Igračica iz Njemačke ima poteškoća s provjerom svog računa. Zaključili smo na kraju da smo prigovor zaključili kao 'neriješen', jer je kazino AML politiku koristio kao izgovor da igraču ne isplati dobitak.
The player from Germany is experiencing difficulties verifying her account. We ended up closing the complaint as ‘unresolved’ because the casino used the AML policy as an excuse not to pay the player her winnings.
Igračica iz Njemačke ima poteškoća s provjerom svog računa. Zaključili smo na kraju da smo prigovor zaključili kao 'neriješen', jer je kazino AML politiku koristio kao izgovor da igraču ne isplati dobitak.
Pozdrav, igrao sam u casinu Kim Vegas i uplatio depozit i zatražio bonuse 02.03.21.
Nakon primjene bonusnih uslova mogu podići 600 EUR, moj račun je u međuvremenu blokiran i više mu ne mogu pristupiti.
Tada sam bio obaviješten nakon što sam poslao e-mail u kasino Kim Vegas da mi se isplati dobitak da se moram ukrasiti.
Uobičajeno, lična karta, dokaz o adresi, način plaćanja.
Odmah sam ga poslao.
Tada sam obaviješten u drugoj e-pošti nakon što sam poslao prve dokumente u kasino.
Da bih trebao poslati selfie + svoju osobu u jednom.
Takođe sam to učinio što je brže moguće i poslao potrebne dokumente u kazino Kim Vegas.
Nakon što ni to nije bilo dovoljno, kasino mi je ponovno poslao e-mail gdje sada možete snimiti još jedan selfi od mene, moje osobe, uključujući list papira na kojem bi trebala biti bilješka s današnjim datumom i * HI CASINO *
Provjerio sam i to i poslao ga u kazino Kim Vegas.
Do ovog trenutka imam potpuno razumijevanje, iako je pomalo čudno, jer je sve jasno vidljivo za kockarnicu, ličnu kartu, dokaz o adresi, selfie sa ličnim dokumentom, selfie sa ličnim dokumentom + rukom napisanu bilješku.
Sada mi je kasino rekao da bih trebao ponovo napraviti selfie, s ličnim podacima, s ličnom bilješkom i namigivanjem / zatvaranjem na jedno oko.
Ovdje se ozbiljno pitam kakve to veze ima s KYC-om i da li je to pošteno prema igraču koji uplati svoj novac u kazino?
Mislim, poslao sam sve u kasino bez prigovora.
Međutim, jednostavno mislim da nije normalno da se morate ismijavati da biste isplatili svojih 600 EUR.
Mislim da je više nego očito da je moj KYC postupak završen, nekoliko puta, ne mogu to sebi objasniti u najboljem dijelu.
Iwann je tada također dobar sa procedurom iz KYC-a i opet naglašavam da sam sve odmah poslao u kasino.
Međutim, osjećam se više nego bijesno s namigivanjem.
Budući da ovo nema apsolutno nikakve veze sa KYC procesom, zaista bi trebalo preispitati ono što radite igraču ili osobi da biste dobili novac koji ste osvojili.
Ipak, želim svima uključenima u ovo sve najbolje, a nadam se i da će ovaj slučaj uskoro biti riješen.
Srdačni pozdravi
Hello, I played in the Kim Vegas casino and made a deposit and claimed bonuses on 02/03/21.
After implementing the bonus conditions, I can withdraw EUR 600, my account has since been blocked and I can no longer access it.
I was then informed after I sent an email to the casino Kim Vegas to get my winnings paid out that I had to decorate myself.
The usual, ID, proof of address, payment method.
I sent it immediately.
Then I was informed in another email after I had sent the first documents to the casino.
That I should send a selfie + my person in one.
I also did that as quickly as possible and sent the necessary documents to the Kim Vegas casino.
After that too was not enough, the casino sent me an email again, where you can now take another selfie from me, my person including a sheet of paper on which the note should be with today's date and * HI CASINO *
I checked that too and sent it to Kim Vegas casino.
Up to this point I have the fullest understanding, although it is a little strange, because everything is clearly visible for the casino, ID, proof of address, selfie with personal ID, selfie with personal ID + handwritten note.
Now the casino has told me that I should take a selfie again, with personal information, with a personal note and wink / close on one eye.
Here I seriously ask myself what this has to do with KYC and whether that is fair to a player who pays his money into the casino?
I mean I sent everything to the casino with no objections.
However, I just don't think it's normal that you have to make fun of yourself to get your 600 EUR paid out.
I think it is more than obvious that my KYC procedure is complete, several times, I can't explain it to myself for the best part.
Iwann is then also good with the procedure from the KYC and I emphasize again that I sent everything to the casino immediately.
However, I feel more than pissed off with the wink.
Since this has absolutely nothing to do with the KYC process and it should really be reconsidered what you do to a player or person to get the money you have won.
Nevertheless, I wish everyone involved in this all the best and I also hope that this case will be resolved soon.
Kind regards
Guten tag, ich habe in dem casino Kim Vegas gespielt und eine Einzahlung getätigt und einen Boni in Anspruch genommen datum 03.02.21.
Nach umsetzen der Bonusbedingungen kann ich 600 EUR auszahlen lassen, mein konto wurde seither gesperrt und ich kann darauf nicht mehr zugreifen.
