Igrač iz Nemačke se žali na neizvesno pitanje. Žalba igrača je odbijena i nalog na našoj veb stranici je trajno zabranjen zbog uvredljivog jezika.
The player from Germany complains about an uncertain issue. Player's complaint has been rejected and the account on our website permanently banned due to abusive language.
Igrač iz Nemačke se žali na neizvesno pitanje. Žalba igrača je odbijena i nalog na našoj veb stranici je trajno zabranjen zbog uvredljivog jezika.
Dragi arashsafaei5,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Nažalost, nisam u mogućnosti da vam pomognem oko ovog slučaja na osnovu trenutnog opisa događaja i definitivno će mi trebati više informacija od nekoliko slika. Možete li, molim vas, detaljnije?
Da li sam dobro razumeo da imate poteškoća sa izgubljenim depozitom?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite svoj problem što je pre moguće. Radujemo se Vašem odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear arashsafaei5,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Unfortunately, I’m not able to assist you with this case based on the current description of events and I will need definitely more information than a few pictures. Could you please elaborate?
Do I understand correctly that you are experiencing difficulties with your lost deposit?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve your problem as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Dragi moji prosvetljeni prijatelji, po prvi put sam deponovao nešto ETH na Ethereum mreži na ETH adresu koju su oni uveli, moja transakcija je potvrđena i nakon nekoliko trenutaka je prebačena od njega u glavni Casio novčanik prema jasnim izveštajima Ethereum Scan, tako da ovo I nije bilo greške u mojoj transakciji Apsolutno ispravno i nikada nije zahtevao nikakav oporavak ili bilo kakvu drugu radnju, ali nisu povećali stanje na mom računu i odložili su povraćaj za 60 dana kasnije i blokirali me iz podrške uživo. Ovaj incident u prvom iskustvu interakcije pokazuje njihovu nestabilnost i nepouzdanost, tako da to nikada ne predlažem i jako im se žalim.
My dear enlightened friends,for the first time i deposited Some ETH on the Ethereum network to the ETH address that they introduced , my transaction was confirmed and after a few moments it was transferred by him to the main Casio wallet according to the clear reports of Ethereum Scan, so this And there was no mistake in my transaction Absolutely correct and never required any recovery or any other action ,But they did not increase my account balance and postponed the refund to 60 days later and blocked me from live support. This incident in the first experience of interaction shows their instability and unreliability, so I never suggest it and I strongly complain about them.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Po mom mišljenju, mudra osoba ne upravlja ovim lažnim kazinom. U svim kockarnicama koje sam ikada video postavljaju adresu novčanika za nekoliko kriptovaluta, a usdt i usdc nemaju isključivo blokčejn mrežu i prenose se na Ethereum i druge mreže. I ova smešna rečenica oporavka je zaista iznenađujuća i upotrebljena je kreativno i veoma pametno, baš su me naljutili i igrao sam za njima 15 dana.
In my opinion, a wise person does not manage this fake casino. In all the casinos that I have ever seen, they set a wallet address for several cryptocurrencies, and usdt and usdc do not have the blockchain network exclusively and are transferred on Ethereum and other networks. And this funny sentence of recovery is really surprising and it is used creatively and very cleverly, they really made me angry and I played after them for 15 days.
