NaslovnaOnline KazinaJustbit Casino Recenzija
Justbit Casino Recenzija
Ne prihvata igrače iz Ohio
Bez Depozitni Bonus:
Nije dostupan
Depozitni Bonus:
Nije dostupan
Važno (1)
Poseti kazino
Metode isplate
Pokaži sve (22)
  • Skrill
  • Neteller
  • PaySafeCard
  • Mastercard
  • VISA
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • ApplePay
  • Ripple (XRP)
Isplatni limiti
20.000 €
10.000 €
5.000 €
SkyGrow Group Limitada
> 5.000.000 $
Nema licencu
Detalji kazinaBonusiRecenzije korisnika72Objašnjenje Indexa SigurnostiDiskusija44Metode isplate22
Važno: Kazino posluje bez licence Ovaj kazino posluje bez licence. Kao rezultat toga, kazino ne mora da posluje pod pravilima regulatornog tela. Dodatno, nećete imati kome da se žalite ako dođe do problema.

Justbit Casino Recenzija

Detaljno smo proučili Justbit Casino i dali smo mu ispod prosečni sigurnosni indeks. Ovaj kazino ima nekih dobrih kvaliteta, ali takođe ima i dosta nedostataka zbog čega je bolje da igrate negde drugo. U našoj recenziji, razmotrili smo žalbe igrača u ovom kazinu, procenili prihode, licencu, da li su igre prave, kvalitet korisničke podrške, da li pružaju fer tretman u smislu odredbi i uslova, podizanje novca i limite dobitaka, i druge faktore. Zbog toga što je Justbit Casino povezan sa drugim onlajn kazinima izlistanim ispod, oni takođe utiču na njegov rejting. Pročitajte celu recenziju ispod i saznajte više o ovom kazinu.

Prema našem istraživanju i procenama, Justbit Casino je kazino srednje veličine u smislu prihoda. Deo je grupe povezanih kazina, međutim, ova grupa je i dalje samo srednje veličine čak i kad se procenjuje kao cela. Prihod kazina je važan faktor, jer veća kazina ne bi trebala da imaju problem da isplaćuju velike dobitke, dok manja kazina potencijalno mogu da se muče ako uspete da osvojite zaista veliki dobitak.

Justbit Casino radi bez validne licence.

Trenutno imamo 4 žalbi na ovaj kazino u našoj bazi podataka. Zbog ovih žalbi, dali smo ovom kazinu 3.512 crnih bodova ukupno. Možete saznati više informacija o svim žalbama i crnim bodovima ispod u delu recenzije "Objašnjenje indeksa sigurnosti".

Upozorenje: Justbit Casino ima određene sekcije Odredbi i Uslova korišćenja za koje smatramo da nisu fer prema igračima kazina. One mogu da Vam prouzrokuju probleme ako odlučite da iskoristite kazino bonuse ili promocije. Zbog ovoga, savetujemo Vam da potražite kazino sa fer pravilima ili da makar posvetite specijalnu pažnju Odredbama i Uslovima korišćenja ovog kazina ako odlučite da igrate u njemu.

Kao što smo već pomenuli, dali smo Justbit Casino upitan sigurnosni indeks. To znači da iako nije potpuno loš, ima nekih negativnih kvaliteta zvog čega je preporučljivo da potražite bolji onlajn kazino za igranje.


Bez Depozitni Bonus:
Nije dostupan
Depozitni Bonus:
Nije dostupan

Metode isplate

Metode isplate
Pokaži sve (22)
  • Skrill
  • Neteller
  • PaySafeCard
  • Mastercard
  • VISA
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • ApplePay
  • Ripple (XRP)
Isplatni limiti
20.000 €
10.000 €
5.000 €

Pokaži sve

Nema klađenja
Video poker
Džekpot igre
Uživo igre
Nema pokera
Craps i igre sa kockicama
Nema klađenja na eSports
Crash igre

Dostupni jezici

Engleski website
Svi jezici (13)
Korisnička podrška na engleskom
Engleski chat uživo

Provajderi igre
Pokaži sve (91)

  • NetEnt
  • Nolimit City
  • Betsoft Gaming
  • Pragmatic Play
  • Novomatic
  • Big Time Gaming
  • Yggdrasil Gaming
  • Tom Horn

