Igrač iz Njemačke optužen je za otvaranje više računa. Doduše, prijatelj ima račun u istom kasinu. Žalba je odbijena jer je igrač prekršio uslove kazina.
The player from Germany has been accused of opening multiple accounts. Admittedly, a friend has an account in the same casino. The complaint was rejected as the player breached the casino terms.
Igrač iz Njemačke optužen je za otvaranje više računa. Doduše, prijatelj ima račun u istom kasinu. Žalba je odbijena jer je igrač prekršio uslove kazina.
Dobar dan draga zajednica,
Imam problema s isplatom u MadMoneyCasino .. Dobio sam casino koji je preporučio moj prijatelj i koji mi je također dao kod za bonus u ovom casinu (CASINOFAMILYTWITCH) koji je ovaj kôd.
Moja djevojka živi u istoj zgradi kao i ja, ali nema ista ulazna vrata.
Prvim depozitom od 20 eura osvojio sam oko 1400 eura, a kasino mi ne želi isplatiti novac i nakon tjedan dana čekanja na isplatu blokirao mi je račun zbog navodnih dvostrukih računa.
Natjerali su me da čekam tjedan dana kako bih mogao povući uplatu (pretpostavljam), a kako to nisam učinio, optužili smo vas da imate dvostruki račun.
Moj račun je verifikovan tokom sedmice da sam čekao isplatu i kada sam zatražio podršku rečeno mi je da mora biti verifikovan i račun mog prijatelja, odnosno KYC verifikacija sa selfiejem i cijelim programom.
Oba računa su verificirana (zahtjev za isplatu) je verifikacija računa.
Moj bonus i cijela stvar naravno nisu istrebljeni, a nijedan ulog nije bio veći od dva eura.
U međuvremenu sam tokom razdoblja isplate zatražio podršku koliko dugo treba da prihvatim isplatu jer želim ponovo uplatiti i ne želim imati nepodmirenu isplatu u profilu prije nego što platim ... Rečeno mi je da mogu platiti opet bez oklijevanja i isplata se nije pomiješala s mojim pologom ako se isplata otkaže.
Hitno tražim pomoć, potreban mi je novac jer me sranje Corona vrijeme koštalo dovoljno novca !!!
Molim za pomoć, ako su vam potrebne dodatne informacije, molim vas, napišite mi !!
Srdačan pozdrav
Good afternoon dear community,
I have problems with the payout at the MadMoneyCasino .. I got the casino recommended by my friend who also gave me the code for a bonus in this casino (CASINOFAMILYTWITCH) this code is.
My girlfriend lives in the same building as me but not the same front door.
With my first deposit of 20 euros I won around 1400 euros and the casino does not want to pay me the money and after a week waiting for the payout has blocked my account because of alleged double accounts.
They made me wait a week so that I could withdraw my payment (I assume) and since I didn't do that, we accused you of having a double account.
My account was verified during the week that I was waiting for the payout and when I asked the support I was told that my friend's account also had to be verified, i.e. a KYC verification with selfie and the whole program.
Both accounts are verified (requirement for a payout) is the verification of the account.
My bonus and the whole thing was of course not dredged, and no stake was higher than two euros.
Meanwhile I asked the support during the payout period how long it would take to accept the payout because I want to pay in again and don't want to have an outstanding payout in the profile before I pay ... I was told I can pay in again without hesitation & the payout was not mixed with my deposit if the payout is canceled.
I urgently ask for help, I need the money because the shit Corona time cost me enough money !!!
I ask for help, if you need more information then please write to me !!
With best regards
Guten Tag liebe Community,
habe Probleme mit der Auszahlung bei dem MadMoneyCasino.. habe das Casino von meiner Freundin empfohlen bekommen die mir auch den Code für einen Bonus in diesen Casino gegeben hat (CASINOFAMILYTWITCH) lautet dieser Code.
