Dragi Phoolie,
Ovde ću sumirati činjenice sa kojima možemo da radimo. Prvi slučaj da pominjete zavisnost od kockanja koji jasno vidimo je od 13. maja. Onda, po vašim rečima, vaš račun je još uvek bio otvoren 27. juna, a vaš račun je zatvoren negde oko 29. juna.
U svakom slučaju, nakon što jasno pokažete svoju želju da se samoisključite zbog problema zavisnosti od kockanja, verujemo da bi vam trebalo vratiti sve vaše depozite koji su izvršeni nakon 17. maja, jer smatramo da bi to bio adekvatan vremenski period da se pozabave zahtevom.
Dragi LuckiMak Casino, možete li da vratite novac igraču da bismo mogli da zatvorimo ovu žalbu kao rešenu? Ili, možda, ispraviti bilo koju informaciju koja možda nije tačna?
Dear Phoolie,
Here I will summarise the facts that we can work with. The first instance of you mentioning gambling addiction that we can clearly see is from the 13th of May. Then, by your words, your account was still open on the 27th of June, and your account was closed somewhere around the 29th of June.
In any case, after you clearly show your wish to self-exclude yourself due to a gambling addiction problem, we believe you should be refunded all of your deposits that have happened after the 17th of May since we believe that would be an adequate time period to deal with the request.
Dear LuckyMax Casino, can you refund the player so we can close this complaint as resolved? Or, perhaps, correct any information that might not be correct?
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