Igrač iz Njemačke muči se da stupi u kontakt s podrškom kazina u vezi s povlačenjem. Igrač nas je obavijestio da je kasino isplatio njegov dobitak.
The player from Germany is struggling to get in touch with the casino’s support regarding his withdrawal. The player informed us the casino paid out his winnings.
Igrač iz Njemačke muči se da stupi u kontakt s podrškom kazina u vezi s povlačenjem. Igrač nas je obavijestio da je kasino isplatio njegov dobitak.
Jokerino samo želi zaraditi, ali ne isplati.
Provjera povlačenja ne funkcionira, ne želite da vas zamaraju povlačenjem.
Vaša stranica e-pošte info @ jokerino. com, tako da je vaša podrška neispravna ili više ne postoji, pa će biti prikazana, a chat uživo, koji je vjerojatno nekada postojao, više ne postoji.
Tamo čekam isplatu od 1900 eura, koju sam iskreno osvojio bez upotrebe bonusa, a drugima dugujete mnogo više novca.
Stalno dobivate neželjenu poštu da biste trebali igrati više.
Vjerojatno će ga uskoro zatvoriti, a zatim ga ponovo otvoriti pod drugim imenom i pričekati dok mi glupi igrači opet ne padnemo na njega.
U ovu grupu kazina spadaju i mnogi drugi, a glavno sjedište je vjerojatno ovaj kockarski grad pored Hong Konga.
Trenutno se ne mogu sjetiti imena ovog grada-države.
U svakom slučaju, činjenica je da sam položio 50 eura bez bonusa ili besplatnih okretaja i na kraju ostvario profit.
Kada provjeravate, možete prenijeti slike osobnog dokumenta, bankovne izvode ili drugi dokaz da vam račun pripada s navodnim prosljeđivanjem, ali ako opet izađete i pogledate nakon nekoliko dana, traži se isto i dobivate ga ne potvrda o prijemu dokumenata ili bilo kakav odgovor.
Zatim sam pokušao poslati dokumente Jokerinu na vašu podršku info@jokerino.com, ali pojavila se poruka da je ova adresa e-pošte bila netačna i da više ne postoji ili da ju je sam Jokerino blokirao jer su žalbe vjerojatno vrlo mnogi.
Jednostavno nastavljanje slanja e-maila kako bi se još više privuklo zamci i ne izvršilo legitimno plaćanje kupcima je smjelo.
Mislim da je Jokerino sada zapravo slučaj za nadzorna tijela i da bi ga trebalo zatvoriti, ali vjerojatno neće biti od koristi jer će se onda jednostavno nastaviti pod drugim imenom.
Vjerovatno nikad neću vidjeti novac, kao što to neće vidjeti ni mnogi drugi igrači Jokerina.
Slobodno pokušajte pomoći, ali Jokerino vam vjerojatno nikada neće odgovoriti
Jokerino just wants to make money, but doesn't pay out.
The verification for withdrawals doesn't work, don't want to be bothered with withdrawals.
Your email page info @ jokerino. com, so your support is defective or no longer exists, so it will be displayed and a live chat, which probably once existed, no longer exists.
I am waiting there for a payout of 1900 euros, which I honestly won without using a bonus and you owe a lot more money to others.
You just get spam all the time that you should play more.
They will probably close it soon and then reopen it under a different name and wait until we stupid players fall for it again.
This group of casinos also includes many others and the main seat is probably this gambling city next to Hong Kong.
I can't think of the name of this city-state right now.
In any case, the fact is I had deposited 50 euros without a bonus or free spins and in the end made a profit.
When verifying you can upload the images of ID, bank statements or other proof that the account belongs to you with an alleged forwarding, but if you go out there again and look after a few days, the same is still requested and you get it no confirmation of receipt of the documents or any response at all.
I then tried to e-mail the documents to Jokerino to your support info@jokerino.com, but the message came up that this e-mail address was incorrect and probably no longer exists or was blocked by Jokerino himself because the Complaints are probably very many.
Simply continuing to send emails in order to lure even more into the trap and not make legitimate payments to customers is bold.
I think Jokerino is now actually a case for the supervisory authorities and should be closed, but it will probably be of no use because they will then simply continue under a different name.
I will probably never see the money, like many other Jokerino players will not.
