Igrač iz Njemačke zatražio je povlačenje prije dvije sedmice. Obrađeno je, ali nikada nije stiglo do igrača. Dobit je isplaćena igraču, iako je primio neugodne poruke iz kazina.
The player from Germany has requested withdrawal two weeks ago. It has been processed but never reached the player. The winnings were payed out to the player, even though he received some unpleasant messages from the casino.
Igrač iz Njemačke zatražio je povlačenje prije dvije sedmice. Obrađeno je, ali nikada nije stiglo do igrača. Dobit je isplaćena igraču, iako je primio neugodne poruke iz kazina.
Dobar dan,
Čekao sam isplatu skoro 2 sedmice.
Nema odgovora na e-poštu na adresu info@jokerino.com, tek prije otprilike 5 dana primio sam e-poruku da je uplata prihvaćena i da ću novac imati na računu za 2-3 radna dana.
Kao rezultat toga, izbrisano je 2000 eura kao željeno povlačenje iz Jokerina.
To je bilo prošle sedmice 16.08.2021.
Osvojio sam novac pošteno u skladu s njihovim uslovima i odredbama i depozit je bio bez bonusa.
Pisao sam Jokerinu 2 puta da nisam dobio novac, naravno opet bez reakcije.
Ovo je e -mail koji sam primio od Jokerina.
Dragi korisniče, sretni smo što možemo potvrditi da je vaše povlačenje prihvaćeno.
Ovisno o načinu povlačenja, može proći do 2-3 radna dana dok ga ne primite.
Tako da nakon 5 dana još uvijek nije bilo novca.
Srdačni pozdravi
Dirk T *******
Good day,
I've been waiting for the payment for almost 2 weeks.
There is no response to e-mails to info@jokerino.com, only about 5 days ago I received an e-mail that the payment was accepted and that I will have the money in my account in 2-3 working days.
As a result, the 2000 euros as a desired withdrawal from Jokerino were deleted.
That was last week 08/16/2021.
I won the money fairly in compliance with their terms and conditions and the deposit was without a bonus.
I have now written to Jokerino 2 times that I did not get the money, of course again no reaction.
This was the email I received from Jokerino.
Dear User, we are happy to confirm that your withdrawal was accepted.
Depending on the Withdrawal Method it might take up to 2-3 business days until you receive it.
So after 5 days there was still no money.
Kind regards
Dirk T *******
Guten Tag,
ich warte jetzt schon fast 2 Wochen auf die Auszahlung.
Auf E-Mails an info@jokerino.com wird nicht reagiert, nur vor ca. 5 Tagen kam eine E-Mail das die Auszahlung akzeptiert wurde und ich das Geld in 2-3 Werktagen auf meinem Konto habe.
Daraufhin waren die 2000 Euro als gewünschte Abhebung bei Jokerino gelöscht.
Das war letzte Woche 16.08.2021.
Das Geld habe ich fair gewonnen unter Einhaltung ihrer AGBs und die Einzahlung war ohne Bonus.
Ich habe Jokerino jetzt 2 mal angeschrieben, das ich das Geld nicht bekommen habe, natürlich wieder keine Reaktion.
Dies war die E-Mail, die ich von Jokerino erhalten hatte.
Dear User, we are happy to confirm that your withdrawal was accepted.
Depending on the Withdrawal Method it might take up to 2-3 Business days until you receive it.
Nach 5 Tagen also immer noch kein Geld da.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dirk T*******
Dragi dirk121971,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli svoju žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem o vašem odgođenom povlačenju. Da li sam dobro shvatio da je vaše povlačenje obrađeno, ali nikada nije stiglo do vas? Za koji način plaćanja ste se odlučili? Jeste li od kazina primili broj za praćenje transakcija? Shvatio sam iz vaše prethodne žalbe https://casino.guru/jokerino-casino-player-is-not-satisfied-with-casino da ste prethodno primili uplatu od ovog kazina, je li to točno?
Nadam se da ćemo vam pomoći u rješavanju ovog problema što je prije moguće. Hvala vam unaprijed na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear dirk121971,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your delayed withdrawal. Do I understand correctly that your withdrawal has been processed but never reached you? Which payment method you have opted for? Have you received a transaction tracking number from the casino? I understood from your previous complaint https://casino.guru/jokerino-casino-player-is-not-satisfied-with-casino that you have received a payment from this casino previously, is that correct?