Kao da sam posle velike nuklearne eksplozije kraja vremena ja jedini preživeo i ne vidi se interakcija, ne vidi se reakcija koja pokazuje podršku povređenom i povređenom, niko ne daje mišljenje i ne osuđuje njegov rad. ؟
As if after the great nuclear explosion of the end of time, I am the only survivor and no interaction is seen, no reaction that shows support for the injured and hurtful person is seen, no one gives an opinion and does not condemn his work.؟
Poštovane sudije, želim da vas obavestim da, prema kazinu, sada, u poslednjih 22 i još 38 dana, postoji prilika da saosećate sa bespomoćnim korisnikom pred tiraninom i profiterom posmatrajući ga ošamućenog i jačajući ga i podržavajući ga Ti tiranin iza scene. I da prevari druge, pruži mu visok stepen sigurnosti, dok su u njegovim očima narodni novac i kredit u opasnosti. On je psihopat, atipična i rasistička osoba i uživa da povređuje druge i izgleda da je zadovoljan, ne brini, gledaj ravnodušno i ne plaši se, budi opušten i ima još 35 dana do željenog rezultata, 25 do sada su prošli dani. Ostalo će proći
Dear judges, I would like to inform you that, according to the casino, now, for the past 22 and 38 more days, there is an opportunity to sympathize with a defenseless user in front of a tyrant and profiteer by observing him in a daze and strengthening and supporting him You the tyrant behind the scenes. And to deceive others, give him a high level of security, while in his eyes, people's money and credit are in danger. He is a psychopathic, atypical and racist person and he enjoys hurting others and seems to be satisfied, don't worry, keep looking indifferently and don't be frightened, be relaxed and there are still 35 days left to the desired result, 25 days have passed so far. The rest will pass
Sehr geehrte Richter, ich möchte Ihnen mitteilen, dass nach Angaben des Casinos jetzt, in den vergangenen 22 und 38 weiteren Tagen, die Möglichkeit besteht, mit einem wehrlosen Benutzer vor einem Tyrannen und Profiteur zu sympathisieren, indem man ihn betäubt beobachtet und stärkt und Unterstützen Sie den Tyrannen hinter den Kulissen. Und um andere zu täuschen, geben Sie ihm ein hohes Maß an Sicherheit, während in seinen Augen das Geld und die Kreditwürdigkeit der Menschen in Gefahr sind. Er ist ein psychopathischer, atypischer und rassistischer Mensch und er genießt es, andere zu verletzen und scheint Um zufrieden zu sein, machen Sie sich keine Sorgen, schauen Sie gleichgültig weiter und erschrecken Sie sich nicht, seien Sie entspannt und es sind noch 35 Tage bis zum gewünschten Ergebnis, bis jetzt sind 25 Tage vergangen. Der Rest wird vergehen
Prokletstvo sve, kukavica si i isti si kao ti i ovaj surovi, nemilosrdni i neobrazovani kazino. Zamolio sam ga da mi uzme novac, ozdravi i da mi 10 evra na 60 dana.
Curse everything, you are a coward and you are the same as you and this cruel, ruthless and uneducated casino. I asked him to take my money, recover and give me 10 euros for 60 days.
Verfluche alles, du bist ein Feigling und du bist derselbe wie du und dieses grausame, rücksichtslose und ungebildete Casino. Ich habe ihn gebeten, mein Geld zu nehmen, mich zu erholen und mir 60 Tage lang 10 Euro zu geben.
Neko pravi guzicu, kopile, ličiš na kozu, osramoćena si majka, sita si, deca su ti bezbedna, a ostalo ti je pljuvanje u grdno lice, sramota bez oca.
Someone's making a big ass, bastard, you look like a goat, you're a disgraced mother, you're fed, your kids are safe, and the rest is spitting in your ugly face, fatherless disgrace.
Jemand macht einen großen Arsch, Bastard, du siehst aus wie eine Ziege, du bist eine in Ungnade gefallene Mutter, du bist satt, deine Kinder sind in Sicherheit, und der Rest spuckt dir ins hässliche Gesicht, vaterlose Schande.
Sve dok samo ja govorim i niko ih ne osuđuje, na kraju ovog slučaja, ja ću biti blokiran i kazino će biti nadograđen. To sam doživeo mnogo puta. Ova tišina postoji do kraja, oni uopšte ne dolaze jer sam u pravu i ne mogu da iznesu laž koju su mi rekli i ovde, i zato ne dolaze. 50 dolara je zaista mala suma i ne vredi rušiti reputaciju kazina. Pogledaj ovu sliku. Ovaj korisnik ima upravo moj problem i rešen je za dva dana i ne razumem zašto mi to rade, pre tačno dva meseca sam ih prvi put video i u svakom slučaju su prekršili moja prava i nešto je moje. To je da zadržimo novac, a ovo je da spavamo. Ovo je zaista nepravedno i daleko od dostojanstva svakog čoveka. Uzeli su novac i to je običaj koje šume.