Feel free to try to help, but Jokerino will probably never answer you
Jokerino will nur Geld machen, aber zahlt nicht aus.
Die Verifizierung für Auszahlungen funktioniert nicht, wollen nicht mit Auszahlungen belästigt werden.
Ihre E-Mail Seite info@jokerino. com, also Ihr Support ist defekt oder existiert nicht mehr, so wird es jedenfalls angezeigt und einen Live Chat, den es wohl mal gab, existiert nicht mehr.
Ich warte dort auf eine Auszahlung von 1900 Euro, die ich ehrlich gewonnen habe ohne Nutzung eines Bonus und Anderen schulden Sie noch viel mehr Geld.
Man bekommt nur ständig Spams das man noch mehr spielen soll.
Sie werden es wohl bald schließen und es dann unter einen anderen Namen neu eröffnen und warten bis wir dummen Spieler wieder drauf reinfallen.
Zu dieser Gruppe von Casinos gehören auch noch viele Andere und Hauptsitz ist wohl diese Spielerstadt neben Hongkong.
der Name dieses Stadtstaats fällt mir gerade nicht ein.
Tatsache ist jedenfalls ich hatte 50 Euro ohne Bonus oder Freispiele eingezahlt und am ende einen Gewinn erzielt.
Bei der Verifizierung kann man zwar die Bilder von Ausweis einer Rechnung und Kontoauszüge oder anderen Beweis das einem das Konto gehört hochladen mit einer angeblichen Weiterleitung, doch wenn man dort dann wieder rausgeht und nach einigen Tagen nachschaut, wird das Selbe weiterhin verlangt und man bekommt auch keine Bestätigung des Eingangs der Unterlagen oder überhaupt irgendeine Antwort.
Ich habe daraufhin versucht die Unterlagen Jokerino per E-Mail zu schicken an Ihren Support info@jokerino.com, es kam aber die Meldung das diese E-Mail Adresse fehlerhaft sei und wohl auch nicht mehr existiert oder von Jokerino selbst blockiert wurde, da die Beschwerden wohl sehr Viele sind.
Einfach weiter Mails zu verschicken, um noch mehr in die Falle zu locken und keine rechtmäßigen Auszahlungen an Kunden zu tätigen, ist schon dreist.
Ich denke Jokerino ist jetzt eigentlich ein Fall für die Aufsichtsbehörden und gehört geschlossen, allerdings wird es wohl nichts nützen, da sie dann unter einen anderen Namen einfach weitermachen.
Das Geld werde ich wohl niemals sehen ,wie auch viele andere Jokerinospieler nicht.
Sie können gerne versuchen mir zu helfen, aber Jokerino wird Ihnen wohl nie antworten
Dragi dirk121971,
Zahvaljujemo na podnošenju žalbe. Žao mi je zbog vašeg lošeg iskustva. Provjerio sam opće uvjete i odredbe ( https://jokerino.com/en/terms/ ) i pronašao ovo:
"Korisnička podrška
Korisničko iskustvo je neophodno za jokerino.com, a mi razumijemo da postoje brojna pitanja kupaca koja bi trebala biti riješena u skladu s tim. U slučajevima neizvjesnosti, općih pitanja i žalbi bilo koje vrste, posjetitelji i kupci jokerino.com mogu nas kontaktirati putem različitih dolje navedenih kanala:
E-pošta: support@jokerino.com
Chat uživo: pogledajte odjeljak „Kontaktirajte nas" ili kliknite ikonu chata putem ploče za pomoć "
Testirao sam i e-poštu i chat uživo. E-mail je prošao bez ikakvih problema, a chat uživo mi je brzo odgovorio i obaviješten sam da je dostupan 24/7. Ako niste pokušali kontaktirati kasino putem e-pošte support@jokerino.com , preporučio bih da ovo pokušate, jer se adresa razlikuje od one koju spominjete u poruci.
