Igrač iz Berlina na povlačenje čeka manje od dve nedelje. Nažalost, njihova isplata još nije primljena. Žalba je odbijena jer igrač nije odgovarao na naše poruke i pitanja.
The player from Berlin has been waiting for a withdrawal for less than two weeks. Unfortunately, their payout hasn’t been received yet. The complaint was rejected because the player didn't respond to our messages and questions.
Igrač iz Berlina na povlačenje čeka manje od dve nedelje. Nažalost, njihova isplata još nije primljena. Žalba je odbijena jer igrač nije odgovarao na naše poruke i pitanja.
Zdravo, nažalost ja sam stavio opkladu 07.09.2022 na iznos od 350 eura, tada sam također dobio opkladu i to mi se tako prikazalo, nakon utakmice opklada je hladnokrvno poništena i dato mi je 350 eura za koje sam se kladio vraćeno.
Tada sam napisao podršku i njihov odgovor je bio.
„Prema klauzuli u Pravilima: 3.1 „Platforma JET „Sport" zadržava pravo da poništi svaku opkladu na očigledno „loše", isključene kvote ili ako je opklada stavljena nakon početka događaja. "Postavili ste opkladu na koeficijente koji nisu odgovarali događaju u vrijeme kazne. Vaša opklada je stoga poništena i sredstva su vraćena na vaš saldo"
moj odgovor:
"Dobro veče, opkladio sam se u regularnom vremenu. 3 minuta kasnije je stigla kazna. Klauzula koju ste spomenuli nema nikakve veze sa mojom opkladom. Opklada je prihvaćena i gol je postignut 3 minuta kasnije. Wetta submission je bio u 10: 53 h, a gol je postignut u 22:56 h. Molim vas da provjerite."
Jet casino odgovor
"Naravno da smo još jednom provjerili vaše opklade. Prema pravilima, sportska platforma ima pravo poništiti opkladu ako ne odgovara kvotama za događaj. Novac je vraćen na vaš račun."
ovde je takođe jasno da je opklada dobijena.
I nakon što je utakmica završena, poništili su opkladu.
Njihovo opravdanje je potpuno besmisleno, zašto nude takvu kvotu, ova klauzula nema nikakvog smisla.
Šta mogu učiniti i kako dalje.
Srdačan pozdrav
Hello, unfortunately I placed a bet on September 7th, 2022 in the amount of 350 euros, then I also won the bet and it was displayed to me like that, after the game the bet was canceled in cold blood and I was given the 350 euros that I had wagered given back.
I then wrote the support and their answer was.
"According to the clause in the Rules: 3.1 "The JET "Sport" platform reserves the right to cancel any bet placed on obviously "bad", excluded odds or if the bet was placed after the start of the event. "You placed a bet at odds that did not match the event at the time of the penalty. Your bet has therefore been canceled and the funds returned to your balance"
My answer :
"Good evening, I placed a bet in regular time. 3 minutes later came a penalty. The clause you mentioned has nothing to do with my bet. The bet was accepted and a goal was scored 3 minutes later. Wetta submission was at 10: 53 pm and the goal was scored at 10:56 pm I ask you to check."
Jet casino answer
" Of course we double checked your bets. According to the rules, the sports platform has the right to cancel a bet if it does not match the odds for the event. The money has been returned to your account."
here it is also clear that the bet is won.
And after the game was over they canceled the bet.
Their justification is completely nonsensical, why do they offer such a quota, this clause has no sense at all.
What can I do and how should I proceed.
Best regards
Guten Tag, leider habe ich am 7.9.2022 eine Wette abgeschlossen im wet von 350 Euro, daraufhin habe ich die wette auch gewonnen und würde mir auch so angezeigt, nachdem Spiel wurde die wette eiskalt storniert und mir wurde die 350 Euro die ich eingesetzt habe zurück gegeben.
Ich habe daraufhin den Support geschrieben und deren Antwort war.
Jet casino
"Gemäß der Klausel in den Regeln: 3.1 "Die JET "Sport"-Plattform behält sich das Recht vor, jede Wette zu stornieren, die auf offensichtlich "schlechte", ausgeschlossene Quoten platziert wurde oder wenn die Wette nach Beginn des Ereignisses platziert wurde." Sie haben zum Zeitpunkt der Strafe eine Wette zu Quoten abgeschlossen, die nicht dem Ereignis entsprachen. Ihre Wette wurde daher storniert und das Guthaben auf Ihr Guthaben zurückgebucht"
Meine Antwort :
"Good evening, I placed a bet in regular time. 3 minutes later came a penalty. The clause you mentioned has nothing to do with my bet. The bet was accepted and a goal was scored 3 minutes later. Wetta submission was at 10:53 p.m. and the goal was scored at 10:56 p.m. I ask you to check."
Jet casino Antwort
" Natürlich haben wir Ihre Wetten doppelt geprüft. Nach den Regeln hat die Sportplattform das Recht, eine Wette zu stornieren, wenn sie nicht den Quoten für das Ereignis entspricht. Das Geld wurde auf Ihr Konto zurücküberwiesen."
hier steht auch eindeutig das die wette gewonnen ist.
Und nachdem das Spiel aus war haben sie die wette storniert.
Deren Begründung ist völlig unsinnig, wieso bieten die denn solche qoute an, diese Klausel hat garkein Sinn.
Was kann ich tun und wie soll ich vorgehen.
Beste Grüße
Dear aminmardenlli92,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. We are sorry to hear about the issue with your withdrawal and understand your concern. However, please bear in mind that it’s quite usual for withdrawals to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account. This delay may be caused by unfinished KYC verification or a high volume of withdrawal requests.
That’s why we advise players to be patient, cooperate fully with casino, and wait at least 14 days after requesting their withdrawals before submitting a complaint.
If your account has been successfully verified, your game history checked, your withdrawal approved by the casino, and you still haven't received your winnings by 14 days since requesting the withdrawal, we will intervene and do our best to help you.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Best regards,
Complaints Resolution Center
Hvala vam na odgovoru, aminmardenlli92. Nakon što smo pročitali vašu žalbu, shvatili smo da se ova žalba odnosi na sportsko klađenje, ali ispravite me ako grešim. Kao što možda znate, naš forum Casino.guru se bavi samo pritužbama u vezi sa onlajn kazinom. Razumem da vam mora biti teško, ali nažalost, nemamo dovoljno uvida da se bavimo ovom vrstom pitanja. Molim vas, ne ustručavajte se da me obavestite ako još nešto mogu da vam pomognem.
Hvala vam puno na razumevanju.
Thank you for your reply, aminmardenlli92. After reading your complaint we’ve realized that this complaint is sports betting related, but please correct me if I am wrong. As you might know, our forum Casino.guru, deals with complaints regarding online casinos only. I understand it must be difficult for you, but unfortunately, we don’t have enough insight to take on this kind of issue. Please, do not hesitate to let me know if there is anything else I could help you with.
Thank you very much for your understanding.
Dear aminmardenlli92,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Nažalost, primorani smo da zatvorimo ovaj slučaj jer igrač nije odgovorio na naše poruke i pitanja. Zbog toga nismo u mogućnosti da nastavimo sa daljom istragom ili predložimo moguća rešenja.
Igrač može ponovo da otvori ovu žalbu u bilo kom trenutku.
Unfortunately, we’re forced to close this case because the player hasn’t responded to our messages and questions. Therefore, we’re not able to proceed with further investigation or suggest possible solutions.
The player can reopen this complaint anytime.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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