Mir wurde dann mitgeteilt nachdem ich an das casino Kim Vegas eine email geschickt habe, um meinen gewinn ausgezahlt zu bekommen, müsse ich mich verzieren.
Das übliche, ID,Addressnachweis,Zahlungsmethode.
Habe ich unmittelbar zukommen lassen.
Dann wurde mir mitgeteilt in einer weiteren email nachdem ich die ersten Dokumente dem casino zukommen lassen habe.
Das ich ein Selfie + meinen Perso in einem zuschicken soll.
Auch das habe ich schnellstens getan und dem Kim Vegas casino die nötigen unterlagen zu kommen lassen.
Nachdem auch dies nicht ausreichte, schickte mir das casino erneut eine email, wo sie von mir jetzt wieder ein selfie,mein perso inklusive ein Blatt Papier worauf die Notiz stehen soll mit dem heutigen datum und *HI CASINO*
Auch dem bin ich nachgegangen und habe es dem Kim Vegas casino zugeschickt.
Bis hier hin habe ich soweit auch vollstes verstaedniss obwohl es schon ein wenig merkwürdig ist, da alles eindeutig einsichtig ist fuer das casino, ID,Addressnacheweise, Selfie mit perso ID, Selfie mit persönlichen ID + handgeschriebener Notiz.
Nun hat mir das casino mitgeteilt, das ich jetzt wieder ein Selfie machen soll, mit perso, mit persönlicher Notiz und auf einem äuge zwinkern/schliessen soll.
Hier frage ich mich dann allen ernstes was das mit KYC zu tun hat das ganze und ob das einem spieler gegenüber der sein geld in das casino einzahlt fair gegenüber ist?
Ich meine ich habe alles dem casino zugesendet ohne Wiedersprüche.
Allerdings finde ich das einfach nicht normal das man sich mittlerweile so zum äffen machen muss um seine 600 EUR ausgezahlt zu bekommen.
Ich denke es ist mehr als einsichtlich das mein KYC verfahren vollständig ist, mehrfach, ich kann es mir beim besten willen nicht erklären.
Iwann ist dann auch gut mit dem verfahren vom KYC und nochmals betone ich das ich alles umgehend dem casino zugesendet habe.
Allerdings fühle ich mich da mit dem zwinkern mehr als veraeppelt.
Da dies rein gar nichts mehr mit KYC verfahren zu tun und das wirklich mal überdacht werden sollte, was man einem spieler bzw. menschen antut um sein gewonnenes geld ausgezahlt zu bekommen.
Ich wünsche dennoch allen beteiligten in dieser alles erdenklich gute und hoffe auch eine baldige Lösung in diesem fall.
Draga Rebekka,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je zbog vašeg problema.
Molimo vas da shvatite da je KYC vrlo važan i bitan proces, tokom kojeg se kasino pobrine da novac bude poslan pravom vlasniku. Kako nemaju luksuz da mogu fizički vidjeti sve igrače i provjeriti njihovu identifikaciju i dokumente, ovo je jedini način na koji kockarske ustanove mogu izvršiti postupke provjere. Nijedno ozbiljno i licencirano kasino ne doživljava KYC olako i možda će trebati nekoliko radnih dana da dovrši ovaj temeljni postupak.
Za buduće reference, kada se od vas zatraži selfi s osobnim dokumentima, slijedite ove važne smjernice:
- Ne uređujte sliku ni na koji način
- Fotografija mora sadržavati vaše cijelo lice, frontalno, bez izobličenja, sjena ili odsjaja svjetlosti. Ako netko fotografira umjesto vas, pobrinite se da je fotografira izbliza i uključi što manje pozadine (sjetite se, nije dozvoljeno obrezivanje)
- Kada fotografirate svoj lični dokument, pobrinite se da je fotografija jasna i dovoljno blizu za čitanje bez obrezivanja ili uređivanja
Jesu li vam savjetovali što se konkretno čini problem u potvrđivanju vašeg računa i zašto vaša prva dva selfija nisu prihvaćena?
Nadam se da ćemo vam moći pomoći da što prije riješite ovaj problem. Unaprijed se zahvaljujem na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Rebekka,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem.
Please understand that KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. As they don't have the luxury of being able to physically see all of the players and check their identification and documents, this is the only way gambling establishments are able to complete the verification procedures. None of the serious and licensed casinos takes KYC lightly and it might take a few working days to complete this thorough process.
For the future references, when you’ll be asked for a selfie with ID documents, please follow these important guidelines:
- Do not edit the image in any way
- The photo needs to include your full face, head-on, with no distortions, shadows or reflections of light. If someone takes the photo for you, make sure they take it from up close and include as little background as possible (remember, no cropping is permitted)
- When you take the photo of your ID, make sure the photo is clear and close enough to read without cropping or editing
Have you been advised what specifically seems to be a problem in verifying your account and why your first two selfies haven’t been accepted?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Pozdrav, dokumenti su savršeni. Sve je vidljivo i tačno onako kako treba biti.
U e-poruci se ništa ne navodi da dokumenti nisu prepoznati.
Zbog toga je savjetovano da se pošalju dodatni dokumenti.
