NaslovnaPritužbeMegapari Casino - Značajno povlačenje igrača ostaje blokirano uprkos usaglašenosti.
Megapari Casino - Značajno povlačenje igrača ostaje blokirano uprkos usaglašenosti.
Automatski prevedeno:
$589.000 ARS
Megapari Casino
Index sigurnosti:Visok
Sigurnosni indeks
Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
Slučaj je zatvoren : 23/04/2024
Slučaj je zatvoren
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pre 8 meseci
The player from Argentina had not been able to withdraw her substantial funds from MegaPari using her usual method, ASTROPAY. She had made a new deposit via LEMON CASH on their advice and attempted to withdraw $126,000 of her $589,000 account balance but multiple obstacles had suddenly been introduced, including betting requirements and additional verification. She had complied but to that point, had received no response, continuing to feel scammed. After a thorough investigation, we had concluded that the issue involved sports betting and third-party payment which was against the casino's policy, leading to the rejection of the complaint. The player had been advised to contact the licensing authorities for further assistance.
Igračica iz Argentine nije bila u mogućnosti da povuče svoja značajna sredstva iz MegaParija koristeći svoju uobičajenu metodu, ASTROPAI. Uplatila je novi depozit preko LEMON CASH-a po njihovom savetu i pokušala da podigne 126.000 dolara od svog stanja na računu od 589.000 dolara, ali su se odjednom pojavile brojne prepreke, uključujući zahteve za klađenje i dodatnu verifikaciju. Ona se povinovala, ali do tog trenutka nije dobila nikakav odgovor, i dalje se osećala prevarenom. Nakon detaljne istrage, zaključili smo da se radi o sportskom klađenju i plaćanju treće strane, što je bilo protivno politici kazina, što je dovelo do odbijanja žalbe. Igraču je savetovano da kontaktira vlasti za licenciranje za dalju pomoć.
Dobro veče, iskreno sam veoma zabrinut i uznemiren. Pre nekoliko meseci sam počeo da igram u MegaPariju i nikada nisam imao problema. Napravio sam nekoliko depozita i isplata glatko preko ASTROPAI-a. Odjednom, ovaj novčanik za plaćanje više nije bio dostupan, a ja sam obavešten da bih, da bih podigao svoje stanje, morao da izvršim depozit na drugi način, a zatim ću moći da podignem preko novog novčanika (verovao sam im).
Uvek sam koristio račun svog sina (ASTROPAI) kao što sam već pomenuo, mnogo puta sam vršio depozite i isplate. Sada sam napravio depozit preko LEMON CASH-a (4000 dolara), i kada sam hteo da podignem 126.000 dolara od 589.000 dolara koje sam imao, počeli su da mi daju izgovore. Prvo su rekli da ne mogu da podignem više nego što sam deponovao, a zatim su rekli da moram da uložim $589,000 sa minimalnom kvotom od 1,1. Na kraju su počeli da traže fotografije, dokumentaciju, evidenciju transakcija – mnoštvo stvari. Uprkos pružanju svega što je traženo, prošlo je pet dana bez odgovora, a oni i dalje traže iste informacije koje sam već poslao. Osećam se prevarenim i ne znam šta da radim. Moram hitno da podignem 589.000 dolara i osećam da mi nikada neće dozvoliti. Iako mogu da nastavim da se kladim i deponujem, moj račun radi savršeno dobro (jedino što ne dozvoljavaju je povlačenje), verujem da je to taktika koju koriste da me iscrpe dok na kraju ne izgubim sve. To je sramota!
Zaista se osećam prevarenim i ne želim da izgubim novac. Ne znam šta da radim. Preklinjem vas da mi pomognete. Veoma cenim to. Srdačan pozdrav,
Good evening, I am sincerely very worried and upset. A few months ago, I started gaming at MegaPari and never had any issues. I made several deposits and withdrawals smoothly via ASTROPAY. Suddenly, this payment wallet was no longer available, and I was informed that in order to withdraw my balance, I would have to make a deposit through another method, then I would be able to withdraw via the new wallet (I believed them).
I have always used my son's account (ASTROPAY) as I mentioned before, made deposits and withdrawals many times. Now, I made a deposit through LEMON CASH ($4000), and when I wanted to make a withdrawal of $126,000 out of the $589,000 I had, they started giving me excuses. Firstly, they said I couldn't withdraw more than I deposited, then they said I had to wager the $589,000 with a minimum odd of 1.1. Eventually, they started asking for photos, documentation, transaction records - a multitude of things. Despite providing everything asked for, it has been five days now with no response and they still request the same information that I've already sent. I feel SCAMMED, and I don't know what to do. I urgently need to withdraw the $589,000 and I feel they will never let me. While I can continue to wager and deposit, my account works perfectly fine (the only thing they won't allow is withdrawals), I believe this is a tactic they use to exhaust me until I eventually lose everything. It is a disgrace!
I indeed feel scammed and I don't want to lose my money. I don't know what to do. I beg you to help me. I appreciate it greatly. Best regards,
Buenas noches, sinceramente estoy muy preocupada y angustiada, hace unos meses que juego en MegaPari y jamás tuve problemas, hice varios depósitos y retiradas sin problemas a través de ASTROPAY, de un día para el otro NO estuvo más la billetera y me dijeron que para poder retirar saldo, tenía que hacer un depósito por otro medio y luego iba a poder sacar a través de la nueva billetera (les creí)
Siempre me manejé con la cuenta de mi hijo (ASTROPAY) como les dije antes, deposité y retiré muchas veces. Ahora hice el deposito a través de LEMON CASH ($4000) y cuando quise hacer un retiro de $126000 de los $589000 que tenía, me empezaron con las excusas, primero que no podía sacar más de lo depositado, después que tenía que apostar los $589000 con una cuota de mínimo 1.1 y luego me empezaron a pedir fotos, documentos, las transacciones, millones de cosas, les mandé todo y hace 5 días que NO me dicen nada y me siguen pidiendo lo mismo que ya les envié. Me están ESTAFANDO y ya no se que hacer. Necesito con urgencia retirar los $589000 y siento que jamás me van a dejar. Seguir apostando puedo, seguir depositando también, la cuenta anda perfecta (lo único que no me dejan es retirar, creo que lo que hacen es un desgaste para que uno siga aportando y en algún momento pierda todo. Es una vergüenza!
Me siento estafada y NO quiero perder mi plata. Ya no se qué hacer. Les suplico que me ayuden. Los agradezco muchísimo. Un saludo.
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu i zaista mi je žao što čujem za vaš problem sa Megapari kazinom. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim još nekoliko pitanja pre nego što krenemo dalje.
Možete li molim vas da nam kažete od kada je vaš nalog verifikovan prvi put? Da li je nalog registrovan na vaše ime? Da li je kazino znao da koristite depozit treće strane i da li je verifikovan i način plaćanja vašeg sina? Da li ste igrali samo sportsko klađenje ili kazino igre?
Radujem se Vašem odgovoru.
Hello aliciacorp21,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with Megapari Casino. Please allow me to ask you a few more question before we would move forward.
Could you please advise since when was your account verified for the first time? Is the account registered under your name? Did the casino know about you using a 3rd party deposit and was the payment method of your son also verified? Were you playing sports betting only or casino games as well?
Račun je verifikovan 22.02.2024. (šaljem vam snimak ekrana)
Nalog je na moje ime, na snimku ekrana
koje vam šaljem, svi podaci su tu...
