Podneo sam potpuno isti dokaz lične karte kada sam zahtevao prvu isplatu kao i drugu. primio sam e-poruku koja me obaveštava da je moj dokaz lične karte prihvaćen, pa sam mislio da ću, pošto sam sada verifikovan i mogu da povučem, pokušati ponovo.
prvi gubitak sam prihvatio jer sam bio nestrpljiv, ali drugi je bio samo 2 dana kasnije, dan nakon što sam dobio dokumentaciju odobren je mejlom. odobreno. onda nakon što sam ponovo pobedio otišao sam da se povučem od mene je zatraženo potpuno isto što su upravo odobrili. Predao sam svoju matičnu statusnu karticu koja je legalna lična karta koju je izdala vlada i nisam imao problema sa bilo kojim drugim kazinom. Važi 10 godina nakon izdavanja. Moja vozačka dozvola je istekla i već sam je ranije ove godine otpremio da bih je zamenio svojom statusnom karticom.
Pokušao sam da razgovaram sa ćaskanjem uživo, ali bot kaže da ne razume. Zatim sam pokušao da im pošaljem e-poštu da ih pitam zašto još uvek traži dokaz lične karte u roku od jednog minuta. primio sam e-poruku u kojoj mi je rečeno da mi je lična karta istekla... sve ovo uključuje datume e-pošte je na fotografijama za koje verujem. ako ne, mogu da napravim snimke ekrana uključujući datume.
Takođe sam uključio ono što bot kaže kada traži agenta.
U svakom slučaju. Nisam promenio dobavljača plaćanja, adresu ili bilo šta drugo. nakon što sam prvi put poslao dokument, razumeo sam da ponovo traže ličnu kartu za veće povlačenje, ali posle 2. kada nisam mogao da dođem do ćaskanja, pogledao sam recenzije o pilotu poverenja ovde https://ca.trustpilot.com/ reviev/megacasino.com
svi ljudi koji kažu da su imali slične probleme sa verifikacijom. pa iz frustracije, znajući da nikada neću uhvatiti pravu osobu, samo sam rekao da jebeš i odsvirao jer ionako neću dobiti.
U najmanju ruku sam shvatio otkad sam video da imaju dobru reputaciju i da su možda u jednom trenutku bili dobri da nulta korisnička usluga i ništa osim automatizovanih odgovora nisu prihvatljivi, i da bi trebalo da čujete o mom iskustvu i drugima u poslednje vreme tamo.
ako vratim svoje depozite, biću zadovoljan jer znam da zato što sam izgubio saldo nema šanse za dobitak. ako to ne uradim i megakazino barem ne da neku vrstu ljudskog odgovora, nadam se da će guru kazina promeniti svoju recenziju kazina.
s obzirom na to da ako verujete da je kazino postupio pošteno, prihvatiću vaš odgovor na moju tvrdnju, samo sam želeo da iznesem svoje iskustvo i vidim rezultate
I submitted the exact same proof of ID when requesting the first payout as i did the 2nd. i recieved the email informing me of my proof of ID being accepted, so i figured since i was now verified and could withdraw i would try again.
the first loss I accepted because I was impatient, but the 2nd one was only 2 days later, the day after i recieved the documentation was approved email. approved. then after winning again I went to withdraw I was asked for the exact same thing they had just approved. I submitted my native status card which is legal government issued ID and have had no problem with in any other casino. It is valid for 10 years after being issued. My drivers license expired and I had already previously uploaded this earlier this year to replace it with my status card.
I attempted to talk with live chat but the bot says it doesn't understand. I then tried emailing them to ask why it was still asking for the proof of ID within a minute I recieved an email telling me my ID had expired...all of this is including dates of the emails is in the photos I believe. if not i can take screenshots including the dates.
I also included of what the bot says when asking for an agent.
Anyway. I did not change payment provider, address or anything. after sending the document the first time I understood them requesting ID again for a larger withdrawal, but after the 2nd when I couldn't get a hold of chat I looked at reviews on trust pilot here https://ca.trustpilot.com/review/megacasino.com
all people saying they've had similar issues with verification. so out of frustration knowing I would never get a hold of a real person I just said screw it and played it cause I'm not getting it anyway.
I figured at the very least since I saw on here that they had a good reputation and may have been good at one point that having zero customer service and nothing but automated responses is not acceptable, and that you should hear about my experience and others lately there.
if I get my deposits back I will be happy with that I know that because I lost the balance there's no chance of the winnings. if I don't though and megacasino doesn't at least give some sort of human response I'm hoping casino guru will change their review of the casino.
that being said if you believe the casino acted fairly I will accept your response to my claim I just wanted to lay out what my experience was and see the results
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