Zdravo, poslednja komunikacija sa kazinom održana je juče i bila je zasnovana na principu (Šaljete ista dokumenta), što nije tačno.
Lična karta je prihvaćena, ali adresa nije potvrđena.
Poslao sam im već razna dokumenta, telefonski račun, račun za TV, čak i bankovni transfer sa ugovorom o radu, izvod iz banke da sam vlasnik i oni potvrđuju moju adresu, sve što mogu, imao sam stari račun za gas koji su odbili, ali ja iznajmljujem i nemam ga drugog .
Samo ne mogu da im pošaljem dokument da im ugodim - slučaj traje već 12 dana, ali oni ga odbiju posle 1-2 dana najviše, tako da sam imao dosta pokušaja.
Napisali su da ne prihvataju transfere. Razumem, slao sam im fakture za internet/TV/telefon jer to je sve što imam, ugovor o zakupu je od pre 6 meseci pa ne mogu da im dam i stalno se odbija.
Štaviše, komunikacija sa ovim ćaskanjem je noćna mora jer ne pišu konkretno šta ne odgovara, samo šaljete isti tekst iznova i iznova, a kada pitam koji dokument da pošaljem, odgovor je otprilike: u panelu vidite šta morate da otpremite? Mora da je izvod iz banke. koje su i dobili.
Hello, the last communication with the casino took place yesterday and it was based on the principle (You keep sending the same documents), which is not true.
The ID card was accepted, but the address was not confirmed.
I have already sent them various documents, a telephone bill, a TV bill, even a bank transfer with an employment contract, a bank statement confirming that I am the owner and they confirm my address, everything I can, I had an old gas bill which they rejected, but I rent and I don't have it another .
I just can't send them the document to please them - the case has been going on for 12 days, but they reject it after 1-2 days at most, so I've had a lot of attempts.
They have written that they do not accept transfers. I understand, so I sent them invoices for the Internet / TV / telephone because that's all I have, the lease agreement is from 6 months ago, so I can't give it to them and it keeps being rejected.
What's more, communicating with this chat is a nightmare because they don't write specifically what doesn't fit, you just send the same text over and over again, and when I ask what document I should send, the answer is something like, in the panel see what you must upload ? It must be a bank statement. which they also got.
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