Kao što sam gore spomenuo, Kim Vegas sam nekoliko puta slao u kazino.
Ne brinem se što dokumenti nisu provjereni, već su svi u redu.
Radi se samo o činjenici da sam dva puta snimio selfie, uključujući i bilješku.
Pomislite fizički da je ovo više nego dovoljno ako se od vas zatraži da dva puta pošaljete selfije itd.
Sve je u tome s namigivanjem oka + selfie + id + napomena ... Razumijem da kazino to može / može zatražiti.
Međutim, ako se od vas zatraži da napravite selfie, uključujući sve stvari, tada, po mom mišljenju, ne morate slati više stvari gdje morate trpjeti grimasu od sebe da biste izveli KYC proceduru.
Ponovo je kazino Kim Vegas primio sve dokumente i svi su tačni.
Fizički 2x više nego očigledno sve podneseno i prepoznatljivo.
Želim ti sve najbolje.
Hello, the documents are perfect. Everything is visible and exactly as it should be.
The email says nothing that the documents were not recognized.
It was therefore advised to send further documents.
As I mentioned above, I sent Kim Vegas several times to the casino.
It is not my concern that the documents have not been verified, they are all in order.
It's just about the fact that I took a selfie twice including a note.
Think physically this is more than enough if you are asked to send selfies etc. twice.
It's all about that with the winking eye + selfie + id + note ... I understand that a casino can / may request that.
However, if you are asked to take a selfie of yourself, including all the things, then in my opinion you don't need to send more things where you have to endure grimaces from yourself to carry out a KYC procedure.
Again, the Kim Vegas casino has received all the documents and they are all correct.
Physically 2x more than apparent everything submitted and recognizable.
Wish you all the best.
Guten tag, die Dokumente sind einwandfrei. Alles ist ersichtlich und genauso wie es sein soll.
In der email steht nichts davon das die Dokumente nicht anerkannt wurden.
Es wurde demnach drauf hingewiesen weitere Dokumente zu schicken.
Wie ich oben schon erwähnt habe, mehrfach dem casino Kim Vegas zugesendet habe.
Es geht mir auch nicht darum das die Dokumente nicht verifiziert wurden, die sind schon alle in Ordnung.
Es geht hier einfach darum das ich 2x ein selfie aufgenommen habe inklusive Notiz.
Denke physisch gesehen reicht das mehr als aus wenn man 2x aufgefordert wird selfies etc zu schicken.
Es geht genau darum das mit dem zwinkernden Auge + selfie+ id+ note... Ich verstehe das ein casino das anfordern kann/darf.
Allerdings wenn man aufgefordert wird schon ein selfie von sich zu machen inklusive den ganzen Sachen, dann braucht man meines Erachtens nicht noch weitere Sachen schicken wo man Grimassen von sich selbst ertragen muss um eine KYC verfahren durchzuführen.
Nochmals, das casino Kim Vegas hat alle Dokumente erhalten die alle einwandfrei sind.
Physisch 2x mehr als ersichtlich alles eingereicht und erkennbar.
Wünschen ihnen alles gute.
Puno vam hvala, Bekka, što ste pružili sve potrebne informacije. Sada ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Petera koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćete u bliskoj budućnosti vidjeti kako se vaš problem rješava na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much, Bekka, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo Bekka,
Pogledao sam vaš slučaj i razumijem situaciju. Kontaktirat ću kasino i vidjeti mogu li pomoći. Želio bih pozvati Kim Vegas Casino na razgovor kako bih sudjelovao u rješavanju ove žalbe.
Hi Bekka,
I looked at your case and understand the situation. I will contact the casino and see if I can help. I would like to invite Kim Vegas Casino to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Dobar dan Bekka,
hvala na obavještenju. Sada ću zatražiti detalje u nadležnom odjelu i javićemo vam se što je prije moguće
Srdačan pozdrav
Hello Bekka,
thank you for notifying. I will now ask for details at the department in charge of and will be back to you as soon as possible
best regards
nažalost, administracija kazina može zahtijevati dodatne provjere, to je također navedeno u odredbama i uvjetima. ljubazno vas molimo da slijedite upute i učitate potrebne dokumente nakon kojih ćemo moći nastaviti puno brže.
Ovaj postupak je takođe dio naših T&C:
"Zadržavamo pravo telefonskog poziva na broj naveden u vašem korisničkom računu, što prema vlastitom nahođenju može biti neophodan dio KYC procedure. Dok račun ne bude u potpunosti potvrđen, neće se obrađivati nikakva isplate."
unfortunately, additional verifications can be required by administration of the casino, this is also stated in the terms and conditions. we are kindly asking you to follow the instructions and upload the documents needed following which we will be able to proceed much faster.
This procedure is also a part of our T&C:
"We reserve the right to make a phone call to the number provided in your user account, which at our own discretion can be a necessary part of the KYC procedure. Until the account is fully verified, no cashouts will be processed".
Dobar dan,
Hvala svima koji su bili uključeni da razjasne stvar.
Možete li mi objasniti nakon što u ruci imam selfie, privatnu bilješku i ličnu kartu da sam mu dva puta poslao nedovoljno za KYC?
Na šta tačno mislite?