However, I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
da, tačno je da sam se ranije žalila. zbog isplate koju sam primio nakon puno kazališta s Jokerinom i e-mailovima, a onda sam opet dobio nešto, bez potrebe da vam ovdje podnosim žalbu, zbog čega sam mislio da je u redu, sada vjerovatno prihvatate isplate.
Također je bio slučaj da je s prethodnim isplatama uvijek dolazila poruka da je isplata prihvaćena i da je potom u roku od 4 dana objavljena na mom tekućem računu u Sparkasse Rhein-Neckar-Nord, ali uvijek sam nekoliko puta tražio novac .
Ovaj put više ne odgovaraju na e-poštu i prošlo je više od 6 dana otkako je Jokerino navodno prenio novac.
Znam da se čak i svjetski transferi iz jedne banke u drugu obično vrše za najviše 3 dana, a ako želite, čak i za nekoliko minuta.
Što se tiče broja transakcije, Jokerino nikada nije poslao tako nešto, što je zapravo uobičajeno u drugim kockarnicama.
O da, s chatom tamo ne morate ni govoriti, odmah će vam reći da nije odgovoran za to.
Srdačni pozdravi
Dirk T *******
Srdačni pozdravi
Dirk T *******
Hi there,
yes it is correct that i had complained before. because of a payout and received it after a lot of theater with Jokerino and e-mails and then I got something again, without having to submit a complaint to you here, which is why I thought ok, now you probably accept the payouts.
It was also the case that with previous payouts the message always came that the payout was accepted and that it was then posted to my current account at Sparkasse Rhein-Neckar-Nord within 4 days, but I always asked for the money several times had to.
This time they no longer respond to e-mails and it has been more than 6 days since Jokerino allegedly transferred the money.
I know that even worldwide transfers from one bank to another are usually done in a maximum of 3 days and, if you want, even in minutes.
As for the transaction number, Jokerino has never sent something like that, which is actually common at other casinos.
Oh yes, with the chat there you don't even need to speak, it will tell you immediately that it is not responsible for it.
Kind regards
Dirk T *******
Kind regards
Dirk T *******
ja es ist richtig, das ich mich schon einmal beschwert hatte. wegen einer Auszahlung und diese nach viel Theater mit Jokerino und E-Mails erhalten habe und danach habe ich nochmals auch was ausgezahlt bekommen, ohne das ich hier bei Ihnen eine Beschwerde einreichen musste, weshalb ich dann dachte ok jetzt akzeptieren sie wohl die Auszahlungen.
Es war auch so, das bei vorherigen Auszahlungen auch immer die Nachricht kam, das die Auszahlung akzeptiert wurde und es dann in 4 Tagen bei meinem Girokonto bei der Sparkasse Rhein-Neckar-Nord gebucht war, wobei ich aber auch immer mehrmals nach dem Geld fragen musste.
Dieses Mal antworten sie auf E-Mails gar nicht mehr und es sind seit Jokerino angeblich überwiesen hat, jetzt mehr als 6 Tage vergangen.
ich weis das selbst weltweite Überweisungen von einer Bank an eine Andere normalerweise in maximal 3 Tagen erledigt sind und wenn man es will sogar in Minuten.
Was die Transaktionsnummer betrifft, sowas hat Jokerino noch nie geschickt, was bei anderen Kasinos eigentlich üblich ist.
Ach ja mit dem Chat dort brauchen sie gar nicht erst sprechen, der sagt Ihnen sofort das er dafür nicht zuständig ist.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dirk T*******
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dirk T*******
Hvala vam puno, dirk121971, na pružanju svih potrebnih informacija. Sada ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Martina koji će vam pomoći. Želim vam svu sreću i nadam se da ćete u bliskoj budućnosti vidjeti kako će se vaš problem riješiti na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much, dirk121971, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Martin who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Hello Dirk!
Od sada ću se pobrinuti za vašu žalbu. Želeo bih da pozovem predstavnike Jokerino Casina u ovu žalbu kako bi nam pomogli oko ovog problema.
Hello Dirk!
I will take care of your complaint from now on. I would like to invite representatives from Jokerino Casino into this complaint in order to help us with the issue.
