Hej, tim kazino gurua, znam da vas već zaokupljam još jednom stvari, ali ova je potpuno luda. Nalepiću e-poštu koju sam poslao pitbosu u beskrajnom kazinu. Ukratko, odbijaju da mi plate i traže. Još uvek moram da platim iznos bonusa, imajte na umu da sam sa depozita od 20$ prešao na vraćanje preko 4k u opkladama, a oni i dalje žele više, problem je da je stanje za koje tvrde da još uvek dugujem kombinovan sa mojim stvarnim stanjem za jednu gotovinski iznos, tvrde da mogu da ga platim tako što se kladim više, ali to je problem, na primer ako se kladim i IZGUBIM i vratim isti iznos, moj saldo se ne menja iako sam mogao da se kladim samo 20$!!! Nadam se da ovo ima smisla. Ne razumem zašto jednostavno ne uzmu iznos bonusa od moje zarade, verujem da sam preigrao svoj bonus saldo 5k više, tvrde da je moj iznos bonusa isti čak i kada se malo kladim na da vidim da li će promeniti iznos i kada sam se obratio da pitam drugi put nije se promenio. Priložiću sve slike koje imam i ćaskanja koje sam zatražio svoju istoriju igre jer mogu da vidim samo poslednjih nekoliko sati. Ako vam nešto treba, slobodno mi se obratite. Takođe mi ne bi smetalo da privatno dam svoje podatke za prijavu kako biste ovo mogli sami da testirate. Takođe, postoji naknada za povlačenje od skoro 10$ kada sam ručno odbijen, dodali su belešku u moj fajl koju mogu da vidim. U suprotnom, sve što mi treba je da verifikuju moje dokumente što odbijaju da urade.. Volim šta vi momci radite ovde za sve osoblje.
Prosleđena e-pošta (kopija)
Moje ime je Julian V*** moje korisničko ime je THeNameIsJai, moja adresa e-pošte je
L***@gmail.com slobodno odgovorite e-poštom ili telefonskim pozivom ili SMS-om 559*** hvala
Zdravo, pokušavam da dobijem kopiju moje pune istorije igranja. Videći kako vaši predstavnici podrške ne mogu da shvate koncept moje žalbe. Koristio sam kod da dobijem bonus od 116$ na moj depozit od 20$. Ovaj kupon takođe dolazi sa 200 besplatnih okretaja koje još NISAM iskoristio. Želim da rešim problem koji imam sa vašim ljudima. Moj saldo u toku igranja je bio preko 4000k$ i nakon mnogo sati i konstantnog igranja i klađenja vratio sam to, jasno možete da vidite jer je moj saldo u toku igranja na 0$ sada sam takođe preterao svoj bonus iznos od 116$ i ako možete da mi obezbedite ja sa kopijom moje istorije igranja mogu to dokazati. Problem koji imam je da moj stvarni bilans iznosi 120,37$, to nije mnogo, ali u poređenju sa 4k$ koje sam vratio, to je za mene mnogo. Zbog čega ne mogu da razumem zašto se tvoj tim igra sa mnom. Kažu da još uvek imam bonus saldo od 116$ da vratim, ako je to tačno onda definitivno ne vodite računa o tome šta vraćam, kako možete da pratite kada vaš tim kaže da je bonus i pravi balans se kombinuje???? Da li treba da sednem i pitam sa kalkulatorom i oduzmem svaku opkladu koju napravim. Čak i tako, oni će nastaviti da kažu da je stanje 116 dolara. Na primer, ako je moj pravi saldo 120,37 i kladim se na 10$ i IZGUBIM ga, 10$ je otišlo na isplatu bonusa sada na 110,37$. Sada, ako se kladim i OSVOJIM 10$ moj saldo će se vratiti na 120,37$, mogu garantovati da sam vratio taj bonus 4k i mislim da vi momci jednostavno ne želite da mi platite. Ako to nije slučaj, kako to da jednostavno ne skinete iznos bonusa sa stvarnog stanja. To je zato što sam ga već platio. Možete li mi pokazati kako vodite evidenciju. Mislim da niste juče. Rečeno mi je da imam bonus saldo i da sam odigrao nekoliko utakmica i nazvaću ponovo sledećeg dana da vidim da li će reći drugačiji iznos i to jesu NE reci drugačiju sumu, pa gde je otišao novac koji sam se kladio i izgubio??? Priložiću slike i tekst da vidite moju dilemu.
Hey there casino guru team, I know that I'm already keeping you guys busy with another matter but this one is absolutely nuts. I will paste the email I sent to the pitboss at limitless casino . In short, they refuse to pay me and claim. I have a bonus amount to pay still, keep in mind I went from a 20$ deposit to paying back over 4k in bets and they still want more, the issue is the balance they claim I still owe is combined with my real balance for one cash amount, they claim I can pay it by betting more but that's an issue, for example if I bet and LOOSE and win back the same amount my balance doesn't change even though I could have just bet 20$!!! I hope this makes sense I don't understand why don't they just take the bonus amount from my earnings, I believe I have overplayed my bonus balance 5x over, they claim my bonus amount is the same even when I bet a little to see if they would change the amount and when I reached out to ask the second time it hadn't changed. I will attach any pictures I have and chats I have requested my gameplay history as I'm only able to view the last couple hrs. If there's anything you need please feel free to reach out to me. Also I wouldn't mind giving my login details privately so that u can test this for yourselves. Also, there's a withdrawal charge for almost 10$ when I was manually rejected,they added the note to my file that I can see. Otherwise all I need is for them to verify my documents which they refuse to do.. Ty p.s.i love what u guys are doing here ty to all the staff.
Forwarded email (copy)
My name is Julian V*** my username is THeNameIsJay my email address is
L***@gmail.com please feel free to respond by email or phone call or text 559*** thank you
Hi I'm trying to obtain a copy of my full gameplay history. Seeing how your support representatives are unable to grasp the concept of my complaint. I used a code to get a 116$ bonus on top of my 20$ deposit. This coupon also comes with 200 free spins which I have NOT used yet. I want to fix an issue I'm having with your people. My playthrough balance was over 4000k$ and after many hours and constant playing and betting I payed that back, clearly you can see that because my playthrough balance is at 0$ now I also overplayed my bonus amount back of 116$ and if you can provide me with a copy of my game play history I can prove that. The issue I'm having is my real balance amount is 120.37$ it's not much, but compared to the 4k$ I payed back, it's a lot to me. Which is why I can't understand why your team is playing games with me. They are saying I still have a bonus balance of 116$ to pay back, if that is true then you are definitely not keeping track of what I'm paying back, how can you keep track when your team is saying that the bonus and real balance are combined???? Do I need to sit down and ask with a calculator and subtract every bet I make. Even so they will continue to say the balance is 116$. For example if my real balance is 120.37 and I bet10$ and LOOSE it, 10$ just went to paying the bonus off now at 110.37$. Now, if I bet and WIN 10$ my balance will go back up to 120.37$ I can guarantee that I have payed that bonus back 4x over and I think that you guys just don't want to pay me. If that is not the case how come you just don't take the bonus amount off of the real balance. It's because I already paid it. Can you show me how u are keeping track I don't think you are yesterday I was told I had a bonus balance and I played a few games and I call back the next day to see if they would say a different amount and they did NOT say a different amount, so where did the money go that I bet and lost??? I will attach pictures and text so u can see my dilemma.
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