Obavijestite me jesu li ove informacije bile korisne. Ako ne, mi ćemo intervenirati.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear dirk121971,
Thank you for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your bad experience. I checked the General T&Cs (https://jokerino.com/en/terms/ )and I found this:
"Customer Support
Customer experience is essential to jokerino.comand we understand that there are numerous matters of Customers that should be dealt with accordingly. On occasions of uncertainties, general questions and complaints of any kind the visitors and customers of jokerino.comcan contact us via various channels listed below:
E-mail: support@jokerino.com
Live chat: see the section "Contact Us" or click on the chat icon via Help Panel"
I tested both email and live chat. The email went through without any problems and live chat answered me quickly and I was informed it is available 24/7. If you haven’t tried to contact the casino via email support@jokerino.com, I’d recommend you trying this instead, since the address is different from the one you mention in your message.
Please let me know if this information was useful. If not, we will intervene.
Best regards,
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Sad sam sve ponovo poslao na info@jokerino.com u 3 e-maila jer su veličine slika vjerojatno bile prevelike.
Prvog se šalju slike lične karte.
Na 2. slici fakture da je moja adresa tačna
i na trećoj slici moje bankovne kartice, tako da me tamo savjetovala osoba u chatu.
Zanima me hoće li doći do reakcije, ali bojim se da neće biti odgovora, kao kod ostalih koji tamo čekaju svoj novac.
Srdačan pozdrav
Dirk T ***
I have now sent everything again to info@jokerino.com in 3 emails because the file sizes of the pictures were probably too big.
In the 1st the pictures of the identity card are sent.
In the 2nd the picture of an invoice that my address is correct
and in the 3rd pictures of my bank card so the person in the chat advised me there.
I'm curious if there will be a reaction, but I'm afraid that there will be no answer, as with others who are waiting there for their money.
With best regards
Dirk T ***
Ich habe jetzt nochmal alles an info@jokerino.com in 3 Emails geschickt, da die Dateigrößen der Bilder wohl zu groß waren.
In der 1. die Bilder des Personalausweises geschickt.
In der 2. das Bild einer Rechnung das meine Adresse auch stimmt
und in der 3. Bilder meiner Bankkarte so hat es mir die Person im Chat dort geraten.
Bin mal gespannt ob eine Reaktion kommt, ich befürchte aber, das da keine Antwort kommt, wie auch schon bei Anderen die dort auf ihr Geld warten.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dirk T***
Izvinite, moram to ispraviti, u neželjenoj pošti bila je poruka da će novac poslati za 2-3 radna dana.
Pa ću vam se javiti najkasnije u ponedjeljak sljedeće sedmice da vidim jesam li dobio novac.
Poštovani korisniče, sretni smo što možemo potvrditi da je vaše povlačenje prihvaćeno.
Ovisno o načinu povlačenja, može proći i do 2-3 radna dana dok ga ne primite.
Sorry, I have to correct it, in the spam there was a message that they would send the money in 2-3 working days.
So I'll get back to you on Monday next week at the latest to see whether I have received the money.
Dear User, we are happy to confirm that your withdrawal was accepted.
Depending on the Withdrawal Method it might take up to 2-3 business days until you receive it.
Sorry, muss mich korrigieren, in den Spams war eine Nachricht, das sie das Geld schicken in 2-3 Werktagen.
Ich werde mich also spätestens am Montag nächste Woche nochmal melden, ob das Geld bei mir eingegangen ist.
Dear User, we are happy to confirm that your withdrawal was accepted.
Depending on the Withdrawal Method it might take up to 2-3 Business days until you receive it.
Hvala dirk121971 što ste nas obavijestili o napretku. Dajmo mu još nekoliko dana i nadamo se da ćete uskoro dobiti svoje povlačenje. Molimo vas, obavještavajte nas i obavijestite nas ako postoji nešto novo u vezi s ovim slučajem.
Thank you dirk121971 for informing us about the progress. So, let's give it a few more days, and hopefully, you will receive your withdrawal soon. Please, keep us updated, and let us know if there is anything new regarding this case.
Dobar dan Kristina Stark,
Kao što sam se bojao, nisam dobio 1900 eura u navedena 3 radna dana, ali je iznos izbrisan iz isplata na Jokerino računu.
Sad sam ponovo pisao Jokerinu na engleskom
Dobar dan Jokerino,
Gotova su 3 radna dana i nisam dobio 1900 eura na svoj bankovni račun.
Poslali ste mi poruku 10.02.2021. Da ste prihvatili povlačenje i da bih trebao dobiti novac
Za 3 dana.
Ova poruka:
Poštovani korisniče, sretni smo što možemo potvrditi da je vaše povlačenje prihvaćeno.