As long as only I speak and no one condemns them, at the end of this case, I will be blocked and the casino will be upgraded. I have experienced this many times before.This silence exists until the end, they don't come at all because I'm right and they can't tell the lie they told me here too, and that's why they don't come. 50 dollars is really a small amount and it's not worth ruining the reputation of a casino. Look at this picture. This user has exactly my problem and it was solved in two days, and I don't understand why they are doing this to me, it was exactly two months ago that I saw them for the first time, and in any case, they violated my rights and something is mine. It is to keep the money and this is to sleep. This is really unfair and far from the dignity of every human being. They took the money and this is the custom of which forest.
Treba ga staviti na crnu listu i upozoriti ljude i obezbeđenje da se kod njega ne reklamiraju i garantovati da nemaju takvu dozvolu i da ne drže sredstva klijenta kod sebe i svoje akcije 60 dana i svi ljudi mogu da nastave oko sebe. Ćuti, šta se još dešava? Trebalo bi da se desi da osudite njegove postupke i preporučite da mi bezuslovno i odmah vrati novac. Problem je zbog toga što dobici nisu isplaćeni ili račun nije zatvoren. Oduzeo mi je vlasništvo nad mojom imovinom i oduzeo mi je na 60 dana. Ekvivalentno 30% kamate na depozit, molim vas da prekinete ovu besplodnu tišinu i ohrabrite ga da plati
He should be blacklisted and warn the people and security should not be advertised with him and guarantee that they do not have such permission and do not keep the client's funds with them and their actions for 60 days and all people can continue around them too. Shut up, what else is happening? It should happen that you condemn his actions and recommend that he return my money unconditionally and immediately. The problem is due to the winnings not being paid out or the account is not closed. He deprived me of ownership of my property and took it away from me for 60 days. Equivalent to 30% of the deposit interest, please end this fruitless silence and encourage him to pay
Er sollte auf die schwarze Liste gesetzt werden und die Personen warnen und die Sicherheit sollte nicht mit ihm beworben werden und garantieren, dass sie nicht über eine solche Erlaubnis verfügen und die Gelder des Kunden nicht bei sich behalten und ihre Aktionen 60 Tage lang und alle Menschen um sie herum fortsetzen können auch. Schweigen Sie, was passiert sonst noch? Es sollte vorkommen, dass Sie seine Handlungen verurteilen und ihm empfehlen, mein Geld bedingungslos und sofort zurückzugeben. Das Problem liegt an den nicht ausgezahlten Gewinnen oder das Konto ist nicht geschlossen. Er hat mir das Eigentum an meinem Eigentum entzogen und es mir für 60 Tage entzogen. Gegenwert von 30 % des Einlagenzinses, beenden Sie bitte dieses fruchtlose Schweigen und ermutigen Sie ihn zur Zahlung
Mislim da nikada niste rešili sporove ili ih uključili u svoj radni proces.🥱😴😪👏👏👋👍👁💛❤🖤
I don't think you've ever resolved any of the disputes or incorporated them into your work process.🥱😴😪👏👏👋👍👁💛❤🖤
Ich glaube nicht, dass Sie jemals auch nur einen der Streitigkeiten gelöst oder in Ihren Arbeitsprozess einbezogen haben.🥱😴😪👏👏👋👍👁💛❤🖤
لال Prokleti idioti, dođi neko da mi kaže šta da jedem, kako da se žalim na ove kopilad.
لال Damn you idiots, someone come and tell me what to eat, how to complain about these bastards.
لال Verdammt, ihr Idioten, jemand kommt und sagt mir, was ich essen soll, wie ich mich über diese Bastarde beschweren soll.
Koliko sati može da pokaže ovaj peščani sat? Ovaj peščani sat je jedini koji sam video ovde. Bože, zašto ne dođeš? Bože, odoh u tvoj dvor odozgo. Vidi, ovaj Bišraf mi je uzeo novac, nije to uradio. Ne uzimam ja detetu hleb, Bože, kako da dobijem pare od ovog gada, Bože? Bog te blagoslovio, ovaj Bišraf mi je uzeo novac, bebo moja, za božju predstavu.
How many hours can this hourglass show? This hourglass is the only one I've seen here. God, why don't you come? God, I went to your court from above. Look, this Bishraf took my money, he didn't do it. I don't take my child's bread, God, how can I get money from this bastard, God? God bless you, this Bishraf took my money, my baby, for God's show.
