Dragi džumabal,
Nakon konsultacija o ovom slučaju sa predstavnicima kazina, nažalost, ne žele da prave kompromise.
Ukratko, zatražili ste bonus kada ste napravili svoj četvrti depozit, koji je bio namenjen samo deponentima prvi put. Međutim, iskoristili ste promotivni kod da biste dobili ovaj bonus i verujemo da vam to jednostavno nije trebalo dozvoliti. Štaviše, prihvatamo vašu tvrdnju da promotivna e-poruka koju ste dobili nije eksplicitno naznačila da je to bio bonus na prvi depozit. Stoga se slažemo sa Vama da je kampanja bila malo obmanjiva.
Iz perspektive kazina, prekršili ste pravilo i tehnički oni imaju pravo da ponište vaš dobitak.
Iz naše perspektive, verujemo da ste nenamerno prekršili pravilo i da niste stekli nepravednu prednost.
Najbolja praksa je da se takvi uslovi primene softverom, tako da igraču nije dozvoljeno da ih prekrši od strane sistema. Stoga smatramo da svaki sličan slučaj treba procenjivati na individualnoj osnovi.
Zaključujući sve gore navedene informacije, primoran sam da zatvorim ovaj slučaj kao nerešen, konkretno
U međuvremenu, preporučujem da se obratite nadležnom organu za igre na sreću – Antilephone NV (Kurakao) i da im podnesete žalbu ( complaints@gaminglicences.com i/ili certria@gaminglicences.com ).
Pre podnošenja žalbe, uverite se da ste dali sve potrebne informacije: svoje lične podatke, detalje o kazinu, podatke za prijavu u kazino, opis problema i prateće priloge ako su potrebni. Imajte na umu da je to prilično pasivno telo za izdavanje dozvola i na odgovor možete čekati nedeljama ili čak mesecima.
Voleo bih da mogu biti od veće pomoći. Iskreno se nadam da se više nećete susresti sa ovakvim problemom.
U slučaju da vam zatreba pomoć, kontaktirajte me na tomas.k@casino.guru .
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear jumabal,
After consulting this case with the casino's representatives, unfortunately, they don't want to make any compromises.
In brief, you claimed a bonus when making your fourth deposit, which was intended to be for first-time depositors only. However, you used the promo code to obtain this bonus, and we believe it just should not have been allowed to you. Furthermore, we acknowledge your point that the promotional email you received did not explicitly indicate that it was a first deposit bonus. We thus agree with you that the campaign was slightly misleading.
From the casino's perspective, you breached a rule, and technically they have a right to void your winnings.
From our perspective, we believe that you breached the rule unintentionally and didn't gain an unfair advantage.
The best practice is to enforce such conditions by the software, so the player is not allowed to breach it by the system. Therefore, we believe that each similar case should be evaluated on an individual basis.
Concluding all the information above, I am forced to close this case as unresolved, specifically
In the meantime, I recommend that you contact the responsible gaming authority - Antillephone N.V. (Curacao), and submit a complaint to them (complaints@gaminglicences.com and/or certria@gaminglicences.com).
Before submitting the complaint, make sure you provide all the necessary information: your personal data, the casino details, your login details in the casino, the issue description, and supporting attachments if it is needed. Please note it is a rather passive licensing authority and you can wait weeks or even months for an answer.
I wish I could be of more help. I sincerely hope you will not come across a problem like this again.
In case you need any help, please contact me at tomas.k@casino.guru.
Best regards,
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