Igrao sam samo sportsko klađenje (najviše sam igrao manje od toliko golova, jedino što razumem, samo sport)
Pošto je moj sin imao ASTROPAI novčanik, zamolio sam ga da mi napravi prvi depozit, koji je MegaPari kazino ispravno uzeo i tako dalje za sve depozite koje sam napravio. I svi depoziti i sva isplate su uspešno obavljeni, čime sam zaključio da je sve u redu i ostao miran (nikada nisam davao lažne podatke, više je nego jasno da uplaćujem iz CVU-a svog sina iz ASTROPAI novčanika i moraju to imati u svojoj evidenciji...
Nikada nisu tražili od mene da proverim način plaćanja mog sina, zaključio sam da bi uvidom u ASTROPAI CVU mog sina znali da je depozit uplaćen sa drugog računa.
Problem je nastao onog dana kada su pustili mogućnost podizanja preko ASTROPAI-a. Tamo me je korisnička služba obavestila da moram da uplatim sredstva preko drugog novčanika i da tek onda mogu da podignem preko LEMON CASH-a (odakle sam napravio novi depozit od $4000) ili da sačekam dok se ASTROPAI ne vrati ( odnosno da se ASTROPAI nikada ne vrati nikada ne bih mogao da podignem svoje stanje.Takođe i račun LEMON CASH pripada mom sinu.Velika sam osoba i ne koristim tehnologiju pa sam ponovo izvršio postupak depozita preko sina LEMON CASH račun i MegaPari su ga uzeli bez problema.Već sam počeo da se osećam nepoverljivo i napravio sam povlačenje $4000 preko LEMON CASH-a i nisam imao problema.
Prevara je počela kada sam hteo da podignem 126.000 dolara. Tamo su odbili moje povlačenje sa izgovorom da za podizanje salda moram da se kladim na CEO saldo u opkladi od minimum 1,1. (Imam sve poruke i mejlove)
Odatle su me izludeli i počeo je loš tretman, baš tada su tražili da im pošaljem sve depozite koje sam napravio preko ASTROPAI-a i tražili su da im pošaljem dokument mog sina (vlasnik računa, očigledno sam im poslao sve naloge)
Onda su krenuli sa zahtevima svih vrsta na koje sam odgovarao i uvek su se izgovarali. Bilo je jasno da počinje prevara. Ponizili su me. Morao sam da pošaljem fotografiju sa mojim dokumentom u jednoj ruci i razgovorom sa odeljenjem bezbednosti u drugoj, poslao sam im je, počeli su da me traže da imam bolju definiciju, veću od 1MG. Uspeo sam da pošaljem sa tim zahtevima. Tamo su počeli da me traže broj računa LEMON CASH i sve njegove detalje i jedini depozit i povlačenje koje sam napravio za 4000 dolara. Poslao sam im to i rekao im da nemam više energije da nastavim da budem ponižavan i prevaren (ovo je bilo juče) danas su mi poslali poruku u kojoj su mi rekli da ću moći da podignem samo 34.717,72 dolara (bilo koji su ostavili na mom računu) Stanje koje sam imao juče je bilo 589.000 dolara. Ukrali su 554.282,28 dolara sa mog računa, što znači da je danas stanje na MegaPari računu bilo 34.717,72 dolara, 589.000 dolara minus 554.282,28 dolara. Uspeo sam da podignem 34,717,82 dolara bez ikakvih problema preko LEMON CASH-a.
Račun je ostao na 0 USD.
U poruci su mi rekli da će mi zbog kršenja pravila ostaviti samo 34.717,72 dolara. Sramota. Da je možda manipulisao nekim softverom.
Prevarant. Uvek sam se ponašao u dobroj nameri i nikada ni o čemu nisam lagao. Očajan sam, rekli su mi da im više ne šaljem mejlove jer su već odlučili da mi daju samo tih 34.171,72 dolara. To je problem. Šaljem vam snimke ekrana svega napisanog. Imam sve mejlove sa odeljenjem za bezbednost i korisničkom službom. Sve što vam je potrebno stoji vam na raspolaganju. Molim vas da mi pomognete da ne budem prevaren. Unapred vam se zahvaljujem što ste mi pomogli i što ste me čitali. Ako nešto nije jasno, nemam problema da vam pošaljem više informacija. Milioni hvala i pozdrava.
(Imam više veza, ali sam dostigao ograničenje)
Hvala NICK!
Good afternoon Nick, thank you very much for taking care...
The account was verified on 02/22/2024. (I send you the screenshot)
The account is in my name, in the screenshot
that I send you, all the data is there...
I have only played sports betting (what I have played the most is less than so many goals, the only thing I understand, only sports)
Since my son had the ASTROPAY wallet, I asked him to make me the first deposit, which the MegaPari casino took correctly and so on for all the deposits I made. Both all the deposits and all the withdrawals were made successfully, with which I inferred that everything was in order and I remained calm (I never gave false information, it is more than clear that I am depositing from my son's CVU from the ASTROPAY wallet and they must have it in their records...
They never asked me to verify my son's payment method, I inferred that by seeing my son's ASTROPAY CVU they would know that the deposit was being made from another account.
The problem started the day they released the possibility of making withdrawals through ASTROPAY. There the customer service informed me that in order to withdraw my balance, I had to make a deposit through another wallet and only then could I withdraw but through LEMON CASH (from where I made the new deposit of $4000) or wait until ASTROPAY returns (that is, if ASTROPAY never returned I would never be able to withdraw my balance. Also the LEMON CASH account belongs to my son. I am a big person and I don't use technology so I did the deposit procedure again through from my son's LEMON CASH account and MegaPari took it without any problem. I already started to feel distrustful and I made the withdrawal of the $4000 through LEMON CASH and I had no problem.
The SCAM started when I wanted to withdraw $126,000. There they rejected my withdrawal with the excuse that to withdraw the balance I had to bet the ENTIRE balance in a bet of a minimum of 1.1. (I have all the messages and emails)
From there they drove me crazy and the bad treatment began, just then they asked me to send them all the deposits I had made through ASTROPAY and they asked me to send them my son's document (account holder, obviously I sent them everything order)
Then they started with requests of all kinds, which I responded to and they always made an excuse. It was clear that the SCAM was beginning. They humiliated me. I had to send a photo with my document in one hand and the chat with the security department in the other hand, I sent it to them, they started asking me to have better definition, greater than 1MG. I managed to send with those requirements. There they began to ask me for the LEMON CASH account number and all its details and the only deposit and withdrawal I made for $4000. I sent it to them and told them that I had NO more energy to continue being humiliated and scammed (this was yesterday) today they sent me a message in which they told me that I would only be able to withdraw $34,717.72 (the balance they left in my account) The balance I had yesterday was $589,000. They stole $554,282.28 from my account, meaning that today the balance I had in the MegaPari account was $34,717.72, $589,000 minus $554,282.28. I was able to withdraw the $34,717.82 without any problem through LEMON CASH.
The account remained at $0.
In the message they told me that for violating any rule they were only going to leave me with the balance of $34,717.72. A disgrace. That perhaps he had manipulated some Software.
A fraud. I always acted in good faith and never lied about anything. I'm desperate, they told me not to send them any more emails because they had already decided to only give me those $34,171.72. Is a gotcha. I send you screenshots of everything written. I have all emails with the security department and customer service. Whatever you need is at your disposal. I ask you to help me not to be scammed. I thank you in advance for helping me and reading me. If something is not clear, I have no problem sending you more information. Millions of thanks and greetings.
(I have more links but I reached the limit)
Thanks NICK!
Buenas tardes Nick, muchas gracias por ocuparse...
La cuenta fue verificada el día 22/02/2024. (Les envío la captura)
La cuenta está a mi nombre, en la captura
que le envío, están todos los datos...