Wie viele Stunden kann diese Sanduhr anzeigen? Diese Sanduhr ist die einzige, die ich hier gesehen habe. Gott, warum kommst du nicht? Gott, ich bin von oben zu deinem Hof gegangen. Schau, dieser Bishraf hat mein Geld genommen, er hat es nicht getan. Ich nehme nicht das Brot meines Kindes, Gott, wie kann ich Geld von diesem Bastard bekommen, Gott? Gott segne dich, dieser Bishraf hat mein Geld, mein Baby, für Gottes Show genommen.
Toliko je prljavih ljudi na svetu kopile bez oca, ja sam surogat majka, ti si iskren, ko su ti sve deca Bišrafe, nađi nekog drugog, svog oca, njegovu majku, kopile jedno, nisam te imenovao, Beishars Majko, ti si moj otac.
There are so many dirty people in the world Fatherless bastard, I am a surrogate mother, you are honest, who are all your children, Bishraf, find someone else, your father, his mother, you bastard, I didn't name you, Beishars Mother, you are my father.
Es gibt so viele schmutzige Menschen auf der Welt Vaterloser Bastard, ich bin eine Ersatzmutter, du bist ehrlich, wer sind alle deine Kinder, Bishraf, such dir jemand anderen, deinen Vater, seine Mutter, du Bastard, ich habe dich nicht genannt, Beishars Mutter, du bist mein Vater .
Kada počinje ovaj sastanak i ko će me ovde podržati?
Zašto niko ne izrazi saučešće i ne otarasi se ove prljave osobe? Zbog Majke Anđela me niko ne podržava, ne podržava ovog bestidnika i ne smeje se.
When does this meeting start and who will support me here?
Why doesn't anyone express sympathy and get rid of this dirty person? Because of the Mother of Angels, not a single person supports me, supports this shameless person and laughs.
Wann beginnt dieses Treffen und wer wird mich hier unterstützen?
Warum drückt niemand sein Mitgefühl aus und wird diese schmutzige Person los? Wegen der Mutter der Engel unterstützt mich kein einziger Mensch, unterstützt diese schamlose Person und lacht.
zašto niko nije ponovio ili ne odgovori na ovu akciju ili lopov moj problam defrend! on drži moj novac i nema kredita . sada je prošlo 25 dana i upravo ste otvorili ovaj post i samo ja pričam i šaljem vam "pomozite mi".
i nikada nikada. Baš kao njihovi davaoci licenci koji su zaista jedinstveni
why nobody replayed or don't answer to this action or thief my problam defrend! he hold my money and no credited . now 25 days passed and you just opened this post and just me talk and send "help me" to you .
and you never never Just like their licensors who are truly unique
Vi ste beskorisni i đubretni ljudi, izgledate nepomično i ćutljivo kao 🐐 i ne pokazujete nikakvu reakciju kao 🐂🐑🐃. Vi se svađate a ja sam budala da se žalim ovci. Doneo sam to kravi i rekao da bi krava u ovom slučaju mogla biti efikasnija od tebe. Nastavi da paseš kao krava i umri kao krava. Trošite svoje telo i zauzimate neutralnu hranu. Neodgovornost i zanimanja travom i kanalizacionim otpadom pljuju u vaša izdužena lica jebote mamo
You are useless and garbage people, you look motionless and silent like a 🐐 and you don't show any reaction like a 🐂🐑🐃. You are arguing and I am a fool to complain to a sheep. I brought it to a cow and said that a cow could be more effective than you in this case. Continue to graze like a cow and die like a cow. You are wasting your body and occupying neutral food. Irresponsibility and weed and sewage waste occupations spit in your elongated faces f**k u motherf**kers
Jeste li završili?
Samo zato što ne odgovaram sledećeg dana ne znači da nisam voljan da vam pomognem. Možda ste primetili tajmer u gornjem desnom uglu, koji omogućava svakoj uključenoj strani sedam dana da odgovori. Iako nastojimo da pružimo brze odgovore, imajte na umu da istovremeno obrađujemo preko 800 žalbi, što zahteva detaljnu istragu i analizu za svaki slučaj. Slanje dnevnih poruka neće ubrzati proces; u stvari, može imati suprotan efekat.