Pozitivne strane

  • Depoziti i isplate putem kriptovaluta
  • Višestruke valute na jednom nalogu
  • Dostupna live chat korisnička podrška 24/7
  • Live diler igre su dostupne

Loše strane

  • Ograničene mogućnosti odgovornog igranja
  • Moguće naknade za povlačenje
  • Nisu svi uvjeti prevedeni na jezičnu opciju koja je navedena na web mjestu

Zanimljive činjenice

  • Povećani limiti povlačenja za VIP igrače
  • Mjesečni limit povlačenja ovisi o odabranom načinu plaćanja
  • Mali međunarodni kazino
  • Svi depoziti moraju biti uloženi 1k pre povlačenja
Autor & Garant: Silvia Smith Zadnji put ažurirano: 10/12/2024 Da li je nešto netačno ili nešto fali? Recite nam
Kazino Bonusi

Justbit Casino bonusi

Pregledajte sve obnuse koje nudi Justbit Casino, uključujući njihov bez depozitni bonus i bonus na prvi depozit.

Casino Guru

Želimo da igrači razumeju kockanje.

Recenzije korisnika (72)

Recenzija korisnika Justbit Casino

Ovo je mesto gde možete podeliti vaše iskustvo sa Justbit Casino. Pročitajte šta su drugi igrači napisali ili napišite svoju recenziju i podelite sa svim pozitivne ili negatinve kvalitete bazirano na vašem ličnom iskustvu.

Feedback korisnika:

Ocenjeno od 72 korisnika

Vrlo pozitivanPozitivanNeutralanNegativanVrlo negativan

Da li imate bilo kakvo iskustvo sa ovim kazinom?

Napišite recenziju

Casino Guru

Želimo da igrači razumeju kockanje.

• pre 1 meseca
When I joined this site, the verification process was not necesary for crypto users. I joined the site three years ago.
Two months ago, I entered some Tether on the site and then I was asked to verify my identity. I said I don’t want to continue playing on the site and please return my last deposit because you have changed the rules. My request was not processed for 1.5 months. Then I was told to send an official request in an email with the reason and I did. In response, they asked me for 14 days to process it. After 14 days, they continued to drag out the matter and immediately restricted my email so that I could not email support. Or they deliberately did not answer, They also closed my account. And when I opened the site page to talk to support live, they repeated the same words and after 19 days they also closed support chat immediately and restricted my system to rating chat and continue.

On the X site or the old Twitter, I said in a comment why do they behave so disrespectfully? Exactly with such words, then immediately limited my X account.

Yes. If you have problem, they will treat you with such respect.
• pre 1 godinu
JUSTBIT (dokazivo) nema licencu za Austriju, ali i dalje posluje – dakle ilegalno – u Austriji!

JUSTBIT kupuje (dokazivo) pozitivne kritike --> lažne kritike!

JUSTBIT (dokazivo) izmišlja laži da bi morao da isplati samo mali deo ukupnog iznosa (banka primalac ne dozvoljava transfere veće od 500 evra... *lol*)!

JUSTBIT transfere (dokazivo) vrše PRIVATNA LICA!

U svakom trenutku mogu da dokažem APSOLUTNO SVE!!!
  • Nema licence!
  • Lažne kritike!
  • Laganje o povlačenju!
  • Transferi od strane PRIVATNIH LICA!
• pre 1 godinu
This casino positions itself as a cryptocurrency casino without verifying the identity of the player, as evidenced by the banner on the main page "NO KYC for crypto players." However, according to the rules (42.1), the casino can request KYC at any time for any withdrawal, including when playing with cryptocurrencies.

I believed them and played around with cryptocurrencies, but when paying, they required me to go through KYC. If I had not been lured by an advertising banner, I would not have even registered because for me anonymity during the game is the most important thing! I’m not going to provide documents, and my payment of $2,200 is frozen.

In fact, Justbit is misleading new players by luring them with false information. I consider these actions to be fraudulent.
  • Many games
  • The casino lures players with false offers
• pre 1 godinu
To je samo oko 80 dolara, ali zbog kvara sistema (kažu) ne mogu da ga povuku.
Nakon što su ih kontaktirali dva ili tri puta, oni kažu: ``Ja ću vas kontaktirati kada problem bude rešen, pa vas molim da sačekate e-poštu,'' i ostavite me na miru.
To je već treći put.

