Izveštaj od provajdera igre se generiše na potpuno drugačiji način. Na primer, u normalnim okolnostima, 3 reda u izveštaju dobavljača igre se prikazuju kao 6 redova u izveštaju generisanom iz sistema kazina. 2. Povrh tačke 1., bilo je duplih redova dobitaka u sistemu kazina uzrokovanih tehničkim kvarom. 3. Jedan datum nedostaje u evidenciji igara provajdera igre koje deli kazino. Dakle, objašnjenje kazina i svi podaci zajedno imaju savršenog smisla.
Za bolju maštu, prilažem isti primer opklada/pobeda objašnjen gore, ali iz tačnih evidencija igre provajdera igre.
Što se tiče vaše tvrdnje da vam kazino i dalje duguje 15 hiljada dolara - objasnio sam vam šta se dogodilo i naveo primere. Vaša logika bi imala smisla ako bismo takođe udvostručili poraz za svaku greškom udvostručenu pobedu. Ali, radeći to, dobili bismo tačne rezultate bilansa kako su prikazani u zapisima igre od provajdera igre. Pored toga, ako ste videli pogrešan saldo za sve vreme na svom nalogu, koji je stalno rastao, promenili ste strategiju igre (povećali opklade) na osnovu ovih netačnih informacija – na osnovu mnogo većeg stanja u odnosu na pravi. Međutim, balans ne bi bio povećan na taj način bez tehničkog kvara. Tokom dotičnih sesija, tamo ste videli samo fiktivne i nestvarne informacije o stanju/dobitima. Većina tih dobitaka uopšte nije postojala. Druga stvar je što izveštaj kazina prikazuje opklade i odbijanje njihovih iznosa u istim redovima, dok su dobici prikazani u novim redovima (koji su čak i udvostručeni), ali podaci provajdera igre prikazuju sve transakcije u istim redovima. Prema netačnim zapisnicima igara u kazinu, u osnovi niste mogli da izgubite zbog svoje strategije igre, dok je u slučaju minimalnih dobitaka saldo otišao u plus mnogo više nego što je trebalo, ili čak i ako je trebalo da se smanji. Stoga, ne možemo da se držimo netačnih evidencija igara iz sistema kazina. Potpuno je netačno.
Dear KellCromer,
I am sorry for the delay. There was a lot of communication with the casino representative outside the thread and with my team. Since it does not work like Live Chat, it took much longer than I expected, and also, there is still ongoing chat with the casino representative on Skype. I sincerely appreciate your patience.
However, the technical glitch occurred differently. Many winnings were doubled, but it does not mean it is enough only to deduct half of the winnings to get the final result. I would like to put it in perspective again.
The casino informed you that bets and winnings were doubled and that your correct balance should be -$1,125, so they reset your balance to $0. But, after reviewing all the details and evidence received so far, it seems like it is not completely correct, and that for some reason, a part of the correct game logs is missing from the file (correct data) you received from the casino, compared to the original and complete one. One date is missing.
The data shows that bets were not doubled, but only winnings were doubled, and that overall, according to the correct game logs, it is very likely your final balance should be $1,125 in plus, not negative.
The game logs that you described as "made up" data from the casino, which you did not share with us, for some unknown reason, at the beginning with all the attachments and complete email body with a nice explanation, where something around 2100 rows is missing, are the correct data from the game provider. It is even very easy to check and find out which data is correct. You can see the difference if you compare the example bets/winnings stated in my previous post with the data from the game provider (those 735 rows). The explanation for different numbers of rows is one of the easier things here - 1. The report from the game provider is generated in a completely different way. For example, in normal circumstances, 3 rows in the game provider's report are displayed like 6 rows in the report generated from the casino's system. 2. On top of point 1., there were duplicate winnings rows in the casino's system caused by the technical glitch. 3. One date is missing in the game provider's game logs shared by the casino. So, the casino's explanation and all the data together make perfect sense.
For better imagination, I am attaching the same example of bets/winnings explained above, but from the game provider's correct game logs.