Solo he jugado a apuestas deportivas (lo que más he jugado es a menos de tantos goles, lo único que entiendo, solo deportes)
Al tener mi hijo la billetera ASTROPAY, le pedí que me haga el primer depósito, el cual el casino MegaPari lo tomó correctamente y así sucesivamente todos los depósitos que realicé. Tanto todos los depósitos como todos los retiros fueron realizados con éxito, con lo cual inferí que todo estaba en orden y me quedé tranquila (jamás di un dato falso, está más que claro que estoy depositando desde el CVU de mi hijo de la billetera ASTROPAY y ellos lo deben tener en sus registros...
Jamás me pidieron que verifique el método de pago de mi hijo, inferí que al ver el CVU de ASTROPAY de mi hijo sabrían que el depósito se estaba realizando desde otra cuenta.
El problema empezó el día que sacaron la posibilidad de hacer retiros a través de ASTROPAY. Ahí el servicio de atención al cliente me informó que para poder retirar mi saldo, tenía obligatoriamente que hacer un deposito a través de otra billetera y recién ahí podría retirar pero a través de LEMON CASH (desde donde hice el deposito nuevo de $4000) o esperar hasta que vuelva ASTROPAY (o sea que si ASTROPAY nunca volvía jamás podría sacar mi saldo. También la cuenta de de LEMON CASH es de mi hijo. Yo soy una persona grande y no manejo tecnología así que volví a hacer el trámite de deposito a través de la cuenta de LEMON CASH de mi hijo y MegaPari lo tomó sin ningún problema. Ya empecé a sentir desconfianza y realicé el retiro de los $4000 a través de LEMON CASH y no tuve ningún problema.
La ESTAFA empezó cuando quise sacar $126000. Ahí me rechazaron el retiro con la excusa de que para retirar el saldo tenía que apostar TODO el saldo en una apuesta de un mínimo de 1.1. (Tengo todos los mensajes y correos)
Desde ahí me volvieron loca y empezó el mal trato, recién ahí me pidieron que les mande todos los depósitos que había realizado a través de ASTROPAY y me pidieron que les mande el documento de mi hijo (titular de la cuenta, obviamente les mandé todo lo pedido)
Después empezaron con pedidos de todo tipo, los cuales respondí y siempre ponían una excusa. Estaba claro que empezaba la ESTAFA. Me humillaron. Tuve que mandar una foto con mi documento en una mano y en la otra mano el chat con el departamento de seguridad, se las mandé, empezaron a pedirme que tenga mejor definición, superior a 1MG. Logré mandar con esos requisitos. Ahí empezaron a pedirme el número de cuenta de LEMON CASH y todo los datos de la misma y el único depósito y retirada que realicé por $4000. Se los mandé y les dije que NO tenía más energía para seguir siendo humillada y estafada (ésto fue ayer) hoy me mandaron un mensaje en el cual me dijeron que solo iba a poder retirar $34717,72 (saldo que me dejaron en la cuenta) El saldo que tenía ayer era de $589000. Me robaron de mi cuanta $554282,28 o sea que hoy el saldo que tenía en la cuenta de MegaPari era de $34717,72 los $589000 menos $554282,28. Los pude retirar sin problema los $34717,82 a través de LEMON CASH.
La cuenta quedó en $0.
En el mensaje me dijeron que por infringir alguna regla solo me iban a dejar en el saldo los $34717,72. Una vevergüenz. Que quizás había manipulado algún Software.
Una ESTAFA. Siempre actúe de buena fe y jamás mentí en nada. Estoy desesperada, me dijeron que no les mande más correos por que ya habían decido solo darme esos $34171,72. Es una ESTAFA. Les mando capturas de todo lo escrito. Tengo todos los correos con el departamento de seguridad y con atención al cliente. Lo que necesiten está a su disposición. Les pido que me ayuden a no ser estafada. Desde ya les agradezco que me ayudo y me lean. Si hay algo que no es claro, no tengo problema en mandarles más información. Millones de gracias y un saludo.
Ostavljam vam još jedan podatak, u celoj istoriji klađenja su promenili sve kvote i profite, u sve su stavili 1. Izvukli su sav profit. Ja im više ne smetam. Samo sam hteo da vam dam sve informacije koje bi vam mogle biti korisne. Hvala puno. Sve najbolje!
I leave you one more piece of information, in the entire betting history, they changed all the odds and profits, in all of them they put 1. They took out all the profits. I don't bother them anymore. I just wanted to give you all the information that may be useful to you. Thanks a lot. All the best!
Les dejo un dato más, en todo el historial de apuestas, cambiaron todas las cuotas y ganancias, en todas pusieron 1. Sacaron todas las ganancias. No los molesto más. Solo quería darles toda la información que les pueda servir. Muchísimas gracias. Un saludo!
Naš tim trenutno istražuje slučaj i posvećen je tome da ga reši što je pre moguće. Razumemo važnost ovog pitanja za vas i cenimo vaše strpljenje tokom ovog procesa.
Hello there, dear aliciacorp21 and the CasinoGuru team!
Our team is currently investigating the matter and is committed to resolving it as quickly as possible. We understand the importance of this issue to you and appreciate your patience during this process.
Dobro jutro Nik i Casino Guru tim, pročitao sam ove poruke od MegaParija i osećam se još više prevarenim (kako sa krađom novca sa mog računa, tako i sa ovom laži koju ljudi iz MegaParija pišu)
NE istražuju problem, rekli su mi mejlom da je pitanje zatvoreno i da im više NE pišem jer NEĆE da mi daju više objašnjenja, pošto su zatvorili sve vrste dijaloga, čak su mi i pretili podnošenje žalbe, (veoma cinično) čak su naložili korisničkoj službi da mi kaže da NE mogu da razgovaraju sa mnom (sve veće poniženje) Imam sve mejlove u kojima mi MegaPari kaže da NEĆE nastaviti da daje bilo kakvo objašnjenje, da doneta odluka i gde su zapretili da će me prijaviti...
Sad čitam da istražuju, ili lažu ljudi iz sektora bezbednosti MegaParija ili laže onaj ko piše ove redove...
Nik, ponavljam ti, jedne noći sam legao u krevet sa stanjem na računu od 589.000 dolara, a ujutro je moj bilans bio 34.717,72 dolara (prevara od 554.282,28 dolara.
Nikada nisam pročitao ovakav slučaj, u kojem Kazino uđe na račun i povuče stanje, SRAMOTA!
Nik, kao što sam ti već rekao, optužili su me za kršenje propisa pa čak i za manipulisanje softverom, ne znam da li da se smejem ili da plačem, ja sam odrasla žena, kojoj je potrebna pomoć sina da napravi depozit (sve snimio bez problema od MegaPari ) sada me optužuju da menjam softver (bez reči)
Hteli su da me podmite sa tih 34.717,72 dolara (zamislite da bi mi, da sam stvarno prekršio bilo koji propis, ZATVORILI račun i ne bi hteli da me namire sa tom sumom pezosa...)
Opet vam kažem, poslao sam im SVU dokumentaciju koju su tražili, izluđivali su me, pravdali su se da fotografije koje sam im poslao uz moj dokument i dijalog sa odeljenjem bezbednosti NISU prešli 1MG. Uspeo sam da pošaljem sa tim uslovima. Nakon što dokument mog sina NIJE morao da bude komprimovan (ne znam ni kako da komprimujem fotografiju) onda su izjave o depozitu morale da budu u PDF-u (uradio sam sve) bilo je više nego jasno da će na kraju završiti prevara.
HITNO mi je potrebno da ponovo polože novac koji je skinut sa mog računa $554,282.28 i da mogu da ga podignem. Zamislite da bi stvarno prekršio bilo koje pravilo, zatvorili bi moj nalog, moj nalog je još uvek otvoren i manipulisali su svim opkladama (postavljajući kvotu 1) SRAMOTA.
