Nakon pregleda naloga igrača, utvrdili smo da je trajno zatvoren, a sredstva su konfiskovana zbog višestrukog kršenja naših Uslova i odredbi.
Utvrđeno je da je igrač učestvovao u aktivnostima koje potpadaju pod našu politiku protiv prevara, uključujući, ali ne ograničavajući se na kreiranje više naloga, učešće u dosluhu i iskorišćavanje bonus sistema i mehanike u igri. Ove radnje su strogo zabranjene prema pravilima dogovorenim tokom registracije.
Naši uslovi i odredbe navode da kompanija zadržava pravo da ukine račune i zadrži sredstva ako postoje dokazi o lažnom ponašanju, zloupotrebi bonusa ili manipulaciji igricom. Ove mere su neophodne da bi se obezbedila pravičnost i zaštitio integritet platforme.
Kompanija je sprovela detaljnu istragu i ostaje pri svojoj odluci. Ukoliko bude potrebno dodatno pojašnjenje, otvoreni smo za pružanje dodatnih detalja direktno Casino Guruu.
Cenimo vaše razumevanje i saradnju u rešavanju ovog pitanja.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Kinghills kazino
After reviewing the player’s account, we have determined that it was permanently closed, and the funds were confiscated due to multiple violations of our Terms and Conditions.
The player was found to have engaged in activities that fall under our anti-fraud policy, including but not limited to the creation of multiple accounts, participation in collusion, and exploitation of bonus systems and in-game mechanics. These actions are strictly prohibited under the rules agreed upon during registration.
Our Terms and Conditions state that the company reserves the right to terminate accounts and withhold funds if there is evidence of fraudulent behavior, misuse of bonuses, or manipulation of gameplay. These measures are necessary to ensure fairness and protect the integrity of the platform.
The company has conducted a thorough investigation and stands by its decision. Should there be any further clarification required, we are open to providing additional details directly to Casino Guru.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in addressing this matter.
Best Regards,
Kinghills Casino
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