Nedavno sam stekao prilično loša iskustva sa ovim kazinom. Od mojih poslednjih 14 isplata novac je odbijen. Ušao sam u live chat pre 2 nedelje, ali do sada se ništa nije desilo. Novac se i dalje odbija od mojih isplata. Sva povlačenja sam vršio preko Mifiniti-a, nikada mi se ništa slično nije dogodilo ni u jednom drugom kazinu. Ovo je spisak mojih poslednjih 14 povlačenja i šta mi zapravo šalju, sve u evrima:
17. januar, 17:25 43,53/45,11
19. januar, 18:56 67,96/70,42
20. januar, 18:53 217,27/225,15
22. januar, 21:05 135,52/140,44
25 Jan, 1:08 67,67/70,12
29. januar, 17:53 114,36/118,51
31. januar, 21:03 92,64/96
1. februar, 0:34 53,22/55,15
2. februar, 21:38 400,44/414,96
3. februar, 16:50 178,69/185,17
4. februar, 15:03 101,32/105
5. februar, 12:09 130,27/135
6. februar, 0:25 211,23/218,89
7. februar, 13:23 299,72/310,59
Livechat je rekao da ne bi trebalo da bude naknada za povlačenje. Pre dve nedelje su otvorili slučaj da ga ispitaju, ali do sada se ništa nije dogodilo. Kada pitam u livechatu uvek mi kažu isto: „Koliko smo obavešteni, možda je naplaćivala posrednička banka, Razmotrićemo ovo dalje. Da li postoji još nešto sa čime mogu da vam pomognem ?" Imam osećaj da su mi dali honorar, jer sam dobio previše. Igram u različitim kazinima, a čak i danas nikada ne dobijam nikakve naknade u drugim kazinima sa Mifiniti-om, tako da stvarno mislim da je Letslucki problem.
Pitao sam Mifiniti i oni nemaju nikakve naknade za ovo. Odgovor ima smisla, jer Mifiniti povlačenja iz svih drugih onlajn kazina dolaze bez ikakvih naknada. Gde mogu da uložim žalbu na Letslucki kazino
Recently I made some pretty bad experiences with this casino. From my last 14 withdrawals money got deducted. I went into livechat 2 weeks ago, but so far nothing happened. Money still gets deducted from my withdrawals. I did all the withdrawals via Mifinity, I never had anything similar happening in any other casino. This is the list of my last 14 withdrawals and what they actually send me, all in euros:
17 Jan, 17:25 43,53/45,11
19 Jan, 18:56 67,96/70,42
20 Jan, 18:53 217,27/225,15
22 Jan, 21:05 135,52/140,44
25 Jan, 1:08 67,67/70,12
29 Jan, 17:53 114,36/118,51
31 Jan, 21:03 92,64/96
1 Feb, 0:34 53,22/55,15
2 Feb, 21:38 400,44/414,96
3 Feb, 16:50 178,69/185,17
4 Feb, 15:03 101,32/105
5 Feb, 12:09 130,27/135
6 Feb, 0:25 211,23/218,89
7 Feb, 13:23 299,72/310,59
The livechat said that there should be no fees on the withdrawals. They opened a case two weeks ago to investigate it, but so far nothing happened. When I ask in livechat they always tell me the same: "As far as we've been informed there may have been a fee charged by the intermediary bank, We'll look into this further. Is there anything else I can assist you with?" I have the feeling that they gave me the fee, because I won too much. I am playing in different casinos and even nowadays I never get any fees in other casinos with Mifinity, so I really think Letslucky is the problem.
I asked Mifinity and they dont have any fees for this. The answer makes sense, because the Mifinity withdrawals from all the other online casinos come without any fees. Where can I file a complaint about Letslucky casino
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