Nik, sve dodatne informacije koje su ti potrebne, poslaću ti. Hvala na svemu. Ne dozvolite da ovi ljudi nastave da prevare. Pročitao sam nekoliko sličnih priča. Pozdrav i odličan dan!
Good morning Nick and the Casino Guru team, I read these messages from MegaPari and I feel even more scammed (both with the theft of money from my account and also with this lie that the people of MegaPari write)
They are NOT investigating the issue, they told me by email that the issue was closed and that I should NOT write to them anymore because they were NOT going to give me more explanations, since they closed all types of dialogue, they even threatened me with filing a complaint, (very cynical) they even instructed customer service to tell me that they could NOT talk to me (an increasing humiliation) I have all the emails where MegaPari tells me that she is NOT going to continue giving any explanation, that the decision had been made and where they threatened to report me...
Now I read that they are investigating, either the people from MegaPari's security department are lying or the person who writes these lines is lying...
Nick, I'm telling you again, one night I went to bed with a balance in my account of $589,000 and in the morning my balance was $34,717.72 (a scam of $554,282.28.
I have never read a case like this, in which the Casino gets into an account and withdraws balance, a SHAME!
Nick, as I already told you, they accused me of violating the regulations and even of manipulating software, I don't know whether to laugh or cry, I am a grown woman, who needs the help of her son to make deposits (all taken without any problem by MegaPari ) now they accuse me of altering software (without words)
They wanted to bribe me with those $34,717.72 (imagine that if I had really broken any regulations, they would have CLOSED my account and they would not have wanted to settle me with that sum of PESOS...)
I tell you again, I sent them ALL the documentation they asked for, they drove me crazy, they made excuses that the photos I sent them with my document and the dialogue with the security department did NOT exceed 1MG. I managed to send with those conditions. After my son's document did NOT have to be compressed (I don't even know how to compress a photo) then the deposit statements had to be in PDF (I did everything) it was more than clear that they were going to end up doing a SCAM.
I URGENTLY need them to redeposit the money that was taken from my account $554,282.28 and to be able to withdraw it. Imagine that if I had really broken any rule, they would have closed my account, my account is still open and they manipulated all the bets (setting an odds of 1) a SHAME.
Nick, any additional information you need, I'll send it to you. Thanks for everything. Don't let these people continue SCAMING. I read several similar stories. Greetings and excellent day!
Buen día Nick y al equipo de Casino Gurú, leo éste mensajes de MegaPari y me siento más estafada aún (tanto con la sustracción del dinero de mi cuenta como también con ésta mentira que escribe la gente de MegaPari)
NO están investigando el tema, me dijeron por correo electrónico que el tema estaba cerrado y que NO les escriba más por que NO me iban a dar más explicaciones, ya que ellos cerraban todo tipo de diálogo, hasta me amenazaron ellos con iniciar alguna denuncia, (muy cínicos) inclusive le dieron instrucciones al servicio de atención al cliente para que me digan que NO podían hablar conmigo (una humillación cada vez mayor) tengo todos los correos en donde MegaPari me dice que NO va a seguir dando ninguna explicación, que la decisión estaba tomada y en donde me amenazan con denunciarme ellos...
Ahora leo que están investigando, o miente la gente del departamento deseguridad de MegaPari o miente la persona que escribe éstas líneas...
Nick, te vuelvo a decir, una noche me acosté con un saldo en mi cuenta de $589000 y a la mañana mi saldo era de $34717,72 (una estafa de $554282,28.
Jamás leí un caso así, en el cual el Casino se meta en una cuenta y le extraiga saldo, una VERGÜENZA!
Nick, como ya te dije, me acusaron de infringir el reglamento y hasta de manipular software, no se si reír o llorar, soy una mujer grande, la cual necesita la ayuda de su hijo para hacer depósitos (todos tomados sin ningún problema por MegaPari) ahora me acusan de alterar software (sin palabras)
Me quisieron sobornar con esos $34717,72 (imagínate que si realmente hubiera infringido algún reglamento, me hubieran CERRADO la cuenta y no me habrían querido arreglar con esa suma de PESOS...)
Te vuelvo a decir, les mandé TODA la documentación que me pidieron, me volvieron loca, me ponían excusas de que las fotos que les mandaba con mi documento y el diálogo con el departamento de seguridad NO superaban 1MG. Logré mandar con esas condiciones. Después que el documento de mi hijo NO tenía que estar comprimido (ni siquiera se como se comprime una foto) luego que los extractos de depósitos tenían que estar en PDF (hice todo) estaba más que claro que iban a terminar haciendo una ESTAFA.
Necesito URGENTE que me vuelvan a depositar el dinero que me sacaron de mi cuenta $554282,28 y poder retirarla. Imagínense que si realmente hubiera infringido alguna norma, me hubieran cerrado la cuenta, mi cuenta sigue abierta y manipularon todas las apuestas (poniendo una cuota de 1) una VERGÜENZA.
Nick, toda la información adicional que necesiten, se las mando. Gracias por TODO. No dejen que ésta gente siga ESTAFANDO. Leí varios relatos similares. Un saludo y excelente día!
Zdravo Nik, poslao sam ti tačan dan kada je prevara počela (15.03.2024.)
Do tog dana sam bez problema vršio sve depozite i isplate preko ASTROPAI novčanika.
Od jednog dana do sledećeg nestajanja ASTROPAI-a, primorali su me da moram da napravim još jedan depozit preko drugog novčanika (LEMON CASH) da bih mogao da povučem svoja sredstva iz novog novčanika i nisam imao izbora osim da uplatim 4000 dolara (minimalno koje ti nameću) da povučem svoju ravnotežu.
Deponovao sam $4000 bez ikakvih problema. Podigao sam 4.000 dolara bez ikakvih problema, (uvek iz novčanika mog sina) i kada sam hteo da podignem 126.000 dolara, počeli su sa izgovorima (sve snimam da i oni to vide i upamte)
Prvo su me naterali da se kladim na ceo saldo na događaj sa minimalnom kvotom 1.1 i time čitavu muku zahteva za dokumente od mene, mog sina, moju fotografiju sa dokumentom u jednoj ruci i dijalog sa odeljenjem u drugoj nastavio. sigurnost, zatim svi ASTROPAI depoziti, zatim svi depoziti LEMON CASH i tako redom milioni izgovora dok me nije ponizio i rekao mi da sam možda manipulisao softverom, loš posao nikada ranije. Nadam se da će MegaPari sve ovo pročitati i da možda ljudi iz kompanije MegaPari koji pišu ovde imaju više moći od PREVARACA iz odeljenja bezbednosti i da će mi dati depozit UKRADENOG novca 554282,28 dolara.
Ja ću prevariti.
Mnogo vam zahvaljujem za sve što radite u Casino Guru-u. Ne ostavljaj me samog, molim te. Hvala vam!
Hello Nick, I sent you the exact day the scam started (03/15/2024)
Until that day I made all deposits and withdrawals without any problems through the ASTROPAY wallet.
From one day to the next ASTROPAY disappeared, they forced me to have to make another deposit through another wallet (LEMON CASH) to be able to withdraw my funds from the new wallet and I had no choice but to make a deposit of $4000 (minimum that they impose on you) to withdraw my balance.
