Dozvolite mi da počnem tako što ću reći da je moj rezidencijalni status uvek zanimljiv. Ja sam iz Velike Britanije, ali sam otišao 2011.
Krećem se po svetu puno radno vreme. Prijavio sam se za nalog kada sam živeo u Egiptu (još uvek imam prebivalište u Egiptu) i trenutno sam u Meksiku (nemam rezidentnu karticu, ali imam ugovore o zakupu na španskom)
Moj nalog je u potpunosti verifikovan.
Podigao sam 11.000 evra za 4 povlačenja (pošto imaju maksimalan iznos povlačenja dnevno) i sve što mi je rečeno je da se „dodatno proveravaju"
Uslovi na njihovoj veb stranici kažu do 24 sata,
Tražio sam objašnjenja na koja mi šalju snimak ekrana ovoga:

Malo zbunjujuće jer se osećam da me optužuju za manipulaciju kazino sistemom?
Kada sam pitao za ovo, rekli su da me ne optužuju ni za šta, samo da se isplate „dodatno proveravaju", ali neće da mi kažu ko proverava, zašto proverava i kada će provere biti završene.
Iz ovih razloga, verujem da je ovo zapravo lažno poslovanje koje ne može da šalje povlačenja.
Pomozi mi da dobijem ono što je moje pravo.
Let me start by saying my residential status is always interesting. I am from the UK but left in 2011.
I move around the world full time. I signed up for the account when I lived in Egypt ( still hold egyptian residency) and am currently now in Mexico ( Not holding residents card but have rental agreements in Spanish)
My account is fully verified.
I have withdrawn 11,000 Euros across 4 withdrawals ( as they have a max withdrawal amount per day) and all I get told is they are being "extra checked"
The terms on their website say up to 24 hours,
I have asked for explanations to which they send me a screen shot of this :

Little confusing as it makes me feel they are accusing me of manipulation of the casino system?
When I asked about this, they said they are not accusing me of anything just that the withdrawals are being " extra checked" but they wont tell me who is checking, why they are checking or when checks will be completed.
For these reasons, I believe this is actually a fraudulent business that is not able to send withdrawals.
Help me get what is rightfully mine.
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