Veoma sam razumljiv kada je ovo u pitanju. Ali opet grešite, prvo je bilo najmanje 4-5 različitih ljudi koji su mi rekli istu stvar. Mogu vam reći imena ako želite, a ti ljudi su isti oni kojima sam poslao poruku pre godinu dana, tako da su još uvek na treningu. Kada sam podneo zahtev za povlačenje, zašto mi tada nije rečeno da je moj imejl korišćen više puta? I zašto bih koristio drugo ime na drugom nalogu ako imam samo jedan ID. Samo mi je bilo veoma sumnjivo što je bilo potrebno skoro 2 nedelje da se povučem, a poslednjeg dana povlačenja, koji je bio 15.12.2022., rečeno mi je da je konfiskovan. Rasuđivao sam i obrazlagao na toliko nivoa da bih razumeo zašto je moje povlačenje odbijeno, ali nikada nisam dobio direktan odgovor
1. - Znam na mnogim mestima na kojima će se odbiti ako koristite više od jedne adrese e-pošte ili broja ili bilo šta drugo jer je ranije korišćeno
2. Rečeno mi je da je od 11. do 15. decembra novac bio u procesu podizanja i onda je ponovo pušten. Rečeno mi je „vaš novac je pušten 14.12.22., a zatim ponovo 15.12.22.
3.- Poslao sam mnogo e-poruka objašnjavajući svoju stranu zašto mi tada nije rečeno da sam napravio više od jednog naloga? Sve što su me pitali je
ko je laloifi
- možete li poslati snimak ekrana svog naloga
što sam sve ovo uradio.
4. - Već sam se povukao odavde zašto je sada problem?
5. - Samo sam pokušao da objasnim i pitam zašto je moj novac zaplenjen, ali mi je rečeno da vas maltretiram, to je pogrešno. Imam sve mejlove od vas.
sve što sam želeo je da dobijem onih 5000 dolara koje sam osvojio i onda bih ih ostavio, ali vi me terate da se borim za to i da prođem kroz sve ovo samo da bih dobio sve ove negativne iz svakog ugla.
hi there,
I am a very understandable when it comes to this. But again you are wrong first off there were atleast 4-5 different people that told me the same thing I can tell you names if you like and these people are the same ones I’ve messaged a year ago so are they still in training. When I applied to withdraw why didn’t I get told then that my email was used more then once? And why would I use another name on another account if I only have the one ID. I just found it very suspicious that it took almost 2 weeks to withdraw and on the final day of withdrawl which was 15-12-2022 I was then told it was confiscated. I reasoned and reasoned in so many levels to understand why my withdrawl was refused but I’ve never gotten an straight answer
1st- I know many places that if you use more then one email address or number or whatever it will decline because it’s been used before
2nd- I was told from 11-15th December money was in the withdrawal process and then again it was released. I was told "your money has been released on the 14/12/22 and then again on the 15/12/22
3rd- I sent many emails explaining my side why didn’t I get told then that I have created more then one account? All I was asked was
who’s laloifi
- can you send a screenshot of your account
which I did all this.
4th- I’ve withdrawn from here before why is it a problem now?
5th- I only tried to explain and ask why my money was confiscated yet I was told I was harassing you guys that is wrong I have all the emails from you guys.
all I wanted was to get that $5000 I won and then I would’ve left it but you guys are making me fight for it and go through all this just to get all these negative from every angle.
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