Meine Freundin wohnt in dem selben Gebäude wie ich aber nicht die selbe Hauseingangstur.
Habe mit meiner ersten Einzahlung von 20 Euro an die 1400 Euro gewonnen und das Casino will mir das Geld nicht auszahlen und hat nach einer Woche Wartezeit auf die Auszahlung mein Konto gesperrt wegen angeblichen Doppelaccount.
Die haben mich eine Woche warten gelassen damit ich meine Auszahlung zurückziehe ( gehe ich davon aus ) und da ich das nicht gemacht habe, haben dir wir es aussieht mit einen Doppelaccount vorgeworfen.
Mein Konto wurde im Laufe der Woche in der ich auf die Auszahlung gewartet habe verifiziert und als ich im Support nachgefragt habe wurde mir gesagt dass das Account von meiner Freundin auch verifiziert werden muss also eine KYC Verifizierung mit Selfie und das ganze Programm.
Beide Konten sind verifiziert also ( Vorraussetzung für eine Auszahlung ) ist die Verifikation des Accounts.
Mein Bonus und das ganze wurde natürlich ungewaggert war auch kein Einsatz höher als zwei Euro.
Währenddessen ich im Support im Laufe der Auszahlungsdauer gefragt habe wie lange es noch dauern würde um die Auszahlung zu akzeptieren, weil ich wieder einzahlen will und keine ausstehende Auszahlung im Profil haben will bevor ich einzahle...wurde mir gesagt ich kann bedenkenlos wieder einzahlen & die Auszahlung wurde nicht mit meiner Einzahlung vermischt werden wenn die Auszahlung abgebrochen wird.
Ich bitte dringend um Hilfe,ich brauche das Geld weil die Scheiss Corona Zeit mich genug Geld gekostet hat !!!
Ich bitte bitte um Hilfe,wenn Sie mehr Informationen brauchen dann bitte schreiben Sie mir !!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Poštovani sk3jc1k93,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je zbog vašeg problema. Dopustite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja, kako bih mogao u potpunosti razumjeti cijelu situaciju. Da li vi i vaš prijatelj dijelite nešto od sljedećeg: kućanstvo ili adresu e-pošte, telefonski broj, isti broj računa za plaćanje, IP ili uređaj?
Provjerio sam opće uvjete i ovo sam pronašao https://www.madmoneycasino.com/en/static-texts/terms-and-conditions :
„Bonusi se mogu dobiti jednom po osobi (kupcu), po domaćinstvu, po adresi, po mobilnom telefonu, po zajedničkom računaru i po zajedničkoj IP adresi. Bezrizične oklade na bilo koje igre ili usluge ne računaju se u uvjete klađenja. Dobitak od besplatnih okretaja dodaje se na stanje stvarnog novca. "
Ako postoji neka relevantna komunikacija, proslijedite je na petronela.k@casino.guru .
Nadam se da ćemo vam moći pomoći da što prije riješite ovaj problem. Unaprijed se zahvaljujem na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear sk3jc1k93,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Do you and your friend share any of the following: household or email address, telephone number, same payment account number, IP, or device?
I have checked general terms and conditions, and this is what I found https://www.madmoneycasino.com/en/static-texts/terms-and-conditions:
"Bonuses can be received once per person (Customer), per household, per address, per mobile phone, per shared computer and per shared IP address. Risk-free bets on any games or services do not count toward the wagering requirements. Winnings from free spins are added to the real money balance."
If there’s any relevant communication, please forward it to petronela.k@casino.guru.
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Poštovani sk3jc1k93,
Produljujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Imajte na umu da ćemo odbiti vašu žalbu u slučaju da u datom roku ne pružite potrebne podatke.
Dear sk3jc1k93,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to provide the required information in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.
Da li vi i vaš prijatelj dijelite nešto od sljedećeg: kućanstvo ili adresu e-pošte, broj telefona, isti broj računa za plaćanje, IP adresu ili uređaj?
