Dragi Casino Guru timu i juniash2014,
Nakon analize naloga za igru i njegove igračke aktivnosti, sumnjamo da je ovaj igrač bio u dosluhu sa nekim od drugih igrača u našoj kompaniji ili je dobio informaciju o procesu klađenja iz određenog izvora, što zauzvrat potvrđuje da je igrač pokušao da ne uživajte u igricama, ali da biste stekli finansijsku korist (stav 79- Veb-sajt se može koristiti samo u lične svrhe i neće se koristiti za bilo kakvu komercijalnu dobit.)
Takođe, uz pomoć jedne od „Fraud-prevention" platformi, primećena je registracija sa identičnim hešom lozinke, što potvrđuje činjenicu da igrač ima više od jednog naloga za igru na našem projektu (tačka 17.1 „Samo jedan nalog za svaki domaćinstvo, IP adresa i računarski uređaj je dozvoljen. Ako to ne učinite, to može dovesti do blokiranja vašeg naloga za pristup i „zamrzavanja" ili konfiskacije svih vaših sredstava.")
Pored toga, radi verifikacije korisnika, radimo sa kompanijom - "Sum&Substance", koja zauzvrat takođe ima poslovna partnerstva sa mnogim kompanijama u iGaming industriji i drugim oblastima. Nakon što su uočene ranije ukazane sumnje i radnje koje krše pravila kompanije, od igrača je zatraženo da prođe kroz KIC (Knov iour client) proces u skladu sa paragrafima. 14 „JustBit zadržava pravo da izvrši validnu identifikaciju korisnika u skladu sa procedurama Knov Iour Customer (KIC) u slučajevima koji nisu obuhvaćeni str. 13. ako postoje jaki razlozi da se veruje da postoji rizik od prevare, pranja novca ili bilo kakvu zloupotrebu od strane Korisnika ili u slučaju čestih i velikih povlačenja od strane jednog Korisnika u razumno kratkom vremenskom periodu.", pri čemu se ispostavilo da je igrač prethodno našim partnerima davao lažna dokumenta na drugim projektima sa kojima oni sarađuju. Pošto je igrač ranije viđen u falsifikovanju dokumenata, nažalost, ne postoji način da se potvrdi njegova originalna dokumenta od strane naših partnera. Prema odgovoru naših partnera „Tokom pregleda smo utvrdili da je korisnik blokiran zbog pružanja dokumenata sa znacima falsifikata kada je pokušao da prođe verifikaciju na drugom projektu. Originalni dokumenti su obezbeđeni na vašem projektu, ali korisnik ne može biti odobren u svrhe bezbednosti i smanjenja rizika.
Takođe, imajte na umu da korisnik na nalogu igre ima državu „Turska", a kasnije se ispostavilo da je igrač iz Albanije, čija dokumenta je dostavio, čime je takođe prekršen klauzula 12 -Korisnik garantuje da će dostaviti istinito, tačne, aktuelne i potpune informacije u vezi sa identitetom tokom procesa registracije. Svaka lažna informacija ili lažno predstavljanje bilo koje osobe, lažno predstavljanje u vezi sa bilo kakvom povezanošću sa drugom osobom, entitetom ili udruženjem, korišćenje lažnih zaglavlja ili druge radnje ili propusti za prikrivanje nečijeg identiteta od Casbit Group NV u bilo koju svrhu biće krivično gonjeni prema zakon. Da bi dobio pristup veb-sajtu, od korisnika može biti zatraženo da pruži validnu proveru identiteta i relevantne informacije. Kompanija zadržava pravo da od Korisnika zatraži dokaz o starosti i blokira pristup veb stranici ili suspenduje korisnički nalog ako ne ispuni ovaj uslov.
Iz gore navedenih informacija proizilazi da je korisnik prekršio i str. 15:
15.1- Korisnik je tačno i tačno ispunio obrazac za registraciju.
15.7- Korisnik nema više naloga na veb lokaciji JustBit.io.
Srdačan pozdrav,
JustBit kazino
Dear Casino Guru Team and juniash2014,
After analyzing the game account and its gaming activity, we have suspicions that this player was colluding with one of the other players in our company or they received information about the betting process from a certain source, which in turn confirms that the player tried not to enjoy games, but to obtain financial benefits (para. 79- The website can only be used for personal purposes and shall not be used for any type of commercial profit.)
Also, with the help of one of the "Fraud-prevention" platforms, registration with an identical password hash was noticed, which confirms the fact that the player has more than one game account on our project (clause 17.1 "Only one Account for each household, IP address and computer device is allowed. Failure to do so may lead to your Account being blocked for access and "freezing" or confiscation of all your funds.")
In addition, to verify users, we work with the company - "Sum&Substance", which in turn also has business partnerships with many companies in the iGaming industry and other areas. After the previously indicated suspicions and actions violating the rules of the company were noticed, the Player was asked in turn to go through the KYC (Know your client) process in accordance with the paragraphs. 14 "JustBit reserves the right to carry out valid identification of a User under Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures in cases not covered by p.13 hereof if there are strong grounds to believe that there's a risk of commitment of fraud, money-laundering or any abuse on the part of the User or in case of frequent and major withdrawals by one User during a reasonably short period of time.", where it turned out that the player had previously provided fake documents to our partners on other projects with which they cooperate. Since the player was previously seen in the forgery of documents, unfortunately, there is no way to confirm his original documents by our partners. According to the response from our partners "During the review, we found that the user was blocked for providing documents with signs of forgery when trying to pass verification on another project. Genuine documents are provided on your project, but the user cannot be approved for security and risk minimization purposes."
Also, please note that the user in the game account has the country "Turkey", and later it turned out that the player is from Albania, whose documents he provided, which in turn also violated clause 12 -The User warrants to provide true, accurate, current and complete information regarding identity during the registration process. Any false information or impersonation of any person, misrepresentation regarding any affiliation with another person, entity, or association, use of false headers, or other acts or omissions to conceal one`s identity from Casbit Group N.V. for any purpose will be prosecuted under the law. In order to receive access to the Website User may be asked to provide valid subsisting verification of identity and relevant information. The Company reserves the right to ask for proof of age from the User and block access to the website or suspend the User’s account if it fails to meet this requirement.
From the information provided above, it follows that the user also violated p.p. 15:
15.1- The User has completed the registration form truthfully and correctly.
15.7- The User does not have multiple accounts on the JustBit.io website.
Best regards,
JustBit Casino
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