Moram da vas upozorim da upotreba uvredljivog ili zastrašujućeg jezika neće biti tolerisana. Svaki dalji pokušaj verbalnog napada ili zastrašivanja profesionalaca u Casino.Guru-u ili bilo kog osoblja kazina može dovesti do trajnog blokiranja vašeg profila na našoj veb stranici. Naš primarni cilj je da pomognemo igračima, a mi imamo politiku nulte tolerancije za takvo ponašanje.
Da li sam dobro razumeo da ste već podneli zvaničnu žalbu Organu za licenciranje?
Are you done?
Just because I don't respond the very next day doesn't mean I'm unwilling to assist you. You may have noticed the timer in the top right corner, which allows each party involved seven days to reply. While we strive to provide prompt responses, please understand that we handle over 800 complaints simultaneously, necessitating thorough investigation and analysis for each case. Sending daily messages will not expedite the process; in fact, it may have the opposite effect.
I must caution you that the use of offensive or intimidating language will not be tolerated. Any further attempts to verbally attack or intimidate the professionals at Casino.Guru or any staff members of the casino may result in the permanent blocking of your profile on our website. Our primary goal is to assist players, and we have a zero-tolerance policy for such behavior.
Do I understand correctly that you filed an official complaint with the Licensing Authority already?
S poštovanjem. I potvrđujem čin i radnu rutinu cenjenih stručnjaka sajta Casino Guru i hvala vam. Vodite računa o sebi i drugima
U odgovoru na vaše poslednje pitanje moram da kažem da u poslednjih 25 dana nisam našao nijedan poseban portal na kome se može podneti žalba formalno ili neformalno i nema ni žalbe ni slučaja u vezi s tim. Nadam se da ću dobiti odgovor sa vašeg kanala i odgovor će biti direktan jer nažalost ne postoji portal za ovo ili mi nije poznato.
With regards. And I confirm the rank and work routine of the respected experts of the Casino Guru website and thank you. Take care of yourself and others
In response to your last question, I must say that in the last 25 days I have not found any particular portal where one can lodge a complaint formally or informally and there is neither a complaint nor a case under process in this regard. I hope to get an answer from your channel and the answer will be direct as unfortunately there is no portal for this or I am not aware of it.
Mit Grüßen. Und ich bestätige den Rang und die Arbeitsroutine der angesehenen Experten der Casino Guru-Website und bedanke mich bei Ihnen. Achten Sie auf sich und andere
Als Antwort auf Ihre letzte Frage muss ich sagen, dass ich in den letzten 25 Tagen kein bestimmtes Portal gefunden habe, auf dem man eine Beschwerde formell oder informell einreichen kann, und dass weder eine Beschwerde noch ein Fall in Bearbeitung ist Diesbezüglich. Ich hoffe, eine Antwort von Ihrem Kanal zu bekommen, und die Antwort wird direkt sein, da es dafür leider kein Portal gibt oder mir das nicht bekannt ist.
Uz svo dužno poštovanje, vaš odgovor je i dalje negativan jer posle mesec dana nikada nisam dobio potvrdu da uložim žalbu i ovaj obrazac sam uzeo sa interneta i nisam ga poslao na e-mail adrese koje je dao kazino, koji su možda lažni ili je originalan. Siguran sam da su e-poruke službene e-pošte. Nisam bio tamo i ne bih vas kontaktirao da sam imao pritužbu
With all due respect, your answer is still negative because after a month I never received a confirmation to file a complaint and I took this form from the internet and did not send it to the email addresses provided by the casino, which may be fake or is genuine I am sure that the emails are official emails. I wasn't there and wouldn't have contacted you if I had a complaint
Bei allem Respekt, Ihre Antwort ist immer noch negativ, da ich nach einem Monat nie eine Bestätigung zum Einreichen einer Beschwerde erhalten habe und dieses Formular aus dem Internet entnommen und nicht an die vom Casino bereitgestellten E-Mail-Adressen gesendet habe, was möglicherweise gefälscht oder echt ist Ich bin mir sicher, dass es sich bei den E-Mails um offizielle E-Mails handelt. Ich war nicht dort und hätte mich im Falle einer Beschwerde auch nicht bei Ihnen gemeldet
Dobio sam obaveštenje od kazina u vezi sa vašim slučajnim deponovanjem ETH sredstava u USDC novčanik, što je dovelo do neuspešne transakcije. Pored toga, obavešten sam da će vam sredstva biti vraćena. Nažalost, ovaj proces će potrajati, a kazino ga ne može ubrzati.
