NaslovnaPritužbeLuckyBlock Casino - Igrači se spore sa zbrojem poena u kazino turniru.
LuckyBlock Casino - Igrači se spore sa zbrojem poena u kazino turniru.
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LuckyBlock Casino
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Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
The player from Japan had participated in a casino tournament, but found that the points reflected were inaccurate. Despite the casino's assertions that the points were correct, the player insisted they were not aligned with his game history. The player had provided evidence of his game history to support his claim. We had asked the player to forward the communication between him and the casino. After reviewing the forwarded communication and the player's game history, we concluded that the casino had already contacted the game provider and everything had been deemed correct. As the casino only provided the platform for the tournament and did not manage the point system, we advised the player to contact the game provider directly if he still believed the points were counted inaccurately. Based on these facts, we had to reject the complaint.
Igrač iz Japana je učestvovao na kazino turniru, ali je otkrio da su prikazani poeni netačni. Uprkos tvrdnjama kazina da su poeni tačni, igrač je insistirao da nisu u skladu sa njegovom istorijom igre. Igrač je pružio dokaze o svojoj istoriji igre da potkrepi svoju tvrdnju. Zamolili smo igrača da prosledi komunikaciju između njega i kazina. Nakon pregleda prosleđene komunikacije i istorije igara igrača, zaključili smo da je kazino već kontaktirao provajdera igre i da je sve ispravno. Pošto je kazino obezbedio samo platformu za turnir i nije upravljao bodovnim sistemom, savetovali smo igrača da direktno kontaktira provajdera igre ako i dalje veruje da su poeni netačno prebrojani. Na osnovu ovih činjenica morali smo da odbijemo žalbu.
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu i zaista mi je žao što čujem za vaš problem sa LuckiBlock kazinom. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim još nekoliko pitanja pre nego što krenemo dalje.
Možete li da nam kažete da li je vaš nalog već verifikovan i ako jeste, od kada tačno? Na kakvom ste turniru učestvovali? Da li imate neki dokaz da su vaši poeni pogrešno prikazani? Kada ste poslednji put razgovarali sa kazinom i o čemu se radilo?
Radujem se Vašem odgovoru.
Hello andandjonnyx,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with LuckyBlock Casino. Please allow me to ask you a few more question before we would move forward.
Could you please advise if your account is already verified and if yes, since when exactly? What kind of tournament did you attend in? Do you have any proof that your points were reflected incorrectly? When was the last time you spoke to the casino and what was it about?
10. februara smo učestvovali na turniru na kojem su se igrači takmičili za rezultat koji je bio zbir dobitnog množitelja slotova.
(Na primer, ako 0,2 dolara plaća 1 dolar, rezultat je 5. Ponovite ovo 10 puta i vaš rezultat je 50.)
Dobio sam rezultat od oko 100.000, ali turnir se završio bez ažuriranja liste lidera više od nekoliko sati.
Mislio sam da je interno pravilno izračunat, ali nije.
(Moji drugi korisnici se takođe nisu ažurirali i njihovi bodovi su iznenada fluktuirali, tako da pretpostavljam da je to opšta greška.)
Želeo bih da mi kazino guru dozvoli da predam svoju 10-dnevnu istoriju igara kazinu kako bih mogao da vidim tačne poene tako što ću proveriti svoju istoriju igara.
Tada obe strane mogu to proveriti i izračunati tačne poene.
Evo tabele na kraju dana, sa skorom od oko 50.000 za prvo mesto.
Nisam dobio nijedan poen duže od nekoliko sati, ali zapravo imam skoro 100.000 poena.
The account was verified long ago.
I have experience with withdrawals.
On February 10, we participated in a tournament in which players competed for a score that added up to the winning multiplier of the slots.
(For example, if $0.2 pays $1, the score is 5. Repeat this 10 times and your score is 50.)
I got a score of about 100,000, but the tournament ended without the leaderboard being updated for more than a few hours.
I thought it was calculated properly internally, but it was not.
(My other users also did not update and their points suddenly fluctuated, so I assume it is a general glitch.)
I would like the casino guru to let me submit my 10 day game history to the casino so I can see the exact points by checking my game history.
Then both parties can check it and calculate the correct points.
Here is the leaderboard at the end of the day, with a score of about 50,000 for first place.
I did not gain any points for more than a few hours, but I actually have a score of almost 100,000.
Nakon istrage, otkrio sam da postoji greška u sistemu sabiranja poena za turnire ovog kazina.
Ispostavilo se da se bodovi ne odražavaju na tabeli dok ne prođe neko vreme dok se igra potpuno ne prekine.
U početku nisam razumeo ovaj sistem i nisam napustio igru sve do kraja turnira, tako da moji poeni nisu odraženi na tabeli.
Međutim, vidim da sam prvobitno osvojio prvo mesto tako što sam ih naterao da dostave moju istoriju igre.
Učestvovao sam i na drugom turniru u isto vreme i igrao sam da bih mogao da dobijem bodove na oba.
Drugi tačno odražava bodove i poeni se povećavaju.
All players except me.
Upon investigation, I have found that there is a glitch in the point tally system for this casino's tournaments.
It turns out that the points are not reflected on the leaderboard until some time has elapsed while the game is completely quit.
I did not understand this system at first and did not quit the game all the way to the end of the tournament, so my points were not reflected on the leaderboard.
However, I can see that I originally scored first place by having them submit my game history.
I also participated in another tournament at the same time and I was playing so that I could get points in both.
The other one is reflecting the points correctly and the points are increasing.
Da li bi bilo moguće proslediti komunikaciju između vas i kazina u vezi sa ovim pitanjem ? Kako su objasnili situaciju?
Hello andandjonnyx,
Would it be possible to forward the communication between you and the casino regarding this issue to How did they explain the situation?
Sve dok je kazino već kontaktirao dobavljača igre i prema njima je sve bilo u redu, ne možemo ništa da uradimo. Nije kazino taj koji upravlja bodovnim sistemom, oni su samo platforma za održavanje turnira.
U takvim slučajevima, ako i dalje verujete da su poeni netačno izbrojani, preporučio bih da se direktno obratite Evoluciji kako biste rešili slučaj.
Takođe bih savetovao da uvek prvo kontaktirate provajdera igre ako ikada iskusite bilo kakve probleme sa turnirom jer je veoma teško bilo kojoj trećoj strani da istraži takve slučajeve jer su oni povezani sa dobavljačem igre, a ne direktno sa kazinom.
Nažalost, na osnovu gore navedenih činjenica, bićemo prinuđeni da odbijemo žalbu.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello andandjonnyx,
As long as the casino has already contacted the game provider and according to them was everything correct, there isn't anything we could do. It is not the casino who manages the point system they are just a platform to provide the tournament.
In such cases, if you still believe that the points were counted inaccurately, I would recommend to contact directly Evolution in order to resolve the case.
I would also advise to always contact the game provider first if you ever experience any issues with tournament as it is very hard for any 3rd party to investigate such cases as they are related to the game provider and not the casino directly.
Unfortunately, based on the above stated facts, we will be forced to reject the complaint.
Best regards,
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