Igraču iz Belgije je poništen dobitak zbog navodne neregularne igre.
Lucki Luke kazino pokušava da prevari mojih 43.000€
Osvojio sam ovaj iznos igrajući igrice „Speed Roulette" i „Fruiti Time"
Da bih podigao novac morao sam da se verifikujem slanjem lične karte, dokaza adrese i izvoda iz banke.
Sva moja dokumenta su verifikovana.
Sada iznenada oni Perm. zabranili su mi prijavu na nalog i kažu da će mi vratiti depozit od 2000 evra, dok je ukupan iznos mojih depozita koji sam uradio u svojoj banci 4000 evra...
Ali glavna stvar oko ovoga je da oni samo žele da prevare 43.000€ koje sam osvojio na zakonit način !!!!
Ovo je zaista velika prevara koju pokušavaju da urade sa mnom.
Potrebna mi je vaša pomoć Casino Guru, jer ovo je zaista neprihvatljivo ono što oni rade !!!!
Želim svojih 43.000€ ili ću ići u policiju i takođe ću pokrenuti zahtev kod komisije za igre.
Dodajem snimke ekrana u priloženim datotekama.
Ovde možete videti da sam podneo zahtev za povlačenje 10k 2000€ (20.000€)
A stanje na mom računu je i dalje 23.126,61€
takođe snimak ekrana 4k 1000€ depozita koje sam uradio.
Lucky Luke casino is trying to scam my 43.000€
I have won this amount by playing the games ''Speed Roulette'' & ''Fruity Time''
To withdraw money i had to verify myself by sending my ID card, proof of address and a bank statement.
All my documents got verified.
Now Suddenly they Perm. banned my account login and they say they will refund my €2000 deposit, meanwhile the total of my deposits i did with my bank is €4000...
But the main issue about this, that they just want to scam the 43.000€ that i have won on a legit way !!!!
This is really a big scam they are trying to do with me.
I need your help Casino Guru, cause this is really unacceptable what they do !!!!
I want my 43.000€ or i go to the police and also will start a claim with the gamingcommision.
I add screenshots in attached files.
Here u can see i made a request to withdraw 10x 2000€ (20.000€)
And the balance on my account is still 23.126,61€
also a screenshot of the 4x 1000€ deposits i did.
Dragi Mush0,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaše negativno iskustvo. Proverio sam vašu prosleđenu komunikaciju i ako sam dobro razumeo, vaš dobitak je poništen zbog optužbi za korišćenje Martingale strategije, da li je to tačno?
Želeo bih da istaknem naš članak o Martingale strategiji i zašto verujemo da je ne treba koristiti protiv igrača kao izgovor za poništavanje dobitaka.
"Ovo pokazuje da strategija Martingejla zaista ne funkcioniše na duge staze. Svi igrači su se polako penjali, ali su doživeli brutalan niz poraza koji je rezultirao gubitkom svega. Ovo pokazuje da dugi nizovi gubitaka, iako izgledaju zaista malo verovatni, prilično su uobičajeni u stvarnosti."
Možete li da nam kažete da li ste iskoristili bilo koju promotivnu ponudu prilikom deponovanja sredstava na svoj račun? Da li je ovo bila vaša prva sesija u ovom konkretnom kazinu ili ste već igrali ovde?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Mush0,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your negative experience. I have checked your forwarded communication and if I understood correctly, your winnings were voided due to accusation of using the Martingale strategy, is that correct?
I would like to highlight our article about Martingale strategy and why we believe that it shouldn't be used against the players as an excuse to void any winnings.
"This goes to show that the Martingale strategy really doesn't work in the long run. All of the players were slowly climbing up, but experienced a brutal losing streak that resulted in losing everything. This goes to show that the long losing streaks, although they seem really unlikely, are quite common in reality."
Could you please advise if you have redeemed any promotional offer when depositing funds into your account? Was this your first session in this specific casino, or you have played here before?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
zdravo kazino guru,
Da, razlog zašto ne žele da mi plate i trajno su mi zabranili nalog je zato što sam koristio Martingale strategiju na ruletu.
Takođe mislim da je ovo najveća glupost koju mogu smisliti.. I zaista nečuveno!