I deposited the $4000 without any problem. I made the withdrawal of the $4,000 without any problem, (always from my son's wallets) and when I wanted to withdraw $126,000 they started with the excuses (I capture everything so they can also see it and remember it)
First they forced me to BET my entire balance on an event with a minimum odds of 1.1 and thus the whole ordeal of requests for documents from me, my son, my photo with the document in one hand and the dialogue with the department in the other continued. security, then all the ASTROPAY deposits, then all the LEMON CASH deposits and so on millions of excuses until he humiliated me and told me that perhaps I had manipulated software, a bad deal never seen before. I hope MegaPari reads all this and perhaps the people from the MegaPari company who write here have more power than the SCAMMERS from the security department and will make me the deposit of the STOLEN money $554282.28.
I'm going to cheat.
I thank you very much for everything you are doing at Casino Guru. Don't leave me alone, please. Thank you!
Hola Nick, te mando el día exacto en el que empezó la estafa (15/03/2024)
Hasta ese día hice todos los depósitos y retiros sin ningún problema a través de la billetera ASTROPAY.
De un día para el otro desapareció ASTROPAY, me obligaron a tener que hacer otro depósito a través de otra billetera (LEMON CASH) para poder hacer retiros de mis fondos desde la nueva billetera y no tuve otra opción que hacer un depósito de $4000 (mínimo que te imponen) para retirar mi saldo.
Depósité sin ningún problema los $4000. Hice el retiro de los $4000 sin ningún problema, (siempre desde las billeteras de mi hijo) y cuando quise retirar $126000 empezaron con las excusas (te hago la captura de todo así ellos también lo pueden ver y recordar)
Primero me obligaron a APOSTAR todo el saldo a un evento con una cuota mínima de 1.1 y así siguió todo el calvario de pedidos de documentos míos, de mi hijo, mi foto con el documento en una mano y en la otra el diálogo con el departamento de seguridad, luego todos los depósitos de ASTROPAY, luego todos los depósitos de LEMON CASH y así millones de excusas hasta humillarme y decirme que quizás había manipulado un software, un mal trato jamas visto. Ojalá MegaPari lea todo ésto y quizás las personas de la empresa MegaPari que escriben acá tengan más poder que los ESTAFADORES del departamento de seguridad y me hagan el deposito de la plata ROBADA $554282,28.
Voy a cofiar.
Les agradezco muchísimo todo lo que están haciendo Casino Gurú. No me dejen sola, por favor. Gracias!
Dobro jutro Nik, hteo sam da ti kažem da sam do juče imao pristup svom nalogu.
Danas su mi poslali mejl iz MegaParija da mi je nalog blokiran, završavaju prevaru jer ako nemam nalog neće mi vratiti ukradeni novac...
Verujem da nećete dozvoliti da me prevare.
Mislim da sam bio vrlo jasan u svemu što se desilo i poslao sam im SVE vrste dokaza (pročitao sam dosta pritužbi na MegaPari prevare. I dalje ću verovati da će me braniti i da neće dozvoliti da nastave da maltretiraju i ponižavaju ljude.
Sve najbolje. Hvala vam!
Good morning Nick, I wanted to tell you that until yesterday I had access to my account.
Today they sent me an email from MegaPari telling me that my account had been blocked, they are finishing the SCAM because if I don't have an account they are not going to return the stolen money...
I trust that you will NOT let them SCAM me.
I think I was very clear about everything that happened and I sent them ALL kinds of evidence (I read a lot of complaints about the MegaPari SCAMs. I will continue to trust that they will defend me and not let them continue mistreating and humiliating people.
All the best. Thank you!
Buen día Nick, te quería comentar que hasta ayer tenía acceso a mi cuenta.
Hoy me mandaron un correo de MegaPari diciéndome que mi cuanta había sido bloqueada, están terminando de realizar la ESTAFA ya que si no tengo cuanta no me van a devolver el dinero robado...
Confío en que ustedes NO dejen que me ESTAFEN.
Creo que fui muy clara en todo lo que fue pasando y les mandé TODO tipo de pruebas (leí un motón de quejas sobre las ESTAFAS de MegaPari. Voy a seguir confiado en que me defiendan y no los dejen seguir maltratando y humillando a la gente.
Biće nam drago da vam pomognemo, ali postoji nekoliko problema zbog kojih ćemo biti primorani da odbijemo žalbu.
Prva je činjenica da ste igrali samo sportsko klađenje i kao što znate mi se bavimo samo pitanjima vezanim za kazino jer nemamo kvalifikacije da se bavimo pitanjima vezanim za sportsko klađenje.
Druga je činjenica da ste koristili plaćanje treće strane što je striktno protiv bilo koje politike onlajn kazina. Morate imati na umu da osim ako ne potvrdite konkretan način plaćanja, kazino nema saznanja o tome kome pripada uplata i vi ste slobodni da tamo položite depozit. Kada dobiju detalje u vezi sa vlasništvom nad uplatom i saznaju da je to plaćanje treće strane (a ne vlasnik registrovanog igrača), oni su slobodni da ponište sve generisane dobitke i blokiraju nalog zauvek.
Zaista mi je žao što vam ne možemo dalje pomoći, ali obe ove činjenice čak i odvojeno dovele bi do odbijanja žalbe.
Postoji li još nešto sa čime bismo vam mogli pomoći? Ako ne, zatvorićemo žalbu.
Hello aliciacorp21,
We would be glad to help you out but there are a few issues due which we will be forced to reject the complaint.
The first is the fact that you did play sports betting only and as you know we only deal with casino related issues as we have no qualification to deal with sports betting related issues.
The second is the fact that you used a 3rd party payment which is strictly against any online casino policy. You have to keep in mind that unless you verify a concrete payment method, the casino has no knowledge of who the payment belongs to and you are free to deposit there. Once they have details regarding the payment's ownership and find out that it is a 3rd party payment (not owner by the player registered) they are free to void any winnings generated and block the account forever.
I'm really sorry that we can't assist you further but both of these facts even separately would lead to rejecting the complaint.
Is there anything else we could assist you with? If not, we will be closing the complaint.
Zdravo Nik, mislio sam da brane klijenta od prevara jedne kladionice, bilo sportsko klađenje ili kazino, prevara je samo jedna, ona NE menja ono na šta sam se kladio, razočaravajuće je što mi daju taj prvi izgovor .
Što se tiče druge tačke. MegaPari je u svakom trenutku znao da račun pripada mom sinu, dok je ASTROPAI radio nikad nije bilo problema, dosta puta sam deponovao i dizao, već su znali odakle su uplate i isplate (slao sam vam SVAKU dokumentaciju) ali kako je došlo do gubitka, pretpostavljam da im je bilo zgodno i razumem ih, to je BIZNIS!!!
Dan kada su odlučili da uklone ASTROPAI novčanik (preko kojeg sam bez problema vršila depozite i isplate sa računa mog sina) je počela prevara.
Depozit sa računa mog sina nikada nije bio problem, već sam im sve rekao. Rekli su mi da za novo povlačenje moram da uplatim iz drugog novčanika i onda ću moći da podignem svoje stanje preko njega. Verovao sam im, ali kada sam pokušao da podignem 126.000 dolara, rekli su mi da prvo moram da se kladim na CEO svoj bilans da bih mogao da počnem da povlačim i takođe da opklada mora da ima minimalnu kvotu od 1,10. Do tada nikada nije bilo problema sa računom mog sina. To je već prevara (tera vas da kladite SVE svoje stanje na povlačenje i povrh toga, uslovi naknade za klađenje od 1.10) pronašli su metod pomoću kojeg sam deponovao SVE svoje saldo $589,000 (ASTROPAI)
I pored tog smešnog stanja, otišao sam SVE i onda su krenuli sa svim izgovorima i zahtevima za dokumente. Već sam ti SVE poslao.