Uskoro će proći dva meseca.
Postoje tri stvari koje treba uzeti u obzir:
・Postoji vrlo malo kupaca, tako da ne mogu sebi priuštiti da plaćaju za isplate・Sistemski administrator je totalno usrana osoba・Ne žele da vam dozvole da povučete novac

Nemojte polagati u ovaj kazino.

Potražite e-poštu sa mmgg33442.
Naći ćete prepisku od kraja juna.

Od tada su prošle tri nedelje i nisam dobio nikakav odgovor, pa sam izgubio nadu.
Takođe sam deponovao u BTC.
Ali ni tamo nisam mogao da podignem novac.
Sam odustao.
Izbrisao sam ravnotežu i zaista se povukao.
Prestao sam da očekujem bilo šta od kazina koji ima SE koji su uvek nepošteni ili nekompetentni.
Govorim to više puta.
Najbolje je da ne polažete novac u ovaj kazino.
Čak ni oni koji su trenutno u mogućnosti da podignu novac to neće moći ako dođe do „problema u sistemu".
A kad se raspitaš, kažu.
„Radimo na ovome, pa sačekajte da vas kontaktiramo.
Nateraće vas da čekate mesecima.
Teraju te da čekaš dok ne odustaneš.
Možete odbiti povlačenje jednostavnim slanjem kratke poruke putem e-pošte. Veoma je lako poslovati.
A efekat je ogroman.

Možda to shvataju ozbiljno.
Ali u tom slučaju njihov SE je veoma nesposoban.
Kazina ne priznaju svoje greške.
Pretpostavimo da nesposobna osoba napravi grešku i vaš novac je nestao.
Na kraju krajeva, kazino neće priznati da je napravio grešku.
vaš novac će nestati.

Protraćili su deo mog novca.
Međutim, kao rezultat toga, napisao sam lošu recenziju ovde.
Bio bih srećan ako bi neko otkazao depozit zbog recenzije koju sam napisao.

20240308 PS Zaboravio sam da je ovaj kazino stvarno sranje. Ovo se dešava u protekla dva dana.
Mislim da i podrška za ćaskanje i glavni menadžer imaju mozak kao sunđer.
Uplatite 100 evra i dobijte 100% bonusa (100 evra
) Dobio sam ga. Kada je pravi novac potrošen, a pravi novac postao je veoma mali, počela je da se pojavljuje poruka upozorenja „Ova igra nije dozvoljena da se igra sa bonus novcem".
Počeo sam oko 10 igara misleći da je to samo tip igre, ali ista poruka upozorenja je bila prikazana na svim njima, a kada sam pokušao da se kladim, pisalo je ``Nema sredstava.''
Zamolio sam podršku za ćaskanje da mi kaže koje igre mogu da igram sa bonus novcem.
Rekao je, `` VIP menadžer će odgovoriti. "
Čekao sam pola dana i nisam se javio, tako da sam mogao ponovo da ćaskam.
Rekao je, `` VIP menadžer će odgovoriti. "
Ja: „U svakom slučaju, molim te reci mi koje igre mogu da igram sa bonus novcem."
Rekao je, `` VIP menadžer će odgovoriti. "

A danas sam u interakciji sa VIP menadžerom.
On kaže, ``Možete igrati sve slotove sa bonus novcem.''
Međutim, bez obzira šta pokrenete, prikazuje se poruka upozorenja ``Ova igra ne dozvoljava igranje sa bonus novcem'' i ne možete igrati.
Kada sam pitao menadžera o ovoj situaciji, on je rekao: ``To je zato što su dva bonusa aktivna, pa vas molim da proverite.''
Međutim, kada sam proverio, samo jedan bonus je bio aktivan sa mog ekrana.
Kada sam mu to rekao, rekao je: ``Mogu li da uklonim jedan bonus? "rekao.
Prihvatio sam i on je uklonio bonus od 100 evra.
Nemam pojma zašto se tako ponašao. Ne znam da li je to oblik uznemiravanja da se oteraju problematični kupci, ali je glupo. Konačno sam ponovo dobio bonus i rešio problem, ali je trajalo predugo.
  • GUI je kul.
  • Može se desiti da politika ne dozvoljava ili ne dozvoljava povlačenje sredstava.
  • lov rtp
  • neprijateljska podrška
Justbit Casino
Dear mmgg33441,

I am sorry that you are experiencing withdrawal issues at our casino. Let me ask for your email, so we can contact you back and help you with this case. Or can you please contact our support team by email, and we will immediately consider your request and help to fix the situation?