Ne samo da sam zaradio na ruletu, već i na slot igrici „Fruiti Time" (ovo će biti oko 15.000 €)
O ovome i ne pričaju, a meni banu račun i ništa mi ne plaćaju!
Počeo sam da igram na Casino Luckiluke pre 2 nedelje, nikada nisam koristio nikakav bonus ili bilo šta drugo.
Koristio sam samo novac koji sam položio da igram igre „Speed Roulette Live" i „Fruiti Time"
Ovo je samo velika prevara koju Casino Luckiluke radi. I MORAJU da mi plate iznos od 43.000€ bez reči! Zaista zahtevam svoju isplatu.
Hvala vam unapred na pomoći i što ste me ispravili u vezi sa ovom činjenicom.
hello casino guru,
Yes, the reason for them that they don't want to pay me and have permanently banned my account is because I used the Martingale strategy at Roulette..
I also think this is the greatest nonsense they can come up with .. And really outrageous!
I have not only made winnings at Roulette, but also at the slots game ''Fruity Time'' (This will be around €15,000)
They don't even talk about this, and they ban my account and don't pay me anything!
I started to play on Casino Luckyluke like 2 weeks ago, i never used any bonus or whatever.
I only used the money i did deposit to play the games ''Speed Roulette Live'' & ''Fruity Time''
This is just a big scam that Casino Luckyluke is doing. And they MUST pay me the amount of €43,000 without words! I really demand my payout.
Thank you in advance for your help, and for correcting me on this fact.
Puno vam hvala, Mush0, na pružanju svih potrebnih informacija. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu kolegi Mateju ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, Mush0, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Matej (matej@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo Mush0,
Žao mi je što čujem za vaše nevolje.
Želeo bih da pozovem predstavnika kazina u slučaj:
Možete li mi dati Mush0-ov dnevnik igre? ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk )
Hello Mush0,
I am sorry to hear about your troubles.
I would like to invite the casino representative into the case:
Could you please provide me with Mush0's game log? (matej@casino.guru)
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
We would like to ask the Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’.
Ovi prevaranti zaista neće odgovoriti !!!!
These scammers really are not going to reply !!!!
Dragi Mush0.
Pokušao sam da kontaktiram drugu osobu iz kazina preko Skajpa.
Ako niko ne odgovori u naredna 3 dana, pomoći ću vam da podnesete žalbu direktno regulatoru kazina.
Dear Mush0.
I tried to contact different person from the casino via Skype.
If nobody reply in the next 3 days I will help you to submit your complaint directly to the casino's regulator.
Ok hvala puno Matej.
Ne davati nikakav odgovor, pokazuje još više o tome šta mi rade nije legalno..
Zaista treba da mi isplate 43.000 evra koje sam osvojio.
Jako mi nanose štetu 🙁
Ok thank you very much Matej.
Not giving any response, shows even more about what they are doing to me is not legit..
They really need to pay me out the €43.000 i won.
They are harming me very bad 🙁
Budite obavešteni o detaljima slučaja za igrača Mush0.
Prijavio se 06.09.2022
Kao što vidimo u istoriji komunikacije sa ovim igračem, on je kontaktirao podršku u vezi bonusa, uslova povlačenja i verifikacije. Ali ne vidimo zahteve za pojašnjenje o obrascima klađenja, tako da možemo pretpostaviti da nije imao dodatnih pitanja o tome nakon čitanja Opštih uslova.
25. septembra je napravio poslednja dva depozita od 1000 i 1000 evra i počeo da igra. Uglavnom je igrao Speed rulet kompanije Evolution Gaming. Takođe je podneo 10 zahteva za povlačenje po 2000 evra.
Dana 30. septembra, naš tim za plaćanja završio je proveru njegovih zahteva za povlačenje i prijavio je sledeće: Martingale strategija je potvrđena.
Pošto je ovo direktno kršenje tačke 8 Uslova i odredbi naše veb stranice, morali smo da odbijemo zahteve i poništimo dobitke. Uprava je donela odluku da se refundiraju poslednji depoziti od 2000 evra i da se račun ovog igrača trajno zabrani. Igrač je o tome obavešten putem e-pošte.
Ovde ispod dodajemo citate sa stranice Uslovi i odredbe.