As for your claim that the casino should still owe you $15k - I explained to you what happened, and provided examples. Your logic would make sense if we also doubled loss for each mistakenly doubled winning. But, by doing that, we would get the correct results of the balance as they are displayed in the game logs from the game provider. In addition, if you saw the wrong balance for the entire time in your account, which kept increasing, you changed your game strategy (increasing bets) based on this incorrect information - based on a much higher balance compared to the real one. However, the balance would not have been increased that way without the technical glitch. During the sessions in question, you saw only fictitious and unreal balances/winnings information there. Most of those winnings did not exist at all. Another thing is that the casino's report shows bets and deducting their amounts in the same rows, while the winnings are shown in new rows (which were even doubled), but the game provider's data shows all transactions in the same rows. According to the casino's incorrect game logs, you basically could not lose due to your game strategy, while in the case of minimal winnings, the balance went to plus much more than it should have, or even if it should have been decreased. Therefore, we cannot stick to the incorrect game logs from the casino's system. It is completely incorrect.
Dakle, da sumiramo, nažalost, jasno je šta se dogodilo. Na vašu igru su značajno uticali i netačni podaci koje ste videli na svom nalogu tokom dotičnih sesija i ne postoji druga opcija nego da se pomirite sa onim što se dogodilo. Iskreno govoreći, moglo bi vam biti drago da se sve završilo sa profitom.
Kao što je pomenuto, dobili ste ispravne evidencije igara smanjene za nekoliko redova, greškom na strani kazino podrške, tačnije za jedan dan (19. novembra, kada se takođe redovno dešavao tehnički kvar). Ali to je bila ljudska greška i nije uticala na ishod.
Štaviše, u međuvremenu sam interno razgovarao o tome sa timom i postigli smo jednoglasan rezultat – svi su se složili da kazino treba da vrati dobitke na koje imate pravo (1.125 dolara) kao kompromis i kao način kompenzacije za neugodnost izazvana. Bez obzira na uticaj tehničke greške na vašu strategiju igre, tačni podaci pokazuju da ste ipak završili sa profitom.
O istom je obavešten i predstavnik kazina, a ja samo čekam kompletne originalne evidencije igara od provajdera, da ih uporedim sa podacima koje ste dobili kao zapise igara od provajdera igara koje vam je poslala kazino podrška putem e-pošte. Dakle, kada dobijem kompletne evidencije igara od provajdera igre, objašnjenje i stvarni preostali iznos/dobiti su u potpunosti potvrđeni, a kazino prihvati našu preporuku, sporni iznos žalbe će biti ažuriran u skladu sa tim, a mi ćemo samo čekati dok se 1.125 dolara ne vrati na vaš kazino račun.
Iskreno verujem da vam sada to ima smisla i da u potpunosti razumete situaciju.
Sada ću podesiti tajmer za kazino da prati vreme obrade žalbe i sačekaću dodatne tražene podatke. Sam ću vas obavestiti o novostima kao i obično.
Hvala vam puno na strpljenju i razumevanju.
So, to sum it up, unfortunately, it is clear what happened. Your play was also significantly influenced by incorrect data that you saw in your account during the sessions in question, and there is no other option than to come to terms with what has happened. To be honest, you could be glad that it ended with a profit anyway.
As was mentioned, you received the correct game logs reduced by some rows, by mistake on the casino support's side, specifically by one day (November 19, when the technical glitch occurred regularly too). But it was a human error, and it did not influence the outcome.
Furthermore, in the meantime, I discussed the matter internally with the team, and we reached a unanimous result - all agreed that the casino should restore the winnings you are entitled to ($1,125) as a compromise and also as a way of compensation for the inconvenience caused. Regardless of the influence of the technical glitch on your game strategy, the correct data shows you ended in profit anyway.
The casino representative was informed about the same, and I am only waiting for the complete original game logs from the provider, to compare them with the data you received as game logs from the game provider sent to you by the casino support via email. So, once I have the complete game logs from the game provider, the explanation and the real remaining balance/winnings are confirmed completely, and the casino accepts our recommendation, the disputed amount of the complaint will be updated accordingly, and we will only wait until $1,125 is restored on your casino account.
I sincerely believe that now it makes sense to you, and you fully understand the situation.
Now I will set up the timer for the casino to keep track of the complaint processing time, and I will wait for the additional data requested. I will inform you about the news myself as usual.
Thank you very much for your patience and understanding.