MegaPari je, nakon što me je ponižavao svim vrstama zahteva, odlučio da mi isplati 34.717,72 dolara (plaćajući mi oni podržavaju prevaru pošto je moj bilans bio 589.000 dolara. Da sam zaista prekršio bilo koje pravilo, zatvorili bi mi račun bez ikakvog objašnjenja, ali bilo u njihovom najboljem interesu da pokušaju da me podmite tom cifrom.
Opet vam kažem, čak su me tražili da im pošaljem dokument mog sina da verifikuju račun i depozite i ASTROPAI i LEMON CASH.
Prevara ne može biti jasnija. Znate da se MegaPari ovako upravlja, čitao sam dosta žalbi. Došao sam dovde. PREVAREN sam od 589.000 dolara. U vašim je rukama da zaustavite prevare. Imaju oba računa da uplate depozit i završe slučaj. Imate mogućnost da delite pravdu. Zdravo razumom, ako su od mene tražili svu dokumentaciju o računima i depozitima mog sina, znali su. Zatim fotografije koje prikazuju moj dokument i dijalog sa njima. Poslao sam im sve. Uvek sam znao da će se završiti prevarom.
Sve zavisi od vas. Ili su na mojoj ili njihovoj strani, u sredini je nemoguće. Poslednji put ti verujem. HITNO mi treba MegaPari da mi uplati depozit od 589.000 dolara koji mi je ukrao!
(ponovo vam kažem, tražili su od mene svu dokumentaciju mog sina, priznanje, obelodanjivanje dokaza)
Nadam se da će učiniti pravdu.
Ostavljam vam pozdrav.
(Imam SVE mejlove gde mi traže dokumentaciju mog sina i sve ostalo što sam vam rekao, jasnije rečeno, NEMOGUĆE.
Ne dozvolite da MegaPari nastavi sa PREVAROM. Hvala Vam mnogo.
Hello Nick, I thought they were defending the client from the SCAMS of a betting house, whether sports betting or casino, the SCAM is only one, it DOES NOT change what I have bet on, it is disappointing that they give me that first excuse.
Regarding the second point. MegaPari knew at all times that the account belonged to my son, while ASTROPAY worked there was never a problem, I deposited and withdrew a lot of times, they already knew where the deposits and withdrawals were from (I sent ALL the documentation to you) but how it came losing, I imagine it was convenient for them and I understand them, it is a BUSINESS!!!
The day they decided to remove the ASTROPAY wallet, (through which I made my deposits and withdrawals WITHOUT any problem from my son's account) was when the SCAM began.
The deposit from my son's account was never a problem, I already told them everything. They told me that to make a new withdrawal I had to make a deposit from another wallet and then I would be able to withdraw my balance through it. I believed them, but when I tried to withdraw $126,000 they told me that first I had to bet my ENTIRE balance to be able to start making withdrawals and also that the bet had to have a minimum odds of 1.10. Until then there was never a problem with my son's account. That's already a SCAM (forcing you to bet ALL your balance to withdraw and on top of that, betting fee conditions of 1.10) they found the method from which I deposited ALL my balance $589,000 (ASTROPAY)
Despite that ridiculous condition, I went EVERYTHING and then they started with all the excuses and requests for documents. I already sent EVERYTHING to you.
MegaPari, after humiliating me with all kinds of requests, decided to pay me $34,717.72 (by paying me they are endorsing a scam since my balance was $589,000. If I had really broken any rule, they would have closed my account without any explanation but it was in their best interest to try to bribe me with that figure.
I tell you again, they even asked me to send them my son's document to verify the account and the deposits made by both ASTROPAY and LEMON CASH.
The SCAM could not be clearer. You know that MegaPari is managed like this, I read a lot of complaints. I came this far. I WAS SCAMMED $589,000. It is in your hands to stop SCAM. They have both accounts to make the deposit and finish the case. You have the possibility of doing justice. By common sense, if they asked me for all the documentation of my son's accounts and deposits, they knew it. Then photos showing my document and the dialogue with them. I sent them everything. I always knew it was going to end in SCAM.
It all depends on you. Either they are on my side or theirs, in the middle it is impossible. Last time I trust you. I URGENTLY need MegaPari to make me the $589,000 deposit that it stole from me!
(I tell you again, they asked me for all of my son's documentation, for confession, disclosure of evidence)
I hope they do justice.
I leave you a greeting.
(I have ALL the emails where they ask me for my son's documentation and everything else I told you, more clearly, is IMPOSSIBLE.
Don't let MegaPari continue SCAMING. Thank you so much.
Hola Nick, pensé que defendían al cliente de las ESTAFAS de una casa de apuestas, ya sean apuestas deportivas o casino, la ESTAFA es una sola, NO cambia en que he apostado, una decepción que me pongan esa primera excusa.
Con respecto al segundo punto. MegaPari durante todo momento supo que la cuenta era de mi hijo, mientas funcionó ASTROPAY jamás hubo un problema, deposité y retiré un motón de veces, ya sabían de donde eran los depósitos y retiros (les mandé TODA la documentación a ustedes) pero como venía perdiendo, me imagino que les convenía y los entiendo, es un NEGOCIO!!!
El día que decidieron sacar la billetera ASTROPAY, (a través de la cual hacía mis depósitos y retiros SIN ningún problema desde la cuenta de mi hijo) fue cuando empezó la ESTAFA.
Nunca fue un problema el depósito desde la cuenta de mi hijo, ya les comenté todo. Me dijeron que para hacer un nuevo retiro tenía obligatoriamente que hacer un depósito desde otra billetera y luego iba a poder retirar mi saldo a través de la misma. Les creí, pero al intentar sacar $126000 me dijeron que primero tenía que apostar TODO mi saldo para poder empezar a hacer retiros y también que la apuesta tenía que tener una cuota mínima de 1.10. Hasta ahí jamás hubo problema con la cuenta de mi hijo. Ya eso es una ESTAFA (obligar a apostar TODO el saldo para retirar y encima condiciones de cuota de apuesta 1.10) ellos sacaron el método desde donde yo deposité TODO mi saldo $589000 (ASTROPAY)
A pesar de esa condición ridícula, aposté TODO y después empezaron con todas las excusas y pedidos de documentos. Ya les mandé TODO a ustedes.
MegaPari luego de humillarme con todo tipo de pedidos decidió pagarme $34717,72 (al pagarme éstan avalando una estafa ya que mi saldo era de $589000. Si realmente hubiera incumplido alguna regla, me hubieran cerrado la cuenta sin ninguna explicación pero les convenía intentar sobornarme con esa cifra.
Les vuelvo a decir, hasta me pidieron que les mande el documento de mi hijo para verificar la cuenta y los depósitos hechos tanto por ASTROPAY y LEMON CASH.
Más claro no puede estar la ESTAFA. Ustedes saben que MegaPari se maneja así, leí un motón de quejas. Hasta acá llegué. Me ESTAFARON $589000. Está en sus manos frenar la ESTAFA. Ellos tienen ambas cuentas para hacer el depósito y terminar el caso. Ustedes tienen la posibilidad de hacer justicia. Por sentido común, si me pidieron toda la documentación de las cuentas de mi hijo y los depósitos, lo sabían. Luego fotos mostrando mi documento y el diálogo con ellos. Les mandé todo. Siempre sabía que iba a terminar en ESTAFA.
Todo depende de ustedes. O están de mi lado o del de ellos, en el medio es imposible. Ultima vez que confío en ustedes. Necesito URGENTE que MegaPari me haga el depósito de $589000 que me robó!
(Les vuelvo a decir, me pidieron toda la documentación de mi hijo, a confesión de parte, revelo de pruebas)
Ojalá hagan justicia.
Les dejo un saludo.