Srdačni pozdravi
Good day,
Thank you very much to everyone involved to clarify the matter.
Could you please explain after I have the selfie, private note and my ID in my hand that I have sent the whole 2x to him not enough for a KYC?
What exactly are you referring to?
Kind regards
Guten tag,
Vielen dank erst einmal an alle beteiligten den Sachverhalt zu klären.
Koennen sie bitte erläutern nachdem ich selfie, private note und meine ID in der hand halte, das ganze 2x zu ihn gesendet habe nicht ausreicht fuer ein KYC?
Auf was genau beziehen sie sich dabei?
U skladu s kyc i politikom protiv pranja novca, imamo pravo zatražiti dodatne dokumente poput selfieja i izvora bogatstva / izvora sredstava, kada se igrač smatra rizičnim. Zbog toga vas i dalje molimo da nam dostavite potrebne dokumente.
In accordance with the kyc and anti money laundering policy, we have the right to request additional documents like selfies and source of wealth/source of funds, when the player is considered as a high-risk one. That is why we are still asking you to provide us with the necessary documents.
To sam već radio nekoliko puta, selfie, id, privatna bilješka 2x ... gdje je točna razlika s wink-om?
Mislim da je privatna bilješka, selfie + lična karta više nego dovoljna za KYC provjeru.
Pogotovo jer im je ovo, kao što je nekoliko puta spomenuto, više puta poslano.
Trebali biste se suzdržati od takvih KYC procedura. Ili ako to zatražite, zatražite odmah.
Sad sam vam dao dokument. Nadam se da ću napokon isplatiti zaradu.
Srdačni pozdravi
I've already done that several times, selfie, id, private note 2x ... where is the correct difference with the wink?
I think the private note, selfie + ID card is more than enough for a KYC verification.
Especially since, as mentioned several times, this has now been sent to them several times.
You should refrain from such KYC procedures. Or if you request it, request it immediately.
I have now given you the document. Hope to finally get my profit paid out.
Kind regards
Das habe ich doch bereits mehrfach getan, selfie, id,private note 2x... wo liegt da der korrekte unterschied mit dem Augenzwinkern?
Ich denke das private Notiz, selfie + ID card mehr als ausreicht fuer eine KYC Verifizierung.
Zumal man das wie mehrfach erwähnt nun mehrmals ihnen zugesendet hat.
Sie sollten von solchen KYC verfahren abstand nehmen. Bzw. wenn sie es anfordern, fordern sie es doch dann direkt gleich an.
Ich habe ihnen das Dokument nun bereitgestellt. Hoffe meinen gewinn dann Tastsaechlich endlich ausbezahlt zu bekommen.
Moin, do sada se ništa nije dogodilo, niti sam dobio nagradu niti je dokument prihvaćen.
Sve najbolje
Moin, nothing has happened so far, I have neither received the prize nor has the document been accepted.
All the best
Moin, bisher hat sich noch nichts getan, weder habe ich den gewinn erhalten noch wurde das Dokument akzeptiert.
Alles gute
Draga Rebekah,
Za dodatnu provjeru vašeg računa, tražili bismo da na vaš profil prenesete sljedeće dokumente (kartica Dokumenti):
- dokument (ili broj dokumenata) koji pokazuje prijenos sredstava koja ste položili u naš kasino. Ovisi o sistemu plaćanja koji se koristi i može biti izvod sa bankovnog računa / e-novčanika za posljednja 3 mjeseca.
- dokument (ili broj dokumenata) koji pokazuje porijeklo sredstava koja se koriste za deponovanje u našem kasinu, na primjer izvod o plati, dokaz o vlasništvu nad preduzećem, prodaja imovine, isplata nasljedstva ili nagodba za razvod itd.
Hvala na razumijevanju i strpljenju!
Srdačan pozdrav,
Kimvegin tim za podršku
Ovo je sada peti e-mail za daljnje dokumente.
Zaista više ne razumijem kako neko može odgoditi provjeru tako dugo.
Olakšajte to objema stranama, napišite mi e-mail s dokumentima koji su vam potrebni, a zatim mogu sjesti i pripremiti sve za vas.
Sada trebate više od tjedan dana za provjeru KYC-a i svaki put tražite nešto novo.
U međuvremenu smo došli do točke kada biste se zaista trebali zapitati da li KYC postupak u ovom kasinu nije previše problematičan u usporedbi s drugima.
Dear Rebekah,
For additional verification of your account, we would ask to upload the following documents into your profile (Documents tab):
- a document (or number of documents) that shows the transfer of the funds you've deposited into our casino. It depends on the payment system used and can be a statement from the bank account / e-wallet for the last 3 months.
- a document (or number of documents), that shows the origin of the funds used for depositing in our casino, for example salary statement, proof of business ownership, selling a property, an inheritance payment or a divorce settlement, etc.
Thank you for understanding and patience!
Best regards,
Kimvega's support team
This is now the 5th email for further documents.
I really don't understand anymore how one can postpone verification for so long.
Make it easy for both sides, write me an email with the documents you need, then I can sit down and get everything ready for you.
You now take over a week for a KYC verification and ask for something new every time.
In the meantime we have reached a point where you should really ask yourself whether the KYC procedure in this casino is not very problematic compared to others.