Zaista mislite da odgovarate?
Već sam poslao mnogo e-poruka, ali nema odgovora.
Čak su mi prijetili prijavom prijevare i izvještavanjem kazino regulatora, a također im je rekao da ću kontaktirati portale poput vašeg na internetu.
Ako ne dobijem novac, vidjet ću može li se Jokerino staviti na međunarodnu crnu listu, postoje li takve liste koje će Jokerina koštati mnogo igrača.
Kriminalno je da Jokerino ne odgovara ni na jednu poruku.
Također ne razumijem zašto kažete da je povlačenje odobreno, a onda ništa ne dolazi.
Čak i kada sam zamoljen da mi pošalje broj transakcije za uplatu na moj račun, da vidim da li ste ga ispravno prenijeli, to se nije dogodilo, što dokazuje da se transfer nikada nije dogodio.
Ako je potrebno, mogu prikazati i bankovne izvode koji nisu primili nikakav novac otkad sam trebao primiti isplatu.
Do you really think you're answering?
I've already sent a lot of e-mails, but there is no response.
Even threatened with reporting fraud and reporting to casino regulators and also told them that I would contact portals like yours on the Internet.
If I don't get the money, I'll see if Jokerino can be put on an international blacklist, if there are such lists that will cost Jokerino a lot of players.
It's criminal that Jokerino doesn't reply to a single email.
I also don't understand why you say withdrawal approved and then nothing comes.
Even when I was asked to send me a transaction number for the payment to my account, to see whether you transferred it correctly, it did not take place, which proves that the transfer never took place.
If necessary, I can also show bank statements that have not received any money since I was supposed to have received the payout.
Glauben Sie wirklich das Sie antworten?
Ich habe da schon viele E-Mails geschickt, aber da kommt keine Reaktion.
Sogar mit Betrugsanzeige und Meldung bei Kasinoaufsichtsstellen gedroht und auch mitgeteilt das ich mich im Internet an Portale wie das Ihre wenden werde.
Sollte ich das Geld nicht bekommen, werde ich mal schauen, ob man Jokerino auf eine internationale schwarze Liste setzen lassen kann, gibt ja solche Listen das wird Jokerino dann viele Spieler kosten.
Es ist schon kriminell, das Jokerino nicht auf eine einzige E-Mail antwortet.
Verstehe auch nicht warum Sie erst sagen Auszahlung genehmigt und dann kommt nichts.
Selbst auf die Bitte mir eine Transaktionsnummer zu senden für die Auszahlung auf mein Konto, um zu sehen, ob sie es richtig überwiesen haben, erfolgte nicht, was beweist das es die Überweisung nie gegeben hat.
Ich kann bei Bedarf auch Kontoauszüge zeigen, das kein Geld einging, seit ich angeblich die Auszahlung bekommen sollte.
Željeli bismo zamoliti Jokerino Casino da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Produžavamo tajmer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u zadanom roku, žalbu ćemo zatvoriti kao „neriješenu", što će imati negativan utjecaj na rejting kazina.
We would like to ask Jokerino Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’, which will have negative impact on the casino's rating.
Rekao sam vam, nema odgovora i hvala vam što ste htjeli isprobati, čak i ako je beskorisno.
Usput, izgleda da Jokerino ne brinu negativne kritike.
Hi there,
I told you, there is no answer and thank you for wanting to try it, even if it is useless.
By the way, Jokerino doesn't seem to care about negative reviews.
ich habe es doch gesagt, da kommt keine Antwort und danke das ihr es noch versuchen wollt, auch wenn es zwecklos ist.
Negative Bewertungen scheinen Jokerino übrigens egal zu sein.
Jokerinom (jokerino.de) upravlja Stage5 NV sa registriranom adresom E-Commerce Park Vredenberg, Curacao pod licencom br. 8048 / JAZ2018-058. S5 Entertainment Limited (reg.br.HE391419) iz Chytron 3, stan 301, 1075 Nikozija, Kipar
Prema internetu, ovo bi bilo odgovorno tijelo za izdavanje dozvola u kojem je Jokerino registriran, ako bi to moglo pomoći u razjašnjavanju slučaja.