Ne. Odbili su sve moje opklade na početku igre. Samo su dobici udvostručeni, tako da kada sam izgubio tačan iznos je skinut sa mog stanja. Takođe, samo neki moji dobici su udvostručeni. ne sve. Ali neki. Razlog zašto su moje opklade porasle je taj što nije bilo mesta na stolu za kojim sam igrao i morao sam da idem za viši sto.
takođe ako bi se moji gubici udvostručili onda bi se sve izjednačilo. Udvostručene pobede i udvostručeni porazi izjednačili bi igru. ali to nije bio slučaj. samo su moji dobici u nekim rukama udvostručeni. Ne svi, ali neki.
Tako da sam osvojio 30.000 i samo "neke" moje ruke su bile udvostručene, a onda mi još uvek dugujem svoj dobitak kada mi oduzmete duplo.
Nikada nisam menjao svoju strategiju klađenja. ostao je isti.
Na primer, recimo da je moj bilans 500 dolara. Kladim se na 100 dolara.
100 dolara se uzima sa mog stanja čim se kartica podeli. Sada je moj bilans 400 dolara. Ako pobedim. Moj bilans bi trebao 600 dolara.
Ali oni su mi greškom isplatili moj profit 2k
$100 od moje opklade i $100 profita + $100 (greška)
moj bilans je 700 dolara.
Ispravite grešku, moj bilans bi bio 600 dolara. ipak sam pobedio. kartice nisu pokvarile. Osvojio sam ruke.
„Pored toga, ako ste videli pogrešan saldo za sve vreme na svom nalogu, koji se stalno povećavao, promenili ste strategiju igre (povećali opklade) na osnovu ovih netačnih informacija"
Nikada nisam menjao svoju strategiju klađenja. Nikada nije povećan na osnovu netačnih informacija. Promenio sam stolove sa većim opkladama jer je sto za kojim sam igrao bio pun i nije bilo otvorenih stolica.
Dakle, ta informacija je laž!
„Prema pogrešnim evidencijama igara u kazinu, u osnovi niste mogli da izgubite zbog svoje strategije igre, dok je u slučaju minimalnih dobitaka saldo otišao u plus mnogo više nego što je trebalo, ili čak i ako je trebalo da se smanji. , ne možemo da se držimo netačnih evidencija igara iz sistema kazina. To je potpuno netačno."
Izgubio sam i oni su uzeli svoj novac za moje opklade. Ovo je takođe netačno. bilans se smanjio kada sam gubio.
No. They deducted all of my bets at the start of the game hand. Only the winnings were doubled so when I lost the correct amount was taken from my balance. Also, only some of my winnings were doubled. not all. But some. The reason my bets increased is because there wasn't any room on the table I was playing on and had to go to a higher table.
also if my losses were doubled then everything would even out. Doubled winning and doubled losses would even out the gameplay. but that wasn't the case. only my winnings were on some hands were doubled. Not all but some.
So I won 30K and only "some" of my hands were doubled then I am still owed my winnings when you take away the double.
I never changed my betting strategy. it stayed the same.
For example, let's say my balance is $500 I bet $100.
The $100 is taken from my balance as soon as the card a dealt. Now my Balance is $400. If I win. My balance should $600.
But they glitch paid me my profit 2x
$100 from my bet & $100 profit + $100 (glitch)
my balance is $700.
Correct the glitch my balance would be $600. I still won. the cards didn't glitch. The hands I won I won.
"In addition, if you saw the wrong balance for the entire time in your account, which kept increasing, you changed your game strategy (increasing bets) based on this incorrect information"
I never changed my betting strategy. Never increased based on incorrect information. I changed tables with higher bets because the table I was playing on got full and there were no chairs open.
So that information is a lie!
"According to the casino's incorrect game logs, you basically could not lose due to your game strategy, while in the case of minimal winnings, the balance went to plus much more than it should have, or even if it should have been decreased. Therefore, we cannot stick to the incorrect game logs from the casino's system. It is completely incorrect."
I did lose and they did take their money for my bets. This is also incorrect. the balance did decrease when I was losing.