Dear Rebekka,
For additional verification of your account, we would ask to upload the following documents into your profile (Documents tab):
- a document (or number of documents), that shows the transfer of the funds you've deposited into our Casino. It depends on the payment system used and can be a statement from the bank account / e-wallet for the last 3 months.
- a document (or number of documents), that shows the origin of the funds used for depositing in our casino, for example salary statement, proof of business ownership, selling a property, an inheritance payment or a divorce settlement, etc.
Thank you for understanding and patience!
Best regards,
Kimvegas Support Team
Das ist jetzt die 5te email nach weiteren Dokumente.
Ich versteh wirklich nicht mehr, wie man eine Verifizierung so lang vor sich hinschieben kann.
Machen sie es doch beiden Seiten einfach, schreiben sie mir doch eine email, mit den Dokumenten die sie brauchen, dann kann ich mich einmal daran setzen und mache ihnen alles fertig.
Sie beanspruchen fuer eine KYC Verifizierung mittlerweile ueber eine Woche und fragen jedesmal was neues an.
Mittlerweile sind wir an einem Punkt angekommen, wo man sich wirklich fragen sollte, ob das KYC verfahren in diesem casino im vergleich zu anderen nicht sehr problematisch ist.
Unter KYC steht die Bezeichnung ZNAJTE SVOJEG IGRAČA.
1. zahtjev
Lična karta
Dokazna adresa
Dokaz o uplati
2nd. zahtjev
Selfie + lična karta
3rd. zahtjev
Selfie + lična karta + privatna bilješka
4. zahtjev.
Selfie + lična karta + privatno + namigivanje na jedno oko.
5th. zahtjev
prijenos sredstava koja ste položili u naš kasino
dokument (ili broj dokumenata) koji pokazuje porijeklo sredstava koja se koriste za deponovanje u našem kasinu, na primjer izvod o plati, dokaz o vlasništvu preduzeća, prodaja imovine, isplata nasljedstva ili nagodba za razvod itd.
Dobili ste sve ono što bi trebalo biti vrlo jasno da je ovo moj račun i mislim da bi sa svim dokumentima koje sam vam poslao trebali znati da znam vrlo dobro.
Perionica novca? To ne bi imalo smisla, jer ja igram s bonusom, položim igraće automate .. Tada nema nikakve veze s pranjem novca.
Pogotovo uz depozit od 100 EUR ...
Sve ovo, ono na što mislite, doseglo je točku koja nema nikakve veze sa tim da znate svog igrača, to je ono na što se pozivate dok sebi pojednostavljujete.
Bez obzira na sve, ovaj kazino je def. vrlo upitno kada je KYC u pitanju.
Čak i ako ovaj slučaj jednog dana bude riješen, kockari će vidjeti razgovore i saznati kako bi za njih to moglo završiti za gotovinu od 600 EUR.
Nastavite raditi ono što želite, samo gubite vrijeme svojih kockara.
Bilo bi lijepo da mi odgovorite što prije na moj e-mail koji sam vam poslao prije 1 sat.
Sve najbolje
Unter KYC steht die Bezeichnung KNOW YOUR PLAYER.
1st .Request
ID Card
Proof address
Proof of payment
2nd. request
Selfie + ID card
3rd. request
Selfie + ID card + Private note
4th request.
Selfie + ID card + private + wink on one eye.
5th. request
transfer of the funds you've deposited into our Casino
a document (or number of documents), that shows the origin of the funds used for depositing in our casino, for example salary statement, proof of business ownership, selling a property, an inheritance payment or a divorce settlement, etc.
You got all what should be very clear that this is my account and I think with all the documents I have send to you, you should know me know very well.
Money Laundry? That would not make sense, as Im playing with an bonus, deposited playing slots.. Has nothing to do with Money laundry then.
Especially with an 100 EUR deposit...
All this, what you referring to has reached a point what has nothing to do with know you player, this is what you referring to as you make it simple for yourself.
No matter what, this casino is def. highly questionable when it comes to KYC.
Even if this case should be solved one day, gamblers will see the conversations and got to know how it could end for them for an 600 EUR Cash out.
Keep doing what you want to do, just wasting your gamblers time.
Would be nice if you could reply asap to my email I have send to you 1 hour ago.
All the best
Zdravo, prije nego što predam njemačkom kolegi, želio sam naglasiti da "sredstva koja sam dobio dugujem od svog prijatelja,
što nema nikakve veze sa platom. Ne koristim novac koji zarađujem od svog rada za igranje u kockarnicama. "Nije dovoljno i moram napomenuti da procjena rizika i politika AML + KYC sadrže široku količinu faktora koji se uzimaju u obzir, a koji, nažalost, ne možemo otkriti kako bismo zaštitili integritet politika upravljanja rizikom.
Hi, before I hand over to my German colleague I wanted to point out that "the funds i have got owed from a friend of mine,
what has nothing to do with salary. I don't use the money i earn from my work to play in casinos." is not enough and I need to mention that risk assessment and AML+KYC policy contain a wide amount of factors that are taken into account, which, sadly, we are unable to disclose in order to protect an integrity of the risk management policies.
