Dvanaesti dan ne mogu da dobijem svoj dobitak u iznosu od 500 hiljada rubalja (5.500 dolara) svaki dan me hrane obećanjima, pozivajući se na činjenicu da se uplata proverava i da je njen rok u početku bio 48 sati, a kako su istekli. onda je to uopšte postalo neregulisano. Kažu da je to učinjeno radi moje bezbednosti.
Praistorija: 9. februara sam deponovao 40 hiljada rubalja (450 dolara), igrao bez bonusa, u tri provajdera, nolimit, pragmat i endorfina, samo 3-5 slota. Nema tu šta da se proveri, pa, a ako treba, onda se to može uraditi za nekoliko minuta. Ali ne 12 dana. Za sve godine igranja u ovom kazinu, prvi put vidim takav stav. Imam VIP status, dugo sam u potpunosti verifikovan, dugu istoriju velikih depozita i uplata, i do danas nije bilo nikakvih problema. Nisu mi postavljeni nikakvi dodatni zahtevi, nalog nije blokiran, u komunikaciji sa podrškom niko ništa ne objašnjava, kažu da čekam. ali! razumni rokovi su već prošli i ne navode kraj ovih rokova verifikacije! a shodno tome i rokovi za isplatu mog dobitka!
Zahtevam da se verifikacija mog naloga završi i moj dobitak bude isplaćen!
For the twelfth day I have not been able to receive my winnings in the amount of 500 thousand rubles (5,500 dollars) every day they feed me with promises, referring to the fact that the payment is being verified and its term was initially 48 hours, and as they expired. then it became unregulated at all. They say that this is done for my own safety.
Prehistory: On February 9, I deposited 40 thousand rubles (450 dollars), played without bonuses, in three providers, nolimit, pragmat and endorfina, only 3-5 slots. There is nothing to check there, well, and if you need to, then this can be done in a matter of minutes. But not 12 days. In all the years of playing in this casino, this is the first time I see such an attitude. I have VIP status, I have been fully verified for a long time, a long history of large deposits and payments, and there were no problems until this day. No additional requirements were made to me, the account is not blocked, in communication with support no one explains anything, they say to wait. but! reasonable deadlines have already passed and they do not name the end of these verification deadlines! and accordingly the deadlines for paying out my winnings!
I demand that the verification of my account be completed and my winnings be paid out!
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