O neregularnom klađenju: P.8 Odredbi i uslova
„Sumnjiva opklada se odnosi na ono gde verujemo da je opklada ili grupa opklada postavljena u sumnjivim okolnostima. Može uključivati, ali nije ograničeno na:
Neuobičajen i/ili veoma neobičan obrazac opklada u poređenju sa normama klađenja. Strogo je zabranjeno korišćenje bilo kakve tehnike klađenja koja bi promenila isplatu igara, kao što je povećanje vrednosti opklade za više od 50%. Štaviše, velika promena iznosa opklade (povećanje ili smanjenje) nakon gubitka ili pobede će pokrenuti dalju istragu jer se to može smatrati sumnjivim i može dovesti do gubitka bilansa."
O zatvaranju naloga: P.9 Odredbi i uslova
„Naša šerifova kancelarija zadržava pravo da zatvori vaš nalog, po sopstvenom nahođenju, u bilo koje vreme i iz bilo kog razloga. Sledeće okolnosti takođe mogu dovesti do poništavanja vaših dobitaka i/ili zatvaranja vašeg naloga:
…. Sumnjamo da postoji bilo kakva očajna aktivnost na vašem nalogu: zloupotreba promocije, iskorišćavanje kršenja sistema za ostvarivanje profita, neregularno klađenje ili obrazac igre"
Što se tiče dnevnika igre za ovaj period, ne možemo vam ga dostaviti u punom iznosu jer je to u suprotnosti sa našom politikom privatnosti. Ali igrač to može zatražiti direktno od službenika za zaštitu podataka na: KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk
A onda sam igrač može da podeli ove informacije sa vama ako to želi.
Još jednom želimo da podsetimo da su sve informacije o pravilima objavljene u Pravilima i uslovima na našoj veb stranici i da svi igrači imaju pristup njima sve vreme. Štaviše, naša služba za korisničku podršku radi 24/7, tako da ako igraču treba pojašnjenje, dobrodošao je da nas kontaktira putem ćaskanja ili putem e-pošte.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Lucki Luke Casino
Please be informed of the details of the case for player Mush0.
He signed up on 06.09.2022
As we see it in the history of communication with this player, he contacted support about bonuses, withdrawal terms and verification. But we see no requests for clarification about betting patterns, so we can assume that he had no additional questions about it after reading General Terms and conditions.
On the 25th of September, he made the last two deposits of 1000 and 1000 Euro and started to play. He mostly played Speed roulette by Evolution Gaming. He also made 10 withdrawal requests for 2000 Euro each.
On the 30th of September, our payments team finished checking his withdrawal requests and they reported the following: Martingale strategy confirmed.
As this is a direct breach of the p.8 of the Terms and Conditions of our website, we had to decline the requests and void the winnings. The management decision was made to refund the last deposits of 2000 Euro and to permanently ban the account of this player. The player was informed accordingly by email.
Here below we add the quotations from the Terms and conditions page.
About Irregular betting: P.8 of Terms and Conditions
"A suspicious bet refers to where we believe that a bet or a group of bets have been placed in suspicious circumstances. It may include but is not limited to:
Inordinate and/or highly unusual pattern of bets by comparison with betting norms. It is strictly forbidden to use any betting technic which would alter the payout of games, such as increasing the value of a bet of more than 50%. Furthermore, making a large change of bet amount (increase or decrease) after a loss or a win will trigger further investigation as this can be considered as suspicious and can lead to the balance forfeited"
About account closure: P.9 of Terms and Conditions
"Our Sheriff's Office reserve the right to close your account, at its sole discretion, at any time and for any reason. The following circumstances can also lead to the voiding of your winnings and/or the closure of your account:
…. We are suspected any desperados activity into your account: promotion abuse, exploiting a breach of the system to make profit, irregular betting or gaming pattern"
As for the game log for this period, we cannot provide it to you in the full amount as this contradicts our privacy policy. But the player can request it directly from a Data Privacy Officer at: dpo@mountberg.biz
And then the player himself can share this info with you if he wishes to do so.
We once again want to remind that all the info about rules is published in the Terms and Conditions on our website and all the players have access to it all the time. Moreover, our customer support service works 24/7, so if a player needs a clarification, he is welcome to contact us in chat or by email.
Kind regards,
Lucky Luke Casino
Martingale strategija nije NIŠTA NEZAKONITO........
U svakom kazinu je dozvoljeno igrati na ovaj način...