Dragi svi,
kakve to veze ima sa KYC? Zašto ili odakle dugujem novac da bih se kockao s njim ili šta ću drugo raditi s novcem koji sam dobio od prijatelja?
Ovo je novac koji dugujem svom prijatelju i koji ne bi trebao biti u vašem interesu šta ću raditi s novcem.
Potpuno je fino objašnjenje za odgovor na vaše pitanje odakle mi sredstva.
Sve najbolje
Dear all,
what has this to do with KYC? Why or where I owe my money from to gamble with it or what else im gonna do with the money I have got from my friend?
This is money I owe from my friend and that should not be in ur interest what im gonna do with the money.
Its totally fine the explanation to answer ur question where I got my funds from.
All the best
Dragi tim casina Kim Vegas,
Ako ste zabrinuti zbog pranja novca ili mogućih problema s kockanjem, zašto se sve provjere i provjere ne izvrše prije nego što igrač stvarno uplati depozit i zaigra u kasinu, a ne nakon što pobjede i povuku novac? Ponekad je prilično teško dokazati odakle novac, itd. I postoji razlika između poštivanja pravila AML-a i kršenja nečije privatnosti. Štoviše, žalba se odnosi na 600, a ne na 600000 eura, tako da nisam siguran možemo li u ovom slučaju razgovarati o pranju novca.
Dear Kim Vegas Casino team,
If you are worried about money laundering or possible gambling problems, why aren't all the checks and verifications made before the player actually makes a deposit and plays in the casino and not after they win and make a withdrawal? Sometimes it's quite hard to prove where the money came from etc. and there is a difference between following the AML rules and breaching someone's privacy. Moreover, the complaint is about €600, not €600000, so I'm not sure if we can talk about money laundering in this case.
Dragi Peter hvala na odgovoru. Po zakonu ne smijemo praviti razliku između 500 i 600000 eura, nije iznos već odgovor na pitanje koji označava nešto sumnjivo i u ovom smo slučaju prisiljeni istražiti bez obzira na iznos.
Dear Peter thank you for reply. By law we are not allowed to make a difference between 500 and 600000 euro it’s not the amount but the answer on question that flags something suspicious and we are forced to investigation in this case regardless the amount.
Moin, veliko hvala svima koji su bili uključeni da razjasne ovaj slučaj.
Kao i prije, ne mogu stvarno razumjeti navode ili kontrolu nad * pranjem novca *.
Poteškoće u kazinu Kim Vegas počele su mnogo ranije sa KYC procesom.
Taj traži 3x selfije s raznim stvarima koje treba predstaviti.
Objasnite mi detaljno moje pitanje.
Koji razlog navodite za sebe da morate poslati lični dokaz o adresi, uključujući 3 različita selfija? Čime prva dva čine 100% jasnim da me slike i dokumenti jasno identificiraju, morate li namignuti jednim okom da biste provjerili šta tačno?
U kojoj mjeri, ako bi se time trebalo manipulisati ili slično, selfie + ID + privatna bilješka mogu doći samo od mene, budući da imate lične podatke i na osnovu toga možete provjeriti fotografiju na ID-u Moja fizička fotografija, uključujući i privatnu bilješku iz vašeg kasina zatražio da se podudaraju sa svim podacima koje sam vam dao.
Kazino je pitanje uvijek ostavljalo otvoreno i zaobilazilo, zašto morate napraviti 3 selfija od sebe.
Nadalje, ne vidim razlog za pranje novca ?!
Pranje novca, uz bonus i slijedite pravila, uključujući klađenje povezano s bonusom za pranje novca?
Čini mi se da je cijela stvar zaista čudna i sa moje strane apsolutno ništa ne odražava ono što vi nazivate objašnjenjem ..
Takođe morate razlikovati jednu stvar, jer se izjava zapravo ne odnosi, bilo 600 EUR ili 60 000 EUR.
Pranje novca započinje pologom, a ne podizanjem novca.
Drugim riječima, ovdje govorimo u pravom smislu riječi o oko 100 EUR koje sam platio.
To znači pranje novca od 100 EUR ?!
Žao mi je, ali sve što optužite jednog od * vaših * igrača sada je sve samo ne pošteno i potpuno podređeno.
Poslat ću vam sve svoje dokumente, adresu, ličnu kartu, ecopayz račun, platiti 100 EUR da se poigrate sa bonusom dobrodošlice i počinite ozbiljno krivično djelo?
U međuvremenu je postupak s mojom osobom oduzeo svu zabavu igranju u kasinu.
Poželite sve najbolje.
Moin, thank you very much to everyone involved to clarify this case.
As before, I cannot really understand the allegation or the control on * Money Laundry *.
The difficulties in the Kim Vegas casino started much earlier with the KYC process.
That one asks 3x for selfies with various things that one should present.
Please explain in detail on my question.
What reason do you give for yourself that you have to send a personal, proof of address including 3 different selfies of yourself? Whereby the first two make it 100% clear that the images + documents clearly identify me, do you really have to wink in one eye to verify what exactly?
To what extent, should that be manipulated or something similar, the selfie + ID + private note can only come from me, since you have personal information and based on this, you can check the photo on the ID My physical photo including a private note from your casino requested to match all the data I have given you.
The question has always been left open and bypassed by the casino, why you have to take 3 selfies of yourself.
