Dobar dan Boroda,
Dopustite mi da vam kažem, ovakve se situacije ne događaju često i jako mi je žao što vam se dogodilo. Nažalost, trenutno ne možemo puno učiniti osim čekanja.
Imajte na umu da slučajevi poput ovog mogu potrajati i nekoliko mjeseci da bi se uspješno riješili.
Prema dokumentima koje smo dobili od Lucky Bar Casina, uplatu su vam uspješno poslali, ali se negdje između toga izgubila. Dok ne dobiju povrat novca, ne mogu poslati još jedno, što je uobičajena procedura u industriji kasina. Već su poduzeli potrebne korake da pronađu uplatu na njihovom kraju i nadamo se da će njihov pružatelj usluga uskoro dobiti neke informacije.
Hello Boroda,
Please let me tell you, situations like this are not very common to happen and I am very sorry it happened to you. Unfortunately, there is not a lot that we can do right now other than wait.
Please bear in mind, that cases like this may take even a few months to successfully resolve.
According to the documents we've received from Lucky Bar Casino, they have successfully sent the payment to you, but it got lost somewhere in between. Until they will receive the payment back, they are unable to send another one, which is standard procedure in the casino industry. They already made the necessary steps to track down the payment on their end and hopefully their provider will get some information soon.
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