Ovisno o načinu povlačenja, može proći i do 2-3 radna dana dok ga ne primite.
Šta se dešava?
Jeste li to poslali lažno?
Možete li poslati izradu gdje mogu vidjeti da se novac prenosi u moju banku?
Ili imaju drugi igrači na Internetu tačno da Jokerino ne isplaćuje novac?
S poštovanjem
Dirk T ***
Da vidimo da li ćete reagirati, ali bojim se da ćete to učiniti kao i mnogi drugi
pretvarat će se da ne znaju ništa o isplati.
Srdačan pozdrav
Dirk T ***
Hello Kristina Stark,
As feared, I did not receive the 1900 euros within the specified 3 working days, but the amount was deleted from the payouts on the Jokerino account.
I have now written to Jokerino again in English
Hello Jokerino,
3 business days are over and I haven't received the 1900 Euro on my bank account.
You have sent me a message 02/10/2021 that you have accepted the withdrawal and i should get the money
In 3 days.
This Message:
Dear User, we are happy to confirm that your withdrawal was accepted.
Depending on the Withdrawal Method it might take up to 2-3 business days until you receive it.
What is happening?
Have you sent it false?
Could you send a build where i can see that the money is transferred to my bank?
Or have other players in the Internet Right that Jokerino doesn´t pay out money?
With best regard
Dirk T ***
Let's see if you react, but I'm afraid that you will do it like many others and
will pretend they don't know anything about a payout.
With best regards
Dirk T ***
Hallo Kristina Stark,
wie befürchtet, habe ich die 1900 Euro nicht erhalten innerhalb der angegebenen 3 Arbeitstage, aber beim Jokerino Account wurde der Betrag bei den Auszahlungen rausgelöscht.
Ich habe Jokerino jetzt nochmal angeschrieben auf englisch
Hello Jokerino,
3 busniness days are over and i haven´t recieved the 1900 Euro on my bank account.
You have sended me a message 10.02.2021 that you have accepted the Withdrawal and i should get the Money
In 3 days.
This Message:
Dear User, we are happy to confirm that your withdrawal was accepted.
Depending on the Withdrawal Method it might take up to 2-3 Business days until you receive it.
What is happen?
Have you sended it false?
Could you send a build where i can see that the money is transfered to my bank?
Or have other Players in the Internet Right that Jokerino doesn´t pay out money?
With best regard
Dirk T***
Mal schauen ob Sie reagieren, jedoch befürchte ich das Sie es so wie bei vielen Anderen machen werden und
so tun werden, als wüssten sie nichts mehr von einer Auszahlung.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dirk T***
Dobar dan Kristina Stark,
Sada sam novac primio nakon 4 radna dana i sada mogu portal ocijeniti pozitivno, ali možda biste ipak trebali raditi na portalu Jokerino, tako da vam nije toliko nezgodno za zaradu.
Hvala vam na pomoći i rado ću preporučiti vašu web lokaciju drugima.
Slučaj se stoga može zaključiti.
Srdačan pozdrav
Dirk T ***
Hello Kristina Stark,
I have now received the money after 4 working days and can now rate the portal positively, but you should perhaps still work on the Jokerino portal so that it is not so cumbersome to get your profit.
Thank you for your help and I will gladly recommend your site to others.
The case can thus be closed.
With best regards
Dirk T ***
Hallo Kristina Stark,
ich habe jetzt nach 4 Arbeitstagen das Geld bekommen und kann das Portal jetzt auch positiv bewerten, allerdings an dem Jokerino Portal sollten Sie vielleicht noch etwas arbeiten, damit es nicht so umständlich ist, seinen Gewinn zu bekommen.
Vielen Dank auch für Ihre Hilfe und ich werde ihre Seite gerne weiterempfehlen.
Der Fall kann damit also geschlossen werden.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dirk T***
Sjajne vijesti! Kako je žalba uspješno riješena, sada ćemo je zatvoriti kao "riješenu" u našem sustavu. Zahvaljujemo na saradnji i ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas ako u budućnosti naiđete na probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kasinom. Ovdje smo da pomognemo.
Awesome news! As the complaint has been successfully resolved, we will now close it as ‘resolved’ in our system. Thanks for your cooperation and don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali: youremail@gmail.com
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.