Dakle, najveće je sranje ne dozvoliti Martingale strategiju...
Vratili ste €2000 na moj bankovni račun. Zato tražim €41.000 više da mi isplatim!
Takođe, osvojio sam €11.500 sa igrom „Fruiti time"
Čak ni od ove pobede, ne isplatiš me...
Zaista zahtevam svoju platu od 41.000 evra, jer je ovo prvi kazino koji ikada poznajem, koji ne dozvoljava da se igra rulet kao normalan način igranja...
Zato želim svoju isplatu mog dobitka u igri „Fruiti time" (11.500 €)
I želim svoju isplatu svog dobitka u igri ''Speed roulette bi Evolution Gaming'' (29.500€)
Takođe... zaista je NEPRIHVATLjIVO ono što pokušavate da kažete, jer mnogo kazina pruža igru ''Speed roulette bi Evolution Gaming''
U svakom drugom kazinu koji sam osvojio, takođe sa Martingale strategijom, uvek sam dobijao svoj novac !!!!
''Speed roulette bi Evolution Gaming'' DOZVOLjAVA Martingale strategiju!!
Martingale strategy is NOTHING ILLEGAL.........
In every Casino it is allowed to play this way....
So its the biggest bullshit to not allow the Martingale strategy...
You refunded €2000 to my bank account. So i demand a €41.000 more to pay me out!
Also, i made a win of €11.500 with the game ''Fruity time''
Even from this win, you dont pay me out....
I really demand my pay out of €41.000, cause this is the 1st casino ever that i know, that doesnt allow to play roulette like a normal way to play....
So i want my payout of my winnings on the game ''Fruity time'' (€11.500)
And i want my payout of my winnings on the game ''Speed roulette by Evolution Gaming'' (€29.500)
Also... its really UNACCEPTABLE what you are trying to say, cause a lot Casinos providing the game ''Speed roulette by Evolution Gaming''
On every other casino i won, with also the Martingale strategy, i received always my money !!!!
''Speed roulette by Evolution Gaming'' ALLOWS the Martingale strategy!!
Dragi Mush0,
Možete li molim vas da napišete e-poštu na KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk i zatražite evidenciju igre kako bismo mogli da je proverimo?
Poštovani predstavnike kazina:
Ne smatramo martingajl nečim nezakonitim. Možda izgleda da možete pobediti na ovaj način. Međutim, ivica kuće je i dalje ista. I to definitivno nije strategija koja vam može garantovati siguran profit.
Dok ne nastavimo, želeo bih da proverim dnevnike igre.
Dear Mush0,
Could you please write an email to dpo@mountberg.biz and request a game log so we can check it?
Dear casino representative:
We do not consider martingale to be something illegal. It might look like you can win this way. However, the house edge is still the same. And it is definitely not a strategy that can guarantee you the sure profit.
Till we proceed, I would like to check the game logs.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Molimo vas, kada kazino pošalje dnevnike igre, prosledite e-poštu na: KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk
Please, when the casino sends the game logs, forward the email to: matej@casino.guru
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Hej Matej,
Da vam dam ažuriranje...
Već sam im 3 puta poslao e-poštu da zahtevam svoje zapise igara...
Jednostavno ih nije briga, i nastavljaju da varaju mojih 43.000 € !!!!!
Hey Matej,
To give you an update...
I have send them 3 times an email already to request my game logs...
They just dont care, and keep scamming my €43.000 !!!!!
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
We would like to ask the Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Zdravo Mush0,
Da, imam dnevnike.
Iz evidencije izgleda da ste igrali slotove, ali kada je vaš balans bio nizak, odlučili ste da pređete na brzi rulet i igrate sa Martingale strategijom. Kada ste osvojili dovoljno novca, prebacili ste igru na slotove i nastavili da igrate - tokom vaše igre ruleta; pobedili ste nekoliko puta na sesijama ruleta (međutim, dva puta ste završili u minusu)
Većina vaših dobitaka je od speed ruleta, a tehnički ste prekršili odredbe i uslove kazina dok ste igrali Speed rulet:
Neuobičajen i/ili veoma neobičan obrazac klađenja u poređenju sa normama klađenja. Strogo je zabranjeno korišćenje bilo kakve tehnike klađenja koja bi promenila isplatu igara, kao što je povećanje vrednosti opklade za više od 50%. Štaviše, velika promena iznosa opklade (povećanje ili smanjenje) nakon gubitka ili pobede će pokrenuti dalju istragu jer se to može smatrati sumnjivim i može dovesti do gubitka bilansa."