Pozdrav, hvala na brzom odgovoru i kasnom odgovoru s moje strane ... Dakle, ne dijelimo nijednu od gore navedenih stvari ... Jedino što biste mogli dodati je da nemamo vlastitu internetsku liniju, ali stanodavac kuće ima WiFi za stanare u kući jer ovdje nema drugog načina.
Tražimo pomoć = (
Do you and your friend share any of the following: household or email address, phone number, same payment account number, IP address, or device?
Hello, thanks for your quick answer and a late answer on my part ... So we don't share any of the things listed above ... The only thing you could add is that we don't have our own internet line, but the landlord of the The house has wifi for the tenants in the house because there is no other way here.
We ask for help = (
Teilen Sie und Ihr Freund eines der folgenden Elemente: Haushalts- oder E-Mail-Adresse, Telefonnummer, gleiche Zahlungskontonummer, IP-Adresse oder Gerät?
Hallo, danke für ihre schnelle Antwort und eine verspätete Antwort meiner seits... Also wir teilen uns nichts von den oben aufgelisteten Sachen... Das einzige was man und anhängen könnte ist dass, das wir keine eigene Internet Leitung haben sondern der Vermieter des Hauses hat ein W-Lan für die Mieter im Hause weil es nicht anders möglich ist hier.
Wir bitten um Hilfe =(
Puno vam hvala, sk3jc1k93, što ste pružili sve potrebne informacije. Sada ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Nicka koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćete u bliskoj budućnosti vidjeti kako se vaš problem rješava na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much, sk3jc1k93, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Nick who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo, hvala vam na prilici da se obratite ovom pitanju na javnom forumu. Igrač je obaviješten da ima odgovarajući duplikat IP-a. Ovdje tvrdi da stanodavac osigurava internet za kuću. Ovo bi dalo sličan IP, ali ne i potpuno podudaranje. Uz to, oba računa dijele istu lozinku, što je dokaz više o istoj osobi koja stvara više računa.
Naši uvjeti i odredbe jasno navode 1 račun po osobi, domaćinstvu ili tamo gdje se uređaji dijele (škola, radna mjesta, javne biblioteke itd.) I navedeni su u nastavku za referencu.
Oba računa su zatražila i bonus dobrodošlice, što predstavlja kršenje kada 1 osoba ili osoba sa duplikatom IP-a stvori više računa da bi zloupotrijebila bonus ponude.
Naš rizični tim uzeo je dovoljno vremena da u potpunosti istraži i razmotri sve mogućnosti, situacije i dodatne dokaze / ličnu dokumentaciju oba igrača. Igrač je priznao da poznaje osobu s drugog računa, dijeli IP s tom osobom i koristi istu lozinku. Ovo je neodoljiv dokaz da su dva računa povezana i da krše višestruke uvjete i odredbe naše web stranice što rezultira zatvaranjem duplikata računa i oduzimanjem dobitaka.