I've received a notification from the casino regarding your accidental deposit of ETH funds into the USDC wallet, resulting in an unsuccessful transaction. Additionally, I've been informed that your funds will be refunded to you. Regrettably, this process will take some time, and the casino cannot expedite it.
Ovo je najbolji trik. Vremenom, povređeni korisnik je razočaran i odlazi. Štetni kazino će nastaviti da privlači žrtve preko vas. Odlično je i profesionalno. Nevin korisnik će uvek biti kažnjen i nema odbranu od okrutnosti lopova.
This is the best trick. Over time, the injured user is disappointed and leaves. The harmful casino will continue to attract victims through you. It is excellent and professional. The innocent user will always be punished and has no defense against the cruelty of the thief.
U istoriji onlajn kazina, tako neverovatna i retka stvar je da kazino koji uvek pobeđuje zahvaljujući mašinama i slučajnim brojevima, a opet oduzima ljudima novac na jedan način uz potpunu nečastivost, zaista je šteta što
In the history of online casinos, such an unbelievable and rare thing is that a casino that always wins thanks to machines and random numbers, and yet takes away people's money in one way with complete dishonor, it is really a pity that
Iskreno bih voleo da mogu da pružim više pomoći. Budite sigurni, ovaj slučaj nećemo smatrati zatvorenim dok se ne pronađe rešenje. Sačekajmo strpljivo obećani povraćaj novca.
I sincerely wish I could provide more assistance. Rest assured, we won't consider this case closed until a solution is found. Let's patiently await the promised refund.
Veoma sam vam zahvalan na podršci i razumem da ulažete maksimalan trud da rešite ovaj slučaj, a pošto sam ih preko vas lično upoznao i vaše odobrenje za pouzdanost učinio kriterijumom mog izbora, očekivao sam malo više , ali i pored njihove ličnosti, sada shvatam da se ne pridržavaju nikakvih moralnih ili zakonskih obaveza, a izgradnja poverenja im nije na dnevnom redu, i žao mi je društva koje olako dozvoljava prisustvo takvih neopravdanih ljudi i pruža im sredstva za privlačenje žrtava. stavlja .hvala
I am very grateful for your support and I understand that you are using the maximum possible effort to solve this case, and since I got to know them personally through you and made your approval for reliability the criterion of my choice, I expected a little more, but Despite their personality, I now understand that they do not adhere to any moral or legal obligations, and building trust is not on their agenda, and I feel sorry for the society that easily permits the presence of such unwarranted people and provides them with the means to attract victims. puts .thanks
Ako žalba ostane otvorena dok se ne reši sama, to neće pomoći korisniku ni na koji način, a sam kazino i naravno Sood Jo neće pomoći u rešavanju problema. Zato što verujem da Guru i njegovi stručnjaci veoma dobro znaju koje mere mogu preduzeti da reše problem, svakako da zauzmu korektan i podržavajući stav prema oštećenom i osude kazino da poštuje prava korisnika, najmanje je što se očekuje u slučaj od strane arbitra i javno prikazan, a tu su moja prava kao bespomoćnog korisnika izgubljena i ne dobijaju nikakvu podršku od Gurua, što izaziva dvostruko žaljenje i razočarenje. I ovaj incident je. Nije normalno naravno, ovo sam ja potpuno bez ikakve podrške i očajnički tražim nešto nepoznato, a veoma prljavi i lažni kazino mi se i dalje smeši i svakim danom mi je sve gore. Ja već patim i ovo nije pravda
If the complaint remains open until it is resolved on its own, it will not help the user in any way, and the casino itself and of course Sood Jo will not help solve the problem. Because I believe that Guru and its experts know very well what measures they can take to solve the problem, certainly by taking a correct and supportive position towards the injured party and condemning the casino to respect the user's rights , is the least that is expected in a case by the arbitrator and publicly displayed, and here my rights as a defenseless user are lost and they do not receive any support from Guru, which causes double regret and disappointment. And this incident is a It's not normal of course, this is me completely without any support and desperately looking for something unknown, and a very dirty and fraudulent casino is still smiling at me and I'm getting worse every day. I am already suffering and this is not justice