Furthermore, I see no reason for money laundry ?!
Money laundry, with a bonus and follow the rules including wagering associated with a bonus to launder money?
I find the whole thing really strange and on my part absolutely nothing reflects what you call an explanation ..
You also have to distinguish one thing, because the statement does not really apply, whether 600 EUR or 60,000 EUR.
Money laundry starts with the deposit, not the withdrawal.
In other words, we're talking here in the truest sense of the word about 100 EUR that I have paid.
That means 100 EUR Money Laundry ?!
I'm sorry, but everything you accuse one of * your * players is now anything but fair and completely subordinated.
I will send you all my documents, address, personal ID, ecopayz account, pay 100 EUR to play with the welcome bonus and to commit a serious crime?
The procedure on my person meanwhile has taken all the fun out of playing in a casino.
Wish all the best.
Moin, vielen dank erst einmal an alle beteiligten diesen fall zu klären.
Nach wie vor, kann ich die Anschuldigung bzw. der Kontrolle auf *Money Laundry* nicht wirklich nachvollziehen.
Die Schwierigkeiten im Kim Vegas casino, fingen ja schon viel früher an mit dem KYC process.
Das man 3x nach selfies fragt mit verschiedensten dingen die man vorlegen soll.
Erläutern sie bitte, detailliert auf meine frage.
Welchen Grund geben sie fuer sich aus, Das man perso,proof of address inklusive 3 verschiedene selfies von sich schicken muss? Wobei die ersten beiden schon 100% deutlich machen das die Bilder + Dokumente mich eindeutig identifizieren, muss man allen ernstes noch in der tat auf einem Auge zwinkern um was genau zu verifizieren?
In wie fern, sollte das manipuliert sein oder ähnliches da eindeutig zu erkennen ist das Selfie + ID + Privater Notiz demnach nur von mir stammen kann, da sie perso ja vorliegen haben und anhand dessen, koennten sie ueberprufen, das das Foto auf der ID mit meinem Physischen Foto inklusive privater Notiz von ihrem casino gefordert, mit all den Daten die ich ihnen übermittelt habe, übereinstimmen.
Die frage wurde bisher stets offen gelassen und umgegangen vom casino, wieso man 3 selfies von sich aufnehmen muss.
Des Weiteren, sehe ich keinen Grund fuer money laundry?!
Money laundry, mit einem bonus und die regeln befolgen inklusive dem wagering der mit einem bonus verbunden ist um geld zu waschen?
Ich finde das ganze wirklich merkwuerdig und meinerseits spiegelt absolut rein gar nichts dem wieder, was sie als Erklärung bezeichnen..
Sie müssen auch eins unterscheiden, da die aussage nicht wirklich zutrifft, ob 600 EUR oder 60.000 EUR.
Money laundry, fängt bei der Einzahlung an und nicht bei der Auszahlung.
Sprich, wir reden hier im wahrsten sinne des Wortes um 100 EUR die ich eingezahlt habe.
Sprich 100 EUR Money Laundry?!
Tut mir leid, aber all das was sie einem *ihrer* spieler vorwerfen, ist mittlerweile alles andere als fair und Komplett unterstellt.
Ich schicke ihnen meine sämtlichen unterlagen, Anschrift,persoenliche ID, ecopayz account, zahle 100 EUR ein um mit dem Willkommens-Bonus zu spielen um allen ernstes eine Straftat zu begehen?
Die Vorgehensweise an meiner person mittlerweile, hat jeglichen spass genommen, in einem casino zu spielen.
Wünsche alles gute.
Pokušavam to ponovo objasniti na njemačkom. AML znači razumijevanje porijekla novca tako da se novac iz zabranjenih izvora ne razmjenjuje. Ako je izvor novca nepoznati prijatelj, to bi se moglo koristiti kao pokriće za razmjenu.
I try to explain it in German again. AML means understanding the origin of money so that money from forbidden sources is not exchanged. If the source of the money is an unknown friend then this could be used as a cover for exchange.
ich versuche es auf deutsch auch nochmal zu erklären. AML bedeutet die Herkunft des Geldes zu verstehen damit nicht Geld aus verbotenen Quellen umgewechselt wird. Wenn die Quelle des Geldes ein unbekannter Freund ist dann könnte dieses der Verschleierung zur Umwechslung dienen.
Moin, šta očekuješ kao objašnjenje?
Nepoznati prijatelj? kako to može biti moj prijatelj kad je nepoznat?
Objašnjenje da sam novac dobio od prijatelja čita se iz ruke.
Iz privatnih razloga ne smijem nepoznatim osobama prosljeđivati podatke druge osobe koja nema apsolutno nikakve veze s vašim kasinom.
Ovo mi ne bi učinilo nikakvu uslugu, jer bih privatne podatke prosljeđivao trećim stranama bez odobrenja.
Moin, what do you expect as an explanation?
An unknown friend? how can that be my friend when he is unknown?
The explanation that I got the money from my friend reads from the hand.
For private reasons, I am not allowed to pass on information from another person who has absolutely nothing to do with your casino to strangers.
This would not do myself any favor, as I would pass on private data to third parties without permission.
Moin, was erwarten sie da als Erklärung?