Upućen je i na određene dijelove naših uvjeta koji su prekršeni:
4.5. Vaš račun mora biti registriran u vlastitim, tačnim, imenom i ličnim podacima i izdaće se samo jednom za vas, a ne duplicirati se preko bilo koje druge osobe, porodice, domaćinstva, adrese (poštanske ili IP), adrese e-pošte, pristupnog uređaja ili bilo koje okruženje u kojem se dijele pristupni uređaji (npr. škole, radna mjesta, javne biblioteke itd.) i / ili račun u odnosu na Usluge. Svi drugi računi koje otvorite kod nas ili koji su u vašem vlasništvu u vezi sa Uslugama bit će „duplicirani računi". Možemo zatvoriti bilo koji duplicirani račun (ali to nismo dužni učiniti). Ako zatvorimo duplikat računa:
4.5.1. Svi bonusi, besplatne opklade i dobici prikupljeni od takvih bonusa i besplatnih oklada dobijenih pomoću tog duplikata računa biće nevažeći i oduzeti od vas; možemo po cijelom nahođenju poništiti sve dobitke i vratiti sve depozite (umanjeni za nevažeće dobitke). Ako zatvorimo duplikat računa:
4.5.1. Svi bonusi, besplatne opklade i dobici prikupljeni od takvih bonusa i besplatnih oklada dobijenih pomoću tog duplikata računa bit će nevažeći i izgubiti ih;
4.5.2, možemo po vlastitom nahođenju poništiti sve dobitke i depozite (umanjene za iznose nevažećih dobitaka) napravljene u vezi s tim duplikatom računa i, u onoj mjeri u kojoj mi nismo nadoknađeni sa odgovarajućeg dupliciranog računa, bilo koji iznos od da nam budete povratili novac u vezi sa duplikatom računa, možemo ga povratiti direktno sa bilo kojeg drugog vašeg računa (uključujući bilo koji drugi duplikat računa); načinjene u vezi s tim duplikatom računa i, u onoj mjeri u kojoj mi nismo nadoknađeni sa odgovarajućeg dupliciranog računa, bilo koji iznos koji nam budete vratili u vezi sa duplikatom računa, možemo povratiti direktno sa bilo kojeg drugog vašeg računa ( uključujući bilo koji drugi duplikat računa);
Hi, thank you for the opportunity to address this in a public forum. The player was notified of having a matching duplicate IP. He is claiming here that the landlord provides internet for the house. This would give a similar IP but not an exact match. Additionally, both accounts share the same Password which is more evidence of the same person creating multiple accounts.
Our terms and conditions clearly state 1 account per person, household or where devices are shared (School, workplaces, public libraries, etc) and are listed below for reference.
Both accounts also claimed a Welcome Bonus which is a violation when 1 person or a person with duplicate IP's creates multiple accounts to abuse bonus offers.
Our risk team took ample time to fully research and consider all possibilities, situations and additional evidence/personal documentation of both players. The player did admit to knowing the person on the 2nd account, shares an IP with this person and uses the same password. This is overwhelming evidence that the two accounts are related and violate multiple terms and conditions of our site resulting in closure of the duplicate account and forfeiture of the winnings.
He was also referred to the specific sections of our terms which were violated:
4.5 Your Account must be registered in Your own, correct, name and personal details and it shall only be issued once for You and not duplicated through any other person, family, household, address (postal or IP), email address, Access Device or any environment where Access Devices are shared (e.g. schools, workplaces, public libraries etc) and/or account in respect of the Services. Any other accounts which You open with us, or which are beneficially owned by You in relation to the Services shall be "Duplicate Accounts". We may close any Duplicate Account (but shall not be obliged to do so). If we close a Duplicate Account:
4.5.1 all bonuses, free bets and winnings accrued from such bonuses and free bets obtained using that Duplicate Account will be void and forfeited by You; we may, at our entire discretion, void all winnings and refund all deposits (less amounts in respect of void winnings). If we close a Duplicate Account:
4.5.1 all bonuses, free bets and winnings accrued from such bonuses and free bets obtained using that Duplicate Account will be void and forfeited by You;
4.5.2 we may, at our entire discretion, void all winnings and deposits (less amounts in respect of void winnings) made in respect of that Duplicate Account and, to the extent not recovered by us from the relevant Duplicate Account, any amounts to be refunded to us by You in respect of a Duplicate Account may be recovered by us directly from any other of Your Accounts (including any other Duplicate Account); made in respect of that Duplicate Account and, to the extent not recovered by us from the relevant Duplicate Account, any amounts to be refunded to us by You in respect of a Duplicate Account may be recovered by us directly from any other of Your Accounts (including any other Duplicate Account);
Dobar dan,
Vaš rizični tim rekao je da ćete čim pogledate sve dokumente pogledati i ako sve stane neće biti problema s isplatom, a oba računa imaju iste lozinke jer svaki račun, bilo Facebook ili Instagram, ima istu lozinku. Kao što sam rekao, oboje smo povezani na isti WLAN i ako želite, možemo poslati i sliku nas dvojice s ličnom kartom kao dokaz da imamo posla s dvije različite osobe.