Želim da razgovaram o vašem slučaju sa svojim kolegama na našem internom sastanku u sredu - pa vas molim za strpljenje do tada.
Hello Mush0,
Yes, I have the logs.
From the logs, it looks like you played slots, but when your balance went low, you decided to switch to speed roulette and play with a Martingale strategy. When you won enough money, you switched the game to slots and continued playing - during your roulette play; you won several times on roulette sessions (however, two times you ended up in minus)
Most of your winnings are from speed roulette, and technically you breached the casino's terms and conditions while playing Speed Roulette:
Inordinate and/or highly unusual pattern of bets by comparison with betting norms. It is strictly forbidden to use any betting technic which would alter the payout of games, such as increasing the value of a bet of more than 50%. Furthermore, making a large change of bet amount (increase or decrease) after a loss or a win will trigger further investigation as this can be considered as suspicious and can lead to the balance forfeited"
I want to discuss your case with my colleagues at our internal meeting on Wednesday - so please be patient till then.
U redu.
Ipak, moje mišljenje je da nikada nisam uradio ništa loše.
Igram u drugim onlajn kazinima, gde oni pružaju ISTO ''Evolution Gaming - Speed Roulette''
I igram sa istom strategijom i uvek mogu bez problema da povučem svoj profit.
Pa zašto 1 kazino od svih ostalih 1393930326 kazina ne bi dozvolio da igra sa ovom strategijom na istom provajderu igara ''Evolution Gaming - Speed Roulette''
Činjenica je da Lucki Luke Casino prevari mojih €43.000
Takođe, od 43.000 evra koje mi poseduju, zaradio sam na igrici „Fruiti Time" (slotovi)
Moj dobitak u ovoj igri je 6480 €, a čak mi ni ovo ne isplaćuju...
(Pogledajte priložene snimke ekrana)
Zaista zahtevam moju punu isplatu od 43.000 evra jer sam osvojio sve legalno.
I sigurno je moj dobitak od €6480 sa ''Fruiti Time'' jer ovo nema nikakve veze sa ruletom.
Hvala vam.
Still my opinion is i never did anything wrong.
I play on other online Casinos, where they provide THE SAME ''Evolution Gaming - Speed Roulette''
And i play with the same strategy and i always can withdraw without any problems my profits.
So why would 1 Casino of all the other 1393930326 Casinos not allow to play with this strategy on the same game provider ''Evolution Gaming - Speed Roulette''
It is just a fact, that Lucky Luke Casino is scamming my €43.000
Also, of the €43.000 they own me, i made winnings on the game ''Fruity Time'' (Slots)
My winnings on this game are €6480 and even this they dont pay me out...
(See attached screenshots)
I really demand my full payout of €43.000 cause i won everything legit.
And for sure my winnings of €6480 with ''Fruity Time'' cause this has nothing to do with Roulette.
Thank you.
Zdravo Mush0 i Lucki Luke kazino predstavnik.
Nakon analize zapisnika igara i našeg internog sastanka, odlučili smo da Mush0 svojim stilom igre nije dobio nikakvu nepravednu prednost. Kazino je pomenuo termin:
Neuobičajen i/ili veoma neobičan obrazac opklada u poređenju sa normama klađenja. Strogo je zabranjeno korišćenje bilo kakve tehnike klađenja koja bi promenila isplatu igara, kao što je povećanje vrednosti opklade za više od 50%. Štaviše, velika promena iznosa opklade (povećanje ili smanjenje) nakon gubitka ili pobede će pokrenuti dalju istragu jer se to može smatrati sumnjivim i može dovesti do gubitka bilansa."
Verujemo da je ovo pravilo nepravedno, ali i da Mush0-ov stil igre nije promenio isplatu.
Kao što je Mush0 već pomenuo, većina kazina ne smatra povećanje ili smanjenje opklade nakon pobede/gubitka nepravednim.
