Zdravo Veronika i izvinjavam se na dugom odgovoru!
Dozvolite mi da odgovorim na vaše pitanje:
1. Da li ste ranije izvršili uspešna povlačenja?
- To je bilo moje prvo povlačenje na ovom sajtu
2. Možete li potvrditi da ste prošli KIC verifikaciju?
- Da - moj nalog je u potpunosti verifikovan na osnovu onoga što su prevaranti rekli
3. Da li ste akumulirali svoje dobitke sa ili bez aktivnog bonusa?
- Napravio sam svoj prvi depozit - 20 evra 03-04.09 (ne sećam se tačno) i igrao sam sa 100 evra jer mi daju 400% bonusa na prvi depozit - od tih 100 evra uspevam da zaradim 700 + - igrajući samo malo opklade 0,20 - 2 evra - i onda sam pokušao da podignem 600 i pročitao sam uslove i odlučio da podignem samo iznos koji je bio u uslovima - 10k iznos koji ste uplatili i onda zato što nisam želeo da igram na taj sajt jer izgleda da su igre sumnjive (dobijam bonus na Vanted dead ili a vild - mrtvačeva ruka i dobijam samo 1 divlji i 3 besplatna okretanja) i znam da je za taj određeni bonus minimum 5 divljih i 5k multiplikator, odlučujem da povučem iznos rupe. I onda od 06.10 idem na tu veb stranicu i pitam ih o statusu mog povlačenja i dobijam istu priču o kopiranju/pejstu.
Nadam se da će vam ovi odgovori pomoći i obećavam da ću vam sledeći put odgovoriti mnogo brže.
Hvala Veronica na podršci!
Hello Veronica and sorry for the long time answer!
Let me answer to you're question :
1. Have you made any successful withdrawals before?
- That was my first withdrawal on this site
2.Could you please confirm that you have passed the KYC verification?
- Yes - my account is fully verified from what the scammers said
3. Have you accumulated your winnings with or without an active bonus?
- I made my first deposit - 20 euro on 03-04.09(i don't remember exactly) and i played with 100 euro because they give me 400% first deposit bonus - from that 100 Euro i manage to make 700 + - playing only small bets 0.20 - 2 euro - and then i've tried to withdraw 600 and the i read the terms and decide to withdraw only the amount that was in the terms - 10X the amount that you deposit and then because i did not want to play on that site because the games seams to be suspicious ( i get the bonus on Wanted dead or a wild - the dead man's hand and i get only 1 wild and 3 free spins ) and i know that for that particular bonus the minimum is 5 wild and 5x multiplier , i decide to withdrawal the hole amount . And then from the 06.10 i go on there web site and i ask them about the status of my withdraw and i get the same copy/paste story.
I hope that those answers will help you and i promis that i will respond you much faster next time.
Thanks for you're support Veronica!
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