25. januara sam izvršio KIC verifikaciju svog naloga preko SumSub programa verifikacije, uradio sam sve po uputstvima, iz nekog razloga moj nalog nije verifikovan, livechat podrška mi nije dala nijednu bitnu informaciju, samo da će proslediti to odgovarajućem odeljenju bla bla bla
nema kontakta sa podrškom i ne pomaže, moj nalog nije verifikovan 20 dana i moja sredstva su zamrznuta, bez pomoći podrške nemoguće je verifikovati nalog, a podrška nažalost ne postoji, i radni botovi za ćaskanje uživo,
svaki dan odgovor je isti: kao što možete videti na snimku ekrana koji sam dodao.
ali mogu dugo da čekam?, ispravno sam izvršio verifikaciju pre 20 dana
On January 25, I performed KYC verification of my account through the SumSub verification program, I did everything according to the instructions, for some reason my account not been verified, livechat support did not provide me with any important information, only that they will forward it to the appropriate department bla bla bla
there is no contact with the support and it does not help, my account has not been verified for 20 days and my funds are frozen, without any help from the support it is impossible to verify the account, and unfortunately the support does not exist, and the live chat work bots,
every day the answer is the same: as you can see in the screenshot I added.
but I can wait a long time ?, I did the verification correctly 20 days ago
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