Zdravo! Hvala vam na odgovoru. Nikada nisam dobio odgovor na mejl koji sam poslao 7. januara u kojem sam im rekao o svojoj zavisnosti od kockanja, koliko sam izgubio i da sam isključen iz drugih kazina. Moj nalog nije bio ograničen i nastavio sam da dobijam bonus ponude, a zavisnošću je nemoguće odoleti. Rekao sam nordicbet, betsson i betsafe da su me isključili kada sam im rekao da imam problem, a takođe su me isključili sa svojih drugih sajtova. Upravo sam poslao e-mail nordicbet.
unibet i ver&john da li sam sebe isključio jer je to bila opcija koju sam mogao da uradim i da ne moram da kontaktiram korisničku podršku.
Juče sam poslao mejl sa srećnim spinovima, a takođe sam prosledio i drugi koji sam poslao 7. januara. Nisu odgovorili, samo su mi ograničili nalog. To je dobro, ali od kada sam im rekao 7. januara izgubio sam mnogo novca zbog bonus ponuda na tekstualnoj poruci i zato što mi račun nije bio ograničen kada očigledno imam ozbiljnu zavisnost od kockanja. Lako je videti da sam besan, tužan i da se osećam jadno u e-poruci koju sam poslao, i to treba shvatiti ozbiljno.
Pokušao sam da zatražim povraćaj novca u istoj e-pošti u kojoj sam im rekao za svoj problem, a takođe sam zatražio povraćaj nakon što sam im rekao za svoj problem.
mogu da vam pošaljem svoje imejlove na vašu e-poštu, ali nema mnogo pošto mi nisu odgovorili samo su ograničili moj nalog juče
Hi! Thank you for your response. I never got a reply on the email I sent january 7th where I told them about my gambling addiction, how much I have lost and that Im excluded from different other casinos. My account was not restricted and I continued to recieve bonus offers, and with an addiction its impossible to resist. I told nordicbet, betsson and betsafe they excluded me when I told them I had a problem, and they also excluded me from their other sites I just sent an email to nordicbet.
unibet and ver&john did i self exclude my self since it was an option that I could do and not have to contact customer support.
I sent lucky spins an email yesterday, and also forwarded the other I sent 7th of january. They did not respond, they only restricted my account. That it self is a good thing, but since I told them 7th of january I have lost a lot of money because of bonus offers on text message and because my account didnt get restricted when I obviously have a serious gambling addiction. Its easy to see that I am furious, sad and feeling miserable in the email that I sent, and it should been taken serious.
i have tried to request a refund in the same email as I told them about my problem, and I have also requested a refund after I told them about my problem.
i can send you my emails to your email, but there is not much since they havent replied just restricted my account yesterday
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