Nered je s vaše strane blokirati račun nakon što smo oboje prošli KYC provjeru.
Želio bih da mi se isplati novac i onda možete blokirati moj račun.
Good day,
Your risk team has said as soon as all documents have been submitted in full you will have a look and if everything fits there will be no problems with the payout, and both accounts have the same passwords because every account, whether Facebook or Instagram, has the same password. As I said, we are both always connected to the same WLAN and if you like we can also send a picture of the two of us with an identity card as proof that we are dealing with two different people.
It is a mess on your part to have an account blocked after we both have passed the KYC verification.
I would like to have the money paid out and then you can block my account.
Guten Tag,
Euer Risikoteam hat gesagt sobald alle Dokumente vollständig eingereicht worden sind schaut ihr drüber und wenn das ganze passt wird es keine Probleme bei der Auszahlung geben, außerdem haben beide Accounts selbe Passwörter weil jedes Account ob Facebook oder Instagram das selbe Passwort hat. Wie gesagt wir sind beide immer mit dem selben WLAN verbunden und wenn sie es gerne möchten schicken wir auch ein Bild von uns beiden mit einem Personalausweis als Beweis daß es sich um zwei verschiedene Personen handelt.
Es ist eine Sauerei eurerseits ein Account sperren zu lassen nach dem wir beide die KYC Verifizierung bestanden haben.
Ich möchte das Geld ausgezahlt bekommen und anschließend können Sie meinen Account sperren.
dobar dan,
Tako da je sa lozinkom samo to da svugdje imamo istu lozinku, bez obzira radi li se o kazinima Facebook ili Instagram, tako da je i način na koji pišu istu lozinku za oba računa. Pristalica iz vašeg kasina napisala je ako oboje prođemo uspješnu KYC provjeru sa selfiejem i ID-om u ruci, ne bi trebalo biti problema s isplatom. (Sve smo prenijeli i oba računa su potvrđena)
Ono što još moram reći je da je moj račun trebao biti multi-račun koji mogu ponovo sigurno položiti ako postoje problemi s povlačenjem, moj depozit s bonusom neće biti s novcem koji je odbijen zbog otkazivanja mješovitih isplata pa sam zapravo pozvan da ponovo uplatim sa vaše strane.
Oboje možemo stajati u susjedstvu s osobnom iskaznicom u ruci i poslati vam selfie kako biste bili sigurni da se ne radi o više računa.
Želim da mi se novac isplati ili da nađemo način.
Na ovaj način koji ste odabrali za casino nije u redu, samo blokirajte svoj račun i zaplenite novac.
Srdačan pozdrav
good day,
So that with the password is just that we have the same password everywhere, no matter if casinos Facebook or Instagram, so it is also how they write the same password for both accounts. The supporter from your casino wrote if we both pass a successful KYC verification with selfie and ID in hand, there should be no problems with the payout. (We have uploaded everything and both accounts have been confirmed)
What I still have to say is that my account was supposed to be the multi-account that I can safely deposit again if there were problems with the withdrawal, my deposit with the bonus will not be with the money that is rejected due to the cancellation of a Mixed payouts so I was actually invited to pay in again on your part.
We can both stand next door with an identity card in hand and send you a selfie so that you can be sure that it is not a multi-account.
I want to have the money paid out to me or let's find a way.
This way you have chosen as a casino is not okay, just block your account and confiscate the money.
