Šaljem vam rezime dokumenata koje sam poslao na verifikaciju mog naloga u Legiano kazinu. Do danas sam čekao odgovor mesec dana.
Pre svega, želim da istaknem da Gradska skupština Morlea ne izdaje potvrdu o prebivalištu niti ispravu o upisu u opštinski registar, jer ova vrsta dokaza ne pruža ova opština. S druge strane, poslao sam izjavu pod zakletvom o prebivalištu, potpisanu i pečatom gradske skupštine, koja predstavlja službeni dokaz moje adrese.
Evo svih dokumenata koje sam poslao:
✅ Izjava o prebivalištu pod zakletvom, pečat gradske skupštine.
✅ Račun za iznajmljivanje od agencije Barraine Immobilier.
✅ Izvod CAF računa, koji potvrđuje moje stambene beneficije i navodeći moju adresu.
✅ Dokaz o adresi od Engie-a, dobijen putem aplikacije, koji dokazuje moju trenutnu adresu.
Čekam odgovor već mesec dana i tražim veoma brz odgovor u vezi sa statusom verifikacije mog naloga. Ako se moji dokumenti odbiju, to bi očigledno bilo u lošoj nameri i moglo bi se shvatiti kao pokušaj kupovine vremena.
Ova poruka je samo rezime koji potvrđuje da su svi potrebni dokumenti dostavljeni.
Radujemo se što ćemo se uskoro čuti.
I am sending you a summary of the documents that I sent for the verification of my account at Legiano Casino. To date, I have been waiting for a response for a month.
First of all, I would like to point out that the Morlaix town hall does not issue a certificate of residence or a document of registration in a municipal register, because this type of proof is not provided by this town hall. On the other hand, I sent a sworn statement of residence, signed and stamped by the town hall, which constitutes official proof of my address.
Here are all the documents that I sent:
✅ Sworn statement of residence, stamped by the town hall.
✅ Rent invoice from the Barraine Immobilier agency.
✅ CAF account statement, certifying my housing benefits and mentioning my address.
✅ Proof of address from Engie, obtained via the application, proving my current address.
I have been waiting for a response for a month now, and I request a very quick response regarding the status of my account verification. If my documents are refused, this would clearly be in bad faith and could be perceived as an attempt to buy time.
This message is simply a summary to confirm that all the required documents have been submitted.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
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