zdravo svima ,
Izvinjavam se zbog zakašnjelog odgovora. Koliko vidim, problem i dalje postoji, a igračica i dalje ne može da povuče svoja sredstva.
Dragi Jokabet kazino ,
Igrač je tvrdio da je za transakciju korišćen netačan IBAN, detalj koji je potvrdila banka igrača. Da li ste to sa svoje strane proverili i, ako je moguće, proverili kod dobavljača platnih usluga? Ovo pitanje traje već duže vreme. Ako niste u mogućnosti da to rešite, da li biste mogli da predložite alternativna rešenja za obradu povlačenja?
Pored toga, još uvek nisam dobio nikakav dokaz o uplati sa vaše strane. Možete li molim vas da pošaljete dokumentaciju za poslednju transakciju na moju e-poštu na jakub.m@casino.guru ?
Hvala vam na pažnji prema ovom pitanju.
Hello Everyone,
I apologize for the delayed response. From what I can see, the issue still persists, and the player remains unable to withdraw her funds.
Dear Jokabet Casino,
The player has claimed that an incorrect IBAN was used for the transaction, a detail that has been confirmed by the player's bank. Have you verified this on your end, and, if possible, cross-checked it with the payment service provider? This issue has been ongoing for quite some time. If you are unable to resolve it, could you please suggest any alternative solutions for processing the withdrawal?
Additionally, I have yet to receive any proof of payment from your side. Could you please send the documentation for the last transaction to my email at jakub.m@casino.guru?
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
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