With best regards
guten Tag,
also das mit dem Passwort ist eben so das wir überall das selbe Passwort haben,egal ob Casinos Facebook oder Instagram deshalb ist es auch wie sie schreiben das selbe Passwort bei beiden Konten. Die Supporterin von eurem Casino hat geschrieben wenn wir beide eine erfolgreiche KYC Verifizierung mit Selfie und Ausweis in der Hand bestehen, sollte es keine Probleme mit der Auszahlung geben. ( Wir haben alles hochgeladen und beide Account wurden bestätigt )
was ich dazu noch sagen muss ist dass, das meinem Account der angeblich Multiaccount sein soll gesagt worden ist das ich ruhig wieder einzahlen kann, wenn es Probleme gäbe mit Auszahlung wird meine Einzahlung mit dem Bonus nicht mit dem Geld das mir zurückgewiesen wird wegen Abbruch einer Auszahlung gemischt also bin ich eigentlich darauf eingeladen worden eurerseits wieder Einzuzahlen.
Wir können uns gerne beide nebenan stellen mit einem Personalausweis in der Hand und euch ein Selfie schicken damit ihr euch sicher sein könnt das es sich nicht um ein Multiaccount handelt.
Ich möchte das Geld ausgezahlt bekommen was mir zusteht oder lassen Sie uns einen Weg finden.
Diesen Weg den Sie als Casino gewählt haben ist nicht in Ordnung, einfach Account sperren und das Geld konfiszieren.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dragi Casino Mad Money,
Da li dva računa dijele takođe iste podatke o registraciji? Je li istina da su oboje provjereni? Molio bih vas da li biste mi mogli poslati informacije o ta dva računa. Pošaljite ga na nikolas.b@casino.guru. Hvala vam unaprijed.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Mad Money Casino,
Are the 2 accounts share also the same registration information? Is it true that they have been both verified? I would like to ask if you could send me information about those 2 accounts. Please send it to nikolas.b@casino.guru. Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Dobro jutro, želio sam znati kako to izgleda s novcem koji sam osvojio? Uskrs dolazi, a ja ovisim o novcu.
Želim vam sretan Uskrs !!
Good morning, I wanted to know how it looks with the money I have won? Easter is coming and I depend on the money.
Wish you a happy Easter !!
Guten Morgen, ich wollte wissen wie es aussieht mit meinen Gewonnenen Geld ? Ostern kommt und ich bin auf das Geld angewiesen.
Wünsche euch frohe Ostern !!
Nažalost, moj račun je onemogućen nakon što sam ovdje otvorio ovaj slučaj 🙁
Želimo vam sretan Uskrs i budite zdravi!
Unfortunately, my account was disabled after I have this case opened here 🙁
Wish you a Happy Easter & stay healthy!
Leider wurde mein Account disabled nach dem ich hier diesen Fall eröffnet habe 🙁
Wünsche euch Frohe Ostern & bleibt gesund !
Izvorni račun ostaje otvoren i dostupan dok je duplikat računa zatvoren. Ovo slijedi naše Uvjete i odredbe u kojima će se zatvoriti svi duplicirani računi.
Datum zatvaranja bio je 5. marta. Ova žalba pokrenuta je 9. marta. Dakle, suprotno onome što je igrač upravo tvrdio, zatvoren je prije podnošenja ove žalbe, a ne kasnije. Trebali biste imati oznaku vremena zatvaranja računa na snimcima ekrana koji su vam poslani e-poštom. Ako ne, mogu ih osigurati.
The original account remains open and accessible while the duplicate account was closed. This follows our Terms and Conditions in which any duplicate accounts will be closed.
Date of closure was March 5th. This complaint was started March 9th. So contrary to what the player just claimed, it was closed before this complaint was filed, not afterwards. You should have the account closure timestamp in the screenshots that were emailed to you. If not, I can provide them.
Pozdrav, da, u potpunosti ste u pravu, žao mi je zbog lažne izjave o mojoj grešci. Moj račun je zatvoren nakon što sam kontaktirao grupu CasinoFamillyTwitch u vezi sa mojim povlačenjem, jer je trebalo skoro tjedan dana da se nešto dogodi u vezi s povlačenjem.
