Hvala obojici na odgovorima.
Draga nandinha1921,
Da li je moguće da ste u vreme registracije i deponovanja pristupili veb lokaciji preko VPN-a (druga IP adresa) ili da ste bili u drugoj zemlji?
Možete li nam dati snimak ekrana veb lokacije kazina nakon što ste se prijavili na svoj kazino nalog, pokušavajući da pretražite jednu ili dve igre koje ste spomenuli i pokazujući da nema rezultata za ove igre kada pokušavate da ih pronađete na veb lokaciji kazina?
Slobodno priložite snimak ekrana (ili snimke ekrana) svom sledećem postu.
Dragi Legiano tim ,
Pošto korisnik više ne vidi dotične igre na svom kazino nalogu i ovde govorimo o 120 BRL - ako korisnik nije prekršio nijedno od pravila kazina (Ts&Cs), da li bi kazino mogao i bio voljan da joj jednostavno refundira neiskorišćen depozit? Ako je uplatila depozit samo zbog svojih omiljenih igara koje joj u suštini uopšte nisu dostupne, mislim da s obzirom na celu situaciju i sporni iznos, ne govorimo o prevari ili kršenju AML pravila kazina, itd. i ne bi trebalo da bude problema sa povraćajem netaknutog depozita.
Alternativno, možete li učiniti njene omiljene igre dostupnim za igranje na njenom kazino nalogu? Ako je tako, šta bi vam trebalo od podnosioca žalbe da dovoljno istražite stvar na vašoj strani i rešite problem?
Ili, postoji li neki drugi razlog zašto povraćaj novca ne bi bio moguć ako ne postoji opcija da joj se ponudi da igra te igre?
Thank you both for your replies.
Dear nandinha1921,
Is it possible that at the time of registration and depositing, you accessed the website with a VPN (a different IP) or that you were in another country?
Can you please provide us with a screenshot of the casino website after logging into your casino account, trying to search for one or two of the games you mentioned and showing there are no results for these games when trying to find them on the casino website?
Feel free to attach a screenshot (or screenshots) to your next post.
Thank you.
Dear Legiano Team,
Since the user does not see the games in question in her casino account anymore and we are talking about 120 BRL here - if the user did not breach any of the casino's rules (Ts&Cs), would the casino be able and willing to simply refund her unused deposit? If she made the deposit only because of her favourite games that are basically not available for her at all, I think that considering the whole situation and the disputed amount, we are not talking about fraud or a breach of the casino's AML rules, etc, and there should not be a problem with the refund of the untouched deposit.
Alternatively, can you make her favourite games available to play on her casino account? If so, what would you need from the complainant to investigate the matter sufficiently on your side and fix the issue?
Or, is there any other reason why the refund should not be possible if there is no option to offer her to play those games?
Thank you.
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