Ovo je nepravedno i nezakonito prevariti ljude iz njihovih dobitaka. Trudim se da imam razumevanja za grešku. Ali taj propust nije uticao na svaku ruku, samo su neki od dobitaka udvostručeni. ne svi nego neki. Proći ću kroz dnevnik igre i pronaći svaki put kada se dobici udvostruče i izračunaću ukupan iznos. Zaista znam da mi duguju više od 1100 dolara. Osvojio sam previše ruku za mnoge opklade sa strane, i splitova na mnogo duplih padova.
Ovo je ludo.
Let's all of us get on a SKYPE call together.
This is unfair and illegal to cheat people out of their winnings. I try to be understanding about a glitch. But that glitch did not affect every hand only some of the winnings were doubled. not all but some. I'll go through the game log and find each time the winnings were doubled and calculate the total. I know for a fact I am owed more than $1100. I won too many hands to many side bets man y splits to many double downs.
Stanje od 500 $ -> 100 $ rizikovano (opklada) -> stanje je 400 $ -> ako osvojite 100 $, dobitak se pripisuje saldu, ali imate isti iznos na saldu kao na početku = 500 $. Ništa više
To je netačno. ako je vaš balans 500 dolara. Rizikujete 100 dolara. Opklada se oduzima pre nego što se odigra ruka. tako da je sada stanje 400 dolara. Ako pobediš. Kazino vam plaća 100 dolara i vaša opklada se vraća na vaš balans tako da bi vaš balans bio 600 dolara na kraju pobedničke igre.
Dodao sam živi primer. (ravnoteža u gornjem desnom uglu)
Ostatak je 500 dolara. opklada je 100 dolara. ruka je osvojena. Kazino isplaćuje 100 dolara, a vaša opklada se vraća i ostatak iznosi 600 dolara.
Pošto smo objektivni posrednik između igrača i kazina, trebalo bi da sagledamo celu situaciju i sa kazina. To znači da bi kazino takođe mogao da tvrdi da ste sve vreme znali za netačne podatke i udvostručili dobitke, zloupotrebili njegov sistem/tehničku grešku, pobedili, a sada zahtevate „nelegitimno" akumulirani dobitak (koji u suštini uopšte nije postojao ). Verovatno bi bilo nemoguće dokazati bilo šta drugo, ali kazino bi mogao da tvrdi da je prevaren i prevaren.
Ovo je onlajn kazino. Sve što mogu da uradim je da uložim svoj novac i igram svoje ruke. Izgubio sam hiljade u ovom kazinu. Nisam ništa zloupotrebio. Zlostavljaju me. Igrao sam pošteno. Kao i svi koji su osvojili novac na kocki, oni bi želeli da budu obeštećeni, a ne da se prevare iz svojih dobitaka.
Moj balans je išao gore-dole. Nisam samo pobedio. Moj balans je pao više puta. Nisam samo pobedio, pobedio sam. ne, izgubio sam, bila je bitka. Svaka opklada koju sam stavio je oduzeta od bilansa. Nisam dobio slobodne ruke. Kada sam pobedio, isplaćeno mi je samo ono što sam dugovao. Jedini put kada sam video velike skokove bilo je kada sam pogodio opkladu sa strane. Pogodio sam mnogo opklada sa strane. Neke sporedne opklade plaćaju 25:1, druge 9:1. Osvojio sam mnogo ruku. Dobio sam mnogo opklada sa strane. Takođe sam osvojio mnogo podeljenih ruku i parova. Nisam prevario nijednu ruku. Igram pošteno i voleo bih da se prema meni fer. Kada sam izgubio i kazino mi je uzeo novac, nisam ih optužio za varanje, stavio sam još novca da ponovo igram. Takođe sam igrao na više različitih dana. Ovo se nije dogodilo za 1 dan. Igrao sam preko 3 dana. Sati preko sati. Igrao sam za više različitih stolova i više različitih dilera.
Balance of $500 -> $100 risked (bet) -> balance is $400 -> if you win $100, the winnings are credited to the balance, but you have the same amount in the balance as at the beginning = $500. Nothing more
That is incorrect. if your balance is $500. You risk $100. The bet is deducted before the hand is played. so now the balance is $400. If you win. The casino pays you $100 and your bet goes back to your balance so your balance would be $600 at the end of a winning game.
I've added a live example. (balance in top right corner)
The balance is $500. the bet is $100. the hand is won. The casino pays out $100 and your bet is returned making the balance $600.