Naravno, niko ne bi smio zaboraviti da mi je ponuđeno da ponovo deponujem tokom faze povlačenja u znak podrške.
Inzistiram na svojoj isplati, to je novac na koji imam pravo i koji sam uložio iz svog džepa.
Hello, yes you are absolutely right, I am sorry for the false statement of my mistake. My account was closed after I contacted the CasinoFamillyTwitch group about my withdrawal because it took almost a week for something to happen regarding the withdrawal.
Of course, nobody should forget that I was offered to deposit again during my withdrawal phase in support.
I insist on my payout, that is money that I am entitled to and that I have invested from my own pocket.
Guten Tag, ja da haben Sie vollkommend Recht, tut mir leid für die Falschaussage mein Fehler . Mein Konto wurde geschlossen nach dem ich mich an die CasinoFamillyTwitch Gruppe gewendet habe bezüglich meiner Auszahlung weil es knapp eine Woche gedauert hat bis etwas geschehen ist was die Auszahlung angeht.
Natürlich sollte keiner vergessen das ich während meiner Auszahlungsphase im Support angeboten bekommen habe wieder Einzuzahlen.
Ich bestehe auf meine Auszahlung,dass ist Geld das mir zusteht und das ich von eigener Tasche investiert habe.
Pozdrav, htio sam pitati kako to izgleda? Ovisim o novcu i potreban mi je novac na koji imam pravo !!
Zamolite Casino.Guru tim da mi pomogne!
Hello, I wanted to ask what it looks like? I depend on the money and need the money I am entitled to !!
Ask the Casino.Guru team to help me!
Guten Tag, ich wollte Mal nachfragen wie es ausschaut ? Ich bin auf das Geld angewiesen und brauche das Geld was mir auch zusteht !!
Bitte das Casino.Guru Team mir zu helfen !
Poštovani sk3jc1k93,
Nakon što uzmete u obzir svaki aspekt slučaja, vjerovatno nema mogućnosti za povraćaj dobitaka. Uslovi kasina jasno govore da ne možete imati duplikate računa. Podrazumijevam da se dijeljenje IP-a s nekim drugim možda ne čini velikim problemom, ali bilo je nekoliko drugih odgovarajućih informacija s vama i drugim računom. Ponekad je ovaj sistem automatiziran i kada vaš račun bude obustavljen zbog prevare, takav i ostaje. Možete li nas posavjetovati da li ste dobili povrat depozita sa blokiranog računa?
Dear sk3jc1k93,
After taking into consideration every aspect of the case there is probably no possibility to retrieve your winnings. The casino's terms clearly states that you can't have duplicate accounts. I undersntad that sharing IP with someone else may not seem as a big issue but there were a few other matching information with you and the other account. Sometimes this system is automated and once your account is suspended for fraud it remains that way. Could you please advise if you have received a deposit refund from the blocked account?
Povrat originalnog depozita od 20 eura nije izvršen igraču jer su troškovi kazinu od igranja s duplikata računa premašili prvobitni depozit. Pored toga, igrač je zaradio bodove lojalnosti, kupio besplatne okrete i koristio ove besplatne okrete što je predstavljalo dodatne troškove u GGR-u. Zbog igrača koji je stvorio duplikat računa, nastali su troškovi i troškovi dobavljača igara koji su premašili njegov depozit, pa povrat depozita nije izvršen.
A refund of the original deposit of 20 euro was not issued to the player as expenses to the casino from the gameplay from the duplicate account exceeded the original deposit. Additionally, the player earned loyalty points, purchased free spins and used these free spins which accounted for additional expenses in GGR. Due to the player creating a duplicate account, we incurred fees and costs from gaming providers which exceeded his deposit, therefore no refund of the deposit was issued.