JustBit Casino
• pre 1 godinu
They lied when they said no KYC! I wasn't able to make any withdrawals on crypto. I almost lost all my money if I wasn't smart enough to report them to ecobansecurities . io.
They were able to get my funds out.

Please if you happen to be in my shoes you should do the same.
• pre 1 godinu
This is the worst casino ever.
their so called customer support are also mean and not helpful

i requested a refund in January when they didn't have a license to run in the Netherlands, I proved them wrong and used their own t&c to prove that they were responsible. they agreed and for the last 6 months, they have been telling me to wait patiently for it to be processed. 6 MONTHS! and what really gets me all the time is, even after 6 months they dare to tell me, to have a little patient.

they don't care about anybody or their players.
Justbit Casino
Dear Bella,

We are sorry to hear that you had a negative experience with our casino.
As we can see, there is an ongoing complaint due to your case, and we hope that case will be resolved soon.

We wish you all the Luck
Justbit Casino
• pre 1 godinu
Great casino
Great casino! It's definitely one of my favorites. I've never had any problems. love the set up of the casino and all the game options
  • The support team is super fast with responses.
  • I haven’t had any kind of negative experiences.
Justbit Casino
Hello, wyattkaleigh2008!

It's great to hear that you've had a positive experience with our casino.
Thank you for sharing your review. We wish you all the Luck

Best wishes,
Justbit Casino
• pre 1 godinu
this casino has good potential.fix some minor issues and they can is fast as hell .the games like all casinos are in favour of the casinos and always will be .i never take bonuses so i cant coment on that .if they are clever they can get high rating .you can play with crypto but in flat currency wich i like .responsible gaming tools are available .many live tables .and site looking good .fast payouts in crypto !!
Update :so far so good most issues are fixed .i am playing now only on this casino .fast support and fast withdrawal.keep it up guys.and casino guru why the rating is not put higher here they deserve an 8 so far .
i still like the casino see my revieuw .i was one of the first commenting .but guys comeon .kyc and Aml cheks are still not finished for almost 8 weeks now?
  • fast support and many people available .felix,carolien,elise and one more i dont remember his name .
  • no authentic gaming dualplay
Justbit Casino
Dear sardapoor1963,

Thanks for your review. We are happy to know you are experiencing incredible gaming with JustBit Casino. We are constantly working on improvements for our casino and trying to present new features and games from time to time. We are considering implementing gaming dualplay, but it is on pause now.

Also, to keep up with our news, check out our Telegram channel by the link - Only there can you get special promotions only for the channel subscribers.

Wish you luck and wins!
JustBit Casino
• pre 1 godinu

Justbit asked me for my ID to verify my account after asking to withdraw 6.75 mbtc (almost 190 euros). I send it, the site then asked for my ID next to my face which I send also. Today they sent me an email telling me that my documents have been forged and they will close my account. I told them I can send them any docs they need, but they are not interested. they just want to confiscate my money
Justbit Casino
Dear Juniash2014,

We are sorry to hear that you had a negative experience with our casino.
As we can see, there is an ongoing complaint due to your case, and we hope that case will be resolved soon.

We wish you all the Luck
Justbit Casino
• pre 1 godinu
It has been great playing this casino so far! Even when I lose my manager Markus came to reach out to me and help me get back on my feet to keep playing. One of the major reasons of playing is because of the manager or at least I got lucky with mine, so thank you Markus!
  • Easy to use
  • Quick Deposits
  • Fast Response time both emailing and chat
  • Slow withdrawal time
Justbit Casino
Hello, Roarry!

It's great to hear that you have had a positive experience playing at the casino. The fact that the manager, Markus, reached out to you and offered assistance when you were having difficulty is a testament to their dedication to customer satisfaction. It's always reassuring to have a helpful and supportive team behind you when you're gambling. It's wonderful that Markus was able to help you get back on your feet and continue playing. Thank you for sharing your feedback and experience, and we hope you continue to enjoy your time at the casino.

Best wishes,
Justbit Casino
• pre 2 godina
Very helpfull people, i am a vip and the manager is really quick with everything so become a vip and profite from the therms. I am very happy with it
  • Helpfull people very happy with it
Justbit Casino
Hello, Bram!