(Tengo TODOS los correos en donde me piden la documentación de mi hijo y todo lo demás que les comenté, más claro, es IMPOSIBLE.
No dejen que MegaPari siga ESTAFANDO. Muchas gracias.
Dobar dan Nick and Casino Guru tim, iskreno, teško mi je da razumem šta se danas desilo, prvo su mi odgovorili, pa su mi rekli da je tužba odbijena pa da je tužba ponovo otvorena...
Ako zaista pročitate SVE ŠTO sam vam napisao i poslao za sve ovo vreme, NEMA šanse da ne shvatite da me MegaPari VARI. Neko ko od vas traži dokumentaciju vašeg deteta zna odakle depozit (već sam im poslao sve dokaze)
Iskreno, NE želim više da gubim vaše vreme ili svoje vreme. Neka ne daju više energije, a ni ja. SVE je vrlo jasno. Ovo je moja poslednja poruka. Još jednom ću verovati vašem profesionalizmu i nepristrasnosti.
Megapari ima podatke gde da deponuje PREVARANE. Očekujem taj novac 589.000 dolara umanjen za stanje kojim su morali da potkupe 34.717,72 dolara. Ostavljam sve u tvojim rukama. Došao sam dovde. Samopouzdanje i hvala vam na brizi. Veliki pozdrav.
Veliki pozdrav!
Good afternoon Nick and Casino Guru team, I honestly have a hard time understanding what happened today, first they answered me, then they told me that the claim was rejected and then that the claim had been opened again...
If you really read EVERYTHING I wrote and sent you during all this time, there is NO chance you won't realize that MegaPari is SCAMING me. Someone who asks you for your child's documentation knows where the deposit comes from (I already sent them all the evidence)
I honestly do NOT want to waste any more of your time or waste any more of my time. Let them not put more energy and neither do I. EVERYTHING is very clear. This is my last message. I will once again trust your professionalism and impartiality.
Megapari has the data where to deposit the SCAMMED. I expect that money $589,000 less the balance with which they had to bribe $34,717.72. I leave everything in your hands. I came this far. Confident and thank you for taking care. Greetings.
Buenas tardes Nick y equipo de Casino Gurú, sinceramente me cuesta entender lo que sucedió hoy, primero me contestaron, después me dijeron que la reclamación estaba rechazada y luego que la reclamación había sido abierta nuevamente...
Si realmente leen TODO lo que les escribí y les mandé durante todo éste tiempo, NO hay posibilidad de que no se den cuenta de que MegaPari me está ESTAFANDO. Alguien que te pide la documentación de tu hijo, sabe de donde viene el depósito (ya les mandé todas las pruebas)
Sinceramente NO quiero hacerles perder más tiempo ni perderlo yo. Que no pongan más energía y tampoco la pongo yo. Está TODO muy claro. Éste es mi último mensaje. Voy a volver a COFIAR en su profesionalismo e imparcialidad.
Megapari tiene los datos en donde depositar lo ESTAFADO. Espero ese dinero $589000 menos el saldo con el que debieron sobornar $34717,72. Lo dejo todo en sus manos. Hasta acá llegué. Cofío y gracias por ocuparse. Saludos.
Prethodnu poruku smo postavili mi - a ne kazino. Pošto sam trenutno u kontaktu sa kazinom, pokušaću da dobijem neke konkretnije informacije u vezi sa slučajem.
Želeo bih da vas upozorim da ubuduće ne koristite bilo kakvu uplatu treće strane u bilo kom onlajn kazinu jer će se to završiti zatvaranjem računa u skoro svakom pojedinačnom slučaju.
Hello aliciacorp21,
The previous message was posted by us - and not the casino. As I'm currently in touch with the casino, I will try to get some more specific information regarding the case.
I would like to warn you however from using any 3rd party payment in any online casino in the future as it will end in account closure in almost every single case.
Dobro jutro Nik, uzeću u obzir tvoju preporuku, ali postupio sam u dobroj nameri, uvek sa istinom i MegaPari je uvek znao da sam uplatio sa računa mog sina, tražili su od mene dokumentaciju mog sina i depozite iz novčanika ASTROPAI i LEMON CASH da bi potvrdili SVE (priznanje dokaza...)
Ne želim opet sve da ti kažem! Njihov način prevare počinje tako što vadi novčanik u koji uplaćujete i primorava vas da napravite još jedan depozit preko drugog novčanika da biste izvršili povlačenja, uz uslove da kladite ceo svoj bilans uz minimalnu naknadu od 1,1. Sve što je napisala služba za korisnike, to je već prevara. Zatim nastavljaju sa habanjem, tražeći 70 fotografija i dokumentaciju, poslao sam im SVE. Ali prevara se nastavlja.
Nik, imaš vremena da ih sprečiš da nastave sa ovim mračnim šemama.
Ostavljam vam moje pozdrave i nadam se da niste saučesnici u mračnom upravljanju MegaPari. Čekam depozit onog što je ukradeno. I dalje verujem vama i vašem timu. MegaPari zna da je PREVARIO.
Pozdrav Nik! Odličan petak!
Good morning Nick, I will take your recommendation into account, but I acted in good faith, always with the truth and MegaPari always knew that I deposited from my son's account, they asked me for my son's documentation and the deposits made from the wallets ASTROPAY and LEMON CASH to validate EVERYTHING (a confession of evidence...)
I don't want to tell you everything again! Their way of SCAM begins with taking out the wallet where you deposit and forcing you to make another deposit through another wallet to make withdrawals, with conditions that you bet your entire balance with a minimum fee of 1.1. Everything written by customer service, that is already a SCAM. Then they continue with the wear and tear process, asking for 70 photos and documentation, I sent them EVERYTHING. But the SCAM continues.
Nick, you have time to stop them from continuing with these dark schemes.
I leave you my greetings and I hope you are not complicit in the dark management of MegaPari. I await the deposit of what was stolen. I continue to trust you and your team. MegaPari knows he SCAMMED.
Greetings Nick! Excellent Friday!
Buen día Nick, tendré en cuenta tu recomendación, pero yo actué de buena fe, siempre con la verdad y MegaPari siempre supo que yo depositaba desde la cuenta de mi hijo, ellos me pidieron la documentación de mi hijo y los depósitos realizados desde las billeteras ASTROPAY y LEMON CASH para validar TODO (a confesión de pruebas...)
No quiero contarte otra vez todo! Su manera de ESTAFA empieza con sacar la billetera por donde depositas y obligarte a realizar otro depósito por otra billetera para hacer retiros, encima con condiciones de que apuestes todo tu saldo con una cuota mínima de 1.1. Todo escrito por atención al cliente, eso ya es una ESTAFA. Luego siguen con el proceso de desgaste, pidiendo 70 fotos y documentación, les mandé TODO. Pero sigue la ESTAFA.
Nick, estás a tiempo de impedir que sigan con éstos manejos oscuros.
Te dejo un saludo y ojalá no sean cómplices de los manejo oscuros de MegaPari. Espero el depósito de lo robado. Sigo confiando en vos y tu equipo. MegaPari sabe que ESTAFÓ.
Hvala vam na prethodnoj poruci u kojoj ste istakli rizike povezane sa korišćenjem plaćanja trećih strana u onlajn kazinima. U MegaPariju, veoma cenimo takve uvide jer su u skladu sa našom posvećenošću negovanju bezbednog i odgovornog okruženja za igre.
Želeo sam da vas obavestim da sam vam dao sve potrebne informacije i da se radujem vašem odgovoru. Posvećeni smo obezbeđivanju najviših standarda usklađenosti i bezbednosti u svim našim operacijama.