Since we are an objective mediator between players and casinos, we should look at the whole situation from the casino's side too. It means that the casino could also claim that you knew about the incorrect data and doubled winnings for the entire time, abused its system/technical glitch, won, and now you demand the "illegitimately" accumulated winnings (which basically did not exist at all). It would be likely impossible to prove anything else, but the casino could claim that it was cheated and scammed.
This is an online casino. All I can do is deposit my money and play my hands. I've lost thousands to this casino. I didn't abuse anything. They are abusing me. I played fair and square. Just like anyone who won money gambling, they would like to be compensated and not swindled out of their winnings.
My balance went up and down. I didn't just win. My balance dropped multiple times. I didn't just win, win win. no, I lost it was a battle. Every bet I placed was subtracted from the balance. I didn't get any free hands. When iI won I only got paid out what was owed. The only time I saw big jumps was when I hit a side bet. I hit a lot of side bets. Some side bets pay 25:1 others 9:1. I won a lot of hands. I won a lot of side bets. I also won a lot of split hands and doubles. I did not cheat on any hands. I play fair and would like to be treated fair. When I lost and the casino took my money I didn't accuse them of cheating I went a put more money on to play again. And I also played on multiple different days. This didn't happen in 1 day. I played over 3 days. Hours on top of hours. I played at multiple different tables and multiple different dealers.
I kao što su ranije rekli, samo su neke pobedničke ruke udvostručene. NE SVE, tako da ako postoje "dvostruki profiti" na nekim pobedničkim rukama, dobro ih oduzmite. Ovaj takozvani "kvar" nije uticao na svaku ruku.
Znam sigurno da je više od 1125 dolara.
Nisam uradio ništa loše sa svoje strane. Moja strategija klađenja je ostala dosledna. Jedini razlog zašto sam prešao na sto sa višim limitom je taj što je donji sto bio pun i nisam mogao da dobijem mesto, a čak ni tada nisam kladio na sumanutu sumu. Nisam povećao ovu ravnotežu preko noći. Trebalo je danima. Imao sam nekoliko veoma dobrih trčanja, a imao sam i loših trčanja. Kada bih se prehladio i izgubio određenu količinu, dao bih otkaz i vratio se kasnije. Ista stvar koju radim kada idem u Vegas. Kockao sam se dovoljno dugo da znam kada je tvoj biftek gotov i vreme je da odustanem.
Igrao sam blekdžek i pobedio. To je sve što sam uradio.
Uvek zovu moj telefon ohrabrujući me da igram blek džek sa njima. Od svih kazina sa kojima možete igrati blekdžek.
neke informacije mi se samo čine malo čudnim i nisu konzistentna priča. Samo izgleda kao da ne žele da mi isplate. Nisam ovde da varam nekoga, ali ne želim da budem prevaren.
And as they stated earlier only some winning hands were doubled. NOT ALL so if there are "double profits" on some winning hands, fine subtract it. This so-called "glitch" didn't affect every hand.
I know for sure it is more than $1125.
I did nothing wrong on my part. My betting strategy stayed consistent. The only reason I moved to a table with a higher limit is that the lower table was full and I couldn't get a seat and even then I was not betting a crazy amount. I didn't grow this balance overnight. It took days. I had some very good runs and I also had bad runs. When I got cold and I lost a certain amount I would quit and come back later. Same thing I do when I go to Vegas. I've been gambling long enough to know when your steak is over and it's time to quit.
I played blackjack and won. That's all I did.
They always call my phone encouraging me to play blackjack with them. Out of all the casinos to play blackjack with.
some of the information just seems a little weird to me and it is not a consistent story. Just seems like they do not want to pay me out. I'm not here to cheat anyone but I don't want to get cheated.
Voleli bi da zamolimo kazino da odgovori na ovu pritužbu. Produžujemo timer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u predviđenom roku, prigovo ćemo zatvoriti kao "nerešen", što može negativno uticati na rejting kazina.
We would like to ask the casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
cela situacija je sumnjiva i zvuči kao da su smislili bilo šta da mi ne isplate. takođe su više puta menjali priče. da li bi bilo najbolje kontaktirati pravni tim i pustiti ih da reše ovu stvar?
the whole situation is fishy and sounds like they came up with anything to not pay me out. they also switched stories multiple times. would it be best to contact a legal team and let them solve this matter ?
