Konačna uplata ali isključenje naloga:
Nakon što sam ispunio sve zahteve i primio uplatu, obavešten sam da je moj nalog isključen sa njihove platforme. Čini se da je ova odluka povezana sa iznosom koji sam zaradio, što izaziva zabrinutost u pogledu pravičnosti i transparentnosti.
Pozitivna napomena o podršci za ćaskanje uživo:
Želeo bih da pohvalim njihov tim za ćaskanje uživo za njihovu jasnu i profesionalnu komunikaciju tokom celog procesa. Međutim, ukupno iskustvo sa politikama njihove platforme i tehničkim ograničenjima zasenilo je ovaj pozitivan aspekt.
Iako mi je laknulo što sam primio uplatu, isključenje sa platforme se čini neopravdanim, posebno imajući u vidu da sam se pridržavao njihovih zahteva. Bio bih zahvalan za detaljnije objašnjenje zašto je ova odluka doneta i da li se može preispitati.
Hvala vam što ste odvojili vreme da odgovorite na moju zabrinutost. Radujem se vašem odgovoru.
Final Payment but Account Exclusion:
After complying with all requests and receiving my payment, I was informed that my account had been excluded from their platform. This decision appears to be linked to the amount I earned, which raises concerns about fairness and transparency.
Positive Note on Live Chat Support:
I would like to commend their live chat team for their clear and professional communication throughout the process. However, the overall experience with their platform's policies and technical restrictions overshadowed this positive aspect.
While I am relieved to have received my payment, the exclusion from the platform feels unjustified, especially given my compliance with their requests. I would appreciate a more detailed explanation of why this decision was made and whether it can be reconsidered.
Thank you for taking the time to address my concerns. I look forward to your response.
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