It's great to hear that you've had a positive experience with the VIP program and the manager at this establishment. It's always important to feel valued and supported as a customer, especially as a VIP. Your feedback on the staff's quick response time and helpfulness are also valuable for other potential customers to consider. Thank you for sharing your review, and we hope you continue to enjoy your VIP benefits.

Best wishes,
Justbit Casino
• pre 2 godina
Great looking new casino. Just made my first withdrawal around 4000€ and it was processed in 24h. Communication with the vip manager Markus has been really good as well.

Been using the casino only for few days now so will update the review after some time. But for starters its looking really good.
  • Fast withdrawals
  • Great vip support
  • Nothing yet
Justbit Casino
Hello hthalme!

We are glad to hear that you're enjoying your time at our casino so far.
At our casino, we strive to provide top-notch customer service and we are pleased to hear that Markus, our VIP manager, has been able to assist you in a timely and effective manner.

We look forward to continuing to provide you with the best gaming experience possible and we are excited to read your review on your time with us.

Thank you for your patronage.

Best wishes,
Justbit Casino
• pre 2 godina
this casino does not respect when u want to close your account they auto close it for a day when u ask them to permanently close it. and they keep baiting you with all kinds of free gifts and other tactics. I lost 575 euros and im from the Netherlands and they are not allowed to take my bets I found this out later I want my deposits back
  • not easy to close
  • does not have a license for the Netherlands
Justbit Casino
Hello, Cheddar!

We want to apologize for the experience you’ve had with the account blocking.
It’s not our usual standard, and we understand how frustrating this delay must be. We are sorry you’ve had to spend so much time on this.
Our department has already started investigating this case and will do our best to resolve this situation and avoid it in the future.
Your account is already blocked now without any opportunity to reopen.
You will be informed via email as soon as the investigation is completed.

Best wishes,
Justbit Casino
• pre 2 godina
I finally found a Casino that I can trust since I was so deceived by others, VIP service 24 hours a day, I'm super happy with my Manager Markus, he always gives me all the support, and also fast withdrawal.
Justbit Casino
Hi Vierasimone895,

Thanks for your feedback. We are happy that you have such a nice impression of Justbit. Our team is always trying hard to develop our services for you.

Best wishes,
Justbit Casino
• pre 2 godina
A lot of bonuses and all the games you want. In special very happy with my personal manager Frank. He’s always ready to help me
Justbit Casino
Hi Dc62,

Thanks for your feedback. We will pass the compliments on to the VIP team.

Our team is always trying hard to develop our services for you.

We also invite you to follow our Telegram channel, so you can always stay in touch with all the latest news about games, providers, promotions, and much more :)

Best wishes,
Justbit Casino
• pre 2 godina
I have played at this casino, for a long time.... I started to play when the casino was just created and I need to say great work!
At the start, it was super buggy, but when I returned it seems that right now there are no bugs at all, but even if I see some the support team resolve it quickly, not quickly as I want to, but quickly for the casino.
  • Great support
  • Fast page download time
  • Fair bonuses
  • Was buggy at the start
• pre 2 godina
Very good casino, a lot of games to choose from, i had a few winnings there and Frank my personal manager always helped me with everything i asked for. I really recommend
• pre 2 godina
A overal good experience, with personal support from a vip manager, combined with a very generous rakeback system. This is combined with a hefty cashback when you hit a loss.
Personally very happy to see a casino having this level of security with a google authenticator code. Without any bias, one of the best around to my opinion
  • Personal vip manager that does actually respond
  • Advanced security
  • Rakeback sytem
  • cashback sytem
  • Id verification process could be sped up a bit, but they indicated that in my case it was an incident.
• pre 2 godina
Personal V.I.P. manager Alexa really super good help the BEST i ever experienced at any casino he can help thru what's app or telegram
  • alexa grate help for mw always
• pre 2 godina
The best casino i have ever used, alot of cashbacks and pay out are very quick especially my vip manager Alexa. She is the best
• pre 2 godina
Best Sportsbook/Live Casino site that i ever witnessed! Good rewards and my VIP Manager Frank always responds within minutes and is very helpful, you won’t regret playing here!
  • Great Rewards
  • Nice lay-out
  • Fast withdrawals
  • Live casino and Sportsbook market is huge
  • Lots of slots
  • Your own VIP-Manager who responds within minutes
  • Site can be a bit buggy sometimes
• pre 2 godina
I’ve recently joined Justbit. I’m impressed with how smoothly everything goes here, from signing up to making deposits and withdrawals.

