Dobio sam 150 dolara bonusa za mesečni ciklus,
Ispunio sam uslove za klađenje. I unovčen. 1700 dolara na računu.
međutim, od tada je moje povlačenje čekalo i svaki pokušaj da vidim šta se dešava naišao sam na nula odgovora zašto to traje toliko dugo.
takođe od tada sam deponovao i osvojio i druge isplate, koje se ne obrađuju.
ne mogu da se osvrnem na svoju istoriju igara da proverim da li moja maksimalna opklada nije u skladu, i nisam dobio nikakvu poruku od kazina.
mene brine da ako prekršim pravilo maksimalne opklade. Da li će mi konfiskovati ostale dobitke koje sam zaradio sopstvenim novcem?
ili će tada poštovati te pobede? ako ne, koji bi bili moji koraci da bar onda vratim svoje depozite?
svaka pomoć bi bila veoma cenjena
I got a 150 dollar moon cycle bonus,
I met the wagering requirements. And cashed out. 1700 dollars on the account.
howver since then my withdrawal has been pending and every attempt to see what is going on I have been met with zero answers as to why it is taking so long.
also since then I have deposited and won other withdrawals as well, which are not being processed.
i can’t look back at my game history to check if my max bet was not in compliance, and I have not received any word from the casino.
my concern is that if I did break the max bet rule. Are they going to confiscate my other winnings that I made with my own money?
or will they honor those wins then? if not what would be my steps to at least then get my deposits back?
any help would be greatly appreciated
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