Mush0 je igrao veoma agresivan stil igre na ruletu sa strategijom zvanom Martingale. Njegovo klađenje je bilo još agresivnije kada je povećao opkladu na više nego duplo veći iznos. Od 14 pokušaja u 3, završio je sa minusom. Ali njegove pobede su zasnovane na sreći, a ne na strategiji ili bilo kojoj prednosti.
Hello Mush0 and Lucky Luke Casino representative.
After analyzing the game logs and our internal meeting, we decided that Mush0 didn't get by his playstyle any unfair advantage. The casino mentioned the term:
Inordinate and/or highly unusual pattern of bets by comparison with betting norms. It is strictly forbidden to use any betting technic which would alter the payout of games, such as increasing the value of a bet of more than 50%. Furthermore, making a large change of bet amount (increase or decrease) after a loss or a win will trigger further investigation as this can be considered as suspicious and can lead to the balance forfeited"
We believe this rule is unfair, but also that Mush0's playstyle didn't alter the payout.
As Mush0 already mentioned, most casinos do not consider increasing or decreasing a bet after a win/loss as unfair.
Mush0 was playing a very aggressive playstyle on roulette with a strategy called Martingale. His betting was even more aggressive when he increased the bet to more than double the amount. From 14 tries in 3, he ended up with minus. But his wins are based on luck, not the strategy or any advantage.
Ili je ovaj kazino velika prevara, zar ne?
Zaista se nadam da će mi platiti 🙁
Osećam se jako loše od tog dana, bio bih zaista srećan da odluče da isplate moje pobede.
Or else this Casino is a big scam right?
I really hope they will pay me 🙁
I feel sooo bad since that day, i would be really happy that they decide to pay my wins.
Dragi Mush0,
Nažalost, kazino veruje da ste prekršili njihove uslove i ne žele da vam plate.
Međutim, kao što sam ranije objasnio, verujemo da vaša strategija ne bi trebalo da bude razlog da ne isplatite dobitke. Niste dobili nikakvu matematičku prednost.
Sada se možete žaliti kazino regulatoru (Antillephone); međutim, ovaj organ za licenciranje je dobro poznat po tome što striktno sledi ono što je napisano u uslovima.
Međutim, vidim šansu sa argumentom da vaša strategija nikako nije promenila isplatu igara, kako piše u uslovima i odredbama: „Neuobičajen i/ili veoma neobičan obrazac opklada u poređenju sa normama klađenja. strogo zabranjeno korišćenje bilo kakve tehnike klađenja koja bi promenila isplatu igara, kao što je povećanje vrednosti opklade za više od 50%.
Ako povećanje opklada od 50% i više menja isplatu igara, zašto bi proizvođači igara pravili dvostruku funkciju (100% povećanje opklade) i stavljali je u igre?
Ako pišete žalbu regulatoru, molimo vas da mudro odaberete kako ćete pisati žalbu jer je veoma važno imati dobru argumentaciju.
I ako vam zatreba pomoć oko toga, javite mi. ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk )
Dear Mush0,
Unfortunately, the casino believes that you breached their terms, and they don't want to pay you.
However, as I explained before, we believe your strategy shouldn't be a reason not to pay winnings. You didn't get any mathematical advantage.
You can now complain to the casino regulator (Antillephone); however, this licensing authority is well known for following strictly what is written in the terms.
However, I see a chance with the argument that your strategy didn't change the payout of the games anyhow, as it is written in terms and conditions: "Inordinate and/or highly unusual pattern of bets by comparison with betting norms. It is strictly forbidden to use any betting technic which would alter the payout of games, such as increasing the value of a bet of more than 50%.
If the increase of the bets of 50% and more changes the payout of the games, why would game manufacturers make a double function (100% increase of the bet) and put it into the games?
If you write a complaint to the regulator, please wisely choose how you write the complaint because it is very important to have a good argumentation.
And if you need help with that, let me know. (matej@casino.guru)
Imam informaciju od Mush0 da je uspešno podneo žalbu regulatoru.
Sada zatvaram ovu žalbu kao nerešenu sa statusom: čekam odluku regulatora.
Poštovani Mush0, molimo vas da ponovo otvorite žalbu kada dobijete konačan odgovor od regulatora.
I have an information from Mush0 that he successfully submit the complaint to the regulator.
I am now closing this complaint as unresolved with the status: waiting for regulator's decision.
Dear Mush0, please reopen the complaint when you will receive a final answer from the regulator.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
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