Postoji još jedna opcija - da se konsultujete sa nadležnim organom za igre na sreću koji reguliše kazino ili da im podnesete žalbu. Međutim, bojim se da će se završiti na isti način jer su objašnjenje i podaci iz kazina i provajdera igre jasni. Dakle, ako govorimo o nečemu većem od 1100 dolara, tužba bi vas verovatno koštala mnogo više od spornog iznosa i završili biste sa gubitkom.
Pored toga, želim da vas obavestim da mi je predstavnik kazina obećao da će me kontaktirati sledeće nedelje. Obaveštavaću vas o svim novostima ili novostima.
What do you mean by a legal team, please?
There is one more option - to consult the gaming authority that regulates the casino or to submit a complaint to them. However, I am afraid it will end up the same way since the explanation and data from the casino and the game provider are clear. So, if we are talking about something more than $1100, a lawsuit would likely cost you much more than the disputed amount, and you would end up with a loss.
In addition, I would like to inform you that the casino representative promised me that he would contact me next week. I will inform you about any updates or news.
Podaci potvrđuju ono što kazino tvrdi, ali ima nekoliko detalja koje sam malopre pitao predstavnika kazina. Dakle, ponovo podešavam tajmer za kazino. Kada dobijem sve potrebne detalje i pojašnjenja, vratiću se i obavestiti vas kako ćemo dalje.
Hvala vam na strpljenju i razumevanju.
Dear KellCromer,
I received the complete correct data.
The data confirms what the casino claims, but there are a few details that I asked the casino representative for a while ago. So, I am setting the timer for the casino again. Once I have all the necessary details and clarification, I will be back and inform you how we will proceed.
Zamolili bismo kazino da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Produžujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u predviđenom roku, žalbu ćemo zatvoriti kao „nerešenu", što može negativno uticati na njen rejting.
We would like to ask the casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Kako se priča promenila, KellCromer? I dalje je otprilike isto od početka. Kazino vam je poslao ispravne evidencije igara, ali bez 1 dana, ljudskom greškom. To je sve.
Da budem iskren, verovatno bi bilo nezakonito dobiti takav novac jer je većina fiktivna, prikupljena/prikazana samo zbog tehničkog problema. U mojoj zemlji to zovemo „nepravedno bogaćenje", što je protivzakonito.
Trenutno samo čekam objašnjenje „neuspešnih opklada" pošto su mi dostavljeni dodatni podaci, a nije sasvim jasno šta to tačno znači.
How did the story change, KellCromer? It is still about the same since the beginning. The casino sent you the correct game logs, but without 1 day, by human error. That is all.
To be honest, it would likely be illegal to get such money since most of it is fictitious, collected/shown only due to a technical issue. In my country, we call it "unjust enrichment", which is illegal.
Currently, I am only waiting for an explanation of "failed bets" since I was provided with additional data, and it is not completely clear what that means exactly.
Na našoj strani je već sve potpuno jasno i razjašnjeno - ništa se nije promenilo. Sada, dalji postupak zavisi od vas.
Postoje 2 opcije:
Prihvatićete odluku kazina i činjenicu da ste, nažalost, imali pravo na 1.125 dolara - kada ga kazino kreditira na vaš račun (ako to još nije učinjeno), možemo ažurirati sporni iznos na 1.125 dolara i uspešno zatvoriti slučaj rešeno.
Insistiraćete na spornom iznosu od 30 hiljada USD uprkos tome što ste dobili dovoljno objašnjenja i podataka/dokaza - sporni iznos će biti smanjen za 1.125 dolara, ali će žalba biti odbijena.
Koju opciju ćete izabrati, molim?
Možete li mi takođe dati novosti o 1.125 dolara? Ima li napretka? Da li su ovi dobici već uplaćeni na vaš račun?
A nakon dalje komunikacije sa predstavnikom kazina, postoji još nekoliko važnih pitanja.
Koji je bio vaš poslednji depozit pre nego što je došlo do problema i koliko ste uspeli da podignete sa tih dobitaka dok kazino to nije saznao?
Možete li potvrditi da ste uspeli da povučete nešto oko 2.500 dolara iz tih nevažećih dobitaka pre nego što su otkrili grešku?