Srdačan pozdrav,
MegaPari Team
Hello Nick,
Thank you for your previous message highlighting the risks associated with using third-party payments in online casinos. At MegaPari, we greatly appreciate such insights as they resonate with our dedication to fostering a safe and responsible gaming environment.
I wanted to let you know that I have provided all necessary information to you and I am looking forward to your response. We are committed to ensuring the highest standards of compliance and security in all our operations.
Zdravo Nik, vidim kako ovaj sistem funkcioniše, život ćemo provesti pišući i MegaPari prevara će se konkretno završiti ili će svako od nas pisati u roku od ŠEST dana i tako zauvek...
Žao mi je što čitam cinizam MegaPari ljudi, preuzimanja odgovornosti za zdravo i bezbedno igranje, kako žalosno...
Ponavljam po dvadeseti put, MegaPari je uvek znao odakle su depoziti i kuda idu isplate (oba na ASTROPAI račun mog sina (tamo nemam račun) čak su me tražili i podatke o sinu, to je više od jasno da su ZNALI U vreme kada sam izgubio novac, nije ih bilo briga, ali onog dana kada sam osvojio $5790,000 i ASTROPAI je nestao, tada je počela njihova prevara...
Poslao sam im SVU dokumentaciju koju su tražili za 10 dana. Bilo je jasno da je prevara urađena.
Jednog dana sam se probudio i sve su mi pokrali. Ostavili su mi samo 34.000 dolara kao milostinju.
Da su zaista mislili da sam uradio nešto prevarantsko, (rekli su mi da sam manipulisao softverom, jedva da sam uključio mobilni) pokrenuli bi tužbu protiv mene, ali ne, ukrali su mi novac i ostavili milostinju od 34.000 dolara da ne bih ništa rekao. ništa gore od mafije. Sve sramota. Nik, znaćeš šta imaš sa svim informacijama koje imaš na obe strane. Pozdrav i nadam se da NE Dozvolite da MegaPari nastavi sa PREVAROM. Veliki pozdrav!
Hello Nick, I see how this system works, we are going to spend our lives writing and the MegaPari SCAM will end specifically or each one of us will write within SIX days and so on forever...
I'm sorry to read the cynicism of the MegaPari people, taking responsibility for healthy and safe gaming, how sad...
I repeat for the twentieth time, MegaPari always knew where the deposits came from and where the withdrawals went (both to my son's ASTROPAY account (I don't have an account there) they even asked me for my son's information, it is more than clear that THEY KNEW. During the time I lost money, they never cared, but the day I won the $5790,000 and ASTROPAY disappeared, that's when their SCAM began...
I sent them ALL the documentation they requested for 10 days. It was clear that the SCAM was done.
One day I woke up and everything had been stolen from me. They only left me $34,000 as alms.
If they really thought that I did something fraudulent, (they told me that I manipulated a software, I could barely turn on a cell phone) they would have started a lawsuit against me, but no, they STOLEN my money and left me the alms of $34,000 so that I wouldn't say anything. nothing, worse than the mafia. All a shame. Nick, you will know what you have to do with all the information you have on both sides. Greetings and I hope you DO NOT let MegaPari continue SCAMING. Greetings!
Hola Nick, ya veo como funciona éste sistema, nos vamos a pasar la vida escribiendo y la ESTAFA de MegaPari se terminará concretamente o cada uno va a escribir dentro de los SEIS días y así eternamente...
Lamento leer el cinismo de la gente de MegaPari, haciéndose los responsables del juego sano y seguro, que tristeza...
Te repito por vigésima vez, MegaPari siempre supo de donde venían los depósitos y a donde iban los retiros (ambos a la cuanta de ASTROPAY de mi hijo (yo no tengo cuenta ahí) hasta me pidieron los datos de mi hijo, está más que claro que SABÍAN. Durante el tiempo que perdí plata, jamás se preocuparon, pero el día que gané los $5790000 y desapareció ASTROPAY ahí empezó la ESTAFA de ellos...
Les mandé TODA la documentación que pidieron durante 10 días. Estaba claro que la ESTAFA estaba hecha.
Un día me levanté y me habían robado todo. Solo me dejaron $34000 a modo de limosna.
Si realmente ellos pensaran que yo hice algo fraudulento, (me dijeron que manipulé un software, a penas si se prender un celular) me hubieran iniciado un juicio, pero no, me ROBARON la plata y me dejaron la limosna de $34000 para que no diga nada, peor que la mafia. Todo una pena. Nick, vos sabrás lo que tenés que hacer con toda la información que tenés de los dos lados. Un saludo y ojalá NO dejes que MegaPari siga ESTAFANDO. Saludos!
Nakon dalje komunikacije sa kazinom i dalje moramo stajati iza mog prethodnog posta navodeći činjenicu da se problem odnosio i na sportsko klađenje i plaćanje treće strane što je protivno uslovima kazina. Ako i dalje pobeđujete da istrajete na rešavanju problema, preporučio bih da kontaktirate organe za izdavanje dozvola jer vam oni mogu čak pomoći u pitanjima koje ne možemo.
Obavestite nas ako vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć u vezi sa tim, inače ćemo zatvoriti žalbu.
Hello aliciacorp21,
After further communication with the casino we must still stand behind my previous post stating the fact that the issue were also related to sports betting and a 3rd party payment which is against the casino terms. If you are still winning to persist on resolving the matter, I would recommend to contact the licensing authorities as the may even help you with issues we can't.
Please let us know if you need further assistance with that otherwise we will be closing the complaint.
Hvala na prevari od vas i MegaParija. To sam mislio. Oni su isti. Otvoreno te PREVARAJU i praviš ceo cirkus ali duboko u sebi oni su isti. Dor prevara kazina! Skupo zatvoreno! SRAMOTA!
Thanks for the SCAM from you and MegaPari. It was what I thought. They are the same. They openly SCAM you and you make a whole circus but deep down they are the same. Dor scam casinos! Expensive closed! SHAME!
Gracias por la ESTAFA de ustedes y de MegaPari. Era lo que pensaba. Son los mismo. Ellos te ESTAFAN abiertamente y ustedes hacen todo un circo pero en el fondo son lo mismo. Dor casinos de ESTAFAS! Caro cerrado! VERGÜENZA!
Neka nastave da procenjuju, mirno odradite PREVARU, već su mi naplatili. Zatvorite slučaj i NE glumite više advokate za DOBRO, isti su kao MegaPari, samo to malo kriju. Koliko su naplatili od MegaParija me intrigira. Slučaj zatvoren. Prevarili su me za 589.000 dolara. Zamišljam da ih je MegaPari kupio za pola. SRAMOTA!
Let them continue evaluating, do the SCAM calmly, they already charged me. Close the case and DO NOT play lawyers for GOOD anymore, they are the same as MegaPari, they just hide it a little. How much they charged from MegaPari intrigues me. Case closed. They scammed me for $589,000. I imagine that shit MegaPari bought them for half. SHAME!
Que siguen evaluando, hagan la ESTAFA tranquilos, ya me cargaron. Cierren el caso y NO jueguen más a los abogados del BIEN, son lo mismos que MegaPari, solo lo disimulan un poco. Cuanto habrán cobrado de MegaPari me intriga. Caso cerrado. Me estafaron $589000. Me imagino que por la mitad los compró la mierda de MegaPari. VERGÜENZA!
Odbili smo ovu žalbu na izričit zahtev igrača. Žao nam je što ovom prilikom nismo mogli biti od veće pomoći. Ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate u budućnosti ako naiđete na probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom. Tu smo da pomognemo.
We’ve rejected this complaint as per the player’s explicit request. We are sorry we could not be of more help on this occasion. Please do not hesitate to contact us in the future if you run into issues with this or any other casino. We are here to help.
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