They offer a wide selection of slot games as well as live table games. The network speed is fast for live games, high quality video streaming. The graphics of the slot machines are good as well.

One thing I like them in particular is that I can make 8 free withdrawals everyday. This comes in handy when I need to take profits to lock in the winnings. Also the daily withdrawal limit is high enough for me.

Their VIP manager Markus has been very professional. He will usually respond to my IM messages within minutes, and has been helpful responding to my enquiries.

So far I’m satisfied with the games they offer and the services they provide. I’m enjoying my time here.
  • professional service
  • fair games
  • free withdrawals and high limits
  • encountered network problems that caused bets being rejected
  • the withdrawal speed could be faster
• pre 2 godina
It works smoothly and the VIP Manager Frank is outstanding and always extremely supportive. Modern Casino with top games
  • VIP Manager Frank is great
  • Withdrawals are very fast
  • Great service
• pre 2 godina
Nice modern casino with i think all slots available,nice promo's and bonuses ,rackeback super friendly chat support and super fast
  • Personal V.I.P. manager Chandler really super good help the BEST i ever experienced at any casino he can help thru what's app or telegram
• pre 2 godina
Very involved customer service. Would recommend for the extra time they give to the players.
  • Customer service
  • Fun mix of games
  • Some games not available in my region
• pre 2 godina
Good casino itself with a lot of bonuses but Markus Vip manager is best on earth
The way he cares about customers speaks a lot about his attitude in that work and he is best ever Vip manager at casino I ever met
  • Vip Managers Markus is best giy there
  • Limits are superb
  • Variety of withdrawals is great
  • Great service is always there
  • Fast withdrawals are welcomed
• pre 2 godina
Odlična lična usluga! Brza pomoć! Brza isplata! Veoma ljubazna i kompetentna podrška osoblja! Dodatne pohvale i hvala Monici, mojoj ličnoj potpornici! Podrška dostupna 24/7 na nemačkom i engleskom! Preporučuje! Hvala!
  • Nema negativnih komentara do sada
• pre 2 godina
Dobra komunikacija i ljudi su ljubazni na razgovoru. Imam VIP osobu koja se zove Monika, veoma je osetljiva

  • Komunikacija
  • Prijateljski
• pre 2 godina
Guys, listen! If you wanna to win something using gambling worlds - definitely try this casino!!! I’m new here and need to mention that VIP team assistance impressed me a lot. They never sleep and always here to help you with any question or problem.

I wanna emphasize on VIP manager Monica professionalism. Want a better bonus or speed up withdrawals - no problem! She is worth it!

recommend this casino to my friends and you should do the same. Cheers!
  • support and VIP team assistance
  • cryptocurrencies
  • amazing rakeback and cashback
  • variety of slots and live games
  • cozy and warm interface
  • casino do not have all of my fav games
• pre 2 godina
Izbrojao sam 5000 evra za 2 nedelje i depoziti su se upravo smanjili.

Imam osećaj da tu nešto ne štima.

  • Markus brine o svojim mušterijama
  • Slotovi ne rade glatko
  • Ne verujte u slučajnost
Objašnjenje Indexa Sigurnosti

Index Sigurnosti Justbit Casino objašnjenje

Pogledajte objašnjenje faktora koje uzimamo u obzir pri izračunavanju ocene indeksa sigurnosti Justbit Casino. Indeks sigurnosti glavna je metrika koju koristimo za opisivanje pouzdanosti, pravednosti i kvaliteta svih online kazina u našoj bazi podataka.

Index sigurnosti:Ispod proseka5.3/10
Kazino srednje veličine, bazirano na našim istraživanjima i procenama
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Nije pronađena nijedna relevantna kazino crna lista
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Razmotrili smo i druge faktore koji su imali pomalo negativan uticaj na Indeks Sigurnosti kazina
Index Sigurnosti ovog kazina je izračunat isključivo na našem istraživanju i podacima koje je sakupio tim koji radi recenzije. Naučite više o metodologiji recenzija kazina

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Unesite pritužbu


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