Htio sam ponovo spomenuti da nismo višestruki račun !!! Možemo dokazati cijelu stvar! Postoje dva domaćinstva sa dva različita stana i dvoje različitih ljudi! Oba računa su provjerena, tako da ne znam gdje je problem platiti mi novac!
Mislim da je velika gužva za igrača za kojeg se sumnja da ima dvostruki račun da ponudi dodatne depozite sa bonusom nakon zahtjeva za povlačenje!
Dragi tim Casino.Guru, jeste li dobili dokaz da se radi o dvostrukom računu? Mogu vam dokazati da smo dvoje različitih ljudi iz dva različita domaćinstva!
I wanted to have mentioned again that we are not a multi-account !!! We can prove the whole thing! There are two households with two different apartments and two different people! The accounts have both been verified so I don't know where the problem is to pay me the money!
I think it is a huge mess to a player who is suspected of having a double account to offer further deposits with a bonus after a request for the withdrawal!
Dear Casino.Guru Team, did you get the proof that it is a double account? I can prove to you that we are two different people from two different households!
Ich wollte wieder erwähnt haben das es sich bei uns um kein Multiaccount handelt !!! Das ganze können wir doch beweisen !!! Es sind zwei Haushalte mit zwei verschiedenen Wohnungen und zwei verschiedenen Personen !!! Die Accounts sind doch beide verifiziert worden also weiß ich nicht wo das Problem ist mir das Geld auszuzahlen !!!
Ich finde es für eine riesen Sauerei einem Spieler der verdächtig wird Doppeltaccount zu führen, nach einer Anfrage für die Auszahlung weitere Einzahlungen mit Bonus anzubieten !!!
Liebes Casino.Guru Team habt ihr die Beweise bekommen das es sich um ein Doppelaccount handelt ? Ich kann euch nämlich beweisen daß wir zwei verschiedene Personen sind aus zwei verschiedenen Haushalten !!!
Poštovani sk3jc1k93,
Da, dobili smo dokaz iz kazina koji pokazuje da 2 računa, koja pripadaju 2 različite osobe, imaju istu adresu i lozinku za prijavu u kazino. Problem s tim nije u tome što kazino ne bi vjerovao da postoje dvije različite osobe. U njihovim odredbama je navedeno da je zabranjeno otvaranje 2 računa iz istog domaćinstva (adrese) ili iste IP adrese ili zajedničke IP adrese. Nažalost, ovaj ste termin prekršili vi i drugi igrač, zato je duplikat zatvoren.
Dear sk3jc1k93,
Yes, we received proof from casino showing that the 2 accounts, which belongs to 2 different person, have the same address and password to login into casino. The problem with that is not that the casino wouldn't believe that there are 2 different person. It's stated in their terms that it is forbidden to make 2 accounts from the same household (address) or same IP or shared IP. This term was unfortunately breached by you and the other player too that's why was the duplicated closed.
U redu, a @MadMoneyCasino ne može isplatiti barem dio iz dobre volje ??
Bio bih vrlo sretan i sljedeći put bih pročitao uvjete i odredbe
Okay and the @MadMoneyCasino can not pay out at least part of it out of goodwill ??
I would be very happy and read the terms and conditions next time
Okay und das @MadMoneyCasino kann nicht aus Kulanz wenigstens ein Teil davon auszahlen ??
Würde mich sehr freuen und die AGBs beim nächsten Mal lesen
To je samo do kasina, ali ne možemo ih prisiliti na to jer su se ponašali samo pod njihovim uvjetima i nema relevantnog razloga da ih kazne. Zamolio bih Mad Money Casino da odgovori na posljednju poruku igrača. Prigovor će u svakom slučaju biti zatvoren jer je odbijen jer je igrač prekršio termin casina.
That is only up to casino however we can't force them to do as they were only acting by their terms and conditions and there is no relevant reason to punish them. I would like to ask Mad Money Casino to respond to the player last post. The complaint will be in any case closed as rejected as the player breached the casino's term.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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