Ein unbekannter freund? wie kann das dann mein freund sein wenn er unbekannt sei?
Die Erklärung das ich das geld von meinem freund bekommen habe, liest sich von der hand.
Informationen einer weiteren person die mit ihrem casino rein gar nichts zu tun hat, darf ich aus privatsphaerer gründen nicht weitergeben an unbekannte.
Dadurch würde ich mir selbst keinen gefallen tun, da ich unerlaubt private Daten an 3 te weitergebe.
Pozdrav svima, pa koje je rješenje za ovaj problem? Kako bi Rebekka trebala dokazati porijeklo 100 €? Da li sam dobro razumeo da želite lične podatke osobe koja nema nikakve veze sa kasinom? To ne zvuči dobro ili čak nije u skladu s GDPR-om, posebno kada govorimo o 100 eura. S moje tačke gledišta, to više liči na izgovor da igraču ne isplati dobitak.
Hi all, so what is the solution to this problem? How is Rebekka supposed to prove the origin of the €100? Do I understand correctly that you want the personal information of a person who doesn't have anything to do with the casino? That doesn't sound right or even in accordance with GDPR, especially when we are talking about €100. From my point of view, it looks more like an excuse not to pay the player her winnings.
Razlog za AML je da igra u svoje ime sa svojim novcem. Ako se igrate s drugima, novac krši AML zakone. To nije naša odluka već pravna stvar. Mislim da znate AML propise, razlozi AML smjernica su izbjegavanje da ljudi koriste novac anonimnog izvora i donose ga legalnom novcu koji kruži.
pitanje izvora novca ne krši GDPR, čak smo primorani tražiti izvor AML smjernicama kako bismo izbjegli anonimne izvore, a zakon ne pravi razliku u količini novca ako odgovor na pitanje izazove upozorenje na rizik. Srdačan pozdrav
Hi reason for AML is to play on own behalf with own money. If you play with others money it violates the AML laws. It’s not decision by us but a legal thing. I think you know AML regulations, the reasons of AML guidelines is to avoid that people use money of anonymous source and bring it to the legal money circulating.
the question for source of money does not violate GDPR we are even forced to ask for source by AML guidelines to avoid anonymous sources and law makes no difference of amount of money if an answer to a question raises risk warning. Best regards
Zašto kažete da igram s drugim igračima?
Apsolutno nema ništa loše u igranju u kazinima, ono što radim s novcem koji posudim od nekoga, nema apsolutno nikakve veze s kršenjem bilo kojeg pravila.
Te večeri posudio sam 400 eura za igranje u kasinu, jer sam čekao da mi poslodavac isplati.
Novac koji sam posudio odmah je vraćen mojem prijatelju.
Uz to, ovaj prijatelj trenutno živi sa mnom, odnosno .. Iskrenost danas vjerojatno nije ono što očekujete, još više da sam trebao lagati odakle dolazi izvor novca i onda bi problem bio tako fin ... Apsolutno smiješno u međuvremenu.
Why do you say that I play with other players?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with playing in casinos, what I do with the money I borrow from someone, it has absolutely nothing to do with breaking any rule.
That evening I borrowed EUR 400 to play in the casino because I was waiting for my employer to pay out.
The money I borrowed was paid back to my friend immediately.
In addition, this friend currently lives with me, that is .. Honesty today is probably not what you expect, much more I should have lied where the source of money comes from and then the problem would have been so fine ... Absolutely ridiculous meanwhile.
Wieso sagen sie das ich mit anderen Spielern spiele?
Es ist absolut nichts verwerfliches daran in casinos zu spielen, was ich mit dem geld mache was ich mir von jemand borge, hat das absolut nichts mit iwelchen Regel Brüchen zu tun.
An dem Abend hatte ich mir 400 EUR geliehen um im casino zu spielen da ich auf meine Auszahlung meines Arbeitgebers gewartet hatte.
Das geld was ich mir geliehen habe, wurde unmittelbar an meinen freund zurück gezahlt.
Hinzu kommt das dieser freund z.Z mit mir zusammen wohnt, sprich.. Ehrlichkeit heut zu tage ist wahrscheinlich nicht das was sie erwarten, viel mehr hätte ich luegen sollen woher die Geldquelle stammt und dann wäre das problem so in Ordnung gewesen... Absolut lächerlich mittlerweile.
Zdravo, hvala na odgovorima. Budući da slučaj izgleda ne vodi nikamo, zaključujemo ga kao "neriješen" u korist igrača. Ako je kasino toliko zabrinut zbog pranja novca, trebao bi obaviti sve provjere i provjere prije nego što prihvati depozite igrača i ne koristiti AML politiku kao izgovor da ne isplati dobitak. Drugo, kazino ne bi radio ove čekove ako bi igrač izgubio svoj novac. Siguran sam da niko ne bi istražio odakle novac i vratio novac igraču.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hi, thank you for your replies. Since the case doesn't seem to lead anywhere, we are closing it as "unresolved" in favor of the player. If the casino is so worried about money laundering, it should do all the checks and verifications before it accepts player's deposits and not use the AML policy as an excuse to not pay the winnings. Secondly, the casino wouldn't do these checks if the player lost her money. I'm certain that nobody would investigate where the money came from and refund the player.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
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