Dragi kupac,
Hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.
Čini se da ste 27.03, 28.03. i 29.03. imali 3 zahtevana povlačenja po 500 EUR. Obaveštavamo vas da je vaš prvi zahtev od 27.03. uspešno obrađen. Očekujte da će sredstva uskoro stići na vaš račun.
Štaviše, imajte na umu da odeljenje za finansije obrađuje isplate u roku od 3 radna dana od 10:00 do 19:00 (UTC+02:00) osim praznika (subota, nedelja) i državnih praznika jer se ovi dani ne računaju u radne dane .
Molimo za strpljenje, hvala na razumevanju!
Stoga smatramo da je žalba rešena sa naše strane.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Korisnički servis
Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting us.
It appears that you had 3 withdrawals of 500 EUR each requested on 27.03, 28.03 & 29.03 respectively. We would like to inform you that your first request from 27.03 was successfully processed. Please expect the funds to arrive at your account shortly.
Moreover, please note that withdrawals are processed by the Finance Department within 3 business days from 10:00 to 19:00 (UTC+02:00) except holidays (Saturday, Sunday) and public holidays as these days are not counted under business days.
We kindly request your patience, thank you for understanding!
Therefore, we consider the complaint to be resolved from our side.
Best Regards,
Customer Service
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