Alright, KellCromer.
Everything is already completely clear and clarified on our side - nothing changed. Now, the further proceeding is up to you.
There are 2 options:
You will accept the casino's decision and the fact that unfortunately, you were entitled to $1,125 - once the casino credits it to your account (if it has not been done yet), we can update the disputed amount to $1,125 and close the case as successfully resolved.
You will insist on the disputed amount of 30k USD despite getting sufficient explanations and data/evidence - the disputed amount will be decreased by $1,125, but the complaint will be rejected.
What option will you choose, please?
Can you also provide me with an update on the $1,125? Is there any progress? Were these winnings already credited to your account?
And after further communication with the casino representative, there are a few more important questions.
What was your last deposit before the issues occurred, and how much did you manage to withdraw from those winnings until the casino found it out?
Can you please confirm you managed to withdraw something about $2,500 from those invalid winnings before they discovered the error?
Produžujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Imajte na umu da ćemo u slučaju da ne odgovorite u datom vremenskom roku ili vam ne bude potrebna nikakva dalja pomoć, odbaciti žalbu.
Dear KellCromer,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or do not require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Prevaren sam za svoj novac. Ovo nije u redu. JAZZ KASINO JE PREVARA!
Još uvek ne mogu da se prijavim na svoj nalog. Sav novac koji sam izgubio bila je poštena igra. Čim pobedim, oni ne žele da isplate. Ja ću dobiti pravdu!
Pobedio sam pošteno i pošteno!
I have been cheated out of my money. This isn't right. JAZZ CASINO IS A SCAM !
I still can't log in to my account. All the money I lost was fair game As soon as I win they don't want to pay out. I will get justice !
Žalba će sada biti zatvorena kao neopravdana na osnovu sledećeg:
Sporni dobici su nevažeći/fiktivni i akumulirani su kao rezultat tehničkog problema
Iako je kazino napravio grešku kada vas je obavestio o rezultatima svoje istrage (dajući podatke bez vaše istorije igara od jednog dana zbog ljudske greške), podaci su u potpunosti podržali objašnjenje kazina
Čak i ako sam napravio grešku i jednom sam vam dao pogrešne informacije, koje sam kasnije objasnio i ispravio, nekoliko puta ste dobili dovoljno i detaljno objašnjenje u ovoj temi
Nakon što ste dobili dodatne informacije od kazina, izgleda da ste vrlo verovatno povukli više nego što ste imali pravo, a moguće je da ste (prema istoriji vaših transakcija i zapisnicima igara) bili svesni tehničkih problema od početka
Na kraju, ali ne i najmanje važno – u međuvremenu je i regulator odlučio u korist kazina
Kazino je postupio korektno iu skladu sa svojim uslovima i odredbama, te stoga ne možemo ništa učiniti da vam pomognemo u vezi sa tim. Sporni dobici nisu osvojeni pošteno i pošteno, kao što ste tvrdili.
Žao mi je što nismo bili u mogućnosti da vam pomognemo sa ovim, ali molim vas, ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate u budućnosti, ako naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Iako van teme, hvala vam puno, Jazz Casino tim, na pružanju informacija i na vašoj saradnji tokom celog procesa.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Branislav, Kazino.Guru
Dear KellCromer,
Alright, let's not drag it out unnecessarily.
The complaint will now be closed as unjustified based on the following:
The disputed winnings are invalid/fictitious and were accumulated as a result of a technical issue
Although the casino made a mistake when informing you about the results of its investigation (providing the data without your game history from one day due to human error), the data fully supported the casino's explanation
Even if I made a mistake and once provided you with misleading information, which I explained and corrected later, you have received sufficient and detailed clarification several times in this thread
After receiving additional information from the casino, it seems like you very likely withdrew more than you were entitled to, and it is possible that (according to your transactions history and game logs) you were aware of the technical issues from the beginning
Last but not least - in the meantime, the regulator also decided in the favour of the casino
The casino acted correctly and in accordance with its terms and conditions, and therefore, there is nothing we can do to help you with the matter. The disputed winnings were not won fair and square, as you claimed.
I am sorry we were not able to help you with this one, but please, do not hesitate to contact us in the future, if you run into any issues with this or any other casino. We are here to help.