Ja sam relativno nov igrač za Kingshills koji je otvorio svoj nalog tek prošle nedelje. Kada sam dodavao svoj prvi saldo, primetio sam da bi mi to omogućilo samo da uplatim sredstva u evrima. Ja sam državljanin Velike Britanije i stoga poslujem u GBP, ali pošto sam nov, pretpostavio sam da se sajt koristi samo u evrima, pa nisam mnogo razmišljao o tome.
Tokom nekoliko dana napravio sam male depozite (30 funti, 40 funti opklade) i primetio sam da mi je to sada dalo mogućnost da biram ili GBP ili evre za svoju valutu. Ovog puta sam se odlučio za GBP i uspeo sam da uspešno podignem oko 180 funti na svoj račun.
Moj trenutni problem leži u tome što imam stanje od 571 evra, ali kada zatražim da ovo podignem, to se automatski poništava nakon 6 sati i vraća se na moj kazino račun. Moja pritužba je što sam mogao (i s obzirom na jedinu opciju u to vreme) da uplatim u evrima, tako da nema razloga zašto se evre ne mogu vratiti na moj račun!
Bio sam u kontaktu sa timom za plaćanja i oni su pokušali da promene način plaćanja u „Localpaiment", ali to nije uticalo na razliku i on se vraća na moj nalog nakon 6 sati od zahteva za povlačenje nakon svakog puta.
Osećam se kao da se vrtim u krug i sa timom za ćaskanje i e-poštu i to je sada ozbiljno uticalo na moje mentalno zdravlje.
Verujem da je Kingshills kazino sajt sestrinski sajt za NineCasino, NineVin i JokaBet.
Imajte na umu da, iako se čini da sam samo danas zatražio ovo povlačenje, pokušao sam brojne pokušaje podizanja različitih iznosa u evrima, koji su svi odbijeni i vraćeni.
Stoga se molim za bilo kakvu pomoć koja mi je na raspolaganju jer je ovo tako velika suma novca za mene i jako sam se razboleo zbog toga.
Još uvek nisam poslao e-poštu Kingshills kazinu u vezi sa formalnom žalbom jer sam želeo neki savet od vas pre nego što ovo uradite.
Srdačan pozdrav
I am a relatively new player to Kingshills having only set my account up in the last week. When adding my first balance I noticed that it would only allow me to deposit the funds in Euros. I'm a UK citizen and therefore deal in GBP, but being new I assumed the site only used Euros so didn't think much of it.
Over the course of a few days I have made small deposits (£30, £40 wagers) and have noticed that it now gave me the ability to choose either GBP or Euros for my currency. This time around I opted for GBP and I was able to successfully withdraw approx £180 to my account.
My current problem lies in that I have a balance of €571 euros however when I request to withdraw this it automatically cancels after 6 hours and returns to my casino account. My grievance is that I was able to (and given the only option at the time) of depositing in euros so there is no reason as to why the euros cannot be refunded back to my account!
I have been in touch with the payments team and they have tried changing the payment method to "Localpayment", however this has made no difference and it ends up back in my account after 6 hours of requesting a withdrawal after each time.
I feel as though I am going around in circles with both the live chat and email team and it has now severely impacted my mental health.
I believe the Kingshills casino site is a sister site to NineCasino, NineWin and JokaBet.
Please note that although it appears that I have only requested this withdrawal today, I have tried numerous withdraw attempts of varying amounts in euros, all of which are rejected and returned.
I am therefore pleading for any assistance available as this is such a large amount of money to me and I've been very ill over it.
I have yet to email Kingshills casino again in relation to a formal complaint as I wanted some advice from yourselves before doing this.
Kind regards
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