Pokušao sam doći do svog novca nekoliko puta putem info@jokerino.com, ali bez prijenosa i bez odgovora
Srdačni pozdravi
Dirk T *******
Jokerino (jokerino.de) is operated by Stage5 NV with the registered address E-Commerce Park Vredenberg, Curacao under License No. 8048 / JAZ2018-058. S5 Entertainment Limited (reg.no.HE391419) of Chytron 3, Flat 301, 1075 Nicosia, Cyprus
According to the Internet, this would be the responsible licensing authority where Jokerino is registered, if that might help to clarify the case.
I tried to get my money several times via info@jokerino.com, but no transfer and no answer
Kind regards
Dirk T *******
Jokerino (jokerino.de) wird von Stage5 N.V mit der registrierten Adresse E-Commerce Park Vredenberg, Curacao under License No. 8048/JAZ2018-058. S5 Entertainment Limited (reg. nr. HE391419) of Chytron 3, Flat 301, 1075 Nicosia, Cyprus
Laut Internet wäre das die zuständige Lizenzstelle, wo Jokerino gemeldet ist, falls das bei Klärung des Falls vielleicht hilft.
Ich habe über info@jokerino.com auch nochmals mehrfach versucht mein Geld zu bekommen, aber keine Überweisung und auch keine Antwort
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dirk T*******
Konačno sam danas dobio novac, ali nažalost opet s desetinama prijetnji u e-mailovima i pritužbom u Jokerinovom uredu za isplatu, kako je već najavljeno na Stage5 nV na Kipru.
Stoga se žalba može smatrati riješenom.
Možda je to bio i strah da ćete biti negativno ocijenjeni.
E -poruka još nije stigla od Jokerina ili Stage5 nV, gdje bi se barem izvinili zbog kašnjenja.
Hvala na pomoći
Srdačni pozdravi
Dirk T *******
Hi there,
I finally received the money today, but unfortunately again with dozens of threats in e-mails and a complaint at Jokerino's payout office as already announced at Stage5 nV in Cyprus.
The complaint can therefore be considered resolved.
Perhaps it was also the fear of being judged negatively by you.
An email has not yet come from Jokerino or Stage5 nV, where they would at least apologize for the delay.
Thanks for your help
Kind regards
Dirk T *******
ich habe das Geld endlich heute erhalten, aber leider mal wieder mit dutzenden von Androhungen in E-Mails und einer Beschwerde bei Jokerinos Auszahlungsstelle wie bereits mitgeteilt bei Stage5 n.V in Cypern.
Die Beschwerde kann also als gelöst angesehen werden.
Es war vielleicht auch die Angst durch Sie negativ bewertet zu werden.
Eine E-Mail kam aber den noch nicht von Jokerino oder Stage5 n.V, wo sie sich wenigstens mal für die Verzögerung entschuldigen würden.
Danke für Ihre Hilfe
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dirk T*******
ima još nešto.
Pogledajte odakle mi sada novac.
Očigledno da sada imaju drugačije mjesto plaćanja nego što su to činili.
Serv2gate Limited London 71-75 Shelton Street Covent Garden
Smiješno zar ne?
U svakom slučaju, imam svoj novac, ali za informacije bi vam moglo biti zanimljivo
Srdačni pozdravi
Dirk T *******
Hi there,
there is something else.
Take a look at where I got the money from now.
Apparently they now have a different payment point than they used to.
Serv2gate Limited London 71-75 Shelton Street Covent Garden
Funny isn't it?
Anyway, I have my money, but for information you might find it interesting
Kind regards
Dirk T *******
da ist noch etwas.
Schauen Sie sich mal an von wo ich das Geld jetzt bekommen habe.
Anscheint haben die jetzt eine andere Auszahlungsstelle wie früher.
Serv2gate Limited London 71-75 Shelton Street Covent Garden
Schon komisch oder?
Wie auch immer, ich habe ja mein Geld, aber als Information für Sie vielleicht interessant
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dirk T*******
Kako je žalba uspješno riješena, sada ćemo je zatvoriti kao 'riješenu' u našem sistemu. Hvala vam na saradnji i ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas ako u budućnosti naiđete na probleme s ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom. Ovdje smo da vam pomognemo.
As the complaint has been successfully resolved, we will now close it as ‘resolved’ in our system. Thanks for cooperation and don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali: youremail@gmail.com
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.