Wenn die Beschwerde offen bleibt, bis sie von selbst gelöst wird, hilft das dem Benutzer in keiner Weise, und das Casino selbst und natürlich Sood Jo werden nicht bei der Lösung des Problems helfen. Denn ich glaube, dass Guru und seine Experten Bescheid wissen Sehr gut, welche Maßnahmen sie ergreifen können, um das Problem zu lösen, sicherlich indem sie eine korrekte und unterstützende Position gegenüber dem Geschädigten einnehmen und das Casino dazu verurteilen, die Rechte des Benutzers zu respektieren, ist das Mindeste, was in einem Verfahren erwartet wird vom Schlichter und öffentlich angezeigt, und hier gehen meine Rechte als wehrloser Benutzer verloren und sie erhalten keinerlei Unterstützung von Guru, was doppeltes Bedauern und Enttäuschung hervorruft. Und dieser Vorfall ist ein Es ist natürlich nicht normal, das bin ich Völlig ohne jegliche Unterstützung und verzweifelt auf der Suche nach etwas Unbekanntem, und ein sehr schmutziges und betrügerisches Casino lächelt mich immer noch an und es geht mir von Tag zu Tag schlechter. Ich leide bereits und das ist keine Gerechtigkeit
molim vas da zatvorite ovu usaglašenu rdsolved slučaj i dozvolite mi da pošaljem recenziju o njima tako da hvala što ste mi dugo pomogli u malom i jednostavnom problemu vi ste najbolji od najboljih kosino naslovnica
please close this compliant rdsolved case and lets me to submit reviwe about them so very thanks to help me at a long time for a small and rond and easy problam you are best of best cosino cover
jebeni jebeni i sranje na tvoj jebeni sajt motheef**ker ne možeš da rešiš bilo koji lak problem samo jedeš govno i pišaš po svom licu jebote
f**k u motherf**kers and shit to yiur f**king site motheef**ker u can not resolve any easy problam just eating shit and piss on the your face f**k u
Nadam se da ćete potražiti pomoć negde drugde, jer ovo označava našu konačnu interakciju sa vama. Izdata su i prethodna upozorenja, a pitanje izgubljenog depozita je više puta rasvetljavano. Iako smo se obavezali da ćemo ovu žalbu držati otvorenom dok se vaša uplata ne reši, dolazi trenutak kada je neophodno da se završi.
Obavešteni smo da ste dali pogrešnu adresu za vaš depozit i da je povraćaj sredstava zagarantovan, iako uz žalosno vreme obrade od 60 dana. Umesto saradnje, svakodnevno se pokazuje bes i nedostatak poštovanja. Kao nezavisni posrednik koji nudi besplatnu pomoć našim korisnicima, jedino očekujemo međusobno poštovanje, što u vašem slučaju nažalost nije uzvraćeno.
Zbog upotrebe uvredljivog jezika, vaš nalog je zabranjen. Svaki pokušaj kreiranja alternativnih naloga na našoj veb stranici rezultiraće trenutnim zatvaranjem.
I hope you seek assistance elsewhere, as this marks our final interaction with you. Previous warnings have been issued, and the matter of the lost deposit has been elucidated on multiple occasions. While we committed to keeping this complaint open until your payment is resolved, there comes a point when it is necessary to bring closure.
We have been notified that an incorrect address was provided by you for your fund deposit, and a refund was assured, albeit with a regrettable 60-day processing time. Instead of cooperating, there has been a daily display of anger and a lack of respect. As an independent mediator offering free assistance to our users, the only expectation is mutual respect, which has unfortunately not been reciprocated in your case.
Due to the use of abusive language, your account has been banned. Any attempts to create alternative accounts on our website will result in immediate closure.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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